TUESDAY, theE boyfriend came over to keep my company and watch dvds.
WEDNESDAY, sakae @ marina sq. chioness.ate and roamed around marina,citylink w nic in the evening.
THURSDAY, stayed awake the whole damn night. was sleepwalking the rest of the day. and mom decided to get a haircut out of nowhere. cut + treatment = $140 !
heyy daryl ! kimage prestige. haha =X
tmr(FRIDAY) is day out with my baby. help him choose his adidas jacket. if only i was rich enough to buy the whole thing for him.. and just maybe, if im lucky my mom would buy me my eclat d'apege.
SATURDAY, shopping day with silin (: its been long.so many things to buy so little money.
*CHANTS* pray his mom does NOT come back this sunday.pray his mom does NOT come back this sunday.pray his mom does NOT come back this sunday.pray his mom does NOT come back this sunday. *CHANTS*
i guess this week aint that boring for me afterall.
what we could have been, 02:47.
okay, look here.
throughout the whole thing, im only sorry and apologise for forgotting to inform you about cancelling the meet up.
HOWEVER, dude, the time wasnt even set.
and now it is my fault that you went there without knowing that i wont go and then wasting your time without a book? dont take all your boredom plus frustrations out on me. there's always something called a magzine. and the rest of the shopping mall to shop.
pfft. if i didnt intend to meet up, why in the hell would i msg you. its called, intending to meet up but didnt cos of other matters in the end.
some ppl just dont seem to bother to take the initiative to actually msg and confirm if i was not going, or if i had forgotten to tell you the timing.
what we could have been, 07:19.
Wednesday, March 29, 2006
ive been home exactly 7 days and 24 hours through. i feel damn like a pig la. sleep , eat , slack. ive never slept so much in my life.
okay, so today (tuesday,28th) wasnt really that boring la. had mrlim come over with his new (china/pirated) dvds. huo yuan jia ! underworld evolution !! yours, mine & ours. i know half of it cos he watched it the day before and i was on the phone while he did. huo yuan jia rocked, so did underworld evolution. he slept the whole underworld movie away la. wasted.
and just just now,watched soccer with bf on tv, his team lost... sigh. arsenal-juventus, 2-0. sad.
boyfriend ! thank you so much for keeping me company for a whole day. haha. dont be jealous, renfu is an idol (:
ive got cravings for sushi, instant noodles, pastamania baked rice (dont think i can ever get sick of that), kfc, carls jr, mcdonalds mcspicy, winegarage stuff... lots and lots.
or maybe im just hungry =/
having 1 meal a day. today's portion is pretty small actually and at 4pm. 13 hours ago! im starved. sleep !
5.16 AM
good night world.
what we could have been, 04:48.
WANG RENFU on kang xi lai le !
haha. haiya. forgot help him xuan chuan.
im absoloving him again (:
3 days of facing the same white walls and lying on the bed most of the time, has made my whole body turn jelly. 1 more day of not going out will make me turn tofu! i gotta return the vcds tmr and rent somemore to at least have something to do. shop around kovan, if theres anything to buy at all. oh! there's thai express. CURRY ..... mmmm.
nOOOO! must ren. haha. i havent been eating much last few days (: i doubt its doing anything but it feels good. no appetite anyway. sleep too much. 12hours everyday. sometimes more than that. sleeping just became my hobby. i need exercise : cycling / blading / skating / swimming / yogaa... hahaha. NIC, wad happened to the, take up something for 1 month thing. haha. guess its too ex anyway.
see, know why this entry is so long after so many short entries before this? even when i didnt go out for 3 days ? cos im being a little more naggy and talking all the shit i can. CAUSE , i have NOTHING TO DO ! and im bored to bits.
my bf is off at his friend's house watching soccer, eating friend's bday cake, doing wadever guys do and having the fun of his life when i cant talk to him!! ): his phone LOW BATT. ahhhahh. disturbing my bf has also become a hobby in my life. its a habit. heh.
i wanna watch
ultraviolet ! underworld evolution first tho. arhhh.
see ah, know why nobody go out w me?
winnie exams coming, not gonna disturb her.
nic, working for these 3 days.
vanessa, um, WHERE IS SHE? hahaha. nesssyy, come out come out wherever u are. haha. fashionista week!
peili, she and her floorball trainings la.
silin ! she also *poof*. hope to see her this saturday.
cheryn, jane , blah blah...
supposed to go eat at her work place right? when har? haha
kay la. very late alr. gonna slp soon.
