i just love the smell of rain (:
but i dont like thunder.
cant wait for christmas.
i actually revised my work today!
altho i said i'd do it yesterday but i didnt, i procrastinated till today. did 1 tutorial for electronics and then i realised ;
our secondary school maths is totally not helping me out right now ! -.-
now that im learning all things digital,
its the total opposite of analog.
+ used to be = "and"
x used to be = "or"
now its the total opposite.
damn confusing alr.
and im beginning to quite like some of my lecturers this sem.
the fri night rich ass fella is one.
for one reason, he hates exams too (:
how i wish he was our minister of education.
haha. its quite true really.
i mean, to succeed, you would have to fail plenty of times like einstein or something
but if we had exams, its only a one time thing.
you fail, you'd be labelled as a repeat student.
random haha

i want ! ):
someone buy for me pls.
or help me buy !
i'll pay you back.
i just dont think it can be found in any shops at all. sigh.
what we could have been, 18:48.
well, hopefully the red spot goes away.
do i need to see a doctor??
ohya, i shared a cab with some girl yesterday.
she was quite pretty and very loud spoken.
we were at the same bus stop waiting for a cab for pretty long but only one cab came. so she offered to share a cab since she was going to yck and me to nyp. told her i only had all 10 dollar bills and no change but she said its ok and she paid for the whole thing!
somemore sent me in to nyp all the way to the carpark.
aw, singaporeans can be so generous too.
but she had a chanel wallet lah.
whether its fake or not im not sure.
thanks to her anyway, i got to school quite on time.
VANESSA , =D nope you're not flooding. haha
yayy! got ppl tag liao.
i think next week i should be free (:
anyway, this guy added me on friendster.
and on msn, i blocked him in msn, i shall see about the friendster one.
after asking for intro and me telling him
that my profile is real just go read,
this was his reply :
From: -' Matthew
Date: Friday, 27 October, 2006 4:57 PM
Subject: hi Joanne
Message: well,nt as real as u think... i have read lo.. nv state where u stay all this leh..haha!! so where u stay,do u club??
like, WTF.
eh, come on lah." not as real as i think "?!!!
I WROTE IT PERSONALLY you pea brain.
of course i should know myself better than u do.
" where u stay all this leh ", " so where u stay "
you fucking noob or what lah.
who in this freakin world reveals his / her home address online.
oh, i like in blk ___ , street, postal code ah?!
or 32 ____ rd postal code. like NO ONE.
siao, you want ppl go ur house find u i dont want loh.
bull shit lah. knn.
add me on msn then today come ask me who are you.
i told him he added me and then he still dont know who.
pff. hopeless despo.
there goes his name and loser face disappearing from my friends list.
lol, byebye loser matthew.
what we could have been, 23:28.
i woke up this morning to find that
my left eye has a red spot on the right side of the white part.
and it isnt those small dot. its big.
i took a picture of it in school to check if it disappeared, but it might freak some ppl out. lol.
): WHY.... why is there a red spot there.
i dont remember hitting anything in my sleep. and i woke up with my head on my soft pillow.
im not paranoid lah, just did that for fun.
hopefully it would subside soon.
ive got cravings for pasta and sushi.
go eat one of those...
ooh, nic, i miss the salmon pasta. yummm. haha
what we could have been, 00:40.
i am sick and tired of having idiots in my class.
someone who thinks he is so damn good looking but in fact has a fucked up face. thinks he's so damn smart but his bloody eng fucking sucks. just cause he got A for 1 semester of maths does not label you as smart. its ONE semester.
someone who thinks he's so damn dua when showing off but when in front of gz or baby, he acts like some small stupid rat shrinking away into his small smelly dark rat hole.
seriously, talk to the feet. freakin low life.
dont come find trouble with me and act all big cause you can say out a few sentences of " go complain to rh , im not scared " , in front of me. lets see who's the one who would be hiding in his rat hole tmr.
i can do whatever i want, whenever. and it is of course his duty and a bf to protect me and all. so why is it really any of your problem if i keep complaining to him that u cannot stop bullying me whenever he isnt around. i wont suffer in silence. its just not me. so deal with it alr. pff.
what makes him think he is so damn great to throw his weight around at me everytime rh isnt around. only everytime he;s sick and not in school i get kp-ed by that fat ass face.
i swear , if he pushes me to the limit tmr, there goes a slap right on his face with all my strength, and im not that weak at all. i havent slap anyone before in my life. i only hope he doesnt force me in to dirtying my hand with his face oil.
what we could have been, 01:42.
