why do i keep getting mosquito bites on my face la! urgh. mosquitoes are such nuisances. itchs, dengue, malaria and that big red round swell everytime someone gets bitten. rahh.
i slept at 5+am. and woke up at 6pm. sorry alwyn.
i think he just went poof into thin air.
he hasnt msged me or replied any of my msgs the whole dang day.
what we could have been, 21:21.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY YESEN!(28thApril)HAPPY BIRTHDAY YIN THENG!(cousin)(:depressing la. see, only 3 ppl tag my blog. so only 3 ppl read la. pathetic. oh, 4. plus mrlim. thankyou for telling me bout the popup thing anw. im not getting anymore popups alr,too (:
its all about the boyfriend today.
i cooked for him leh =D he say nice. yay! haha.
sengkang compass point, bedok, tampines.
what we could have been, 00:26.
four days of home.
im gonna die la.
gotta study cisco anyway
im going to bed.
whoever who has visited this blog, pls tag and tell me if you have popups or wad coming out upon entering here. or maybe its just my com. but popup blocker blocked em. its just irritating to have that yellow thing on top telling you popups have been blocked. so, yeh.
what we could have been, 04:52.
Wednesday, April 26, 2006
when ronghui told me como was put to sleep earlier in the day, i was shocked and then i started crying. he was the most adorable thing alive; with his fave cloth n all. we didnt even get to see him the last time. i am very sad. yes, i cried over my bf's dog. cannot is it ):
monday when rh told me that he walked out the door and looked to his left, expecting to see a dog cos it slipped his mind that como wasnt there anymore, but no como... i felt so sad for him.
my boyfriend came over today, then cabbed to amk and ran in the rain with him to kbox to meet the other guys. our room was freaking freezing la. and i forgot to bring my jacket! -_- all the beer and warm honey lemon made me pee loads. ive never pee-ed so much in such a long time. -random.
now im hungry. but feel damn fucking fat too. URGH ):
hope you'd be good and enjoy dog heaven como. bye..
what we could have been, 21:30.
happy birthday shiying! (:ended school at 5pm. and i didnt even know they meeting to celebrate her birthday at all. jane sick. fiq fever but she still went. then there was only us 3 plus shing and her fb peeps. aijisen dinner and then pool. haha. and then dwayne n gang somehow came later and got the table right next to ours. small world.
its like damn late now. im feeling tired. but not wanting to slp and have nothing to do. how ? haha. NO SCHOOL TMR =D no marketing lecture. so skipping the extra 2hours lecture from 8-10am too. but theres soccer tonight so no one tree hill for me to watch. blah.
ok. my eyes cant open properly anymore. typing with my eyes close. good night.
what we could have been, 11:30.
done the candlelight
to make you stay over
i'm giving it up now, baby
if that's what i
gotta do just to own ya
i'm giving it up now maybehe's so sad la.
i suck at comforting ppl.
dont know wad to do.
how ):
what we could have been, 14:23.
comoronghui's giving his dog away. como bite someone real bad and the person had to get stitches. and then turned aggressive. i think it got possessed. como wont bite ppl for nothing lei.
the person is pressing charges against the dog.
they were initially gonna put como to slp tmr. but giving him away instead..and i wont even get to see him the last time. ):
i am actually a little scared of dogs cos they bark like super loud, and big ones jump on ppl. but..but, he is cute la. and he remembered me after just seeing me just once. according to baby, he liked me (:
im sad. imagine how my poor boy feels. sigh.
his moma-chinchila died just not long ago and now his fave, first, one and only handsome golden retriever has to be given away

