oh, andy complimented me for the first time ever last night, i think. but he nv compliments ppl. HAHA.
ohwell friday no more sushi.
bf cannot come out,
11th month.
i duno how.
: fuck, my aircon sucks.
good night :]
im soo lack of beauty sleep,
turning into a zombie with the extra bad moodswings. AHH
and bad headaches too.
AND im so irritated with my mom.
duno what the hell is wrong with her.
keep throwing her fucking temper around.
nicole says im a FUN person!!
and its XMen fever !
jean grey is hot. but im no les.
so, wolverine HAWT stuff. woot.
what we could have been, 22:07.
crashed yuwei's place.
his nephew's just quite cute only.
i have this feeling ronghui's baby cousin is cuter just by looking at the pics :im so inloved with ma bf's house la.
i am still determined to not sleep during lecture the whole of tomorrow. or else, i know i'll be in a bad mood. i just know it. i'm having mood swings so very often these days, why.): sorry ma boy.

yummy. ben&jerry. lousy picture taken. totally mini cup. and it costs $3.50!! ex la, for so little bit of icecream.
thank you bf
what we could have been, 23:51.
crystal jade korean ginseng chicken is ooohsofuckingdelicious. its to die for. must must must go eat it at least once in your life or you wouldnt have lived to the fullest. lol.
its on taka's 4th level i think. the same level as the crystal jade palace they have there la. and on the same level there's actually a few very pretty shops selling gifts and art stuff. now i know where to get gift wraps and such (:
im wandering, is it really true that u can get pimple on ur ass if you sit on a chair that was sat on by another before and is still hot? hmm... haha.
i cant think anymore.
having this super bad headache.
what we could have been, 18:10.
to be fair, i have to put ronghui's point of view on what we 'debated' on cause he thinks im just defending myself when he is in fact totally right -.- haha.
ohwell, he thinks almost totally the opposite la. except that when parents give money to you, the money is yours and that is according to the same logic that when you give a gift to someone, it belongs to the person so you cant take it back.
oh, anyway, theres this packet of cookies on the table. they are soo delicious! cookies with chocolate on them and m&ms!! the choc is the same choc in the m&ms la. yummmmy
i cant believe this, tan yh is talking to me on msn. this is soo weird. its soo totally freaking weird. for those who is wandering who is tan yh, its tan yu huan. beatty ppl, remember that chinese department head male teacher with the super deep low voice. some call him da wan tou. haha. with the bowl hair cut. yeah, thats him. added him like years ago.
i think terence tan should get an msn account.
okay, um, byebye. nothing else no more.
his mom's back. ahhhhhhhh.
im just happy i got to go his place for some TLC (:
we'll see if his new maid is really that nice
and if her alliance with us is real.
what we could have been, 18:39.
x-men was gooood.
its only 1hr40+mins. but damn exciting.
and its funny too.
thaats it. i ate quite a lot.
no food for the weekends.
pfft. like its gonna happen, staying home means my mom will cook and force me to eat something. damn.
anyhow, the boyfriend forced me to come back home EARLY. and tmr im gonna be staying home the whole day la. cannot even let me go out later. wait for like 2hours plus only loh. pfft.
sayang finished his cg early somemore. and while he was at the bus stop, i was on the phone with him and we were arguing/discussing/debating about, um, crap. i dont even know how it started. but here's some points..
but, isnt it true that if we die, we can bring our money to our graves with us. (it'll all be wasted tho) burn it tog / ur kids use it to buy hell money and burn for u then u can use it in hell ! see!! correct right.
and our parents money is our money and vice versa. agree? even if your mom gives u money, it's still partially hers but urs to spend wad right. family and friends have a line drawn inbetween both. naturally i'd share more things with ppl who are family or close friends and less with ppl who are just friends. afterall, friends are the family we choose for ourselves, almost.
comments? thank you
mr.boyfriend, lets see who agrees with me :D
5 whole hours of desperate housewives marathon!! whoo. channel5 should do this more often on friday nights. fun! haha.
my 1 week of blissful freedom is
about to be over tmr night.
ohwell, it'll be back to that again soon.
what we could have been, 21:42.
lalalala. XMEN TMR! yayy.
but if this every fri movie-day thing goes on any longer, i'd be pokkai-ed. and somemore next week fri maybe got sakae. so next week, no eating, drink a lot of water and save money at the same time. yay! haha
i did well for VB.Net lab test today. YES! hoping for a B.. i had answers to the thing okay. some stupid idiot used the com before my class and left his/her work in C://temp. 'aiseh! im smart afterall. and not that much of a brain dead. and i thought i knew nuts about vb. i studied till late last night.
