Friday, November 30, 2007
haha. okay. bye
what we could have been, 14:33.
TGIF!hahah. and i dont even know if i'll be out with nicky later tonight.
last week suddenly seem so far away...
anyway, there was unnecessary drama today.
slight drama. haha.
why does time always seem to pass faster during all the good times.
things would have been so different.
but im not going back there. i dont want to.
what we could have been, 02:16.
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
im looking forward to the weekends.
have been looking forward to the weekends a lot lately.
for obvious reasons, right nic. haha
its weds alr! (: feeling better?
and also cos weekends will mean that another week's finally over. and christmas, will be even closer and someone will be back even sooner (:
sad =/ i had to pass on clubbing with nesh and friends cos there's lessons at 9am tmr morning! haha. oh well, next time.
good night.
what we could have been, 23:58.
Monday, November 26, 2007
monday turned out, pretty fun! (:
presentation was, alright i guess. haha
i had to walk round in heels and my feet hurt a little but no harm done!
and collecting of passport took bloody long, but for today, my mom and i actually had quite an entertaining conversation while waiting for my turn. haha
the best part, i got a
new phone! :D
6500 slide. like, about time.
but i still love my 3230 loads.
no matter how many times i dropped it, it never died on me. (hung and auto restarted, but never died! haha)
and it took nice pictures too, altho not in the dark.
i have to be careful with the new one.
it feels and looks rather fragile.
thanks dad.
what we could have been, 21:20.
Sunday, November 25, 2007
last few fris and sats were fantastically fun.
and its mostly cos of nicole love (:
but im feeling the monday blues already ):
cant wait for christmas!
what we could have been, 23:39.
Saturday, November 24, 2007
You’re in my arms
And all the world is calm
The music playing on for only two
So close together
And when I’m with you
So close to feeling alive
A life goes by
Romantic dreams will stop
So I bid mine goodbye and never knew
So close was waiting, waiting here with you
And now forever I know
All that I wanted to hold you
So close
So close to reaching that famous happy end
Almost believing this was not pretend
And now you’re beside me and look how far we’ve come
So far we are so close
How could I face the faceless days
If I should lose you now?
We’re so close
To reaching that famous happy end
And almost believing this was not pretend
Let’s go on dreaming for we know we are
So close
So close
And still so far
my fave song now (:
what we could have been, 10:50.
Thursday, November 22, 2007
weeeekennnddssss! (:
for some reason, i love weekends a lot more than weekdays now. cause there's no school! so sick of programming being sucha bitch.
im also looking sooo forward to xmas break and newyear and all that parties and shopping and whatsnot when my person gets back!! =D tmr will be exactly 1 month before she does.
and tmr, thai disco. hahah.
tonight, WAS AWESOME.
enchanted was good too :D i want soundtrack!
im gonna get ground really soon ):
what we could have been, 23:05.
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
i think i finally got my inspiration to stop eating back! (:
but there's a birthday thing on weds i have to go to.
i can only hope they wont be having buffet.
emoness is the key to losing weight.
ive been in too good a mood lately. time to sink into depression again. LOL wtf?
anyway, yes, no food unless needed. all the way till next week or more. water is good.
what we could have been, 03:42.
Sunday, November 18, 2007
and my one weeks worth of holiday, is over. just like that.
school starts again tmr for another month or so before christmas break when i will get to see my person again!! waited four long months just for her to return.
anyhoots, thursay was greenbrew at another sleazy pub along tanjong pagar. haha.

jit sponsored 2jugs.
day out with junjia and yinqi on fri. we attempted to find a pretty pair of heels each but failed. i bought a cropped top and then met up with andy for coffee for awhile.
(now i regret not meeting nic for thai disco, but prolly a blessing for her.)
saturday's swimming day with the same greenbrew bunch at chinese garden! i ate a lot. now im really scared i'll gain weight again ):
anyway, it was fun, other than the part where i cracked my neck once and swollowed fucking lot of water in the wave pool and had some people of a different race(if you know what i mean) try to ask my friends where i lived! eeesh.
okay. so i had like a good hair day before my hair got wet and when it dried, it was HORRIBLE. gosh. i felt so sad cos i had to meet nic for thai disco! =/
thai disco was fun last night. haha. but no R&B from the djs. sad.

i think we are all addicted to that place. haha
next time i go back with nic, must remember to ask her to take more pictures :D
sigh. i dont feel like going back to school! ):
im feeling the monday blues alr.
what we could have been, 20:07.
Friday, November 16, 2007
i bumbed into alvin chua yesterday at tpy central.
i was rushing to draw cash, meet neshvin and aruna and get my subway cookie so i kinda just said hi and rushed off.
felt bad, so i sent him a msg saying sorry i was in a rush and couldnt talk.
his reply totally made my day (or what was left of it) :
"haha. its ok. you look gorgeous. haha. lost some weight huh. enjoy your evening."
thank you alvin!
what we could have been, 13:04.
