Thursday, November 30, 2006
nicky, se lang. HAHA.
make love not unique enough.
vanessaaaa. fold alr then throw into the nearest lang kau see who can aim better right?? hahaha. surendran they all used to do that.
anyhows. i went to ntuc fair price with my mom just now.
and its full of ljfaced dudes who think he's fucking hot.
im damn angry with him loh.
my mom apparently walked pass when he bent over to get the goods from a box to load on to the shelves if not wrong.. then she knocked into him. i know my mom's ass isnt small but the passageway isnt very big with the trolley and that fella's ass sticking out on each side.
apparently, i was walking behind my mom, then i heard the fucker stand up after my mom passed and said to his friend, "knn, mo wo". i turned and diao-ed him.
like wtf. look closely into the mirror at ur lan jiao bin pls.
and then there's the cashier woman.
well, obviously she really isnt the only one.
bloooody giam siap lah.
see, we bought a pack of rice, its the small one, so i think, 5kgs?
and 4 packs of vitegen. And, a whole lot more.
my fingers and hands are shivering right now typing this.
she refused to give an extra plastic bag for the heavy stuff!
GAWD. if singapore wants to be so environment friendly,
save the world and stop global warming, then start using paperbags everywhere -.-
look what we are still getting for customer service right now.
and why the hell are they raising gst to 7%??
she should try carrying what i did. her hands would fall out within 3mins.
what we could have been, 18:32.
Wednesday, November 29, 2006
okay vanessa (:
today is the day i say goodbye to singnet.
whoopee. astalavista baby *low voice (spell?)
see, i woke up to a whole load of noise. noise coming out of Someone's mouth, i couldnt stand at all. just cause i wanted to sleep 5 more mins.
the starhub fella was supposed to arrive between 11am-1pm to install the modem to my com. and she was fucking screaming at 1030am can. i sleep till 1035am, tell me whats the difference?! i'll still have 25mins to wash up and eat something. like wtf loh.
so i was so fed up, i stayed in my room the whole time the starhub person was here. i didnt even see how he looked like. and there you have it, after he left, si bei zuei taiji.
first, the router wasnt connected, cause its some unknown brand ( i never heard of ) called buffalo and we have that cause starhub doesnt provide the router. and so, both of them couldnt seem to do anything right without me? just cause i stayed in my room, everything not asked or checked properly became my fault. eh hello! im not the one who knows EVERYTHING. are they useless without me or wad.
anyway, my darling boyfriend came over to help me fix the whole thing up (: thank youuu. now all ive left to do is configure it. and from 28th dec, my maxonline would be 12000 :D
had dinner at the gardens market. shiok hokkien mee and a lot of laughing(:
my bf's father's name :
lim chee guan Lim Kim Guan.
lol, get it? if not, nvm. haha.
it shall be between him and me ;)
what we could have been, 12:40.
Tuesday, November 28, 2006
had lunch at cartel cause it was kenny and yuwei's birthday.
lucky them! no beating and nipple squeezing for them this year. lol
aaaaand, im broke.
wad's new?
now i have zero cash in my bank.
and 30 pathetic bucks left for 2 weeks.
anyway, the guys wasted more cash after lunch.
bought coke and mentos.
played that explosion thing outside cineleisure.
the damn coke didnt explode lei!
it just fizzed a whole lot and kept overflowing.
so next time, we decided to find coke light LEMON. if there's any.
and i only took 1 picture of B about to put the mentos in.
the rest took videos. there >