and, i read vanessa's blog.
oh my goodness. which reminds me, my class is so ... -speechless- they have been using the pokemon theme song for their ringtone since, i cant remember when. ALL of them. now, its the POWER RANGER theme song. imagine, we're in the middle of class and power ranger theme song goes off when someone calls 1 of the guys "gogo power rangers !" and then pokemon theme song for msg ringtones, "pokemon! gotta catch 'em all !" ahhhh. LOL. they are THAT lame and crazy i realised.
i guess it aint that bad hanging out with them and the whole load of laughable crap that comes out of their mouths. it'll nv be fun without my bf lei. kenny'll be the first to shoot me.
childish right. haha. i know. and theres a guy in my lecture class, who has a damn funny zao sia-ed msg ring tone. its original name is the 'nokia tune' the last part of his tone just goes off and fades. it rang halfway through 1 lecture just when the whole place was silent. and so everyone burst out laughing cos of that. i want that ringtone!
i think i gain weight again. one day, i'd probably lose my neck as well ): then nobody will want me alr. thats it then. no dinner and supper anymore :\ ohwell.
um, okay, nothing to say anymore.
good night.
what we could have been, 01:06.
attended 2hours lecture today just for the attendance. i wasnt even in the LT half the time. marketing ppl (us) didnt have any lecture! and jap ppl skipped their tutorial to go out and slack. yay! lol.
ended up at my baby's house! played majong n all. which reminds me, pang 'stanley' and baby came over to my place during the weekends and had majong session too. i actually forgot when. ha..
anyway, his new maid seems much much better than the last. and i so love sayang's bed ! i went to lie down for like, 2mins and totally fell asleep. i wanna go his house again again!! hahaha.
accompanied them down to dhoby gaut for their dota competition shit only cos the baby wanted to watch. ( he was supposed to play ) the organisers suck to fucking hell can. they drag and drag and in the end, couldnt go jalanjalan. but its alright (: b was there.
i walked for like 10mins in paradiz centre and i actually found quite nice stuff. but the damn
auntie ah ma( i shall make her sound old. ha ) actually thought i was one of the upstairs massage girls. wtf!! i was wearing a damn adidas jacket can! does a massage girl look like they can afford a 140$ jacket! byatch.
i love auntie anne's.
and of course, that adorable boy.
tmr test..
joanne, STUDY ! study!
what we could have been, 00:26.
i fell asleep and then forgot wad i wanted to type.
i know why i keep falling asleep in lectures on tuesdays. we've got so many hours of lectures in the same damned lecture hall! one after another with 1 break inbetween somewhere. no time to go walk around and not miss something. so sitting there for all the many hours, SURE fall asleep wad. the freaking fella who set the timetable can go to hell.
my life's like so totally stagnant.
exams, projects, financial problem. ARH
i need money. but nobody wants to be a little more helpful by letting me in on any fast cash, few days job lobangs.
so whatever.
i have super bad mood swings.
bu yao re wo.
what we could have been, 22:00.
kelly poon came to my school today.
damn ! i couldnt go see her cos i had that shit networking test la. kns. and cos of the test i had to miss the very important lesson anyway.
peili called me last minute and i rushed down to ps for, not much, dinner and sit in kimage prestige(spell) with them while they(sam&kokjianwei) shortened their hair. laughed a whole lot while walking and eating. haha.
when peili and i were about to board the train, 2 of my classmates came out. the 'ah bui' called me 'jiao bin! knn. tmr in school, YOU DIE loh. its either gonna be me or him who's gonna kill u. rahh.

and there it is, these are the bengs of my class. some just look like total nerds la but those in the middle are bengs none the less. and farthest left is the boy who is gonna lose the visibility of his neck v soon. lol

notice how coincidentally, in all the pics, the light always falls on his side? told you he's my angel sent from heaven!! hahahaha.
good night (:
what we could have been, 00:29.
since this shit blogger is so pissing me off cos i cant seem to copy and paste the whole load of things i actually typed out last night while i was feeling damn tired. so i shall type it all over again in short.