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
I hope the ring you gave to her turns her finger green
I hope when you're in bed with her
You think of me
I would never wish bad things but I don't wish you well
Could you tell
By the flames that burned your words
I never read your letter
'Cause I knew what you'd say
Give me that Sunday school answer
Try to make it all okay
Does it hurt
To know I'll never be there
Bet it sucks
To see my face everywhere
It was you
Who chose to end it like you did
I was the last to know
You knew
Exactly what you would do
And don't say
You simply lost your way
She may believe you
But I never will
Never again
If she really knows the truth she deserves you
A trophy wife oh, how cute
Ignorance is bliss
But when your day comes and he's through with you
And he'll be through with you
You'll die together but alone
You wrote me in a letter
You couldn't say it right to my face
Give me that Sunday school answer
Repent yourself away
what we could have been, 17:46.
soo lazy to even step out of the house now.
been out every single day since last weds, cept on friday.
so, beware, a very long and meaningless entry ahead. i'll just type and type for no particular reason.
yeah, so i kinda just took whatever food i could find in the house and ate! haha. since i was home alone the first half of the day. tuna with lettuce/red capsicum/tomatoes, ham. and instant meegoreng rocks! (:
i love instant junk.
now im just trying hard to understand stupid computer language. such a chore ): computing language makes me feel like the utmost stupid person in the entire universe. sigh.
my future is bleak.
anyway, i went to change my passport photo yesterday with my entire family. only mom dint need to do anything to her passport. the info counter lady told me that i had to reapply for a new passport cos they dont allow change of photos anymore! WTF!!!
my kid picture is cute! ): haha. my new passport pic is fulgy. i took pic of kid-me. its in my phone. ask me then i will show you! haha
went for lunch with mom and bro after waiting for more than 100 ppl in the queue infront of us. din tai fung, I finally decided for them. first time i actually made a decision cos they all kept changing venue!
see where i got my indecisiveness from? go figure.
and just after that, i walked around a bit and went down to meet jit at ps. i got free starbucks treat! cos his friend works there. non-fat iced caramel macchiato, the BIGGEST cup. hahha.
cant remember the name. tall,grande,? lol.
it was just so great, sitting there with that crazy dude, and just catching up on each other's lives. havent seen him in ages. still the same,cept he had gold hair and a new gf! haha. and so, just like that, hours went by! took the train down to pasir ris cos he had to get there too and then i just took 88 home... i miss my secondary school life.
): gonna emo again. SHIT
sigh, my past seems so much better than the present and what i see e future.
i have to start on my projects and study for labtests altho i have no idea what some of the codes are talking about, and stop going out all day.
sigh. cant wait till x'mas.
what we could have been, 16:46.
Monday, November 12, 2007
OMFG. unbelievable. but no. im not gonna become a gamer cos i never liked gamers and their dota talk. never seem to have any form of life.
anyhoots, i had like, commskills this morning for about 1hour and then, nowhere else to go! so i called nesh cos he seems to always be free. we ended up studying at amk drivethru macs for 2hours with ashok and raj came over for awhile but i dint bring anything to study!! like, so damn wasted. so i just self entertained while irritating the rest a bit and seriously thinking damn hard about how to go about doing my commskills project. =/
so after that we like, drove to ashok's place to wait for him to do his stupid run from thompson to bishan park. so nesh n i sat at the void deck listening to songs on his laptop and chatting. somehow 7-8 hours spent with those fellas just went by so quickly! haha. thank you guys. and nicole(:love.
i dont wanna blog bout anything. dont wanna say anything anymore. cos i made up my mind to do this last week. i Am fine. but i cant help it, i have to say that i have so many things to confront u about but i shall hold it back. and none of this is my fault. pls think carefully of what u put me through before commenting about things like wasting time etc.
anyone who dont know whats happening? stay out of it then.
it is afterall my blog, my perogative.
Nic. says:
my life.
★ jo says:
look at mine! haha
hey, at least we got each other (:(:
i <3 u
nicky <3s u more
what we could have been, 22:03.
Sunday, November 11, 2007
ok fine. i exaggerated some stuff.
now its all over and done with, explained and thrashed out.
everything's good.
note to self: watch what i say to people. not every secret/gossip/bitching content can be shared with anyone i call friend.
ignore the last entry and just fucking ask me what happen if u wanna know.
anyway, i met up with nic and dan last night.
dan brought us to this thai pub at golden mile complex.
haha. the place really wasnt that bad afterall.
i kinda spent like, close to 2hours or even more, outside the pub, talking on the phone to rh and then nesh. the nesh convo, was bloody hilarious when nic came out really high and started talking to nesh about whatever nonsense she could think up. haha
and apparently, his home phone records all conversations. how uncool is that. haha.
i went back into the pub and got higher. danced and hopped around like crazy. but i meant all the iloveyous to nicky.
got home close to 5.
super horrible hangover almost all of today.
and im becoming such an alcoholic.
what we could have been, 20:26.
