Saturday, September 30, 2006
supposed to get my laptop down to ibm for repair yesterday.
but i had to leave it there for 3 to 5 working days.
if i brought it down on a friday, i'll waste the 2 days of weekends without a laptop.
the bf and i ended up going down to raffles place to collect my contest prize from CLEO's office.
wahlau, there was another 2 girls who went there to collect theirs.
one of them got a VS hair straightener thing.
her prize better than mine loh, i'm so jealous!
had brunch with baby at some small eating house.
the tom yam sucked.
fish & chips were not bad and the drinks were alright.
hung round at bedok and tampines after that.
i finally get to spend a whole day with my bf ^^
peili called and she actually wanted to go to mustafa ! hahaha.
met up with peili, fiq and jianwei today.
see, jane was supposed to come along too but the lazy girl was sleeping ! haiyo. haha
dinner at subway (:
then had supper at billy bombers. eat a lot lehhh. lol
and danced round to the retro 70s songs. haha
bumped into one of the contestants in the last ming xing search show i think.
ooh, he looked pretty good and i think he was staring at my shirt. lol
there was so many lame jokes i only had more impression of the one on sweets with peili in the train to city hall. haha. and since im an april baby,
boy, am i hot and gorgeous babeh. hahaha.
(its an inside joke)
it was all really fun and i havent met all of them in so long too.
oh, theres the american music awards on tv now, rob thomas is singing this song, it sounds damn nice!! i dont know title.. ): shit.
OHH lindsay's turn to sing. cool. haha.
hilary duff's performance was cuter lah. love their heels tho

i wanna go cut hair again!
or at least, my fringe.
its damn irritating loh ):
what we could have been, 23:59.
Thursday, September 28, 2006
nice. today's movie : american dreamZ.
it was a pretty good laugh. supposed to be a comedy i think, the ending really quite lame tho. it was all fun! all thanks to vanessa who asked me along and her friend, who provided the tickets.
today was also my first virgin visit to a portable toilet. know, those blue cubicles? haha. really, my first time. the moment i stepped in, i was like wondering where the hell is the flush and why the tap didnt have a handle to turn it on!! LOL.
dont laugh at me lei. i sua ku mah.
but surprisingly, the inside of the toilet was really quite clean. and the flush and tap water thing, is all manual. have to step on a pump below! so cool. haha.
okay, vanessa and i took bus home. hers came first so she left. luckily i went up the next bus that came along and asked the bus driver if there were any bus 70s coming along. he said next stop. and then, this whole bunch of skaters can running up the bus.
gawd do they stink. but their skin damn nice lahh. jealous.
my ride home was quite freaky. single decked bus. i sat near the door, infront of the standing area, next to another girl. i just had this feeling that the man standing infront kept looking down at me. i looked up and wahlaueh, the fella smiled and nodded at me. i quickly look away loh.
he's those not young at all, and not old enough to be an ah pek. freakin hell. i msged vanessa almost my whole way home. was so relieved when he alighted at geylang.
well at least i didnt have to stay home this whole week. and i had a great time.
gotta head down to sitel to sign another 3 months contract.
and, probably go repair my com tmr.
anyone free on friday ?
accompany me go coller quay please.....
then maybe lunch or something lah O.O
suddenly having a sakae buffet crave.
good night world. half the world at least.
what we could have been, 00:32.
Monday, September 25, 2006
okay, if i were to make a choice between the 2 singapore idol finalists, i cant.
too difficult. both are pretty good.
the result show is, -_- lah.
get all the finalist to come perform lipsyncing.
can they be anymore fake.
so obvious its all recorded.
joakim jumping around like some monkey and not panting at all,
being able to reach the high notes? yeah, like no way.
and wahlau! why let mathilda wear gold / nudish colour dress!
the dress is nice, she has quite a pretty face.
but damn it, they should at least cover the center portion.
sorry, no offence.
what we could have been, 20:39.
Sunday, September 24, 2006
throughout this whole hols, the only person ive been out with most, is NICOLE !
can you imagine how my hols would be like just without her ?!?
other than my class chalet and such and my bf lah.
he talked to me on the phone like every other day. haha
back to the point,
whaat would i do without her :)
daniel's chalet was, woot! damn huge bungalow.
if only that was my house.
