somehow, my phone memory card caught a virus again
and it got corrupted yesterday so i had to reformat the entire card and all the songs i took so much time to cut and all the pictures i took that i have yet to upload into my comp, ARE ALL FUCKING GONE! ):
damn it.
and the picture of the gold dress/tunic i took the last time i tried it on is also gone. so i cant show anyone how that piece i bought yesterday looks like =/
but oh well, i had fun.
watched drumline before meeting nic to go shopping yesterday.
it rained so heavily, my bus ride felt depressing.
had starbucks, shopped, took pictures that havent been sent to me and had waraku pasta for dinner! the service was good i guess. the overly enthusiasticly scary kinda good. so they have a lot of allowance to tone down a little. (thought : is japan's customer service just as enthusiastic?)
anyway, we had free ice cream that was just basic vanilla ice cream with choc syrup on it. nothing much, but it;s really addictive.
went to marina mandarin to collect nic's mango cheese cake and we had some durian cake too. not bad. but i kinda really like Goodwood's durian cake better... i bought some home and tried the choc truffle mousse this morning. OMG it melts in ur mouth and the chocolate isnt too overly sweet, just right. mmm...
u cant imagine the amount of cake and sweet desserts ive had the past 4 days. eclair, black forest cake, cheese cake, hersheys choc syrup, ice cream, mandarin hotel cakes, caramel macchiato. AH! no food the entire week till the weekends!
yeah right...
so much for no food when im actually having ice cream nw.
what we could have been, 16:39.
Saturday, October 27, 2007
just trying something different for layout.
saw this on nic's blog.
and since i have nothing to do...
12 random questons to:
what would you do if you...1) had a tesla gun?
put it to good use. shoot someone i hate at that very moment, in the head.
2) were a rock star?go on concert tour asap so i can tour the world? gee, i really dont know.
3) were driving along and roadkill an alien lifeform that had landed on earth?
pack the body, find the thing's spaceship and attempt to sell it to the museum or any rich billionaire collector for $$$! maaannyyy $$$.
4) heard someone say that the hottest stud/chick in school has a thing for you?stud:he'd tell me himself if he's a man.
chick:so not interested.
5) were the ruler of ancient rome?
all that came to my mind was what anita sarawak would say, "you go girl!". thanks to yq,jia,sam for continuously reminding me my commskills teacher's name is also anita.
WHICH REMINDS ME, I HAVENT DONE COMMSKILLS HMWK. (nic is saving my life now tho :D)
6) only had a day left to live?try and die with many unfinished businesses so i can stay on earth as a ghost and haunt people just for the fun of it!
7) were a blade of grass?sway in the wind. and hope that i'll have a better next life.
8) belonged to the minority in your society?
definitely not what micheal jackson did to himself.
9) woke up one day and realised you've turned into a huge bug? i'd be fucking grossed out. unless im a butterfly.
10) had superpowers?i want to bend time and space. like hiro nakamura!! so i can change my past and know my future. if its any other useless powers, i'll be disappointed.
11) developed genophobia?
then i'll never know how an orgasm really feels like -.-
12) kept growing sunflowers out of your nostrils?
i'll kill myself. i have sensitive nose! that'll be horrible.
what we could have been, 23:38.
i had a great day yesterday.
havent had one in such a long time, i almost forgot how it felt like since someone left and then everyone started attachment and school and my best person left for boston.
think i should've totally changed classes from the very first day of school in yr1. having gfs in poly feels so much better than just hanging out with guys who only have games, and whatever you could expect from guys with no lives, on their minds all the time.
anyway, i was late to meet them again. as expected of me, i woke up late. and i really woke up at 9am thinking it was waaay too early so i went back to sleep and only waking up again at 1pm! hahah.
and so i missed lunch and met the girls at marinasq where they had alr made friends with the sonyericsson guy, whom they were about to buy a new phone from. the dude must've had a thing for yq =/ no fellas would give so many free stuff on his own tab to any other customer!
and they spent ages in the shop deciding what colour phone to get. i really think the red colour one is pretty. now all them have a new phone and THE SAME MODEL. where's my new 6500 slide ): (DADDY.........)i like nokia cos i think the phone looks pretty, i dont like change and im used to the way the phone works.
had starbucks choc eclair and some iced caramel macchiato after that while we walked through marinasq, headed towards suntec and then had donuts! i havent had so many sinful food within an hour in such a long time.
so after walking all that, we finally got to where we actually planned to go for the day, peninsular, to get new skinnies at 20bucks only.