goodbye como.
i'll miss you
very much.
what we could have been, 23:47.
its raining!
the sky is
YELLOW ?! ohmy!
this is SO cool.
ive seen pink/red/grey/white/blue skys.
now theres yellow! damn. my cam sucks.
if not i'd have taken a picture to prove
that the sky really is yellow right now!
its turning slightly orange alr (:
i wanna go LIN JUNJIE's concert! ): anybody got free ticket? haha
edit-dinner at compass point.
bought 2 cakes from jack's place with 30$ vouchers.
tiramisu and mango.
1 for mom n the other for dad.
now mom has a cake. i still dont have one.
i feel bad for showing attitude at my mom for some parts of the day. i just kept getting mood swings lei. sian.
trying very hard to get down to studying. too much distractions everywhere. i duno how la ):
what we could have been, 19:03.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY KHAIRULim hooked onto lin JJ's songs again la (: he was on 100%entertainment and omg! that melody he composed on the spot damn nice can. xiaozhu's one also...
first week of school is over.
im so glad i got quite a few great lecturers with interesting lectures. and i made a damn embarrassing mistake in class today la ): gena suan-ed.
night classes are fun. we ended lesson and saw uncles having lessons in the next door classes. hah. "du dao lao, xue dao lao". headed to chompchomp for supper. they ate like fucking loads. and cabbed home w 2 others. planning on prata next week.
at this rate, i'll be obese in the very near future.
hah... raymondyee told us a fact today. if you are going to poly to learn/study something is a waste of ur time (: cos nothing we are learning in the course would be used in our jobs in future. SO TRUE,most of it. (then go to school for wad!) ah, yes, we have to learn how to learn! lol, wadever that means. if u understand good for you.
im still waiting to see jane online. i want pictures... haha.
what we could have been, 02:12.
i think im gonna like marketing pretty much. the erica lady's lecture was actually interesting! haha.
my boyfriend came over after school for lunch and some tv. then went home to catch up on some sleep. and I, went to meet winnie ! shopped a lil bit first before we went for
peili's(BIRTHDAY GIRl) little dinner gathering (:
drank on 143 back to tpy and all the way to pool place. pooled. they cabbed home and birthday girl and i bused home (: no details. im tired. sch tmr. DAMN IT. till freaking 9.30pm!

this is wad happens
when theres nothing
to do in a boring
lecture. oops...
heartsys. was just feeling
in love. sorry table.

unostacko pro and peili's "wander picture". doesnt she look so slim? my hp cam does wanders (:

i like.
good night!
what we could have been, 00:44.
i shall never wear skirts on mondays ever. sat around the whole dang day! 3hours in the same com lab. 1hr break and another 5hours in another lab where we slacked and caught some beauty sleep. seat till backside rot.
arh. i want my hols back.
and its only day
ONE of semester
ONE of year
what we could have been, 23:38.
school starts in about SEVEN HOURS 30MINS time!
good night.
pls. let me have a good semester
what we could have been, 00:38.
i still cannot believe that new semester is starting this monday. and my body clock is all fucking screwed up la. see, im still wide awake now.
what we could have been, 04:07.
its good friday.
what we could have been, 03:58.
im so addicted to one tree hill. arh.
i dont know how im gonna continue watching it when school reopens NEXT WK.
i NEED a job to begin with.
i collected my cert from moe today.
i still cant believe my new timetable. at the moment, it rocks.
i miss my boyfriend a whole lot.
and i suddenly have a crave for fondue and mee sua! its been soo long since i had shihlin ouwa meesua (: n beef bowl.

it happened on
my birthday. lol.
very random.
what we could have been, 04:14.
Wednesday, April 12, 2006
period cramps suck. constant mood swings the whole day. i hate it.
gonna go to MOE later to get my cert. and i got to eat yoshi today! only not my beef bowl. the salmon one. cause of the no beef in the house rule.
how la. im still wide awake.
what we could have been, 04:09.
just felt that the last skin was too difficult to read to words and the tagboard area is so small. haha.
im addicted to
one tree hill. every night 3am. whoo
i get to call my bf tmr. yay.
going on missing my baby
haven't seen him that much lately
what we could have been, 03:20.
right now, at this very moment ; I HATE SITEL. they have got SO many employees alr, but nooooo! they never stopped. they're STILL HIRING! its the last week before cut off date. they nv gimme schedule to work! when i wanna work, never gimme timing, when i dont wanna work, keep giving timing. wth?! and come on la. everyone complains about work la. tell me who wont complain about job one. you go ask yourself la, have you truly loved a job you had in ur life. even if the pay is good, ppl there are nice, there's bound to be horrible customers or that ONe employee you never liked. pfft.
the only job i complained about was pastamania. paparoti was just that one person i disliked. and sitel is only cos of the late pay and now, not giving me time to work! i earn WAD la.
nicole, regina, alwyn, bryant, me and town.. regina got her tongue piercing after she nic i had pastamania with their pamasan cheese; loads of it..
im so irritated at this very moment. so much anger !! arghhh.
yes, im pms-ing.
i miss yoshinoya. no link. just felt like having yoshi beef bowl.
what we could have been, 11:25.
crystal jade kitchen at tpy w family for brunch yesterday. i duno why they suddenly wanna go la. but, yah. damn full. i getting fatter again la. sian.
stayed home all day to be a pig. i swear, no food tmr. im eating too much these days.
i miss my bf.
what we could have been, 23:35.
i just read my horoscope on seventeen.com. SHIT. its damn true la. im going there to read my horoscope everyday from now onwards (:
what we could have been, 18:18.
i went out with peili, jane and jw. shafiqa joined us after that cos peili forgot to tell her. haha. kfc for brunch and the 3 of them went to cut hair. then jane met her bf for dinner. and the rest of us just walked around a lot. and had longjohn for dinner. i was initially planning to go down to bedok mrt to meet rh. but peili wanted to buy alc. and i forgot about the time. so didnt go afterall.
there's some stupid dinosaur show on channel5 now. i cannot believe how lame movies could get in the past. the dinosaur's blood looks like red paint. ha. horrible.
what we could have been, 01:09.
went to serangoon garden for lunch and hung round coffee bean the whole afternoon with my boy. had the poh seng chicken rice, that i somehow can never get sick of, for lunch. then sat in coffee bean while it rained away and talked about all the nonsense in the world. had pure chocolate and bagel(spell?) (: love that too. i quite like serangoon gardens. if only my dad bought the house he almost bought years back. i'd be staying so close to my boy. (: chomp chomp every night his mom is out of town! fun. but, then i'd be as fat as vignes =X
all i needed after having my parents stupid lectures/scoldings for the slightest things ever the night before. fuckit.
i wanna have that macaroni from cartel... im addicted to pasta. I LOVE PASTA. and PIZZAs. yay!
what we could have been, 02:04.
Wednesday, April 05, 2006
airport trip with baby (:
funfun.. took skytrain and forgot to go explore terminal 3 la. damn. crystal jade lunch. it sucked. i still like tpy cjade.
slept on 24 on the way back from changi too. i love his shoulder (:
what we could have been, 01:16.

