i watched superman today.
with class ppl and bf.
movie was a drag. 150 mins = 2 hrs 30 mins !
but superman has the prettiest blue eyes.
part where he gets shot in the eye , brilliant.
so today, in order to show my support for brazil,
i bought new havaianas, black with mini brazil flag.
kaka! lol. (dont chichu, ilu bf)
i lost my germany and argentina bet.
but i hope argentina wins and germany gets kicked out.
although i have this strong feeling germany will win la.
they are the host afterall.
2002 no one expected korea to go so far also..
but germany damn..dammit la. from the very start of the game,
keep playing dirty. and the damn referee should be
sent home. making all totally wrong decisions...
15 more mins to penalties.
what we could have been, 23:53.
im having the urge to splurge.
not really la. i want many things all of a sudden but, no hope. my fortune all spent on cab and food. that explains the fatfatfatness im gaining ):
actually, i spent most of the B's money. i forgot to bring my cash today lah, cos i rushed out in the morn for breakfast with him (: where i saw this short big sized lady use the gardens' macs toilet and walk out with a part of the back of her black knee-length flowy skirt stuck to her undies. OOH! ugly sight, but no undies spotted lah. she damn heng.
before that, i was just sitting in macs daydreaming (while waiting for that boy ah)about some matters i discussed with my mom before leaving the house. some stuff i only found out and realised this afternoon. emo late morn.
school today was draining.
and i had my long lost phone on my mind everytime i wasnt keeping myself occupied with anything. thursday blues. with feeling of accomplishment cos i did my part in the solo sem project (: i got praised by lecturer. altho most of it debugged by baby.
ohyes, i finally decided to dl live messenger and the new messenger plus live to go along with it. pretty pretty. still getting used to it (: polyphonic jingle tones when ppl msg you! cute. haha
nessy! haha, he is getting it alr lah. daryl says he has the worst timing ever. put braces when he's going into the army. haha.
AND, B ! candid shots in ur phone taken 3-4 weeks ago, of those phonies acting (maybe, maybe not) super retarded, due damn long alr. where is it har....
:D movie tmr. yay. outings on fri is fun. btw, theres a super retarded show on channel5 now. pfft.
time check : 1.39am
goodnight (;
what we could have been, 22:45.
i had marketing test at 5pm today.
and NO lessons the whole day. i skipped one lecture la. and i couldnt stay awake the whole damn day. woke up at 10,slept again then 11 then 12, had lunch and fell asleep while trying to study for the test.
2pm bf came over. went to schlibrary to "study". but as usual, picnic-ed in there just like in lecture yesterday and those fellas can nv study when they're tog. they couldnt stop talking about soccer, yadayada and whatsnot. i joined in tho my bad. i couldnt seem to concentrate on anything at all today. i could just sit there and read one sentence over and over umpteen times and not getting any information into my head or even understanding the damn sentence. but i managed to get some info into my head la and so the 1hr 40% test wasnt that bad(:
OH, singapore idol, that norman then (thats his surname, no typo error hor, incase anyone wandering why got one more "then" come out of nowhere) look like ERIC loh. really! yall go see,his (norman) teeth are prettier tho.
i think, most ang mos smell like cheese (i heard they smell that way la) cos they love eating cheese, most indians smell like, um, the way they do cos they love mutton, malay should be same as chinese, eat japalan rojak so all diff smell. conclusion, ppl smell the way they do mostly cos of what they eat. i think. haha
cause ah,
there was one period of time when i had fish for either lunch or dinner or even both. my bro sick, so mom cooked. i felt so fishy, felt like i smelt fishy also. now lesser fishes, ever-other-day instead of everyday, i feel less fishy. LOL maybe its my imagination la.
what we could have been, 20:42.
first day of school.
i couldnt stay awake half the day.
shit la. italy score 1 goal only.
eh, watch the vid below la.
its xiao zhu mimicing jay chou.
look damn like him.
good night
what we could have been, 00:52.
its almost more than 24 hours alr ! someone has not called me or even one simple msg at all.my boy got knocked by a car! )':
he says his injury isnt serious.
but getting knock by a car is major!
he tore 3 tissues in his knee, not sure which side and now he cant really walk much, or too long..
what we could have been, 21:48.
vanessa, haha. nice layout difficult to find know. and i love the killer heels. so pretty. And, i used this first. i have everything i want that she cant get. muahahahah. ;)
nicole, i am random la. haha. okay, xiao zhu not = hot. he = funny. haha.
