happy birthday
nesh ((:
im glad u had fun. or at least i think u did. haha. today's like emo day or something. talked to josh in the afternoon bout sooo much stuff. dint help much lei. haha but thanks la bro.
and the nesh's bday gathering at happy daze/liquid kitchen. i took sooo many pictures of everything and everyone, except myself ha, w elena's new ginormous cam. i love that camera, takes such pretty picts! must ask for peeks from her.
miss them much.
nostalgia. remembered how i used to hang out and do noth w them quite a lot back in the day. i used to laugh so much more...
i miss many things that got screwed up within the year. 08sucks. pouts. LOL
what we could have been, 01:35.
i met up with PEOPLE today!
omg. yes, i met humans, friends! the sky is about to flip. pigs can really fly now. lol i feel alive again.
studied at starbucks for awhile today then few of my friends joined me.old friends... new ones where got so good, come all the way down just to accompany me study loh. all stuck in their own cliques/world or lazy, stay at home or gf will scold. -.- wtf. how can any girl be so insecure. it was just a msg that was about lying about the jacket's price lah. like that also can not happy-.-
anyway, i was genuinely happy for once. after ages of fake smiles around the house, entertaining myself w ob/stats/accts books, and pretending to be amused by the 4 plain white walls of my room, totally forgetting about the television that i havent switched on in weeks. wont have helped anyway lah, alot of the shows on mediacorp now all cmi.
i actually met up with humans who are not colleen or shuann, the only people who my parents know and are also pretty much the only few in spore now who they allow me to go out with so far. nonsense logic they have about life and friends. sometimes i really wonder if they had any childhood or teen life at all. or did their families have such abnormal thinking as well. why'd my aunties all turn out seemingly normal huh?
all these just for the sake of protecting me? BS i say.
im alr 20 and ure all just afraid of me GROWING UP and leaving.it has to happen one day. its about time u LET GO and let me have at least half a life of my own. lock until so tight got use meh? if the person ure locking up just doesnt want to change, its a total waste of time and theres nothing u can do about it.
im doing my work and not skipping sch.i bet they dont care if i do any good n just notice and remember the wrong/bad for life. i am still trying my best loh, only not exactly putting in all my efforts yet nia =x lol.
should at least let me strike a balance between study and play. not only when qianli comes back to spore otherwise when she goes back to boston, i mug until die la. cannot go out again?
aiya. this is all fucking bs la. i think im ranting about the same shit again. i'll try to drop it soon. [psycho-ing self]there might be someone out there who has a shittier life than mine.[chant]stop selfpity. =.=
anyway i had thai food for dinner with 2 crazy dudes and 3 others joined us later for drinks (: drinking,talking,listening to songs,singing along. nb,n i always gena ka jiao-ed. hahah.
now all that spicy junk i ate is probably starting to act up. can feel my stomach churning a little alr. hahah. then the car ride home was too fast lah. blasted music super loudly and attempted to sing and dance sitting down w the safety belts on. lol. and thank goodness josh drove. or i wont have been able to be home on time. and i hope fri's arrangements wont change, all depends on my parents approving alr. then i can go fetch miss ngai at airport and i wont have to trouble brian.
non's last day of work today ): ima miss the fella and his craziness. too bad i cant bring him to geo again before he leaves town. the last time we went, i laughed the entire night la. so much laughter,probably extended my life by a few years. hope he comes back for holidays soon and keep in contact.
idiot, damn act cute la.

what we could have been, 04:21.
ob assignment nightmare is over (:
and just cos i slogged like crazy the past week, ive been slacking my entire weekend away. and im so so lazy to do any work):
went for my cousin's new ktv pub opening at boat quay last night.
damn cool,i gotta get closer to the cousin lei. LOL =x
its a really normal small typical ktv pub tho. tons of those littered across boat quay la. forgot to take picts. haha.
its called the next stop btw.
go down and let my cousin earn some.
he has really rich friends tho. one guy came and opened da pao just to give him some support. nice.
but my parents were there so i wasnt allowed to drink. even my aunties asking why i cant when im alr 20. pfft.
6 more days
to more fun. ha.
but 14th aug i got accts test! -faints.
i gotta start mastering it early.
what we could have been, 21:38.