Tuesday, February 28, 2006

(: genting picture. making funny faces in the cold outdoors. yes, that is indeed my brother n i. haha. we dont look like right. actually i still have like loads of pictures not uploaded anywhere.
anyway, last paper of exams today. should be passable. sat in raiders awhile while they played dota as usual. told u. and then went to meet cheryn and khairul. slacked in town ah, played pool ah. ATE. bleh
now, listen.
girls beware.
there is PERVERT ppl asking for donations in orchard mrt. a fucker came up to me today, pestered me for fucking 10-15mins even when i said i dont want to donate. then he even ask if i were wearing a blue or green bra. like WTF. i should learn how to slap ppl's faces. cos i nv slapped anyone before. anyone wanna be my model?
i swear. the next time i go to town, if i see the fella again, im gonna get his name and all. faggot. i shall get ppl to whack the hell out of him and chop his balls off. HA.
and cos of that 1 fucker. i am never donating to that "HOME" thing ever again! old folks home, wadever homes, and charity funds, PICK YOUR DAMN VOLUNTEERS PROPERLY!! this is sexual harrassment. and he pulled my hand. asked me to draw money to donate somemore when i said i dont have cash. WHAT KIND OF FUCKING CHARITY FORCES PPL TO DONATE. i was in an alright mood then, so i didnt pursue to screaming at him but just let it pass. i actually dont know why i didnt slap him. URGH.
im in a FOUL mood now. and the next time anyone in orchard mrt approach me for donations, i shall say no in a polite manner. if the fella still force, i shall say no in an irritated manner. then again! i will scream, GET LOST LA/GO AWAY LA!
dont fucking blame me for being mean. cos i dont care anymore. these "volunteers" who go round begging for donation are just pathetic. pfft.
still deciding.
what we could have been, 03:21.
Monday, February 27, 2006
in about 13hours and 15mins im gonna be officially on holiday. and the predictable timetable for my class of guys are so definitely gonna waste a portion of their parent's hard earned money, used for giving them allowance on going to a lan shop to play their fucking useless beloved game of dota. this is how sad my poly life is. after that, i either follow them to that run-down raiders or go home and stone. cos even my bf is doing to play that game. URGH.
does this look like me? nic say dont look like lei. ???
i took it the moment i stepped into my hotel room in genting ^_^
what we could have been, 12:15.
Sunday, February 26, 2006

Spider-Man 3.
took from some website..
the first shot of Spider-Man's new black costume.
the Venom story. i cant wait! ^.^
what we could have been, 02:00.
im addicted to the com/internet.
althought i havent got much to do online really.
im addicted to the teevee.
once i switch it on, i'll just keep watching till
there really isnt anything left to watch. !!
ive got 1 more day to master ERP.
done with 1/4 of it.
study >.<
the sketch show is worth watching.
damn funny (:
what we could have been, 00:12.
Saturday, February 25, 2006
nv study today leh..
what we could have been, 00:09.
Friday, February 24, 2006
maths exam today.
i HOPE i'll pass.
went to have sakae sushi buffet at bishan with my class for a belated bday celebration for my bf. the rest went to play lan again. cheryn called me the moment i stepped into my house. so i left for bishan AGAIN. met her and khai. laughed n talked bout all scandal stuff. walao! all their papers finishing ):
mine on monday larr....
home early.
and now watching ice skating.
love the girls' figure skating.
so graceful and the pretty pretty dresses (:
what we could have been, 01:50.
Wednesday, February 22, 2006
i think im gonna die.
if i dont, someone kill me.
my maths gone case liao lar ):
pls wish me luck. loads. i need.
hope everything goes smoothly tmr.
then after that, it's time to have a
belated celebration for that birthday boy.
what we could have been, 22:46.
