i managed to chase it out of the house, lets just hope it doesnt turn a round and crawl back in here.
no fucking way.
i hate cockroaches.
the most disgusting things on earth.
why did that gross piece of shit live through ice age! why didnt it just fucking DIE like all the dinosaurs!!
we have more than enough pests in this world, u had to let those sick scums survive so long.
if global warming were to flood the world and all living things were to die in many many years time, please, PLEASE DEAR GOD, make those cockroaches die together with the rest of us. so that if ever, there's a lucky couple who survives, the next lifetime of humans can live peacefully on earth without anything as disgusting as cockroackes or if possible, any Other insects/spiders included.
anyway, enough of disgusting insects.
i spent the night out with qianli.
sat and drank a bit of baileys at clinic. damn little, compared to the mouth full i took last week that almost burnt my throat. lol. barry even asked me to "just swollow it all lah!"
oohh, we talked. time sure flies really quickly. we just walked and sat around talking after the drink, didnt even notice it was alr 2am.
i took the new nightowl bus, nice bus driver, i almost got a free ride home cause i didnt have change. bet the uncle, the only other passenger on the bus besides me and another girl, didnt want that to happen cause he told me he didnt have $5 change at first, but afterwards came over with change. haha.
what we could have been, 01:18.
long week.
looong week.
i managed to come home straight for 3 days!
today's not counted la. went to meet my parents for dinner at clark quay. there's a place with super good ramen! i must go back there again next week!
i couldnt stay awake much at work.
im sick, been sneezing a lot and i think there's something wrong with my body
cause everytime i sit down too long, i'd just fall asleep, no matter where i am.
yes, i finally met up with nicole!
after more than a month since her birthday.
and she's got a really nice bf. dont anyhow angry, he flew halfway around the world. haha.
harry potter's final book is out.
and i still havent got it. my dad, the one who introduced the very first book to me, refuses to let me buy it! great.
what we could have been, 22:22.
i hate attachment.
i just wanna get it all over and done with asap.
feel like i have to drag myself out of bed to get down to work alr.
its not the work load or place, its probably just, those 2. maybe 3.
imma miss miss ngai when she leaves for 3 months before coming back and then leaving again for idontknowhowlong then come back ):
alr miss sampeili&friends and that nicole tham, always not free one eh. haha.
k, night. i better get some sleep so i dont have to sleep during lunchtime tmr and ppl who come to work more than an hour late, strolling into the office, and occasionally take a few mins nap time as well, can stop talking behind my back and look at what they are doing themselves, eating into company's time while im using my personal lunchtime to rest my tired brain.
its not funny. being more than an hour late every single day, is far worst than being tired during lunchtime. whats wrong with being tired. nobody's giving me any work to do anyway.
i absolutely hate ppl who talk behind my back.
you have something you're not happy bout me, tell me to my face.
i do that too, but thats cause the one thing im not happy bout you is your smell. im being sensitive (: (and thats a damn good excuse to me)
what we could have been, 00:07.
my mom emptied out my cupboard and made me pack everything back in. choose the stuff i want, keep them and throw those i cant wear anymore or wont wanna wear anymore out.
hyeaa. i did that alright.
pack halfway, she make noise, say i haven go and bathe. like FUCK LAH im packing right. like you fucking told me to.
so i finished with the clothes and went to go get a bath. and she fucking make noise AGAIN! say haven pack finish go bath for what, later dirty again.
so i went to get the shit done below. packed the small stuff.
and then what did i get ?!
she making noise that all the stuff i dont want are fucking new and like never use or wear before. I WORE AND USED BEFORE just really long ago dammit.
and just the other day they keep saying ive been stocking up all the old things and not throwing them away. i have to know what to throw! tell me what the FUCK is their fucking problem! BOTH the parents. TELL ME ! cause i dont get a single part of it at all!
i dont throw, say i got a lot of rubbish. must be decisive and know what u want and what you dont want. so i did that, and they say everything i throw out's so new.
has it ever crossed their minds that they're all new probably cause they are well kept?! i wore so many times last time and the sizes are so bloody small right now, whats the point of me keeping all of it.
im fucking pissed.
rant and rant until i dont wanna update bout anything that happened the pass few days alr. ARGH!
what we could have been, 23:57.
okay, i was sooo hyped up bout watching
harry potter and the order of phoenix tonight, in GV GOLD CLASS somemore, i just got super excited!