time check : 4.30 AM.
what we could have been, 01:24.
new layout.
horrible life i have.
no mood for anything not even food.
have only had a few mini sun kuey so far.
good for dieting.
i dont think it will work.
im wasting my life away.
anyone have any job offer?
i need cash.
what we could have been, 23:03.
went to watch big moma's house 2 today evening with my boyfriend! haha. the movie, not very big deal wad. not exactly very funny. bought crystal jade buns for my dinner. almost couldnt finish all of them. went cold storage to do some marketing w him for awhile (:
i wanted to change my blogskin ah. but i accidentally pressed the damned back button on my key board which is in between my right ctrl button and left arrow button! the forward button is on the other side. wads the 1 buttons for? i DONT KNOW! ass buttons, i was almost done w the skin.
now im too lazy.
hope theres cycling on fri peili. haha
what we could have been, 01:40.
results are out.
i wanna cry le la
damn bad loh. worst than last sem. im only relieved that i passed everything and no need to repeat, but how to tell my parents my fucking lan results after soo many shit happenings these days. bad times.. bad times. sigh. i cant fucking do IT la damnit. im a com idiot la. make me take IT course.
went to campus superstar w nic n all today. geraldine is chio leh. and teresa's voice, mesmerising. its sad that adriano is out.
ice skating with nic, shawn n daniel tmr (:
im in love with wang renfu again !
what we could have been, 01:34.
NIC!! i nv say boring wad. hahaha. fun leh. just never been out with the same person 3days straight before. haha (: and still going out again next week hor? hope u wont get sick of me. haha.
slept at about 4 / 5am and i woke up at 6.30pm!! coolness. 12 freaking long hours of slp! somemore i didnt even wake up the whole time. gosh, i didnt know im THAT tired. and i wanted to slp away the day anyway. theres basically nothing to do ma.
and im in love w ge dou tian wang. yay. watching it day n night. ive got 9more episodes to complete.
glued to the tv.
im into sad movies again. match my mood.
what we could have been, 01:44.
went out with nicole for 3 days straight la.
shopping then the very boring kovan plus prata with daryl and today, sentosa with jr they all.
whole week never rain la, pian pian today we go tanning HAVE to rain loh! ultimate suayness can. and it was damn crowded everywhere la, beach, bus stops, on the bus... and the TOILETs! inconsiderate ppl made us wait an hour for our turn cos they decided that they wanted to take their own sweet fucking time in the shower. the damn place is supposed to be for ppl to take showers not bathe dammit.
come home after the whole fucking tiring day and wad i got was a whole load of crap from my parents. and then i recieved a msg from rh, family problem again, must be. duno wads up this time round. and i have to wait until monday then i would be able to know anything at all.
plus, im watching ge dou tian wang series. as usual, ou xiang ju-s all have ultra sad touching stories that make ppl cry like nobody's business. im so emo now it sucks.
what we could have been, 00:25.
went out with nicole today.
walked around almost the whole of singapore. its boring. haha. she bought like SO MANY THINGS! i feel so poor la. haha. sian...
carls jr brunner. whoo! nice. coffee bean then went to meet shaun n dong at esplanade. some mosaic music festival?? haha. ronin was there. they made my left ear partially deaf. weird. cos we were seated closer to the right speaker. and it was DAMN warm la. sooo cant stand it. i almost fell asleep while ronin was rocking away, can u believe it! sleep during rock song.
the guy before ronin was good. haha. his love songs all v nice (: forgot his name.
and for some reason, my left big toe hurts v v badly ): pain........
tmr out again (:
but broke. bad. bad.blah.
what we could have been, 01:48.
Wednesday, March 15, 2006
worked again. im sick and tired of it. have to replace the boyfriend at work tmr cos he's up watching soccer at the moment.
baby's chinchilla passed away today. the mother chinchilla. the sweetest most well trained one that stayed w him for 6year. i think i know how he feels. poor thing. i feel sad too ):
cant wait for next week!.
my skin is peeling like nobody's business.
what we could have been, 02:40.
nothing happened to my boobs
regina. haha. they are FINE -.- eh, go out again soon lei. v long nv see u. haha.
worked. and rented vcd saw2. watched it. its fucking GRUESOME! worst than the first movie la. damn. i kept shivering all over after the whole movie. now im still feeling weak. i dont wanna die like any of them pls.
im waiting for someone to watch underworld evolution, big mama house 2 and vendetta with me. haha. i love grey's anatomy. whoo.
both the two fellas, sharing my baby's room, are working tonight. someone FINALLY has his room to himself (:
still waiting for phone to ringring.
what we could have been, 22:31.
home is so boring.
save me someone.
sitel! dammit. i put my schedule for the whole week, you gave me TWO DAYS of work! for a few hours. how am i supposed to earn money to spend like that. pay wont even hit 300 lar! URGH. sommore my mom wont allow me to work midnight shift!