Tuesday, February 21, 2006
i hate it when relatives come sticking their itchy noses into our personal business. really. worst still when they go round talking rubbish when they nv get their facts clear or dont understand wads happening at all.
it happened on the day i went to my cousin's house warming. its just a small flat, duno how many rooms nia. my mom wore my slippers out to the buffet table which was, apparently, quite far away from the main door. why so far away, i have no idea.
i finished my food, tried calling for her cos she was all the way at the other end and i needed my slippers to walk to the big bin to throw my plate. she couldnt hear me as usual. her hearing has deteriorated a lot. her sense of hearing has never been very good to begin with.
and wad would you do if the person you're calling cant hear you? call louder right? i tried a little louder. nobody nearer to her helped me tell her i was calling her. geez. how helpful. and then i couldnt take it, so i shouted quite loudly. and she finally heard me.
okay, the main part, one of my relatives said i didnt have any respect for screaming at my mom. YO! STUPID DUDE,
first of all,
i was shouting, not screaming
second of all,
i wasnt shouting AT her. i was calling FOR her.
cos she couldnt hear me, so my calling was slightly louder.
third of all,
she could just mind her own business. i used to think she was alright. now i dont like any one of my relatives. i still havent got anything against 1 of the aunts yet. the rest, is a total goner. i dont like most of my cousins. hah. 1 big happy family. and my dad's side, i got so irritated w the small one, thank god i dont have to see her these last few years.
am i making any sense?
if anyone agree with my relative, tell me.
majority wins. i will... uh,not do it again?
if you think that relative is in the right,
just tag, i wont go hating you or something.
what we could have been, 19:38.
waaay behind ):
i need my maths expert baby.
AHHH. matrices is like, URGH.
HUISHAN : haha. yep. its even on yesterday's papers.
NICOLE : hahaha. she alr damn sad. the whole world seen her body and her privates. sigh. thats why i pity her.
REGINA : eh, quite true ah. she looks sleepy. maybe she was DruGGED!hahaha. jk.
time to burn my brain juices away.
im gonna become some idiot without brain juices soon. and i;ll talk and move like an idiot! dont laugh at me! >.<
what we could have been, 14:18.
Sunday, February 19, 2006
im back!
WA WA. just 3days offline and SO many ppl tag my board. where'd you all go when im in spore?! haha
replies first :
NICOLE : she's some girl in my school.
BAZ : yea. i read everywhere, they all say its tammy lei.
jollYoldKELLY : welcome back.
HUITING : why's tanning a nono for you?
read xialanxue.blogspot.com about the tammy thing (:
genting was alright la.
i cant make racist comments here incase i get fined or jailed or something. but really, it wasnt exactly enjoyable. their working attitude, not v good ah. and the customer service like, BAD.
first world hotel also bad. rooms no toothbrush tooth paste leh. they claim that they dont provide de. and the guy who said it, walked into a room and took 2 boxes out and says this is exception. wad RUBBISH.
didnt visit the themepark but i went to the casino (:
won some from jackpot!! haha. fun only when you're winning.
bought top, jacket, bag. couldnt find nice accessories at all.
lousy. haha. and the pizza hut there, DAMN CHEAP.
yumm. (:
ate so much! and the weather rocked. its like,
fresh aircon-cold air. (",)b
my bf msged me the whole weekend. all the sweet msgs! love him ^.^
what we could have been, 22:11.
Friday, February 17, 2006
i pity the nyp sex scandal girl,
SILIN : heyy! yes. LONG time. tanning tog! yes. i will contact you after my 2 major papers are over. haha.
HUITING :D yepyep. you come along for the tanning and wadever interesting shits we're gonna do kay? hahaha. ^.^
what we could have been, 02:27.
Thursday, February 16, 2006
caught the movie :
cassanovawith my bf on
valentines (:
good movie, go watch!
dang ERP lecture,
made us rush back after the movie.
the whole 14feb wasnt the romantic
all planned out date la. but nvm,
its over and i have him anyway.
planned dates can happen any other day,
not necessarily on 14feb where flowers and all
are 3times the normal price. haha
and today, was a day of rushing everywhere.
make me wake up freaking early, go all the way to
tampines then find out that i no need to work.
what happened :
- breakfast with the bf.
- cabbed home.