( everyone over there were wishing the same thing )
there was a projector in one of the rooms lah.
for playstation and watching movies all.
food was kinda raw. guess i still suck at bbqing.
we left at round 11 odd.
missed the last 88. then shared cab with nic,
and another weird lady who kept insisting on sharing.
she paid for her share (i think more than what she needed to pay)
then our whole cab fare came out a total of $5 ONLY.
thank you lady in compassvale.
lol. nic, remind me to pay you back (:
what we could have been, 14:57.
Wednesday, September 20, 2006
i was worrying bout my results the whole day.
the thought of it was just at the back of my mind the whooooole damn time.
results out alr...
good news : i passed everything ! NO Ds !
( BB help me check my results , thank you sooo much )
but then, after feeling all relieved and happy, i Had to ask my gpa -.-
my and my curiousity. daaman. then all mood gone liao loh.
but at least i dont have to repeat any modules lah.
thats a good thing.
so next sem, i gotta get all As.
from what baby told me )=
how to get all As lah...
so far the only time i scored straight As,
was for my PSLE.
i need the As to get my gpa pushed all the way up.
so that i can have an easier time in yr 3.
wish me luck for my next sem.
and with great timetables please.
what we could have been, 02:56.
Monday, September 18, 2006
results gonna be out on weds ):
my turn already.
i scared........
what we could have been, 19:30.
Friday, September 15, 2006
i just got home few mins ago.
lol. my mom just waited till i reached home.
thats slightly better than getting scolding and getting calls every other min to check whether you would be reaching home alr.
but, it adds more guilt. the later you reach home, the longer mom will wait up, the more guilty you'll feel cause she waited up just for you to reach home. wahlau!! -.-
the chalet for the first half was , full of emotions.
lol, elaboration is mostly a waste of time.
just imagine, practical jokes + pissed someone = tension.
there'll be bbq on saturday AGAIN.
im quite sick of it alr ):
okay, i shall give notice first.
lol, like damn big deal right. but i know some dont want too many ppl to know ma. and i have their addresses.
so, if you dont want me to put up your link here, pls tag
by tomorrow midnight ( 15 september 12am ).
haha. or just tell me or something,
thank you (:
dont buy anything from tommy hilfiger !!
he is racist against blacks and asians.
_|_ you dude (:
i came back at 1am, went back to chalet at 5am
and came back at 130pm. lol
bf won $90+ from ban luk (spell?) haha.
woot! he just kept getting ban luks and all those As everytime i call when i was home. lol. The power of love man.
came home at noon, took a warm bathe and slept till late.
the weather was perfect. so cold...
im gonna fall sick. and theres gonna be bbq again tmr.
what we could have been, 02:07.
Thursday, September 14, 2006
i finally had a hair cut!!
can u imagine the last time i had one? like ultra long ago lah.
hey, daryl goh ( if you're even reading this )
kimage prestige! hahaha. dont jealous. lol
back to the hair cut.
yes. very long ago.
and today's experience was damn embarrassing.
the hair stylist, started cutting my hair and went,
wa, you very long nv trim your hair is it ? (in chinese lah)
i said ya. then he was like, ur hairs all opening up. (chi too)
)= i got many split ends... *correction. i HAd many split ends. lol
and apparently, my scalp isnt very healthy and very sensitive.
ive been using the wrong shampoo all these time.
the bill ? hoho. a total of $411.60 including my mom's hair
like, OMG. ok lah, i had treatment to improve my
scalp's healthiness. i feel the same -_-
and when he was washing my hair and putting that
treatment cream, i felt like my scalp was being scratched out
and loads of blood was gonna spill out any moment!
PAIN loh. fuck. he like trying to break open my skull.
not massaging it.
half the day, i was in v bad mood.
my mom dont like the top. WTF.
>:( i wan...
anyway, i'll be going back to sitel for work.
they need ppl. LOL
daniel called me when i was steaming my head.
supposed to go sign 3month contract next week.
what? i need money ma. cannot complain.
plus, end of the month coming so i shall chiong as much as possible. same timings as winnie, i hope (:
chalet tmr, i really hope i can stay.
gonna try the last min begging thing.
not v sure if i can go to dong's one for awhile.
results out on this coming weds. ]:
what we could have been, 05:25.