movie with boyfriend today! went down to serangoon garden again. lunch, walk, soccer bets, drinks. cause he slept in and didnt wanna wake up. so we missed all the earlier slots for movies. and then after that, the earliest would be 5 or 6pm. so, yeah. movie shall be next week.
on oprah winfrey's show now, some 58yr old woman has this quite hot bod for a 58 yo.. her face, NO wrinkles at all. her secret? she has been using some virginal cream on her face every night for the last 20yrs! LOL. and a 52 yr old who looks 35, has been doing spilts on chairs and working out since she was 15! and, theres something better than botox now. haha.
damn, i feel so ugly now.
see, im random.
i bought kids company mag today. the magazine is fucking boring. im never buying it ever again. but i got the tamagotchi today! (: hahaha. cute. the picture trick me loh. they show the thing, supposed to be same as the one i had when i was younger. but in fact, the functions are different. im taking care of a dino. haha.
knn referee, disallow australia's last goal. DAMN cb. i think its england referee. can fuck off alr la. spore referee still the best decision maker loh. make singapore proud mr spore referee, whatever ur name is.
what we could have been, 18:05.
ooogkay! sakae buffet with vanessa, shumin, yiling (:
and im supposed to be eating less, a lot lesser.
last few days this week i eat damn little lei.
only last night la, jap restaurant with my parents ma.
oh, what a day filled with sooo many hot guys.
one oooh! while we were eating at sakae, with his friends and a girl next to him, look slightly like couple.
mediacorp actor, ooh ooh! he has aged..super familiar face, but dont know his name.
another mediacorp one, if not wrong he's malaysian, pretty boy for some food show. i think he's name starts with a D.
NUM guy! ok, most of them are not bad looking but theres this one fella who's really not bad. but kinda a bit fat. haha.
then ang mo guy, hot body but face like pui.
i missed one hot one lei, vanessa saw coming down escalator.
came home and paraguay got one not bad one.
then theres xiao zhu! and then
daniel wu! haha. daniel wu ! =)
hahaha. thats a lot.
this eye candy streak shall continue tmr (:
movie with boyfriend! HAR...jeeeealussss nooot. (jkjk)
LOL learn from vanessa one. HAHA.
noooooooooooo. wtf la.
bf;s ex is using the fucking same layout as me.
KNN. OF ALL SKINS must choose same as MINE.
what we could have been, 23:58.
i contributed $15 to baby;s bet. WINNINGS! haha. so, im happy he won the 3 goals and others. but i not happy, cos my mom lost $10 ): she la, bet 2 goals, listen to my father. heng i dont let her go bet 20$, i think and think, sure lose one loh.
subscribe to singnet for your internet service.
its always disconnecting for no apparent reason!
wth loh.
router sucks.
and now, the internet speed is like DAMN SLOW.
i dont know whats wrong with me exactly la, maybe lack of slp. but i get irritated damn easily these few days. like, i'll be all happy and jolly then once a little bit, just the slightest irritation, i'll get pissed.
what we could have been, 00:56.
i was forwarded the "singapore girl fight" video. the same one in the papers these days, about some girls beating up one girl and pulling off her top and almost her bottom as well, to humiliate her. fuck sia, ITE girls are as brainless as the ITE guys damnit! (okay, not all. but these few really loh) chao ah lians. foogly byotches kicking and slapping that poor girl la.
if i were the girl, i give each of them punches and kicks and grab heads and smash on walls! fag bitches still can take vid and giggle as if its damn fun. mental. i dont know what exactly happened / what the girl did to make them beat her up, but i am utterly disgusted by their actions. they are like, a total disgrace to all singaporean female species, in fact, almost all female species on this earth. disgusting.
its 0345.
WHAT THE FUCK IS SPAIN DOING!dammit! how come no goals till now and
TUNESIA can actually score?!
too-nee-sia?! who the fuck is that?? and they actualy score goal against
SPAIN in the 7th min! how can this be
spain, you better score in the second half. at least one / 2goals loh.
damn you spain. i just needed you to score 2 goals!
but noooo. you waited to the last min.
and then u anyhow go score a 3 goals! like, wtf.
urgh!! now baby's so sad ):
what we could have been, 23:49.
brazil's match is starting soon.
if what i read and heard is true,
they are now probably halfway through getting laid and warming up. lol
see! i told you they were being laid. hhaha
they played like fucking bad la.
brazil vs australia
2 - 0
TWO lousy goals. what happened to kaka.
i didnt get to watch but friend told me he
almost scored a third goal.
fred's damn heng i tell u.
subbed in 2mins and there you have it, second goal.
but thats better than nothing.
i just kinda regret not telling baby i had a gut feeling of total 2goals.
cos my dad said 3 or 4 and he wanted to go for 4. so, yeah. sorry ):
what we could have been, 23:48.