i want.. its $99
and i must must thank mercy and qilin (: the lovies bought me present leh. at least i got 1 present this year. no presents for years alr
what we could have been, 20:58.
I'M EIGHTEEN !!time sure passes fast.
the thank yous first :
peili, silin, winnie, mercy, qilin, shafiqa, shing, huishan!, jianwei, kelvin, hongjie, vanessa, andy, nicole and of course, jane for her her call.and not forgetting
dearest ronghui ! (:
shopped with silin. spent a lot! and ate fish & co for the first time in my 18yrs of life. haha. it rocks. met up with the girls after that for dinner at makansutra, shopped round marina sq a little and then bought alcohols from giant.
sat in front of esplanade to drink n eat chips (: jianwei came to take his housekey back from peili n joined us in the end. it was all funn (: i love my girls.
shared cab home w qilin n shing. total $15. just nice! isketched, n now its finally bed time.
i miss my bf.
night world, happy 18 to me
time now, 5.21am.
what we could have been, 03:21.
went shoppping with my baby today!
like FINALLY. he actually stepped into town today. ive never seen him walk around so much in my life.
pac plaza - wisma - taka - wisma - orchard mrt.
citylinkmall - suntec - citylink - suntec - citylink - cityhall mrt.
just for an adidas jacket.
that's a lot.
hope his back doesnt hurt or not so bad at least.. poor boy. he went to his cell group and i went to meet peili.
SEE LA. i wanted to wait for my baby one, for is cell group to end. i just needed them to wait w me for a little while. 15 - 30 more mins till 10pm. BUT THEY COULDNT WAIT. 15mins after i boarded the bus, he msged me and asked where i am! SEE LAH ): i felt damn sad leh.
anyway. peili actually accompanied me to take 88 la. and she had to walk home after that. thanku. hugs. btw, i didnt force her hor.
did i mention the male hairdresser who did my hairdye 2months plus back, did treatment for my hair and blowdried it yesterday? haha. the one who cut my hair, ally, was on leave so another woman took over, cecilia. the guy remembered me la. {maybe cos my mom always spend a bomb when she's there. prestige is so ex la) he was like damn friendly la. n ask about my bf cos he saw the ring. lol
just a random recollection of yesterday.
meeting silin tmr(more like in a few hours time). i seem to be needing lesser n lesser sleep nowadays. this is bad. i cant heal my face, health, wounds, skin! and my brain is dying. its turning into jello without much use. im becoming STUPID. fuck la.
i miss my baby.
i feel so sticky nowadays.{why}
i hope im not annoying him for that.
i am bored to bits.
i like making short sentences,fun.
i use a lot of I today.
what we could have been, 04:02.