Wednesday, February 28, 2007
ive completed my last paper.
i was happy. and relieved.
so i came home and slept for a few hours to see if my really dark eye rings and the pain in my right eye would go away. the pain did, but the dark circles didnt really disappear.
went to meet peili,jw at suntec arnd 4.
and i was actually feeling kinda high. cause i had sleep and i was going out.
kf came and then shafiqa.
ate at fish&co.(sambal fish) then dessert/supper at haagen daz.(banana split)
i shared some with peili.
i actually had quite a good time.
was low for a short period of time, tired ah, and the headache i thought got cured by panadol extra, came back.
but it left and i was normal again.
what we could have been, 01:46.
Monday, February 26, 2007

hahaha. kope from nic's blog.
i actually dont know if its true.
i dont think im that nice. hhaha.
my boy got tactical master. lol
there was one line in his result that said something like, "we're a little confused cause you're deeply degraved and perverted. BUT still believe in LOVE."
i totally laughed out loud at that.
what we could have been, 19:07.
Saturday, February 24, 2007
its getting more and more exciting.
peter is godlike.
barry was right.
he's the only hope in getting rid of sylar(spell?)
what we could have been, 03:54.
Friday, February 23, 2007
it seems, my bad luck from last year hasnt worn off at all!!!
URGH. i made my boy lose money today after i decided
to join in the ban luck game. if not he'd be winning more than $30.
no more POL alr... ? ):
anyway, wanna wish my BOYFRIEND
HAPPY 9teenth BIRTHDAY! (:
hope u liked the card i made.
heh, i think the stuff i drew looked quite bad,
so i didnt bother taking pictures.
damn it. sakura buffet, cancel then become sakae buffet.
im quite sick of sakae alr.
what we could have been, 00:14.
Tuesday, February 20, 2007
i got this from baby.
and i spent half my day in kimage prestige.
i cant believe my stylist made me wait so long cause he had other customers, even after i made appointment. -.-
cake's supposed to be for my mom, cause she walked pass breadtalk and said that cake looked cute.
the flower's free, but at least i got a rose on valentines!

koped from nic's blog. valentines evening with nic, khairul and barry came later.
spent a few hours at settlers until it closed.
helped some mongolians find their way to MOS
ended up in clinic.
and then headed down to serangoon for prata at like, 2am.
ha. im finally allowed to stay out late.
thank goodness.
that was the 3rd time (:
thursday was spent with my boy.
couldnt seem to get down to studying cause i slept damn late and woke up damn early in the morning. so i persuaded him to go shopping with me to try and find something to wear for cny but couldnt find any eyecandies.
and i tried church for the first time.
almost everything sounded so common sense. they were talking bout relationships btw. except for the praising him for everything part. no offence but no, i dont think your god does everything,seriously. like, i get good grades cause i got down to studying myself. my own damn will. in my opinion, anyone who believes too much in the god, just needs something to believe in and think theres always someone there.
okay, so friday was another day meant for studying,
but we didnt! i go convinced to watch jack neo's new movie, just follow law.
some parts were really funny.
i bought a pair of shoes from trendy zone after that and rushed down to school for night class, where i couldnt really concentrate also.
cause we were late and quite lost.
after that, i was cabbed to compass point so i could take nel to meet my pri sch friends who i havent met in about 2years, by the bf. i really didnt ask for it. he wasnt feeling well anyway.
so i met the girls at harbourfront and we went to st james power station (:
cheap leh, $15 per person only.
plus 2 free drinks. but i dont know if thats the normal rate.
dragonfly was too crowded, queues were long and stagnant.
so we went into all the other parts of the power station 'cept dragonfly.
they look so cute. haha

nic, i got use the bag! :D
this is colleen.
i dont have a nice pic of her,yet.
pics should be in her cam.

introducing, shuann and qianli!
i think i looked damn horrible that night. got bad hair day ):
yes, that's my hand.
now my body alarm;s all screwed Again.
i slept till 6pm today.
(im lazy to arrange the pics properly)
what we could have been, 02:05.
Sunday, February 18, 2007
i am happy.
late in the night. lol
i got to renfu
and had entertainment from nic and khai :D
what we could have been, 20:31.
Saturday, February 17, 2007
im at qianli's place (:
theres scv and xiao zhu on it!!
he's dancing! ;]
what we could have been, 04:21.
Tuesday, February 13, 2007
i ordered this for my boyfriend yesterday (:
gave it to him this afternoon.
and this, is the inside.
i said i wanted to take a picture of him.
him: wait wait, must act cool abit... -.-
he looks like he's trying damn hard not to
study too much.
and i really did study while sitting in starbucks for 5hours.
last friday's presentation.
the class actually took so many pictures and i didnt even get a single one.
all take and leave in their own respectuve phones -_-
happy valentines day!♥
altho, half the day wasnt exactly that happy.
totally screwed by my stupid period.
but it all turned out well.
what we could have been, 23:47.
overcome by sudden emo feeling.
what a time to actually get down to watching 'you're my sunshine'.
been in my documents for ages. and i cried another bucket full of tears.
ya, wan yu has transformed into a crap show.
i finally got to watch it after 2 years ? maybe less.
i ordered a vday present for the boy today.
hope he'd like it when he sees it tmr (:
what we could have been, 04:56.
Sunday, February 11, 2007
i went to amk hub.
that place makes HDB hub look so pathetic.
lol. huge shopping mall. and only part of it is open.
but still plenty to see.
bought formal wear (:
i dont have to keep wearing the same yellow shirt
every other presentation.
i also helped move the old sofa out.
they bought a new one.
goodbye sofas... i'll miss you. many many memories with 'em.
what we could have been, 14:19.
Friday, February 09, 2007
i had presentation this morning,
it went alright i guess. i answered the questions she asked alright (:
but somehow i felt like my voice was mostly stuck in my throat.
went home to change into more comfortable clothes and shoes
while the guys went for a few games of pool.
changed bus at the ITE bus stop
and some ITE fat guy kept walking around smiling at me, saying hello, happy to see you.
i was listening to my mp3 la. but i can still kinda lip-read.
like, WTF. damn freaky la. went up the same bus as me somemore.
after like, 2 hrs of pool, they went all the way down to ps just to go gaming at the arcade.
such a waste of money.
baby wanted to get the STITCH stuff toy for me from the machine.
but failed so many times... i guess if he bought it somewhere else, it would probably be cheaper :/
rushed back for night class, supper at S11 (fucking ex)
and cabbed home cause the poor boy got really sick.
i'm finally FREE!
for a few days -.-
then i got 3 more papers to slog for.
fuuuuuck lah.
what we could have been, 23:35.
Thursday, February 08, 2007
i have been super lazy to blog.
like nothing interesting has been happening in my life.
except for me being really happy with my test today(:
i hope i do v well and pull my grades up.
sch has been pretty slack this week and the 2 tests ive had so far within the week, im very happy about.
and i met up with nic again on tues.
one month after i last met her (:
and i made friends with another one of nicole's many poly mates.
lol. and i actually remember their names!
amazing. for a short term memory person like me.
and this is what we did at long john :D
i also found this :
in the elearning plaza.
nyp students can get really bored sometimes ar.
some of them actually loaded street fighter games into one of the coms, and cause of networking, now almost all the coms can access to the games.