after that, everything was just a total bore.
i fell asleep at topshop loh -.-
shopping with guys, so damn fucking boring.
and then, i cleaned out my phone at nokia care again! haha
is there anything else doable with ur bfs/gfs besides : eat, movie, walk (aimlessly?), pool, bowling, beach, yadayada.. ?
what we could have been, 23:12.
Monday, November 27, 2006
i hate programmers who make simple program codes so fucking complicated just to make themselves look smart and all others have a hard time understanding and learning.
if you are one of them, I HATE YOU.
damn it.
im in a fucking foul mood.
what we could have been, 01:50.
Thursday, November 23, 2006
love augustana - boston.
what we could have been, 01:36.
Sunday, November 19, 2006
im reduced to listening to slow sappy love songs
and break up songs -.-
and so, i have zero motivation to study.
damn it. i hate c++.
i have impractical ambitions, according to a psycology test i did last night. not sure if its reliable, but that part is true.
i have many friends, mainly ppl i know but arent really close to me. that's true too.
i tell others some of my secrets but i keep most of them untold.
i have a lover who is difficult to control or in other words, stubborn.
and everytime im have a problem, everyone else around me gets affected too.
i guess 80% is true.
you wanna get tested? tell me, i'll try it out on you.
what we could have been, 15:29.
Saturday, November 18, 2006
fed up alr lah.
cut everything until super short liao.
should have copied lah DAAAAAMN.
changed my internet to maxonline starhub.
my internet connection will very soon be ZOOOOOM !! ~ (:
the food republic at vivo is so retro. damn, i like. you tiao is yumm.
and theres a cafe with super cute cupcakes.
i caught step up with nic on thursday.
probably the only thing that makes channing tatum hot is him being able to dance so damn well.
the movie's alright.
the black girl is hot. and the songs are pretty good.
weds 29th november, ZOOOOM !
what we could have been, 23:52.
Tuesday, November 14, 2006
the moment i posted a comment / "tagged" nic's blog this morning,
saying that im having lessons and she isnt online to talk to me,
nicole came online straight away!! (:
haha. cause the whole of last week, while i was in school, listening to boring tutorials, she'd be online keeping me company, thank you nicole. haha
good luck for your tests.
hope i still have cash after weds for thurs date :\
what we could have been, 01:49.
Saturday, November 11, 2006
i switched to the new blogger beta thing.
half regret. everything's pretty except that black bar.
yeah, it may be smaller but its still there.
the spell check part is pretty cool tho.
what we could have been, 23:02.
stayed out late with the guys yesterday.
considered late lah, cause its a weekday.
was supposed to meet nic for a movie, but she couldnt make it ):
anyhoots, the 10 of us went to have a buffet brunner ( for me, not sure bout the rest )
at yuki yaki. or is it yaki yuki? ah, cannot remember.
i was so full after that i felt like my stomach might just burst any moment.
altho i think its mostly cause of the air and water i consumed through excessive laughing and gulping down the guava juice.
they were trying to get 'ah.fat' to get one of the waitress' number. just some petite girl and after we paid and all they managed to find out from her collegue that she is 18. but he just kept refusing and didnt want to admit to being humji. lol.
the things they do when they get high can be so hilarious sometimes.
ooh, and the next time someone visits that restaurant for a meal, must try their sweet dory fish. whoa, damn nice. sweet fish (: yumm.
went for 1 round of bowling after that cause everyone was seriously full, they didnt want to walk, no space in raiders for dota and some how, i dont know why they actually wanted to play bowling.
oh boy, did they suck. lol the highest score was about 80-90+. not like im any better, but compared to the neighbours, whoa, we damn lan loh. my bf didnt play tho, he just borrowed 1 turn from one of the guys and did a STRIKE :D
i have a pro bf. haha. pool / bowling challenger ?? =x
got home late, rushed sem project till super late, and i just couldnt open my eyes for night class today, especially after using all my brain power on drawing the damn blocks before that.
And i'll have extra cash next week ! (:
courtesy of ma boy.
anyone wanna attend my wedding? go create a maple character and you would be able to witness it. lol
good night
what we could have been, 02:29.
Thursday, November 09, 2006
i made a myspace acc a few days ago.
cause i discovered that caleb danvers aka steven strait has a myspace thing. i just wanted to add for fun lah.
so it was set up and i uploaded 1 picture.
i didnt even update anything in the profile. i suppose its blank ?
ppl started adding me. got ang mohs, quite a few muds ? -.-
and one claiming to be a spore band, added me too.
those who commented on my photo, still alright.
got some telling me i have an interesting profile
and personality ! -.- i didnt even do anything to that profile.
lol. i dont know whether to feel glad that at least there are some ppl think i actually look good and not fat and flat or to feel sad cause none of them are cute.
i found this.

ooo. pretty (:
its taiwan product so i wont know if its good a not. but i think its cheap :D lol.
good night
what we could have been, 01:27.
Sunday, November 05, 2006
okok. im blogging.
i watched
The Covenant with nic and andy yesterday.
beginning and middle parts were quite alright really, then the ending became a very wrong looking kungfu movie / streetfighter show was what andy said.
the beginning of the movie when the 4 guys just appeared, nic was alr going gaga. and guess what, andy was actually noticing the damn CAR! -.-
i told him that nic and i shall continue drooling over the guys and he should really go look at the blonde cha bor. she's quite pretty in the movie.
steven strait aka caleb danvers is damn hot and powerful. lol his eyes turning all black and looking demonic. wOot!
and only after i came home and looked for pics that i realised, we just watched a horror movie ! -.- if that was horror, its damn mild.

all girls should watch the movie and ignore then ending part. he looks better in the movie (:
thank you nicky and andy.
what we could have been, 17:54.