im feeling emo.
joan of arcadia.
very sad.
did i mention im going for national day parade?
and all of a sudden, got ppl add me on friendster again.
and i dont even know who the hell they are.
girls and guys, look friendly.
but now, veronica mars (:
what we could have been, 17:34.
and i had thought that some ppl have grown out of it all. less obnoxious and immature. but noooo. somethings never change.
HE owes me something he has not given.
HE, i find v stupid to get himself kicked out of school.
HE, doesnt even have the discipline to make the effort to go to soccer club practices.
HE i actually cannot be bother with really.
i just wanted my phone.
and im moving so much back into square one again. only this time, i still have my baby with me. he still is on my side. and it truely sucks without having him around sometimes. you will never know exactly how its like unless you have ppl in my class as friends and him as your boyfriend.
see, told you you'd never know how it'll be like.
im not exactly in a happy mood. its the weekends again. and its gonna be all day at home. although i still dont like lessons all that much. the exams are coming. projects / presentations mostly completed. and the hols would be here all so soon.
its been a tiring day.
the usual, swimming
what can i do on saturday and sunday?
besides lazing around and doing nothing while having parts of my body muscle rot off into unsightly flabs that are so darn efficult to get rid of.
what we could have been, 23:08.
no, im not bragging.
i just saw the page on huishan's blog then i remembered about how we all used to visit it in secondary school ( i cannot really remember lah ) and even in primary school. i remembered the pri sch one very clearly because one of my classmates was in love with ian thob (spell?) and she tried all us girl's names with his cos hers sucked. lol. and i got a freaking high percentage lah.
and, just the other day, not long ago, one of the guys in my class opened the website and started putting everyone's names in it. and the fucking website gave me 90 something % for a fugly fugly faggot! he left our class already. fuck sia. i almost threw up on the spot.
okay, so, i just opened it again, and tried my name and his name (:

click to enlarge
good night!
what we could have been, 23:11.
i finally stepped into town today. after so many months.
so many new shops opened in heeren. and i totally forgot about the flea market AGAIN. damn. i want to go see if there were any pretty things. oh well.
met up with winnie (yeeaeh,finally) very last min. haha. walked and walked and zara has so many many things i want! everywhere else also lah. sigh. if only i had 300 freakinbucks now. its actually more than enough!
damn sitel. actually it isnt the company's fault. its the ppl. bitched / gossiped soo much about almost everything today so much fun. i felt less 'guy'. haha. i was on the bus when i realised, i forgot to take a picture with nini! oh, and im gonna make a blog for her (: the least grammatical error blog ever. what should her add be? hmm.
i bought a pair of red and white polkadot hoop earrings. until i reached home, then i realised, DAMN IT, got one side 2 white polkadot fucking smudged. i so xin tong lah. tmr still must go all the way down to change again. and i duno who can accompany me ):
i just realised hula&co. has a few interesting clothes. and they sell hollister / abercrombie stuff. oooo. okay, i went to one of the top floor toilets ( i think level 3 ) and guess what i found!!
ass-washing toilet bowl!!

the instruction part is on the toilet bowl cover and the sign is on the door. actually, im sure if it washes your ass, just making an assumption. from the picture on the lid. lOl
the girls standing around looking into the mirror must think i was mental, taking pictures of a toilet door.

things i do when i get bored sitting around in gardens cause sooomeone cannot go too far away from home cause of sooomeone's mom. haha. o.kay.
what we could have been, 23:48.