Jo may actually be a spider-human hybrid |
im spiderWoman! whoot. coolness.
venefictus has fragile contents which may break! |
pay attention to details.
Informationi |
Joanne is a restricted area. Authorised personel only |
and lastly, yeah man, authorized personal
only (B) ;)
what we could have been, 17:55.
NOTE: z |
No smoking around clairvoyant. Thankyou for your co-operation. |
yes (:
B! yours.haha
what we could have been, 17:37.
i spent my afternoon in serangoon gardens (again) for lunch and slacktime with bf (:
it rained, so no shopping :we had lunch (his treat), walked around and sat around for drinks.
oh, kaka's hot. he looks hot in the papers. dont really know how he looks else where. LOL
guess luck's not really there today, darn serbia&montenegro. they suck like sooooo bad! just cos their star defence isnt there, argentina could score like SIXfreakingGOALs! Ohwell, you win some and you lose some.
and late afternoon, i recieved an invitation to this ettusais (i never knew how to pronounce that word) event all thanks to nessy! (: cabbed to bugis. got free bag. free Tzone samples and had dinner at bugis cafe, walked and homie! okay, i am still thinking bout that watch now. SHIT la. i like the 18$ one more. but the $30+ one looks shinier :(
anyhows, here's a. toilet! haha

(: cute right. enjoying the view and people-watching while shitting. plus, the outter layer of it is a mirror! stupid people would really use it as a mirror. haha.
okay, thats it.
what we could have been, 23:36.
i am changing my blog add again.
cause some toot mofo go typed my last blog add into one of the com in temasek poly, most probably the library one and its in the damn history. so the whole darn world in temasek can read about my life! how interesting, not! wth loh.
anyway i am happy today.
i had unexpected luck and extra cash for some financial help! thank you you cool dude up there in the sky :D
shopping with bf tmr (:
England and T&T's match better score a total goal of 2 or 3. i pray pray pray!! haha. my mom placed a 10$ bet. if i am so heng this afternoon i hope i will be heng the rest of today. if they win, i will consider buying the england bag. LOL
OH SHIT. the match is at 12am -_-"
wait, arent my thursdays supposed to be suay days?
LOL. guess i aint so suay no more ^_^
2 - 0
woot! i won i won. yessss.
i am sooo happy now i am like,
speechless, all smiles! i think i wont be able to slp tonight. so high now. how can i ever be this lucky today.
hahaha (:
almost lost hope at the 70th min, then 1 goal! so bf won a little bit. then 87th min, i continued playing my spider solitaire. awhile later, i had the urge to checkout the score on the super laggy soccernet. damnit man, i saw another red spot (which means another goal!) then the score fucking 2-0!! :D and i saw beckham's face, so i love him (: hawwt boy.
good night ppl.
i love y'all
what we could have been, 18:16.
in a woman's world,
men would be tailor made
heels would not hurt
husbands would give birth
diamonds would grow on trees
and money will fall from the sky.
okay, the whole thing was like damn cute la. from some car advertisement on tv. till the last line. i had to make something stupid out cos i couldnt think of anything else. i guess if diamonds grew on trees, it wont be precious anymore, just pretty. but if money fell from sky, it will still be necessary to buy other things. and im not even sure if i got the whole thing right, cant exactly remember an ad i saw 5hours ago.
had lunch at pohseng restaurant with mom and bf. daaammn filling loh. walked around serangoon garden buying stuff and just went home to slp after that. im so lack of sleep, tonight, i shall sleep earlier.
GSS lei. i havent been shopping at all ):
ok nvm. night.
what we could have been, 23:32.
oh look! i finally have my internet back!
pfft. i spent last 2nights playing minesweeper(completed intermediate), spider solitare('easy' highscore and completed 'medium') and read cleo, while i was unable to fall asleep. i lead a sad life.
anyhows, nicole tham's birthday (:
gena dua-ed by bday girl for...3hours(4-7pm).
skipped night safari
went to eski bar for soccer, gena chased out
so ended up in indochine(:

alwyn and i shared
and bought this mini bday
cake for her.
nice leh.

