Wednesday, January 31, 2007
i have HEROES EP13 in my Cdrive right now (:
will watch when free. yay!
i went shopping with peili and kafoong today. haha.i kinda like shopping with those 2.they can actually walk a hell lot. i think we must have been walking round marina sq more than 5 times at least. and i really like the blazer kf bought. zara one okay, rich girl. $145. difficult to find ppl who can shop a whole day non-stop. And, i got clever, took my time to get ready after peili said they were going to take a bus and reach within 30mins. when she called again, many mins later, she told me the same thing. hah! and i was supposed to join them only cause they wanted to borrow my kimage card. but they ended up cutting at heatwave. and, i wear a zara size M! some clothing, even M is a bit too big. i was freezing in the mall cause marina sq's air con is always on full blast. and kf said something like, i can let you wear my blazer first. but size M leh. -.-
like im an XL. thank you ah. lol
thurs and fri will be filled with tests.wish me luck! ty.this friday shall be a good day.
was lazyy to press enter most of the way through.
hello February. all the joy and stress cluttered together in one bloody short month.
what we could have been, 23:14.
im suddenly getting really obsessed with bags.
and no, its not a good thing.
my mom's gonna kill me if i bought another bag.
BUT (theres always a but)
baby has a friend working in esprit
and she has a fucking FIFTY PERCENT discount!!
staff discount. and its so hard to resist!
a $99.90 bag and i can get it for $49.90.
and then come home with the bag and get fucked upside down by my mom. lol
see how lah, i got weds to decide if i wanna get it a not.
what we could have been, 23:49.
suay suay suay suay suayyyy aH!
ive got a damn big Orh Tseh on my leg.
it hurts.
the second last tooth on my right upper row of teeth,
CHIPPED! fuck. secondary school dentist can go fuck in hell, lady, you suck so fucking bad.
that was one of the tooth she drilled and put fillings in.
i seriously didnt see anything wrong with my teeth.
i didnt feel anything wrong with them, and i brush them 2times every day.
why the fuck did she drill and put fillings in them?!
and now the fillings actually came out. i most probably swollowed it.
every alternate saturdays, my private dentist will have an off day.
and it had to be this saturday that he;s getting his day off. ARH. friday is permanant off and the place isnt open on sundays.
i have like a whole day of make up lessons on monday and tuesday's lessons end at 5pm. so i'll have to wait till weds to get it fixed. FUCK!
what we could have been, 23:56.
Thursday, January 25, 2007
my lessons ended super early this whole week.
almost all the modules are completed.
tests will be around the corner so soon
and projects are piling up alr.
im struggling to make my brain take in
whatever ive missed these 15weeks of lessons.
not fucking easy.
but somehow, i actually like crash courses.
tuesday, met up for a last min dinner thing
at gardens chompchomp with shafiqa, peili and her friend kafoong.
the whole thing was peili's idea
and the woman was LATE for ONE AND A FUCKING HALF HOUR!
or maybe more than that ah.
aiya, she was just super late.
i sat in mac, walked around s'gardens, went to the atm, walked around videoEZ and another round around s'gardens. that was almost 30-40mins of time alr.
weds, early celebration for chuanwei's birthday.
steamboat at parkway.
the tomyam tasted so damn good.
i actually liked it. (considering, i never really liked anything tom yam)
they play pool and then went shopping in parkway parade.
i cant believe it,
i was the one who wanted to go shopping,
i wanted to buy something home.
the things i saw, and loved, costs at least 100bucks.
and in the end, the guys all bought a little something home.
they actually got quite a few tops. and at a 25% discount at esprit. some really nice lady shared her discount with them.
today, i had to help out in the open house event in nyp.
their red angbao jersey thing they wanted us to wear
and its damn ugly.
i fell asleep at the information counter.
no students came loh. at least, not many.
and so, open house event continues tmr.
dang, i want this to be over soon.
and someone start praying for me to be attached to a company with good pay.
thank you.
what we could have been, 23:22.
Tuesday, January 23, 2007
cao ge on bai fen bai.
i like :D
what we could have been, 01:36.
Saturday, January 20, 2007
okay, right now, im thinking screw heroes entourage and oc for just abit.
i just watched the saddest sweetest most touching movie ever.
i cant really remember "my sassy girlfriend"'s story line that clearly right now cause i watched it damn long ago.
but this one, made me cry buckets.
'be with you'
okay, if you're thinking, that movie's been out sooo long ago alr, then good for you, but i havent watched it till just now.
one of the movies barry loaded in the HDD.
now i feel emo.
and now its my fav jap movie.
btw, i just checked my mail and realise hotmail actually has 1000mb of space! i didnt remember seeing so many zeros before.
i'd better go watch 1 ep of entourage to get this emo feeling lifted.
what we could have been, 03:31.
Wednesday, January 17, 2007
i resorted to playing neopets to kill time today.
how pathetic is that.
theres nothing to do at home the entire day.
but i fell asleep anyway cause i was listening to jay chou's ju hua song.
all his songs seem to have a hypnotic effect on me or something.
everytime i'd listen to it for long i'll feel really sleepy.
and, im hooked on the O.C again.
i absolutely cannot wait for next week's episode!
and barry cant seem to find any direct link
where i can get season 3 from ):
so next week is a damn important week.
heroes and OC!
i just found out tmr's 10am lesson is cancelled.
that leaves the 1pm lecture which is only 2hours.
i have no idea where or what to do if i were to skip the whole thing.
my bf cant really eat anything at all ):
long story about his wisdom tooth.
and he is so skinny alr! why isnt my wisdom tooth growing anymore and causing me any pain so i would stop eating for a whole week too and lose weight!
ohh yes,
ive just recieved my SUBWAY MEMBERSHIP CARD today!
anyone wanna eat subway, call me, i also want.
but the bloody card cannot be used at all outlets.
only selected ones.
and i hate it when my mother opens my mail.
like, wth. even if its from subway or nyp or just not a letter from a friend, she will just open the damn thing.
Does PRIVACY mean any thing to her at all?!
fuck. i suspect she'd probably open my personal mails from friends as well if they didnt seal it properly or something.
what we could have been, 23:36.
Tuesday, January 16, 2007
and now i shall reveal to y'all that the person who introduced the wonderful
HEROES to me is none other than :
bAz aka Mr. Barry [rest of the name is not disclosed to public, to prevent him from being caught by the police (: ]
and now im hooked to the damn show. it rocks.
btw, hope you totally enjoy your muse concert.
kay, my work here is done.
what we could have been, 17:14.
im so addicted to heroes.
and super hyped cause theres just another week before episode 12 comes out! weee.
save the cheerleader save the world!
and i gotta start downloading entourage again, i miss watching it.
okay, that last paragraph was blogged 5hours ago.
4 of my classmates came over for majong session in which i lost the WHOLE TIME. fuck.
and then my bf woke up while he was home resting his really sore throat and nuisance wisdom tooth. he wasnt very happy about the whole guy ppl coming my house thing.
he sounded so angry on msn.
and cause 2 of the buggers were using my laptop to play streetfighter games when i told them to stop cause i wanted to wait for my boyfriend's reply!
dang, in the end, he nudged me like 10zillion times. made him even more unhappy.
i feel so horrible right now ):
sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry...
what we could have been, 14:56.
i guess theres really no point complaining about having my bf go overseas for 2-3months without coming back. at the very least, he could leave in May and he'll still be in singapore to be with me on my birthday. the last year of my teens. im not really looking forward to 19.
wanna stay 18 forever too. but i contradict myself by looking forward to my 21st. damn.
so i guess, he could bring back some fake branded stuff. anyone interested? lol.
all my class geniuses will be leaving.
who's gonna help me on my project in S'PORE.
what we could have been, 23:04.
Thursday, January 11, 2007
i finally caught the Night At The Museum yesterday with the bf (:
the movie practically opened last year and i only watched it yesterday.
i wonder why the monkey, dextor is so damn popular.
i find him/her? really annoying.
but i liked the big stone head thing a lot tho.
i not dumb dumb, you dumb dumb.
its time to catch up on all the C++ i missed out
and try to get into the china program to be with my B!
and its supposed to be good for my future too.
fuck OOAD.
i dont like wong.