the lady at the store was surprisingly friendly and really nice. i expected her to give those agitated annoyed faces after we tried 2 skinnies but then we just kept trying more and more colours and sizes, and she just kept smiling all the way. Great service i tell u. i got black and white ones and now all i need is that pair of maryjane heels from topshop i so love but cant fucking afford ):
i wont be able to fit into the skinnies if i gained back the weight i lost, i needa lose 3kgs more but my weight has been stagnant for weeks alr.
next stop, far east plaza, at 9pm! told them the shops would've all started closing by then. they dint believe. haha. within 15mins, sound of shutters closing could be heard everywhere. but we spent like another hour in fundecko. while i waited, feeling really sad and broke cause i spent 110 on bags and 40bucks on skinnies n i have 2 more weeks till my next allowance And, i really wanted the banana tshirt that was designed by some guy who looks like einstein and is gonna have an exhibition soon. =/
once again, the girls made friends with the boss, even told him lame jokes while sam had to leave early. they bought bags and that BANANA TOP!
i'll get mine very soon.
havent laughed so much in months.
and school really dint help.thank you girls.
what we could have been, 16:46.
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
i miss qianli.
or at least, talking to her. cause missing her isnt new news. its gonna be 2 months alr i think. and sch started on monday so i havent got to talk to her since sunday night ):
its not fun to keep everything bottled up all the time.
its suffocating.
the things i have to tolerate...
night class was, ....
i have to learn citect. what i had to do for my fyp, again.
just when i thought i could just leave fyp behind.
and leonard finally passed me the LV wallet pang and him bought for me from china when they were having attachment. sweet. i actually quite like it (: thank you.
i need my person ):
what we could have been, 22:49.
its the first day of school.
fine, it wasnt so bad but i still dont like it.
cprogramming lecture was boring
but commskills in the morning kinda made up for that.
i bet it'll be the most interesting lesson all semester.
cant wait for december while praying that everything we've been planning for actually happens. but i bet that entire 2 weeks break will fly by at the speed of light.
and i wont be able to spend xmas + cny + my 20th with my person! ):
what we could have been, 23:57.
my facebook horoscope says : You've been on a bit of a roller coaster for the past year, but its finally settling down. Do what you can to avoid getting back on it
anyway, junjia's birthday celebration's today.

cake and the present we took quite a bit of time trying to wrap without any scotch tape. lol.

our pics were taken and printed on the spot but cause she was gonna keep them, we used hps to take pics of it. that explains why its blur.
food catering.
and for some very random reason, i just felt so much like eating at that point of time. so i had a full first round and another 2 rounds where i took more fish and chicken. O.O I AM GAINING BACK ALL THE FUCKING WEIGHT I LOST! fuck -.-
and i feel damn bloated now ):
and school starts tomorrow! oh god.
im terrified and so not ready for school. what if i dont do well for the last sem and my gpa drops even more ): paranoid. so paranoid.
what we could have been, 22:18.
Lisa Loeb - Stay (I Missed You)
You say I only hear what I want to.
You say I talk so all the time so.
And I thought what I felt was simple,
and I thought that I don't belong,
and now that I am leaving,
now I know that I did something wrong 'cause I missed you.
Yeah yeah, I missed you.
And you say I only hear what I want to:
I don't listen hard,
don't pay attention to the distance that you're running
to anyone, anywhere,
I don't understand if you really care,
I'm only hearing negative: no, no, no.
So I turned the radio on, I turned the radio up,
and this woman was singing my song:
lover's in love, and the other's run away,
lover is crying 'cause the other won't stay.
Some of us hover when we weep for the other who was
dying since the day they were born.
Well, well, this is not that;
I think that I'm throwing, but I'm thrown.
And I thought I'd live forever, but now I'm not so sure. You try to tell me that I'm clever,
but that won't take me anyhow, or anywhere with you.
You said that I was naive,
and I thought that I was strong.
I thought, "hey, I can leave, I can leave."
Oh, but now I know that I was wrong, 'cause I missed you.
Yeah, I missed you.
You said you caught me cause u want me and one day you'll let me go.
You try to give away a keeper, or keep me 'cause you know you're just scared to lose.
And you say, "Stay."
And you say I only hear what I want to.
what we could have been, 11:10.
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
4 more days left.
technically, i have 3 more days to the end of my long holidays cause its alr night. sigh.
i never expected this holiday to turn out like that. and i never expected my last holiday in march to turn out the way it had either.
anyway, i added 8ball application to my facebook.
and i asked a very important question twice. these are the answers! twice! it cant be wrong. hahah. and it is, a bit stupid of me to believe an 8 ball comp app..

