Thursday, December 27, 2007
xmas pictures!

snowing in td!! haha. we had foam-spray-fight. it was craaazzyyy. but ohsofun! =P

dan tha man. reason why we're even at td in the first place.

pil! (: she was sooo unwilling to take any pictures. haha. this one is just cos i forced her and asked for xmas present!

(guitarist)nop's gf. i like :x im not les. but she's damn cute. haha


and of course, us. (: i look damn gone case la. not even looking at the cam.
somehow, i was high for too long and i dint take enough pictures so i'll just add in saturday's picts when im perfectly sober the entire night!

the 2 hottest girls there, top(new) and bottom(cherry).cherry still looks good but picts dont do much justice! haha.

i know im loved ;P lol. i joke.
and last night was just plain fun. jacky's and jolin's birthday. i dint take any picts at all =/ should have ah. i actually got to have cake! and some chicken wing.
m got drunk.
im still waiting for nicole to come online lah! stories girl stories! she's taking bloody long.
what we could have been, 13:02.
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
i hate it when this happens. seriously.
wtf is their problem. both the parents. the reason why my dad keeps siding my mom, is cos he doesnt even know what is happening. he just keeps listening to all the shit stories she feeds him with. the reason why my mom keeps exaggerating? I HAVE NO DAMN IDEA.
she wanted to try the shoes shuann gave me. fine loh, i let her try. she says tight, so i was like, of course tight, ur feet are broader than mine. so i ask her take it out before she actually stretches it too much. and she exaggerates the story and say till like i screamed at her to take out the shoes cos i dint want her to stretch them. HA. smart
then i put the chocs and snacks on the dining table. those that qianli gave me. and she was like, oh, i messed up her table cos i anyhow chuck them there. and the snacks dint even need to be refrigerated unless opened loh. if not i would have put them in straight away alr. wth.
ohya, and plus i jst told her not to squeeze the tarts thing cos its biscuits inside. and she was telling my dad like how i shouted at her to not break the biscuits when she dint even squeeze them. i was just warning her in case.
HAHA. can you imagine this shit. and then my dad say just slap lo. SLAP LOH. F. then she say she wont hit me all that shit. rubbish. and he said thats why im spoilt?! he wanna slap, come and do it himself seriously. when he doesnt even know half of what happened. if it was truely how my mom described things to have happened. then he would have heard me screaming n shit alr.
how smart can they get seriously. just cos i go out later at night. they just find every single shit to find fault at me. FUCK YOU LAH.
what we could have been, 00:58.
Tuesday, December 25, 2007
what we could have been, 13:34.
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
i really should have blogged more but i couldnt cos my router or internet connection keeps dying! fuck. and then i keep getting pissed off got my mom kept getting on my nerves. im not a freakin encyclopedia. i dont know everything. i dont have to know everything. i just know enough. enough to know that she really doesnt know much at all but thinks she does!
ARGH. so annoying. i am so determined to not stay in the house the entire of tmr.
im so annoyed. so fucking pissed.
and then i recieve an sms from someone i know for a fact sends that kinda sms for the sake of sending it. not really helping. hahah.
anyway, it seems like the one person who seems to be able to really make me laugh nowadays is nicole. for some reason, i have no idea why, i felt the same way she did last fri. like, when she finally arrived at td, i was overjoyed.
suddenly, performances on stage seemed livelier and more fun too. hah.must be the whole twin package thing.
anyways, its 5 more days to the return of miss ngai (: weeee.
what we could have been, 23:39.
Sunday, December 16, 2007
i cant believe the things that happened this weekend.
what we could have been, 14:29.
Friday, December 14, 2007
what we could have been, 01:16.
Thursday, December 13, 2007
my mom is being such a pain in the ass.
i remembered throwing the really old letters i wrote to rh last time, away. and just just now after straightening my hair, i took the bin out from under my table so i could throw the hairs in and saw that the letters were gone. the crushed envolope and tissue was still in there but the other letters were gone.
i should have tore everything up before i threw them away?
like, no wonder she was making so damn much noise in the day. i cant even remember what i wrote in the letters loh. damn it. i dont even have any privacy to myself. and why is she even taking the letters seriously. I THREW THEM AWAY. seriously. fucking pissed off.
this is why i dont tell my parents personal shit. like, rships and stuff. i dont even know why my brother bothers, all he get is more nagging. ya, they care but then the naggings always sounds to me like they have such little faith in their own kids.
what we could have been, 01:14.
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
happy birthday louis! (:
today(technically, yesterday) started out depressing.
really no idea why but i think i just feel sad cos of nic being really low. i miss her happy self =/
but i guess the day started getting slightly better at the end.
went to new majestic hotel to hang with junhong,louis,DD,daren for a bit. fucking fattening kfc & pizza hut dinner which was also really delicious at the same time. haha. swear im not eating tmr. and then pictionary!
only played 1 round and i had to leave early =/
but us, 2 girls, OWNED 3 guys!! :D
so sleepy. good night tuesday. half the week's almost over.
and my god, halfway through talking to aung, i recieved another shocking message. k, not that shocking. the contents is getting old. he'd better start learning more than just those 3words fast. poor dude, such limited vocab. hahah
what we could have been, 00:55.
Monday, December 10, 2007
i got the shock early today.
9pm. and it was almost a perfect sentence! lol
what we could have been, 23:56.
Saturday, December 08, 2007
i heard there'll be a new td opening at clark quay tmr.
the biggest one in singapore. lol. doubt it'll be any fun at all tho=/
anyways, happy birthday to daren you crazy 20.
he puked inside td again. from what i heard, crazy high stupid ppl made him drink from chivas bottle thats why he puked. lol. i wasnt even paying attention.
last night, not fun.
dirty and not fun. drinks spilling everywhere! gosh. and i got ignored. ha! the only truely happy n fun part, us all doing kon jai ngai dance while they sang. lol. that's the song in the vid below.
what we could have been, 10:25.
Thursday, December 06, 2007
to the left to the left :P

daniel nic me daren.

darn red louis me nic! (:

we had nothing better to do at nic's place today. hahah.
and i love her too (:

if its too small, click, ENLARGE :D
I JUST GOT THE BIGGEST SHOCK OF MY LIFE AGAIN! teehee. im a happy girl. i feel a bit stupid tho.but who cares! heh :P
what we could have been, 21:50.
not exactly a good day.
it was good somewhere in the middle but thats about it ):
plus, i totally fucked up my test. sigh.
good night wednesday.
what we could have been, 01:40.
Tuesday, December 04, 2007
i just got the shock of my life. ha!
what we could have been, 00:16.
Sunday, December 02, 2007

nic me nic me nic me nic me.
cos it was just two of us for 4hours plus on sat night before the guys came down. dinner was, thai, spicy but good. and that's yai. pro drummer who drums on beat and soo fucking good even while he's drunk! haha. i wanna learn... (:
tough week ahead.
i never loved the weekends this much before but its starting to pass by so much faster now ):
heroes necklace. i want. haha
i hope nic gets the picts and
videos back soon.
what we could have been, 17:07.