friday -
woke up at 8.59am. wx & leonard came over to return me cds and transfer files + install programs into my laptop respectively.rushed to tpc to meet the boyfriend, caught davinci code with him and the guys from my class. the movie's damn good. go catch it if you havent. im motivated to read dan brown's angels and demons alr. the only book by him i have. lol.walked round novena with 'em boys. oh, i saw that puma bag shafiqa wanted. haha. that boy had to cab down to his cg, so i took the mrt down to dhoby gaut for dinner with silin, eric, daryl. long john.left at 9pm thinking that i'd most probably be late to meet my baby in bedok. but i had to wait for him for nearly an hour!! that cg leader of his, URGH. met ronie(yiyang's friend, who tried to convince me to accept yy as my bf-_-) by coincidence at giant(remembers peili&gang -giant variety giant savings giant). talked a bit. 24 to serangoon central with baby and cabbed home. the cab uncle was hilariously cute. he told me where he lived, his daughter being an honours grad. and after ronghui alighted, he kept telling me that boy is a good catch, dont let go. must cherish. he see ppl nv wrong one. blah. lolmr.wong from smrt (: dont worry, i wont let that boy off so easily. haha
not so short afterall. im not good at summary. maybe thats why i didnt do well for first eng Os.
home whole of saturday.
and if this goes through, thank you.
if it doesnt, i hate blogger!
and you guys wont be seeing this.
what we could have been, 02:42.
blogger keep having error again. URGH
what we could have been, 01:07.
supper as usual. thank goodness no prata or i'd be kenny's size by end of this month and yu wei's neck will disappear under all the fats and his head by monday at the rate he's eating la. he'd be kenny in less than 2 weeks.. haha.
its gonna be a busy day tommorrow. yay! see that ? BUSY leh. woopy! my fris been very stagnant for a very long time. and for the longest time ever, i didnt step into town even for a sec. yesterday was the first day after like, ages.
i need extra sleep. i actually almost fell aslp in the most exciting practical lesson amongst all the boring lectures & practicals ive been attending for the last 5weeks la. damn. i love vb.net its so damn fun. but i still cant get a hang of it. ):
its 3.25am. im supposed to wake up at 9am to get microsoft project, norton 2006 & vb.net progs from the 2 fellas at 10 to do my work any study!! see, im hardworking. NOt. lol.
jay's previous album, the one with feng, ye qu and all, has never failed to put me to sleep or make me ultra sleepy. good night.
if my darling bf's reading this, i sure get scolding for sleeping at 3am. um, im sorry hun :P sorry...
i love you(:
what we could have been, 02:09.
marketing lecturers are always so very fun. i love ms erica fong. business lecturers are so much better than those boring IT/Engine blockheads.
ended an hour earlier, went to lavender with ronghui to update his passport photo. OMG! his primary school picture is like, SOoooo ultra cute la!! fat fat chubby chubby one. can you believe lim ronghui, CHUBBY?! hahaha. really dont look very like him at all. and his IC pic, sec3 one, look so innocent. so not ah beng la. haha.
took us almost more than an hour to get his photo taken and update passport. had to help style his hair so he wont look so gay with his sideburn behind his ears. hahaha. the lady say must can see eyebrows and ears. if not photo will be rejected.
met up with the guys again for gz's belated bday lunch at suki yaki or something. that icecream making place. crazy guys + buffet + self made ice cream = mischieve.

made ice cream of all flavours and then they got bored, so after we had a competition of making nice icecream for belated bday boy, where my team (rh, leonard, pang, gz himself and i) won,they played zhong ji mi ma -_-" icecream with pepper and salt. loser eat. and our chef for today, Lim Ronghui! haha

US vs. kenny, yuwei, jiun, kl, cw.
the winner, very obvious.
i cabbed home with my boyfriend and then the rest of the night at home
was quite shit and blur. i did my cisco test. and am now in a bad mood. prob cause i kept falling asleep just now.
what we could have been, 19:58.
i threw temper at baby again. cannot help it la. i felt so frustrated cos i couldnt keep myself awake during lecture and he wasnt helping to keep me awake. i fell asleep and woke up angry at myself and everything else. then got cramps again.
but my boy went all the way to cheers to get menstrual panadol, water and cleo mag for me ! then he cabbed me home after sch even when i was feeling loads better. i ♥ him.
i am too pampered alr la. i dont know how to take care of myself next time how. now im even too lazy to go take the bus and mrt to get to town and meet friends. i'll keep wanting to cab! arhh.
okay. my life is so stagnant. its school or home. i cannot stand it.
ralph lauren HOT smells pretty good, from far. too strong , i dont like. ralph lauren COOL still smells better.
what we could have been, 23:16.
it was a hell-of-a-day.
i kept getting mood swings. poor baby.