(click to enlarge)
andy sent this picture to me.
the button for Forget about Poker,
should really be changed to Forget about DOTA.
haha or maybe maple as well.
and the Ex button's really handy.
but why would anyone wanna control yer bf like some robot.
i wont. (only sometimes lah)
what we could have been, 23:26.
Wednesday, January 10, 2007
i sense the time of the month coming.
i feel so bloated and fat.
which is made worst with the bloody pimple!
okay, i feel fugly.
first thing this morning, i found out that my bf may well be going to china for attachment for like, Three to Five freaking months.
okay, its not exactly 100% confirmed.
but it's most likely, which is 80-90% confirmation alr, by the way she said it.
and i totally think that woman hates me. (the lecturer)
various reasons. but she and her smiley face all the time.
ohh, she likes my boy alot tho. (for gods sake, im not jealous)
somehow, she reminds me of SimHL.. o.O
i know, nic has been telling me soo often, her bf is overseas long term which is worst. but, im just so used to it.
ah, nevermind. i didnt really feel so sad until the part when i heard, whoever who's going in our class will be the first batch, which means, hols cut short and will be leaving in march.
March! it just Had to be march when my birthday is in April.
sometimes, i just find some ppl really shallow :/not everyone is as naive and immature as you are.start acting ur age and doesnt mean you knw some stuff means you just happen to know everything else.
what we could have been, 23:10.