but DAMNIT! the movie wasnt good. i shant say its bad but not good. didnt follow much of the book
and why did everyone keep saying i loved it.
like, i didnt say it rocked or anything wad.
gold class is impressive.
food and drinks are really pricey but the seats!
soo comfy. and they had blankets too!
anyway, qianli and i went for our virgin tour of the condom shop.
its weird how there're so many males in there but soo many female sex toys sold inside.
almost half the shop had dildos everywhere with edible undergarments.
its quite interesting actually. haha.
i cannot believe i have work again tmr.
damn it. after this week, i'll have another MONTH! to pass. boohoo.
please please please fill me up with many many paper work the whole of next week cindy and carine. so time would pass so much faster!
what we could have been, 00:52.
dinner at the korean crystal jade at taka.
ginseng chicken!
with qianli, shuann and rh.
last dinner together before miss lee shuann goes off to camp for the next whole week!
and today, i had sakae for dinner and watched transformers today w rh.
its a good movie. i like bumblebee. soo cute. hahah.
sneaks tmr and the gala was tonight lah!
gotta catch that one asap
and after the live earth thing, the save the earth from global warming is still going on! i have this feeling it probably wont last v long =/
like a one moment thing. and i also think, global warming cannot be stopped. its too late. all we can possibly manage, if EVERYSINGLEONE of us did that 5 steps thing, is reduce the effect of what global warming would do to earth.
it takes millions of years to restore earth back to her original healthy state ):
and then i start to wonder, if all human race extincts, there'll surely be evolution or something again right. like dinosaurs and now us. maybe in the future, its all merpeople! like mermaids. lol cause the water level would be super high! =X
and cockroach may still be alive and kicking after so long! ew =.=
what we could have been, 23:03.
HAPPY LIVE EARTH DAY.ok the entire week after work, was spent with none other than miss ngai qianli.
which also means that we've been going out consecutive days for 2 weeks! woot. hahah.
we had majong again last night and i lost money lah!
quite a lot. haha. see, i told them, once they start betting money, i will lose. haha
no one believed! its proven. we snacked the entire night and had mcd breakfast and champagne. haha
anyway, the rest of the days we met up were just spent eating and shopping and then eating somemore! you can imagine the amount of weight i gained. haha shit.
but thurs, had fish&co w amos at suntec and went to asia bar with qianli after the coincidental meeting at the same fish&co. hahah. another bottle of moet and cup of lychee martini.
her friend, cedric tagged along.
he has this really fake sounding ang moh accent. and he really tries too hard.
REALLY so hard. its over done. and freaky.
cause the day after, i heard news of what that cedric guy's been talking to qianli the entire night. he turned out to be such a stalker!!
asked around bout amos' background stuff cause qianli and him were really close. not surprising, cause they ARE super close.
and i bet he's reading this entry right now. hahaha.
well, there you have it mr.
f off. qianli's MINE! muahahaha.
what we could have been, 23:08.
wah. i met up with qianli every single day for the entire week!
hahaha. reminds me of the last time i did that with nicole.
so thursday, met her for dinner at imperial.
then friday, went over to her place for mahjong, rh came too! haha.
and her maid cooks really nice fried rice and chicken wings.
went down to s'gardens after mahjong for a little bit of supper.
AND!! i was winning money loh! but they all decided not to play money one in the end ): first time me being the big winner but no money. =.= haha
and today, we woke up late. so met around 4.
walked around town and i ended up going w her to newasia bar to meet her friends. and they ended up ordering pizza and opening 3 bottles of moet. wah, $$$.
and i either drank too fast or 3bottles of 12%alc was just too much for me.
everything was suaying, my head was damn heavy and many things just seemed so much funnier. even serene didnt seem so scary. lol
then went over to clark quay to meet my parents for awhile.
but they left shortly after and we ended up sitting at clinic telling each other our life story. actually, we were recalling all the old memories we had and only telling bout the part of each others life we missed out on after a v silly quarrel like, 5yrs ago.
walked to lau pa sat for ba chor mee while the highness finally got lighter and disappeared.
i called andy but he refused to come down to send me home, see la, this kind of friend -.- haha.
so i took nr6 (save money after the moet, i think i must save till this fri alr. haha).
walking from hougang point all the way back at 3am in the morning, is so fucking freaky!!
i called rh to talk while walking. n it was still freaky.
okay. im super sleepy now. its about time too.
so, night night.
what we could have been, 03:21.