BUT, how could he at all, say that sentence,tell you you also dont know. am i that stupid to you. letting it pass.
anyway, its that sickening time of the month. i had terrible cramps and had to crouch over in the toilet floor. thank goodness block M toilets are dry and squeeky clean. felt like i was having my stomach cut open and chopped up with plenty of knives poked into me at the same time.i felt like almost died. and everytime something like that happen, i have this thought, i think someone's putting a voodoo spell on me! poking my stomach! that evil faggot. whoever u are, my husband killed you. muahahaha.
my darling boyfriend carried my bag + his + our jackets = heavy! and walked out, cabbed me home, told my mom everything. so i had to get an mc to get a retest cos i was halfway through networking test; made sure i was better and then he went home. <3
wad would i ever do without limronghui.
"i rather spend poor days with a healthy
wife den be rich and watch my darling go sick"
there, happy? haha. someone insisted i put that. (:
lectures tomorrow. i am determined, to NOT sleep !
okay, so good night !
what we could have been, 00:31.
when the day is boring, i blog twice. today is boring. so i blog twice. i just repeated myself! ok. wadever.
my mom just walked pass my room to hers, i looked out, she looked at me. and gave me this v sheepish smile ! hahaha.so funny. i stared into space awhile then i laughed to myself. my mom's in an awfully good mood today (=
i feel so bad this year. im a bad kid. i forgot my mom's bday the first time in my entire life. then i still havent officially wish my mom happy mothers day. cos she spoilt my plan to give her a big hug. i nv hug her for the longest time ever.
and my parents had to buy their own birthday cakes on their own. i feel damn bad. )= i am a bad person. i shall be better in 2007. i will get cakes and plan and celebrate all their birthdays and my husband's one too. i must save money and make a party / gathering for him. (=
my 1 month / 2 months hols would be my crazy earning money time. i must. target = min1000. okay, im prob just saying this, cos by the time comes i'll be too lazy to go find a job. i hate the finding job process. it sucks. the stupid bosses/interviewers suck, they wanna hire you then hire la. say wad, call you. but will nv call. give false hope.
ANYWAY. BACK TO STUDYING. las vegas later.
what we could have been, 22:03.
i die'ed! i shall remain die'ed.
i cannot seem to get down to really concentrating on studying for my 2 tests!! tmr is the day alr. i am so gonna die.! and somemore. i am hoping to get at least a B and above leh. verr' difficult alr loh. )=
2nd july 2005.
i got married.
may death do us part.
aw. am i freaking u out baby?
MUAHAHAHAH. too bad ! no la. just jk.
thursday ! thursday ! i cant wait.
its gonna be a great day. um, maybe la..
cisco networking and that shit system analysis & design leung honkie modules are getting to me head.
*sings iii want PRATA! *#(&$#*@& *sings iii want PRATA !
get the tune? its that aaron carter song.hahaha.
ok. HELLO v'NESSA. we go eat at daryl's house there. w silin all. yay.
and i love you youknowwhoyouare.
okay. go back study alr. ^-^
what we could have been, 16:31.
"bomb" is a prata name i heard from gz 2weeks ago. round crispy outter layered prata with condensed milk / sugar and something la, inside. sweet sweet v nice one.
the next time you go to a prata shop, order a bomb to try. haha
i just talked to my boyfriend. he said,
i see if sunday can go out with u
i not confirm eh
town? kai kai? if cannot then during the 2 weeks holidaySUNDAY go out! haha. hen nan de (=
anyway. i finally know wad happened. but its really only one side of the story. so of course i still cannot say anything. but from what i know, i think he's really not entirely in the wrong at all.
-dont make it sound so awful la.
OMG. there's forever21 MENS!! hahaha. eh, mr lim, you're reading this right? next time if i see it in spore. you got no excuse for not going f21 with me alr. heh heh heh.
meng pin tu repeat (=
what we could have been, 13:52.
theres a horror spider show on tv now. its disgusting. i hate spiders.
heres what i ate today :
omelette rice
cheese prata
milo dinosaur.
what we could have been, 23:58.
i wander. do guys really have ultra thick skin like elephants all over their bodies and have the sense of hearing of an eighty-nine year old ah ma?!
no matter how loud you call their names, how hard you tap / poke / slap / smack them sometimes, THEY WILL NEVER ANSWER YOU. or sometimes only after damn long later then they will. and by the time they do, i wont feel like saying anything already.
very very bad mood swings lately.
either seeing red soon or ,
AH. the weather is DAMN HOT.