Saturday, October 21, 2006
looong day.
but really boring.
see, i have nothing to blog about one ):
oh, ive been so tired and all cause school just started and i forgot someone's birthday :X SORRY SORRY SORRY. i really really apologise. altho, i dont know if you girls would see this, but i am really sorry, i actually didnt get to blog yesterday ( when i remembered ), so i got this out today.
happy belated birthday to Silin and Yiling.
i wonder why all my night class lecturers are all rich part time teachers.
last sem, the fella had his own programming company.
this sem, this fella was the first person to actually invent something that could record teletext. and it evolved into many things lah. eventually, he sold the final product that could send info from teletext to pagers ( no hps last time ) to singtel.
i guess that's where the sms services come from. all those like example singapore idol updates sms n stuff. like omfg. he must be so damn bloody rich. and i think he has a calculator brain too.
why dont i have an inventing brain.
i cannot possibly think of anything to invent to make me strike a billion! everything possibly inventable has been invented!
ya lah, i know excuse lah. i just lazy go think, even if i do, i would come up with ridiculous inventions that would take me a life time to get down to actually doing something to make it happen.
what we could have been, 01:54.
first day at school was a total breeze.
i missed most of my first lesson and slept most of my 2nd lesson away while the last lesson, was cancelled.
life science is damn boring lah.
i missed first lesson cause my poor boy wasnt feeling well.
it started with shitting. then lao sai.
then he started vomitting!
so worrying. especially when i didnt know how to help him.
he took a cab to amk to meet his mom to go see a doctor in the end.
i still dont know how he is right now tho.
probably resting or something.
today's haze is a horrible psi 127.
pls drink more water and stay indoors.
take care
btw, anyone wanna go vivo city kua kua?
hahaha. weds if you're free.
what we could have been, 17:08.
Saturday, October 14, 2006
okay, new tag board cause some how tag-board.com is either screwed or doesnt exist no more.
so PLEASE TAG !! i dont want my tag board to be like, so totally empty and quiet. its a very sad thing yer know ):
and, new layout, i got sick of the last one and found this so ugly!!! but so neat ! so neatness triumphed the looks. it aint so ugly afterall.
if <<<<< that side has scroll bars all over, pls wait, it might take awhile to load. but if it is taking forever to load properly, let me know ya. i will go change the code (:
i had thought i was gonna recover very soon.
but now, i cannot stop coughing ! ):
the moment i start talking, i would cough nonstop.
sometimes even cause i breathe and feel air pass my throat, i'd cough too.
i burped a very small burp and then i couldnt stop coughing anymore
school starts on monday.
ive been waiting for this day for so long now, but now that its about to come, i dont want school to start. i dont wanna go back there with that shit timetable i have and elective lessons without my bf. heh, im not that sticky lah. but seriously, im in that elective with 1 other guy i know and he isnt very nice to be around with at times.
haix. *cough
pls tag hor. tag before you leave thank you. haha
btw, go watch Pink's new video stupid girl on youtube if you havent done so. its damn cute.
okay, if you have done so, im slow lah.
good night.
what we could have been, 05:22.