hope all goes well for tmr's presentation(:
night world.
what we could have been, 23:13.
Tuesday, February 06, 2007
.You have more than 5 watches
.You have your own room
.You own a cell phone
.You have an mp3 player or ipod
You have more than 1 sibling
You have more than 2 best friends
There is a pool/spa in yourbackyard
T 0 T A L : 4
.You dress how you want to
You hang out with friends more than once a week
.There is a computer/ laptop in yourroom
.You have never been beaten up
.You are allowed to listen to the music you want to
.Your room is big enough for you
.People don't use you for something you have
.You have been to a concert.
T 0 T A L : 7
(used to)You have over 200 friends on friendster
.You have pictures on friendster
.Your parents let you have a friendster
.You get allowance/loan
.You collect something normal
.you look forward to going to uni
You don't wish you were someone else
You play a sport
.You do something afterschool/lectures
T 0 T A L : 6 1/2
You own a car/truck
You usually don't fight with your parent(s)
You are happy with your appearance
You have never got a failing grade on a report card in your life
.You have friends
T 0 T A L : 1
you know what is going on in the world
.You care about many people
You are happy with your life
.You usually aren't sick
.You know more than one language
.You have a screen name
(used to)You own a pet
.You know the words to more than 5songs
You don't have any enemies
You are happy where you're living
T 0 T A L : 5 1/2
X total score by 3.
101%+: A+
100-90%: A
89-80%: B
79-70%: C
69-60%: D
59-00%: F
I got 24 * 3 = 72%
How about you?
i took that off some woman's blog.
lol, and i still dont know wtf its measuring / calculating.
ah, fuck it.
my mom washed all my shorts.
i have no bottoms to wear at home!
yeah, you can say that again. WTF.
mediacorp cheapskate la..
let cao ge sing only ONE pathetic, but damn nice, song last night..
lol. they should have just cut out all the fake extra performances and let cao ge sing a hell lot more songs.
and today,
i passed my C++ presentation fairly smoothly(:
i heart baby.
what we could have been, 01:46.
Sunday, February 04, 2007
my vote didnt go to waste.
what we could have been, 22:49.
im starting to hate the fucking dentist.
ive waited 3 fucking weeks and still no slots?
theres jue dui superstar on right now
why do both of them sound so horrible?
and diya's get high sounds like its being sung by a man or a girl with a horrible sore throat. maybe the original key is kinda a lot higher?she probably should stop shouting at the crowd before her voice gets any more hoarse than nw.
and as i expected, judges all chose darren.
where's cao ge!!! where's cao ge! -.-
and some of the other performer's clothing looks like they were all bought at far east / bugis village and put together to make them look like over dressed ppl they picked up out of orchard road, all coincidentally wearing pink to lip sync on the v huge stage in the indoor stadium. how impressive.
ok. um, bye.
what we could have been, 20:02.
Friday, February 02, 2007
happy 19th month 'versary babe.
(: he bought me a bag. haha.
and took care of me the whole afternoon.
i love my bf.
i, got him a ring! yay.
925 silver. not cheap. haha
many ppl say what, friends are more important than bfs.
but right now, im thinking otherwise.
then it gets really sad.
right now(and about the last 3yrs as well), my best female friend is nicole!
thank you for caring ! (:
oh, and peili. haha.
its getting kinda lonely when the bf isnt around.
anyway, today i got even sicker.
and i sort of flopped 2 tests?!
rah. studied till late and still cant do.
especially the lab test. i gave up in the end. ha.
i better get some sleep. or im never recovering from flu.
now i just wanna get sore throat. i dont really care if it hurts. just want it to last till this friday (: then no presentation and i'll probably eat lesser and lose some weight too.
what we could have been, 23:18.
Thursday, February 01, 2007
im sick ):
what we could have been, 22:53.