oh yes, my new aircon.
installation caused the entire house to get super dusty we had to totally clean the whole place out and i mopped the house today. yes, i do housework!
well, aircon's new and really quiet. and freezing cold even when i leave the temp at 25!
im wearing a sweater to sleep la. =.=
haha. and i have a person!
my person. qianli, is my person (:
so proud of my person.
what we could have been, 19:26.
the hardest part of kicking a habit, is wanting to kick it. we get addicted for a reason. its the high we're chasing, the high that makes everything else, fade away.
but the thing about addiction is, it never ends well.
'cause eventually, the thing thats getting us high, stops feeling good and starts to hurt.
still, they say you dont kick the habit till you hit rock-bottom, but how do you know that you're there?
because no matter how badly a thing is hurting us, sometimes letting it go hurts more.
what we could have been, 16:55.
Saturday, October 06, 2007
met up with vanessa today.
haha. oh boy, she thinks i lost weight (:
her first purchase was a bag from gap.
GAH! i should've paid for it, then can use that as a birthday present for her, a little belated tho :/ i only realised it was the best opportunity after she alr bought the bag.
second purchase, jeans from f21! too rich la. haha read that she gets 900bucks pay! no wonder la. lol.
wondered around for sometime after starbucks coffee and she headed home. so i went to meet my parents. and got esprit stuff. haha. just a top =/
so many things i wanna get, so little money ):
mango grey skinnies are soo lovable.
and someone once promised me an ipodnano. i wonder if i'd ever get one.
1 more week till the start of sch term
last sem in nyp. and im just so scared..
i dont think im ready to face all that alone ):
如果你也听说 有没有想过我
像普通旧朋友 还是你依然会心疼我
想到你想起我 胸口依然温热
如果你想起我 你会想到什么
i love the song. haha
thank you nic
what we could have been, 23:21.
Happy Birthday to vanessa, my brother, and belated one to yinqi.
our surprise birthday treat was kinda screwed. haha
shopped a bit and had fish&co. dinner. but we didnt sabo her with the fish&co crew birthday thing. i think, she'd probably get pissed or cry if we insisted? haha
getting out of the house is good.
its good for the soul. no wonder sadistic lunatics live alone in secluded places. ha!
i found a very pretty diamond ring from f21 today.
really shiny, but fake of course.
i didnt buy, my mom told me that its not good to buy rings for yourself. its better when others buy it for you. maybe that's for diamond rings or something? =/
but now that i have free fingers for extra rings...
i also found a snake ring! 25 bucks is just too expensive.
why cant it rain!
my new aircon installation date has been changed to tuesday ):
what we could have been, 23:46.
Thursday, October 04, 2007
it comes in waves.
huge amounts of sadness/pain, and with a tinge of strong jealousy.
look what you've done.
life is just so unfair.
no matter what i do or how hard i worked. things just never go my way. nothing ever went my way. not since the day i started having memories. nothing i do is ever enough.
my sad life is just one fucking huge bump after another.
backstabbed, abandoned and betrayed by ppl i trust.
why does it all have to happen to me.
what we could have been, 23:33.
Wednesday, October 03, 2007
so 3 very unpleasant smelling fellas came to my house to attempt to fix the air conditioning in my house. my mom had to pay them 75 fucking dollars to spoil the 2, out of 3 aircons in the house, that were working perfectly well before they laid their hands on.
what a waste of money.
and now, all the airconditions in the house will only blow warm air instead of cool ones. i may sound fucking spoilt cause i cant seem to have a good nights sleep without airconditioning, but i dont give a flying fuck cause its singapore! the bloody warm/humid little island that is super close to the equator. so wtf.
now i have to wait for the new air con to arrive next weds to be installed. and they'll have to take out the pipings in my room as well. what a fucking chore.
i need to get out of the house.
so badly.
what we could have been, 23:28.
Tuesday, October 02, 2007
i stayed home all holiday.
except for the occasional tours out of the house with my parents, i havent been out shopping or hanging with anyone at all.
sad life.
no one seems to have anytime at all.
except qianli. haha. we stay up all night gossiping.
and sunday night's crap talk was really fun.
and nicole finally sent me the song mix we heard in f21 at vivocity the last time!! omg, i LOVE. and her bf found it. gah. he's good! hahah. thats why i told nic she has to marry
im addicted to both songs and they are gonna be on repeat mode for a v long time.
anyway,there're guys trying to repair/clean my aircon now.
they dont smell very nice >.<
and im downloading HEROES season 2 episode 2 (:
today's also the 2nd october.
i love tuesdays. but it wouldve been the perfect tuesday if i still had you with me.
what we could have been, 14:06.