we tried,

and tried. ohyes, we tried many times.
but i only put these 2. cos i could only find 3. and the other one no bday girl+ was a disaster
i realised, i am not suited to have some ppl as friends. cos i dont think i like them after sometime. maybe cos they act too weird / are just fake or both.
spent half of today sleeping. woke up, met up with bf and then the rest of those gays to go buy their com parts at simlim sq. then prata at night with nic and daryl.
yesterday bf came over in the morn. then met mom at compass point for lunch and then dinner in clark quay. thank you daniel.
its time i change my layout.
what we could have been, 23:51.
germany vs costa rica match last night, damn exciting. but i cant watch tonight's england one. stupid channel5. and im not allowed DXO! urgh!
so i got stuck at home the whole day, online, tv, and this 3hour lecture from my parents. like wth. and im still missing dxo with the bf ):
im gonna spend the night watching tv, date movie and scary movie 4 (in italian)... i just wont be able to understand what they'll be talking about. finished the date movie alr tho, and its damn lame. i laughed once and had the [-_-"] or 'ewGross' thought.
anyway, doesnt victoria secrets have such pretty dresses / sweatsuits

i want. haha
i hate that foogelay beeeyaotch.
what we could have been, 19:35.
i think in my whole life, theres one thing i will never understand at all, those parents. not even after i become one will i ever understand the rest.
or at least i know i will give my kids valid good enough reasons for not doing something and let them understand. i have those who say i cant do this, i cant do that, because i am not allowed. tell me, what kind of reason is that, at least let me know why. i dont have a life of my own dammit. i feel like a damn puppet.
those parents seriously watch too much drama. i wander, do i look brainlessly retarded to not know how to look out for myself and choose friends that are mentally normal and not some mental shits who torture their friends/ do stupid things to harm them for the fun of it. pfft. and i dont get why they still do not trust ronghui. they freakin hell know him like super well alr. see, i seriously do NOt get them.
caught she's the man today with baby, winnie and 4other gay ah bengs. the movie is good, go catch it. absolutely hilarious.
we spent a bomb today. crystal jade lunch, yoshi dinner, chicken wings for those parents and cab from home to town and back.
its time for the germans and costa ricans (?) to play with a little ballball on a new $280 million euro stadium. damn.
"all the waiting is over! welcome to the world cup." and the match begins. place your bets peeps. germany will win.
what we could have been, 23:50.
i missed si. but saw parts of what the girls sang. Damm.. do they suck. only gayle neva (hope i got her name right) was good. the rest, so no standard; or it could jbe their song. the guys would do better.
i feel this sense of accomplishment.
i did my semestral project and got my full 10 marks today. with quite a lot of my baby's help. but i did it! haha.
and, i got an A for vb.net =D
but somehow, i feel bad. not sure why. but like, rh's always been getting a grade more than me or the same as me. i nv seem to be getting better. and this time, he got a B and felt so disappointed. it felt weird..i actually feel like, if i had a B too then maybe it wont be so bad? get it not? if not nvm. haha. im talking rubbish.
nevertheless, i got 1 A this term, or this half of the sem. im pretty happy. system design analysis can go to hell alr. sure get D. left 30marks blank..
hols are coming and i dont even know if peili is coming on fri. and saturday for me, is gonna be soo boring again. fri either lunch with nini / moovie with mylaugong tian mimi ! LOL. (oh, he started that =X)/ lunch with terencetan / or all of the above! (:
its GSS. i am really broke. i dont really wanna spend my bf's money unless he somehow scores some bets and win like a lot more or something. haha. and shang tian ah, please bao you my mommy to zhong toto/4D, many many $$ :D i will be good. haha.
OHOH, and i sooo wanna go try the da chang jin restaurant at far east! ^_^ but when i watched the place being introduced on tv. it looks almost exactly like the crystal jade one i went to. yummilicious nonetheless.i got korean/jap food cravings!!
what we could have been, 23:55.
i found out this uber cool place in singapore. its like a cross between a hotel, hostel and chalet. known as something like hang out. and i think its at mt emily, wherever that is..
found the link in cathay home page. the rooms seem pretty cheap. damn good for chalet or something instead of aranda, which is still pretty ex. but the whole thing's made to look like its for tourists. even the guest gallery is filled with ang mo/jap tourist pictures. wont it be like so weird for singaporean to turn up and book a room then will be so extra.
anyway, theres a promo for the world cup! (so i guess it could be for singaporeans too) bout $55+++ per person i think. cant really remember and i closed the window alr. 2days/1night.
ohwell, im not even sure if peili all are coming on fri anymore. since saturday i'll be stuck home all alone again! ):
and ya la, B. i guess you are sorta right.ha.