i actually had a chunk load of things to type down there, but blogger probably only allow that much. cause after i exceeded that number of words / characters, i kept getting error msgs if i tried to publish the entry. so, ended there (:
what we could have been, 23:41.
be warned, this whole entry is entirely pointless. im just typing for the sake of typing, whatever thats coming up in my head at the moment.
i am so bored. i spent the entire day at home cause somehow, the whole gang of guys decided not to go anywhere. sigh. WHY WHY isnt there any girls in my class. (okay, that other girl right now, she may look rich but she looks old too. like totally not my "type". i doubt we'd ever become friends)
and well, the rest of my existing closer female friends, seem to all disappear into their busy poly life and new friends.
all im left with, the guys and the closest of all now, my boyfriend. imagine, if he left me. ohgawd, i'd need another diary, that would pretty much just take in everything and doesnt repond or make me smile /laugh /anything! i'd have a sad life, yes. lock myself up and do pretty much nothing but teevee, surf shitonline and probably study.
nope, not my bro /mom /dad. i wont go talking to them about my life. you see, my mom can be really good to talk to sometimes, but when she;s not, Oohh**** man. then my dad, he;s too busy working, enough money matters in his head lah, he wont get me so quickly. theres the age gap know. see, if only i had a sister. but what makes me think she'd be any better or closer to me than whats happening now.
and so, this basically actually concludes that i have no bestfriend. which, is really quite sad for a teenage girl. normally all teens have bestfriends. unless you're a freak (according to all the girl-american-movies). but, im not a freak wad. im sure im not. i may ki siao sometimes but not extend to freaky i think. am i? ):
im thinking a lot eh. i dont know why. staying up so late at night with nothing to do, cause maple is boring me ALREADY,((when am i getting married... thirty-holefuckingshit-bucks to get married in a virtual world? i'd rather 30 000 and have a real grand pretty wedding in a 6star hotel on land -i worry boat later got accident [choychoy!] i dont like to die drowning, v sad-)) probably has this particular effect on me :/
i just started typing a whole load of shit and couldnt stop.
im just very random. and i can talk a lot of crap if you gave me the chance. i think a lot too. i know he knows that.
what we could have been, 23:40.

i woke up early today to prepare to head down to expo, to send this laptop in for repair.
but damn it, i called ibm and they freaking hell told me it will take a minimum of 5 working days to repair it, depending on the queue ( she added, usually a lot of ppl ) and my problem. i told the woman my prob, she said the exact same sentence again, why dont they just put a machine as the operator.
the thing is, they even dared to state it out on the website :
Chances are, you may never need us. But in case you do, it's good to know we're there.
now tell me, why put that sentence if their queue is That long.
anyhow, i cannot believe it!
i went to gardens with my laptop for brunch.
ma boy installed maple freakin'story.
okay lah. now im just waiting for the day we get married.
lol, in the virtual world of course. funfun.
And as expected, he's addicted to the game.
dinner at pohseng, it never tasted so good before.
missed singapore idol lah.sian.
what we could have been, 23:40.
i still cannot believe i have a phone again! (:
the same Ol' one. nice, different at the not very obvious areas.
but that also means, peeekturesss! :D
and he hates it. boo.

he was sitting on my lap lah. so i couldnt get high enough. LOL
i'll be having a self declared day off of lessons.
its wednesday. 4 hours of lecture is so tempting to skip.
and ive gotta get this laptop to ibm.
and the guys influenced my boy to go play maple story with them!! yes, that oh-so-boliao game of shooting and whacking little things over and over so you can get new clothes and whatsnot.
eeeyr eeeyr, i tell you everyting. its cuuute. but damn bo liao lah.
now i have to play it with him. oh no, i dont mind lah.
cause we're getting married in that world. haha.
okay, byebye.
what we could have been, 23:52.