Tuesday, September 12, 2006
went out with nic today
supposed to look for daniel's birthday present, we did look around for it. in like 3 - 4 shops. with about 2 - 3 choices and about 1 idea of what to buy. lol
i havent been to town in soo long, i felt so outdated today lah ):
so many new shops and i actually didnt know.
pastacafe pasta is preetty good. but towards the end, the cream sauce could still get a weeee bit sickening. haha. bakersinn is still better. i love salmon pastas.
then theres this top at f21, omg! i want... the picture's in nic's blog, can go see.
last stop at cine food court.
nic almost totally destroyed her eyes. mine partially gone alr also.
you wont imagine the things we saw.
she got hit with more gross-ity.
ohh... i love you too nic (:
hoping for a hair cut tmr.
i soo need one. k, night (:
nic, update me on ur results k.
good luck!
what we could have been, 23:43.
Monday, September 11, 2006
i seem to be having specific timing for specific moods for the last few days.
i dont know why.
ive been home all week, xcept for last friday ):
everyone like not free.
then i left alone at home...
gena alienated alr ) :
and then yall would start asking ur bf leh??
i dont have to be out with him every single day wad.
he got his own life, mom and game. haha (:
anyway, i stay home, eat lesser.
lost 2 kgs man. Ooohyeahh. hahaha.
thats if i continue eating veg and ham everyday. lol
i just had pizza just now. DAMN
speaking of food, theres a woman called nancy lam.
she has a cooking show on channel5 at 6am. she laughs v horribly.
and somehow reminds me of miss swan, less retarded, loads smarter.
she has an african husband called ben feat. on her show too.
she calls him so often, ben wheres my this, ben pass that to me.
like calling dog loh. poor guy. lol
-so random
oh, i just have some gossips bout beatty.
the principal and the new vp (empty rotten flower vast) are having a scandal the whole school's talking about. lol
and mr yeo is getting married in december.
anybody knew??! nic? lol.
he's a super huge mcp from what i know. haha
simhuileng that biatch who gave me hell in my upper sec life, is actually getting married! or is she married alr ? i cannot remember lah. she's just attached.
koh ka meng, never heard bout him, hope his dead.
ANDAND. omg, i have to salute her for this...
florence whateverhersurnameis (you know that small angmo terror?) screamed at the DM. hahaha. apparently, he comfiscated her Os art batik and threw it away! cause she was doing it at assembly. LOL. how stupid can that dm get. of course not mr singh lah. he's smarter.
okay, i just couldnt help it.
what we could have been, 02:04.
Saturday, September 09, 2006
im feeling emo ):
addicted to fan yi chen's bu shuo chu de wen rou
anyway, today
brunch with my bf at gardens (:
1 week. and i ate only abit of hokkien mee.
damn nice lah. but yah, both of us broke so share.
then supper at swensens with ttan and the 2girlies.
gossips and updates.
hitched a ride in ttan's new car to town
woot. his driving aint perfect, but passable.
my dad's better. haha
on the way to town, we spotted an ad on bus 105
while talking bout IMF and laughing bout spore's smiling campaign.
this is what was written on the bus :
How fast can you say this -
house burn no house burn
house burn no
house burn
house burn no house burn
Did you say "husband no
being a real estate agent should not be this difficult.
call Dennis Wee at 9xxxxxxx
LOL, like WTH.
burning a house got nothing to do with buying one from a property agent..
back to emoness
what we could have been, 03:47.
Thursday, September 07, 2006
i think theres an island in the middle of nowhere thats smaller than singapore. haha
oprah winfrey show's seem so interesting in the middle of the night !
why when i watch it in the evenings, i never get to see her talk about interesting topics? haha.
theres a country near iraq, called kuwait or something.
duno how to spell.. everyone there, is RICH !!
avg 30yr old married women stay in mansions!
omg lah. the people there dont need to worry
bout paying taxes / cpf / medisaves blah blah.
and their education is totally absolutely FREE up to Uni level.
no medical fees.
only thing, the women cannot vote.
i think i wont mind not voting for so many other benefits.
the government gives a 12k wedding present and no interest loans for newly weds.
ahhh. and the women there arent that submissive type leh.
they have career women too.
why does life in other countries seem so much betteR?
suddenly singapore's good points reduced to only 1
a safe country. quite safe lah.
wow, u can get divorced in cuba for $3.50.
what we could have been, 04:45.