^_^ breakfast early tmr. yay!
i still wanna watch 'she's the man' la. anyone?
what we could have been, 22:13.
ok. the 9pm channel8 show has this guy, i cant remember his name, his character name is called ruoqi. he was supposed to act drunk tonight and it was so blardy fake. >random.
i knew something bad was gonna happen this afternoon. my left eye twitched. then after that, the whole evening, i was thinking, i think something is happening at rh;s side. and i guess i was right.
what we could have been, 21:36.
new layout. yada yada.
i miss having a best friend.
preferbly a female :and who i am a best friend to too.
then the trust will be there...

isnt this dress like,
sooo retro pretty?
what we could have been, 18:45.
i am still having diarrhea. shit la. everytime i eat something i get stomache n then, toilet.
my bf wants to buy me a new phone!
ilu LG. ^.^ <3
okay, im wandering if this is meant to be a joke.
From: Chariot
Date: Saturday, 3 June, 2006 5:37 AM
Subject: Way to a man's heart
Ok, before i let you fall in love with me, i have to
know............can you cook?
like, wtf?! he needs to learn new pick up lines.
this one totally suck la.
i got back my sim card alr.
sigh... nic, i dont have ur whole family's number anymore.
haha. i hate losing my phone. i hate that person who picked
it up and nv return. he/she should fucking die a
horrible death and burn in hell. i loved that phone
so v much. urghh.
what we could have been, 16:11.
i think its prob just fate that i had to lose my hp.
if only yesterday wasnt the day i took a cab to sch
then i'd probably still have my phone with me.
no more phone.
now, i just wish the person who found my phone buy never return, would meet an accident, get raped, get cancer, get a terminal disease that no one can cure and die this super horrible death.
fuck. my stomach hurts like fuck now. suayest week. why is that fella high up there making my life so like hell these 2days. lose hp pain enough, i have to stomache and laosai 3times till my ass hurt like fuck. nvm... just dont take away my angels (the most important one:rh).
caught the benchwarmers in bedok's princess today. $6 only. walked around hell loads today. and we ALMOST won a hp in century square arcade la. i still suspect the machine program is bugged. it will take us like soo MANY tries to win psp or hp.
yuwei n bf woke up uber early to be there in school with me. i feel so touched. and both of them dragged themselves out of their beds just to get there. if it werent for them, and leonard, the atmosphere wont have been that much lighter. or i'd prob end up arguing w my mom or something. kenny actually called yw to tell me not to be too sad. -shocker-
never knew my class bothered to care bout me.at all.
and then theres vanessa,andy,jianwei,alwyn and i cant remember who else who tried to comfort me.
so if anyone has a spare phone, has a kind enough heart, can lend me. thank you. i accept anything from 8250/6250 to any coloured phone if youre willing. haha.
what would i ever do without lim ronghui. he seems to be the only one who can help me whenever i need any. he could actually make my mom laugh the day after i lost my phone when both parents are still pissed. (:
spent the day with him afterall.
to YOU, pls be free and able to go out on 2nd of july, its a sunday. its the year mark hor :P
what we could have been, 22:23.
i lost my phone.
how suay can i get..
cannot stop crying alr ):
i want my phone back.
2nd june aint v happy at all.
but happy birthday colleen.
&happy 11th month babe.
three doors down-here without you ;
on repeat mode.
paul twohill rocks, so far.
thank you alwyn for the song/encouraging
thank you babe, jit, leonard, all..
im here without you babeh
but youre still on my lonely mind
i think about you babeh
and i dream about you all the time
im here without you babeh
but youre still with me in my dreams
and tonight girl its just you and me
i miss you, my darling phone.
please return to me...
what we could have been, 01:06.
i realised that its actually so very impossible for me to not finish reading my harry potter book 6 (half-blood prince) and leave it on the shelf for i think, almost more than 1 year alr. so i thought and thought, now i know what happened.
its cos of some fucktard ass of a bitch faggot. he told me the ending of the story. and then i just stopped reading it. FUCK. i sorta forgave. but now im angry again. i hate.
when someone says not to tell the ending of a book or movie, not give any spoilers, then fucking DONT. unless they asked for it to be told, damnit.
these kinda Assholes should all go burn in hell.
the next one who actually tells me any movie or story endings that i didnt ask for to be told to my face, dont blame me for giving your a very friend loud SLAP on ur fat face.
- if anyone doesnt read properly and actually tell me they scared i'll slap them if they told me endings ( it ALWAYS happens_l_ ) , i shall repeat myself and in simple understandable language, please read carefully :
slap: if i never ask for ending.
noslap: if i ask for ending.
what we could have been, 01:25.