peili's is 48.
this shall me mine
hiak hiak hiak hiak hiak.
( thats the sound of the evil laughter thing know know? )
LOL. im bored lah.
what we could have been, 00:18.
LOL. ive always liked johnny depp lah, and orlando bloom. both v not bad. haha. johnny depp's characters are just sexier. Captain jack sparrow look hottest when he is serious and isnt running all funnily, at the ending.
i spent a few hours transferring contacts and deleting the 625 sent msgs in the sent folder and 192 msgs in my inbox in ngaged. my dad bought 6233. i got his 3230. yay. i have it back again. missed it so much. (:thats a thing to be happyy about.
then, i went off to meet the girls. loads of good Ol' fun. but the moment i stepped out of the house, i started to get stomaches. on and off and it just kept getting more pain full everytime it hit me. i first thought it was gastric. but when i reached the j8 bus stop, pain till i couldnt walk at all. so i sat there crouching.
called cheryn, never ans again. called peili, haven reach. then i walked to the toilet at a almost running speed. and almost fainted. everything literally went all white! of course i didnt faint lah. im always close to fainting but never blacked out before. LAO SAI-ed AHH. damn that anlene fuckedup milk. never touching it ever. came out of the toilet feeling so damn good lah.
the rest left after dinner / gossiping / catching up / chatting. miss sam stayed with me (: cause she didnt wanna go home so early also lah. we walked a bit and sat at coffee bean. bought caramel ice blend. shared, sang along with westlife songs being played and gossiped somemore about past present and future.
bf finally msged me just now, he's already thinking of which degree to take in which Uni!!! ): he's scaring me. i have no bloody mofo idea what to do at all. not at this very moment. one step at a time. pls let me get at least a 3 for my gpa this sem onwards. and i shall continue praying some miracle would happen. i shall have a rich man husband. thank you big'papa in heaven. muacks. LOL
what we could have been, 00:18.

chlorine is drying my hair out.
its all dying. and i need a hair cut.
and today i super suay lah! ):
taking out all the bones from that nasi lemak fish, the bone poked intbetween my thumb and my thumbnail. damn pain.
then, i went to change my remote control, came home try, cannot work!
then, went to watch movie with nic, the damn pirates of the carribean. not bad movie, i like jack sparrow<3 //// but the damn LIDO screwed up like big time! the whole movie kept having interruptions inbetween. something wrong with their roll of film. it just paused for a few mins, blacked out then restarted again a lot of times. and the sound effects and voices doesnt match up to the speed of the movie. total terror. i thought that only happens when watching mediacorp channels. it actually happens in cinemas too. then we had to go out and queue for refund. damn long queue.
and, just just now,
it didnt really drop dropped. it like, slipped. then the right side of it knocked the floor, quite hard, i dont even know why i didnt catch it. normally i would have caught it. my reflexes just became like ultra slow. now the cd thing cannot open ): spoil alr lah. ): ):
B............. )':
i very sad. where are you.
slping. i didnt wana disturb too much of it, so i hung up.
i need you to comfort me and tell me everything will
be fine. ( i know ! i depend on him a lot. my business )
arh, byebye lah.
no mood alr. i very sad. why is my friday so cursed suay.
i want some good luck lei. i need! pffff.
what we could have been, 01:38.
im sleepy.
got through a thursday without losing anything / disappointments / sadness / blah blah yada yada yada. no mishaps (: i wanna / need to do so many things tmr, i dont have a lot of time at all.
transfer money change my darn remote check out giordano in town ( theres this orangy red top nice lah. ) and theres swimming with the bunch of 'em tmr.
see what i can do. good night.edit :
yah lah. i haven slp. haha. anyway, i hacked into the bf;s friendster account to browse around =X actually, i just logged in lah. i got pw. (cause some friendster accs, can be viewed with his but not mine. interesting ones) heh. and im basically, VERY bored lah. then i viewed the msgs thing and reread what i wrote to him for our 1yr versary. i cannot believe i actually wrote all that. i was prob inspired that day.
cause i seem to have lost a lot of my writing skills, drawing skills and ability to go all crazy madness and think up the most ideas (nonsense/unique) all ): i feel so brain dead. the dead computers are making me dead too. i feel square.

and poor (random). someone donate some money to me ? haha. or a part-time job with flexible timing.
i typed like so much within 10mins. i guess i am really bored and have quite some stagnant thoughts in my mind. the sameO money, job, i want thatthatthat&that. i can only be half satisfied with what i alr have. him. ahhaha. -.-
what we could have been, 23:13.