Friday, November 09, 2007
so many things ive regretted doing.
so many things i regret giving away.
things that i can never get back. given to ppl who now, clearly dint deserve any of it. people make mistakes all the time. but this is my stupidest mistake just yet.
and its nobody's fault. just mine. for being the biggest fucking fool on earth.
you lied so many times in my face, i cant imagine the amount of lies you could have told back then.
so many things i wanna do differently if i could turn back time.
why isnt hiro nakamura a real person. sigh.
all said and done.
im moving on to greener pastures. and whether you like it or not, youre stuck with me till we graduate. so learn to be nice and stop being such an ass. ive done all i could possibly do to be extremely nice towards you. dont ever ask me to shut up again or anything along that line.
what we could have been, 15:13.
harppie deepavali.
haha. people always told me im racist. LOOK! not anymore! hahah. at least, its more like selective kind? =x like my selective memory loses cause i celebrated deepavali for the first time today.
it was fun. many indian food and homemade indian snacks which were insanely sweet. and some booze to go along with that mid-day. we had to like, sneak the booze pass her house and to the playground. and i got a bit high on 1 tall can of tiger. wtf.
watched harold&kumar and played taboo and pictionary.
so many classic moments that it ended up being a really fun time.
most classic moment ever was when philipp tried to make us guess the words "sound effect". the dude MOANED(really weirdly.but nonetheless, bloody hilarious.)
i weighed myself at aruna's place, her weighing scale looked newer than mine. and technically, i lost like, a lot of weight! im happy. haha but after food, i got a bit heavier again ):
they planned on prata supper anyway but it dint happen in the end.
now im so tired cause its been sucha long day and i dint get much to almost no sleep at all last night. should've worn jeans, wouldve been so much more comfortable -.-
yes, i find jeans more comfy than leggings.
and those 17yrolds, make me feel old -.- like, they remind me almost of how fun it was in sec sch.
anyway, i met up with nic and andy last night too.
and we met nic's new friend.
he mumbles. and its really fun imitating how he mumbles.
we ended up at harry's and i think im actually beginning to get used to beer. it aint that bad afterall. haha. and we actually managed to make the 50bucks total budget for 3person happen! (:
been ages since i last met andy.
i can say, im happy, for now.
except for the part where i got asked to shut up for nothing.
but i have to come back and deal with all that project and labtests coming up ):
why dint i hang with them fun ppl long ago anyway!
oh, i know why. i used to have a bf.
what we could have been, 02:13.
Tuesday, November 06, 2007
i had a dream last night.
in the dream, the date was 20th december 2007.
THREE days before my person comes back to spore and 7 days before hk!
i kept counting and recounting in the dream. feeling all so happy, and waiting for her to come online so i could wish her good luck for her exam. haha.
but before she came online, i realised it was a dream in my dream! so i woke up -.- lol
i also had another part of my dream that was extremely bizarre.
haha. ask.
according to my screwed up dreams, i think my subconcious mind is just as afraid of everyone leaving and its bloody hell still waiting for some of them to return. ):
if you get what i mean...
what we could have been, 12:06.

thank god i have my person.
what we could have been, 01:30.
Sunday, November 04, 2007
happy birthday aruna.

haha. surprise bbq birthday party for her all set up by her bf nesh. how sweet is that! anyway, i had fun. and im so proud of myself, i have to tell the world what i did!
for the first time. im da maaannn yo! fuckin prouda myself.
with help from elena and ashok la actually. haha
then fanning and ashok started the first few fire starters.
i learnt the rest from rh the last time we had a chalet bbq for my poly class. im sucha great student. watched and could do it. altho it took me what felt like, 2hours to start the cookable fire. lol
i met rjc peeps. young and i dint know rjc had so many good looking people! =x no offence really. haha
the girls were so pretty la.
and then i had an extremely embarrassing moment ):
felt horrible.
ohya, i met a russian too.
damn cool. now i know someone russian.
wanted to learn how to say "fuckyou" in russian but he repeated twice and refused to say it again cos apparently, he says its a very offensive word and he dint wanna keep saying it to me -.-
how to learn like that.
so glad i went for that instead of rotting home all day and night. and my parents were surprisingly nice. hope they could only smell the smoke on my clothes and not any other smell. haha.
now i really wonder if some parts of last night i remember were dreams or if they actually happened.
waiting for pictures with me in them to be sent to me.
and I HAVE A TEST TMR! time to get down to memorizing codes ):
what we could have been, 14:31.
Thursday, November 01, 2007
i love jay chou's new album.
i really love that new album.
he's a bloody genius artist. lol.
oops =x
its not friday yet!
okay, genius till the part where there's this eery
screaming thing in one of the songs. =.=
what we could have been, 01:11.