KILLING me! killing ppl!
i damn long nv go shopping alr loh.
and jitinder just made my night! (wads left of it)
me :
i wan plastic!
hahahhaahim :
Fuck la
dont spoil ur life
hahahahai dono wats wrong wif u eh
i saw u tt day
u still look chio eh
infact look better den sec sch
u juz dont realise it
somemore today in sch my bf said :
"why nyp so many girls all like shit.
my gf soo much better. B! im glad i chose you."
while looking out of the lab window at the whole load of guys and girls having some games event thing.
like i told jit, its not everyday something like this happens.
i am happy for now =D until my next mood swing kicks in. bah.
what we could have been, 23:13.
i woke up very early this morning. dazed. bathed and sat around on my bed looking into space.i waited for 72 with my baby till i perspired cos of the heat and got sticky. stupid 72. all damn crowded then they duno how to have more buses at peak hours meh! URGH.
mood swings kicking in.
elearning was easy. then boring lectures for the rest of the day. i didnt know how they started, but somehow the guys just kept talking about shit and toilet bowls. the different ways to keep your backside cleana and how to squat on bowls. put toilet papers in the bowl first before you shit so that your shit wont cause the water to splat on your ass and cause pimples on your white white buttoks.
chuanwei can make his own book of how to wash your asshole after shitting. he went on about describing how to open and spray water at his Ahole. whoot. then he said something like, use the toilet bowl to wash your backside.
an image poped up in my head : flush your shit down, lift the seat up, and put your whole ass in then, FLUSH! -(use toilet bowl to wash ass) innovative! then baby piaked my forehead, you and your imagination >.< .
my boyfriend cabbed me home =D
end of
story day.
what we could have been, 19:38.
that oprah show's pretty interesting sometimes. she's just some lady who seems to be so damn rich. but she puts her money to good use.
she gave this guy, (who was 500plus pounds, so overweight he almost died, but lost 300plus pounds and is a normal human size now after 1yr) his dream car, a PORSHE!!
and to reward her crew ah, should be her crew la. 400plus ppl, she flew them all to hawaii for a holiday. not only them, their families as well la!
she has this really huge heart. i think i can have a super huge heart too if i have a lot a lot of money. haha.
i still dont really like donating to those "tongtong cans" for charity funds. haha.
on a totally random note,
i love maggi mee !
and my boyfriend.
hahaa. he's so nice sometimes know.
but i have to call him like 98273657thousand times before he answers me or maybe even hear me -.- i'd mostly just give up halfway.
dinner time.
my throat VERY PAIN leh. ):
what we could have been, 18:47.
i am sick ! ): my throat hurt like mad friday night, i couldnt sleep properly the whole night. and then the next morning, cannot talk!
my throat got better in mid day. then my body temperature started to rise. all the way until at night. i think i had v high fever, but i didnt have a themometer so i didnt knw wad temperature was i.
felt like i was being burnt alive la. my breath was hot, my head was hot, my whole back felt damn hot. my boyfriend is having fever too ):
and i just realised only yesterday, that buangkok is actually under amk! haha. 5 years from now, i can vote too. and get voting money.
yesss. hahaha.
what we could have been, 11:12.
i had night class. and i dont have talent for programming. and! i may be one of the few who might fail in lab test, according to mr.raymondyee.
but, i think i can actually pass his exam if i study and then fail cisco. i dont know wtf is going on in cisco lei. sian ji bua.
week 3 only, my attendance like fuck alr loh.
Nicole : my toes also. but my finger nails alr splitting in 2 halves (top & bottom) so i didnt paint in the end. haha. i hack care my toe nails for now. i bought thefaceshop remover. strawberry, so nice smell!! hahaha
Vanessa : haha. yep.. i may not dye mine anymore. dyed twice and its damn dry alr.
work this weekend. wish me luck. no horrid customers on my first 2days after sucha long break.

what we could have been, 00:33.
i realised the other night while i was looking through my msgs, that we are supposed to be together for coming 11months, not just 10 months only. haha. no wander it felt longer than that.
met with peili, fiq, jane, jw, shing on labour day. shopped(i window shopped-broke la), walked, ate a lot. and pl bought the most things. that rich woman. haha. i still love that pair of shoes ! ): 36bucks but last piece for my size leh. sigh. and i owe pl 4plus. i think got ppl owe me money nv return...few weeks alr, so nvm.
my bf wants to get me either a levis jeans or adidas jacket or, a bag. how to decide like that... but there'd be pressie (: yay.
i need, white /green /dark orange nail enamel.
my nails are dying from over-exposure to chemicals. i'm trying ! trying so very hard to resist painting. but my nails ugly if i dont paint. and i have nothing to do, and and ive lost interest in leaving long nails like in secsch.
i realised that the more im not allowed to do something, the more i'd want to do it. but when im allowed or of legal age, its no fun anymore. no thrill i guess. im weird ? any of you weird like me? hahaha.
everyone painting nails red. i shall paint blue! (:
what we could have been, 02:05.