I NEED CASH !!! anyone feeling generous,willing to spare a few hundred that u might not get back. pls tag or something. then i can pay my friend back with 100 and put the rest to good use. RAHH ):
sometimes i feel like crying for nothing. moodswings i guess. or ! i could just be too bored and have nothing better to do.
thats v possible.
cos just just now, i went to friendster browsing to look at girls' profiles. admire their nice skin, nice stuff, THINness and v happy-perfect-looking life with many friends. and feel envious. haha. how bored can i get? Very.
my circle of friends is reducing to nothing. cause i just cant get any friends in nyp. they're all my class very-boring-ungentlemenly-dotaloving-guys. am i anti-social? my girlfriends have their own friends + new friends. so ya, my circle's reducing to nothing soon.
im just feeling emo.
damn. always happens during the time of the month.
hah. i need to get a life. staying home everyday isnt helping and having a financial crisis aint helping either.
nicky. i burnt my CHEST AREA. but not my boobs. cos they're covered. hahaa.
what we could have been, 04:44.
work early tmr morn and wad am i doing now?
blogging&watchingtv at ONE FORTY FIVE AM!
went out with vanessa. came home early. bought a top and 2 earrings and mints in cute pink box.haha. i love the rose earring la!hor nessa. haha (: pepper lunch for lunner and amazingly, not a single pic taken the whole day. haha.
start of a bad ONE week.
pls go away soon.
what we could have been, 01:44.
Wednesday, March 08, 2006

sentosa on monday (:
silin and my baby boy.
i got slightly darker. yay.
but i burnt some parts of my chest and back.
haha. cos i forgot to apply lotion
to those areas. shewts.
stayed on the beach for awhile only
cos the boy kept complaining bout the heat
and he didnt wanna turn charcoal (:
again again! after my burnts disappear.
work on tues, today, fri.
its the second week of hols.
soo boring can.
ive been wanting to rent vcds since forever ):
what we could have been, 11:45.
FIVE whole days of staying home,
has made me so so bored and lazy to even change and then go out! okay, its also cos im utterly broke. i got so little money left on me now la ):
tmr SENTOSA (:
what we could have been, 17:12.
being poor isnt a very good thing.
i think i should go rent vcd tmr.
i slept half my day away,woke up at 4pm, so that the day would pass by faster. and then, i cant seem to slp at night. so my night is extended. with nothing else to do ):
im starting work next week. anyone who wants to date me, from next week onwards, tell me early cos i gonna work my ass off. i need loads of cash for the month of april (:
what we could have been, 01:21.
Wednesday, March 01, 2006

(: with vanessa. havent seen her since i went to visit once at her work place. met her in tpy. and i was late yet again ): sorry. some things came up...
went to ikea. yummiest meal in ages. haha. and queensway for her shoes and my shorts/sports bra. but none. queensway aint that great no more. bleh.
i spent 50bucks today. my pay is pathetic. and so, im broke yet again. fuck it.
i love hols (:
i get to slack. go out w ppl whatever time i want, only if im not working. work, so theres income, although i hate the job alr. and watch vcds till late in the night, if i rent any.
love HATE hols.
my parents start getting irritating and bother me MORE. damn. im gonna be 18 soon. and my FUCKING EXAMS ARE OVER. give me a break LAH?! and somemore today's the first damn day of my hols. i cant even go out without her nagging first. this is wad she said, "yi tian dao wan chu1 chu4."(and others.) WTH? yi tian dao wan, like fuck. i stayed home the whole 2weeks damn it!
theres never gonna be peace for me unless i go out or its late at night when everyone's asleep. this is its forcing me to rent vcds, watch till sunrise, and slp till the sun is about to set when financially possible. urgh. ive never had a fantastic hol before.
and my dad dare to make me watch some CNA show called real or something. about generation gap.look at those families urself dude. they took like, years to understand each other cos of the age gap. im 18, cant u just LET ME ENJOY MY TEEN LIFE. nobody goes crazy and have crazy nightlife fun or wadever u do in ur teens when they turn 21!
i dont have a freaking childhood/teenhood.
what we could have been, 01:53.