Thursday, October 12, 2006
on my way to school to change my elective module today, i suddenly felt like a real life roasting pig. not roasted, roasting. or bbq.
bloody haze is the smoke cooking me and the sun is the fire.
i stepped out of the house and within 5 mins, i was perspiring alr.
anyway, i wanted to change my stupid ' Appreciation of Life Science ' to entrepreneurship. tell me, wtf has life science got to do with engineering informatics where everything i learn is about programming???
now i have to wait for the coordinator or something to approve.
and after staying home for what felt like Forever,
i got out of the house today (:
and im recovering from my horrible fever that lasted for THREE days,
my sore throat and runny / blocked nose.
now i can breathe, i can talk, im at normal human temperature
but i cannot stop coughing !
guess what i had for brunch today (:
MCDONALDS! mcwings. OOOh so good. hahahaha
what we could have been, 20:11.
its not enough that im sick ;
im running a fever, my nose is stuffed, it hurts from all the wiping, my whole body is aching everywhere, i have no strength at all and my throat keeps feeling so damn dry i have to drink water every other min, to prevent the feeling of irritation that would make me cough, so now my stomach is bloated.
i have to be treated in this manner just cause i wanted you to do something.
and whats the thing for?? FOR YOUR OWN GOOD mind you.
it really doesnt benefit me one bit okay.
i cannot be bothered anymore. you do what u wanna do then. i wont ask you to do anything anymore. happy?
what we could have been, 19:49.
Saturday, October 07, 2006
so i spent the whole week at home yet again.
it was quite a horrible torturous week.
getting scolded and blamed for everything lah.
and so, my timetable was out yesterday morning.
wong kim boy sucks at planning timetables.
my fridays are 10am to 9pm with just 1 hour of break. tell me, how to survive lah...
and i got Life Science for my elective ?!
i put entrepreneurship lei !! why gimme life science ?! and rh got entrepreneur lah =(
i sad alr. not looking forward to next sem no more. i dont wanna go back to school alr lah. and its like starting in 1 more weeks time.
anyway, met up with peili , fiq , jane and shumin yesterday.
supposed to play pool lah, but in the end all dowan so they went to shumins house first.
i accompanied rh to bedok.
then went to aljunid.
played with lanterns and candles later in the evening. fun (:
the haze was damn bad last night lah. could smell smoke everywhere
and when i was on my way home, the road looked so foggy.
plus now, my throat hurts like crap :(
i wanna die, someone kill me now.
i hate the stupid indonesians.
wtf is wrong with them lah ! forever burning trees. now my throat hurts and it was mid autum festival yesterday and i couldnt see the moon while eating mooncakes at the playground !!! -.-
pictures in jane's camera. send me k?
and if i look distorted in any picture please dont publicise. haha.
yep, back to mourning about next sem.
what we could have been, 11:24.
my body clock should be coming back to normal soon.
it all worked out i guess, somehow.
we're gonna go through the same thing we've been through all these months.
so anyway, happy 15th month 'versary baby
today started out pretty alright, lets just see what else happens later
ibm engineer guy called me to troubleshoot the cd-rw drive thing with me. damn, i think he knows i just woke up.
and, i cannot believe what will be happening. he says he'd send someone down here to do a one to one exchange of the cd drive! (:
hoyeah, that is good service.
i'd better check to see if the thing fits in properly first. then, YESSS i can finally play cds AGAIN!
for now, i shall keep myself occupied and not fall back asleep then i'd be able to do so tonight.
what we could have been, 09:56.
it was all fine until suddenly everything went wrong
its like today was destined to be a lousy day.
i skipped a whole night of sleep.
feeling very tired and crappy right now, i dont know if rh is upset cause i didnt sleep and didnt tell him somethings last night. -i think he is
then the stupid girl i ordered something from, i told her i wanted to recieve it on a weekday cause its not sent to my house, but lo and behold. fucking idiotic bitch sent it out the very next day and tadah, it reached his house today.
so obviously his mom made a huge hoo haa bout everything
and im actually sitting here thinking right now
whether it would be better for us to not be together
i feel like im ruining his life.
what we could have been, 17:04.

random lah.
and look!
ive got one eye missing again! damnit.
i can be a pirate without eye patch alr.
what we could have been, 04:41.