i suddenly feel super broke.
maybe cause i want so much more things ):
i flopped my programming test today.
damn koh cc set the freagin vb so damn difficult.
trying to kill us all.
my class is on a swimming spree.
i need to get a secure swimwear lei.
fox ones are pretty. when is mom&dad going shopping again?
i saw 5566 concert playing on some tv in giant at marina sq. ( promoting the cd )
and i realised, renfu's once pretty hair
in ge dou tian wang, now, look like ARH! disaster ):
anyway, i havent started on my assignment.
must redo for that assface honk-leong.
and the damn remote control cannot work properly now. i gonna find time go tpy tmr. possibly before sch. arhhh.
what we could have been, 11:53.
ITALY WON! italy freakin won man! =D
yeah man. eeee-taaa-leeee-yeaaaa!
haha. the boys came over to my place to watch the match. bf, gz, yuwei, pang. walked to cheers in the almost dead of night and bought loads of chips and jolly shandy ( cos we wanted alc but just a little bit of it ) total fun. with gz screaming false alarms for goals every so often. lol.
buffon is thee best keeper
everr. he da man. and italy national team has a freakin' mafia. i like.
so the whole night, i slept for less than 2 hours. i was a total zombie going to school with another bunch of zombies. plus the weather in the morn was sooo cold! perfect for sleeping. but im not allowed to skip sch for nice cold weather slp( >.< )
edit :
i had so much fun today.
swimming / dumping ppl / getting dumped ( once only ) / zhong ji mi ma / sauna.
too bad there wasnt any sun the whole day. or i could tan at the same time too. and the security guards at that condo, opp serangoon sec sch, are such a pain in the arse. bad attitude everything. spoiled the almost perfect pretty condominium. ( the sec sch colour totally spoilt the view from the house too ) they actually have this mini mart next to the management office at basement level. cute.
the guys sneaked me into the male toilet sauna when the guards werent around. lol. i guess these fellas are pretty fun to hang out with afterall. their ultra lame jokes, i can never figure out how the hell they think them up, always entertaining (; just, less retail therapy. unless i managed to find any gf to go out with. they're mostly busy tho.
time to hit the bed.
p.s take care , get well soon and have loads loads of sleep baby.
what we could have been, 13:09.
germany won. pfff.
watch this :
spiderman 3 trailer teaser
urber cool. i so wanna watch this.
but damn it!! it'll only be out may 2007.
thats like daaaamn long ):
what we could have been, 05:02.
my dad asked me : what have you learnt about life from watching soccer so far ?
i thought it was, anything could happen.
what do you think ?
its actually : everyone only remember champions / winners. no one remembers the losers. so its always best to be on top. ( apparently, it was on the radio before. my mom knows about it too. ) its been loooong since i listened to the radio.
shopping with parents. it can be so fun sometimes. my father knows his stuff man. he has this thing for watches and picks out the prettiest uniquely odd ones. loves. he picks many other pretty things too (:
i almost got a necklace from miss selfidge. pretty butterflies. 26 bucks lah. and the chain kinda short. but now i keep thinking about it, damn.
i guess my parents just love shopping around suntec / marina sq. the damn new balance boutique doesnt have anything at all. everything seems to be out of stock. its
so predictable. been waiting for my shirt for like weeks. and giordano's new stock coming in next week has a pretty top i want. who's bday's in july!! friendster checktime. LOL.
italy vs france tmr.
surendran better keep his dman promise and buy me a N80. i dont care if he lied and didnt bet on italy. he is getting me that phone no matter what. i have evidence. its a deal / bet ! mahahha.
downloading some songs for more mcfly lovin'
entries these days are preetty long. why ?
what we could have been, 23:26.
its friday again.
boring old friday. the class day out friday.
i actually forgot to bring my ezlink card out.
i felt so damn handicap without it.
met baby for brunch at gardens. best in spore kuey chap.
plus last night's prata, i feel the oil in my body swirling.
ew. gross.
met 2 siao kias at serangoon central to place somemore bets at pools and get one of their debit cards done. i didnt have my ic, didnt even bring my ezlink! so i couldnt change my card at all ): urgh. my memory and carelessness can be such a nuisance.
then w'all spent time sitting in mac deciding what the hell the do for the rest of the day. couldnt go cycling cos bf's mom ( you know what i mean ).
so we ended up going swimming!! (:
oh, i got to play with gz's rabbit. shooo ceeeuute.
its charcoal grayish colour. the little thing, like what gz says, is really super humji. forever hiding under the pots of plants. too bad i didnt have a cam phone, or i'll defo take a pic of the cute thing. fur soo soft...
i want a kitten. ( okay, no link but i just want a pet la )
anyway, swam in friend's friend's condo pool. opp guoming's / simin's house. super fun, just swimming , clinging onto the bf and splashing around in bra and panties :X lol. didnt bring anything lah, was very last min. then cabbed home at around 6 plus.
Oh shit, better remind RH to upload pics from his hp and then delete them. if not his mom would be returning tmr night, she sure check one. REMEMBER HOR, if youre reading this.
i think its about time i cut my nails. but i simply cannot bear to do so ): it took them pretty long to grow so very long... now they're all long and pretty but dangerous. i scratched / poked my boy and myself. how...
shhh, everyone, come a little closer, i tell you a secret..
closer closer
i thought there was germany vs portugal tonight!!
LOL. its supposed to be tmr night .
shit sia, waste my time.
so good night, its time to hit the bed.
what we could have been, 23:38.
i am so dead beat.
havent had good sleep in days.
anyway, i was looking for good movies for tmr. but couldnt find any. watched all alr. however, i found this :
http://thelakehousemovie.warnerbros.com/i soo wanna watch the lake house alr. the trailer looks damn good (:
so, today, semestral project. i probably got a 0 alr altho i finished everything and all. cos i couldnt explain one part of the damn coding. i just blanked out lah. rh explained it to me before that but i just couldnt remember. then after that gena scolding. then i just felt hurt..
so anyhoots, had prata at jalan kayu after lessons.
soo fattening. but i sooo love prata bom. so sweet & crispy.
yummyy. + milo dinosaur. woots.
its over. so im off to sleep.
hereyee beauty sleep.
what we could have been, 11:41.