you are my 10/10 friend too :D

ya. that guy is andy.

nic says i dont look fat in this picture. the only damn one lah ): im depressed.

we took neoprints just like during the sec sch days. and i removed the blue one too. its really lovely, but my thighs look too big ):

and, This is the number of lamborghinis i saw today, plus 1 yellow one that zoom pass Taka. yeap, just F-I-V-E. its lesser than what nic saw, but oh well, its still a lamorghini day(according to nic). haha.
and since im so totally random, i shall add a picture of my bf (:
i had fun today.
after a whole load of cracking my brain to make everything happen.
and still get pangseh-ed after everything by the person we were really supposed to meet, Daryl.
and nic says that some pics dont look nice when they are v big, so i shall sumi-e it all :D learnt that from her also. haha
what we could have been, 00:40.
Saturday, January 06, 2007
Happy Birthday to my Mommy.
Happy Birthday Jane! (:guess what i found in one of the book shops in the nyp shopping arcade!
my fav flavour and the last one all the way in the corner! (: my boy bought for me. haha
i remembered i used to love push pop soo much when i was younger.
tuesday was our 1 year and 6th months tog :D
18months leh. 1 1/2 year. wee (:
okay. good night.
what we could have been, 01:35.
im lazy, i blogged in livejournal just now.
so now, im just copying and pasting here, with slight alterations :D
my internet speed went down to 1mbps just now and blogger took ages to load.
now i have absolutely no idea which blog to use.
anyway, Happy New Year everyone !! (:
lets hope 2007 isnt as fucked up as 2006.
and my last day of 2006 wasnt exactly very good.
i cant believe i had to deal with shit like quarrelling with my bf over the smallest things when we were supposed to be enjoying ourselves Together. everything worked out alright.
and i would have stayed out the whole night drinking with peili but there was free cab ride home sponsored by my boy('s mom), so wth, back home to my comfy bed to blog & watch entourage!
ah,yes, my new year's resolution :
- exercise more?
- start doing well for my exams
- sleep earlier
and i cant think of anything else.
but we all know i will not stick to my resolution, so what the hack.
and i hope my rship will last another year and many more?
good night all.
OH, btw,
its fucking disgusting.
what we could have been, 04:10.