Wednesday, September 06, 2006
i was blog surfing, and found this.
its probably some friendster bulletin thing again
but its sweet in a way ..
Guy: No, this is fun.
Girl: No it's not. Please it's too scary!
Guy: Then tell me you love me.
Girl: Fine I love you. Slow down!
Guy: Now give me a BIG hug.
Girl : *hugs him*
Guy: Can you take my helmet off and put it onyourself? It's bugging me.
Girl: Alright, now slow down
Guy: I love you babe
Girl: I love you too, please just slow down now!Please...
(in the paper the next day):A motorcycle had crashed into a building becauseof brake failure. Two people were on it, but only 1 had survived.
The truth was that halfway down the road, the guy realized that his brakes broke, but he didn't want to let the girl know.
Instead, he had her say she loved him and felt her hug one last time, then he had herwear his helmet so that she would live even though it meant that he would die.
If u love any one this much re-post this ....and....the love of your life will realize they feel the same.
and, i found these :

soo cute right.
and so much like how i felt during exams.
yeah,like that'll work. DIFFUSE ! haha.
what we could have been, 06:01.
my day is my night
and night my day.
today, i was half awake half asleep the entire day with my bf on the phone for hours long.
i feel so bad lah. and now, i feel so awake, my clock is totally screwed.
and, im terribly broke. without a job
and no where to go cause no $$ ):
i very sad.
plus i havent see nmy bf for almost 1 week alr.
okay, i really shouldnt have said that.
watching oprah,
there's this guy who went bungi jumping.
he measured the height and his rope, everything.
but he forgot that the bungi rope stretches ! LOL
then oprah plays the vid, he jumps and smacks right onto
some rocks. he was fine lah. haha . but damn funny..
what we could have been, 02:54.
Tuesday, September 05, 2006
i am really pissed with this one fucker in the game.
alright, i shouldnt waste time on stupid ppl in games,
but, here's to vent my anger,
if the big fat liar (i think he is) really is taking As,
which i totally doubt so, may he fail over and over again
for the next 7years and never be able to get in to a Uni.
there. seriously, he says he's a jc student who got 7points
for Os? LOL. 3yr old kid wont believe. what would a 7pointer be doing playing such a stupid game like maple.
me? i have no choice okay. im accompanying my boyfriend.
i so wanna squish that fucker's head with a hammer
i hate period
im in a foul mood.
in the whole 0507 class momo really is one of the better ones.
the rest is just bull.
of course, my boyfriend isnt even included in the whole lot im comparing. they cannot be compared to him.
what we could have been, 04:29.
Saturday, September 02, 2006
happy 14th month versary baby (=
what we could have been, 15:53.
Friday, September 01, 2006
thank you for bringing lunch over for me baby :)
i woke up at 12pm and im still feeling kinda tired now.
how does nic wake up so early in the morning?!
yesterday's weather was perfect for sleeping lah.
and i actually found it quite pointless to go back to beatty.
lol. i could just meet up with mrtan in compass point
or anywhere else -_-
and i didnt see anyone i hated or liked.
all gone!
subway dinner then eski bar.
they insisted on sitting in the 0 degrees frozen place.
with so little clothes and only another jacket they lent us.
WTH!! damn freakin cold lah... buey tahan.
my legs went numb, the pain numb kind.
for one moment i thought my toes were gonna fall out
took NEL home with nicky and sat across some fugly crazy bitches lah. and their guy friends. the guys still okay.
got 2 girls making the most noise. one tall fat one and one short fat one. tall one dressed till she made herself look damn saggy and keep zao genging. ew.
the short one was actually wearing a tube lah. and their laughters were so loud i think it could still be heard at the ends of the train. nic blasted her mp3 lol. and i was telling her, damn it, i wasnt even That siao in sec 4.
so, if you think i was extreme in sec4, think again. haha. there're worst. and ive actually tone downed so much alr.
if only nic was drunk. i'd act drunk too. haha.
nic was so high at eski i couldnt stop laughing when i went outside to thaw myself, she kept making faces through the glass. hahaha.
we still cant remember how the 4 of us actually knew each other.
what we could have been, 16:00.