italy!( got from yahoo page. )
ooh yeah, what can i say! italy is through man. finally germany is out. they always playing dirty.
never liked ballack's face somehow, so, YAY once again. and i actually really started to not like them when they played argentina. arrogant asses lah.
italy's goal keeper the man of the game man! encore on 5 now.
so, as the italian fans on the news said : germans should all eat pizza! woo! and noo, germans arent going to berlin. lol. italy has only conceited ONE goal throughout this whole cup man. common, win the WC italy. koreans were also out in semis last wc...
can you believe the damn german coach's face when they lost? lol. he told the german press that they will win italy and go through to the finals.
okok, enough bout WC. i caught garfield and just my luck with my boyfriend today (: both nice movies. lunched at swensens and then didnt know where else to go, so went home. arh, should have gone to town. i scared he tired all ma ): but i was so dead tired i fell aslp on 88 all the way home. (: his shoulder still as comfortable as ever.
oh ya, i bought new tv remote for my jvc tv at tpy hdb hub. only 12 bucks! and it actually works just fine. just a little uglier than my original one. but new remote = standby mode enabled and no more getting up every so often just to change the tv channel =D
its been a good day so far, so pls france, win portugal. although u kicked my fave brazil out, i still will support u till tonight then italy shall win u in finals! oh yeah. oh yeah. oh yeah. N80! muacks.
happy 1yr and 3days!!!
what we could have been, 23:00.
awaiting germany
vs italy.
another late night. dang, i slept my way through lecture today, my eyes couldnt open at all. so if i wanna do well, it shall be home-study. it will kill me ):
while waiting tho, i was trying to complete the expert level of minesweeper, as usual. ever since i got a hang of it, ive been totally hooked to it. and i've FINALLY completed it!! after like a gazillion tries :D i feel this huge sense of accomplishment. many times, it all ended like this :

click picture to enlarge.
yay, 2.30am. time to wake bf up. im glad its wednesday. theres only 2 lectures. and today, its a self declared holiday (: movies with bf! then i shall fig out what to do after.
crazy classmates wanna go kbox. -shakeshead- and there was some conflict between 2 of em today. im telling you, its the most childish tiff ever! pfff.
ITALY OWNS !!!!!byebye ballack! ( i nv liked his face )
2 goals in the last few damn mins of extra time man! exciting. i was going hysterical. whoo! my n80 is one step closer to me. surendran has gotta get his money prepared ;D
what we could have been, 02:04.
its on oprah winfrey's show.
90% of all americans have stolen / shoplifted at least once in their entire life. america is 100 times bigger than singapore. which also means almost every singaporean have stolen or shoplifted in their entire life.
its in fact, a disease / an addiction. just like any other addictions for gambling, drinking, sex, almost everything. its all very real.
so before you go on judging any other person who has shoplifted, think back on what you have done before or if you really havent even stolen the smallest littlest thing in ur entire life, congrats, you are a v good person with good morality and obedience.
anyway, i slept in the last 3 hours of lessons. im never taking networking in yr3.
hogay, thank you yw,gz and babe for accompanying me to kovan to return my vcds altho they went mostly cos we were cabbing there and their houses were nearby with straight buses home. i didnt rent any other vcds cause tmr morn 8am lesson ah, then cannot watch alr.
OH MAN! jessica simpsons has like, totally HUGE ears! no wander her hair always let down. haha. ok, maybe they're fake but i saw it on "ET".
happy one year and oneday B! :D
edit /
i didnt rent vcds but i borrowed xmen2( for my dad ) and 13 going on 30, simply cause i loved the movie and wanted to watch it again! its been ages. if i didnt remember wrongly, i watched it with liz and the bunch of them at lido after sch (: and, it drove me to tears again. the movie very touching know. cannot help it *>.<
quote : love is a battlefield ! hahaa
im sooo glad im not an american kid. growing up there must be really difficult with all the "popular kids" giving smart nerds a hell of a time. altho spore isnt exactly a lot better :\ especially in the office.
and then im suddenly reminded of sitel again. that whole rumour rumour thing. and i have that super "bu gan xin" feeling all over again! i hate them ; points middle fingerS.
( STOP )okay, good night.
what we could have been, 18:32.
why did brazil get freakin' kicked out lah ):
i know why, cos they subbed KAKA OUT!
now i dont get to watch brazil play in the
finals and i nv got to watch them play in
any game. NO SCV dammit.
happy 12 month anniversary bf. thats equals to 1 yr. ya, and im actually home now. doing almost practically nothing cos he cant go out, nono, not his fault. maybe the 2nd of every month aint a very good day at all, always falling on the wrong days of the damn week.

i still like his side view. (:
395 days ago, his side view was the first thing i saw when i first met him in erp friday lecture :D
i rented vcds yesterday.
nanny mcphee was goooood.
perfect man was alright and
elizabeth town was freakin' B.O.R.I.N.G. i left the vcd playing while i used my laptop. or i could actually fall aslp watching that shitso. the whole thing only good cos orlando bloom was in it. waste my money.
im gonna watch mr. mrs. smith laterwards. return tmr and get more vcds. in her shoes or something. Recommendations anyone?
aiight. bye
what we could have been, 18:13.

look! superman's red underwear shrank through the years man! haha.
what we could have been, 21:12.