- slept till 1pm. left to house to escape mom's nagging.
- felt like i dragged baby out to keep me company. but he still came anyway (:
love him.
- watched
pink panther at tpy central. damn funny + lame movie. but its all in all, v good.
- had some food with him. then he sent me home to change out of my skirt.
- went to meet the girls ( mercy , clara! , qilin , winnie , huileng , shing ) havent seen clara in almost a year la.
- came home.
and now im packing for genting.
be back later.
what we could have been, 11:56.
Tuesday, February 14, 2006
"dont need to buy me anything la dear.
ive got you, enough le."
sometimes he just says the sweetest things ever.
what we could have been, 01:37.
Sunday, February 12, 2006
i just realised, i didnt put why i got B4
in my last entry ! hahaha. OOPS.
just for ppl who still dont know,
its my ENGLISH GCE Os. i retook.
hahaha. whOO.
NICKY (yeah, HIGH! haha)
REGINA. ENG! hahah. wHOO.
i got my shoes today.
the blue green one. (: nike.
and i regretted not buying the F21 top i saw.
but i bought the white skirt in the end.
if only i had the top. both went so well tog.
wanted long sleeve top from
but, someone tell me, wads the point of having
meaningless words like "prisoner or love"
on the front?? other than that the top rocks.
all the other captions are sexual! dang.
winnie darling.
alwyn for following me around
the whole day to hunt for my shoe.
i ate ultra loads.
original cheese sausage (fareast),
meatballs (ikea),
cake + oreomochafrape (tcc).
im so fat.
out whole day. work damn boring
and tmr is STUDY DAY!
i gotta do well for BIS. i wanna slap
lee siu li with my B-/B/B+.
that B's good enough. BAHH
im still high. BEEEE FOUR EH.
i love Bs and my Baby too. haha
luvya -smooch2-
what we could have been, 00:40.
Friday, February 10, 2006
although i didnt get my B3, but i still
got B4!! HAMMIE.
im all smiles.
no one can destroy this
good mood of mine right now.
not even YOU.
im gonna celebrate.
going out w winnie after work (:
anyone wanna join? haha.
gonna get my shoe.
what we could have been, 15:52.
presentation. both my baby toes hurt.
cos of the dang shoe.
work 6pm-12am cos SL called me back.
and i thought i could get a lift home.
but i had to go home alone in cab in the end.
if youre so afraid of others knowing stuff
you are doing, then DONT DO IT.
if youre so afraid of having rumors going
round the company dont fucking do
anything to make anyone start the rumour
you stupid biatch
wadever. if anyone reads this, knows who im
refering to, and is not happy about it,
cos im damn pissed off.
i cant stand that woman anymore.
NIC : i think you make up one. haha. is it ?? =X
REGINA : really meh! bluff me la! haha.
what we could have been, 01:10.
Thursday, February 09, 2006
"drive up to marina south to watch the night
jewelled harbour lights on the horizon and
cuddle up under the stars.
memories are made of these."
♥ if only my bf had a car. haha.
what we could have been, 01:24.
Tuesday, February 07, 2006
1 rose : my one and only.
3 roses : i love you.
2 roses : i duno leh. haha..
and today, ive finally found out
wad a geisha really is. haha
only after they sell their virginity
then they can become a true geisha.
and they;re entertainers.
and theyre half wives to their dannas.
many others. the movie's damn interesting but rh slept. he had a sudden headache.xt
im hungry.
presentation today was ok la. haha. i screwed up.
and i only had 4 mistakes in my c++ e-quiz! haha.
thanks to chuan wei (:
and fucking good news!
no elearning next week! which means no amaran!
hopefully, i wont need to see her anymore in future.
work tomorrow.
presentation on thurs. maths test on fri.
what we could have been, 20:12.
Monday, February 06, 2006
i wanna watch casanova!
looks nice (:
tests, exams, project presentation weeks are here.
the very things i dread every sem.
what we could have been, 23:31.
Sunday, February 05, 2006
sakae lunch finally after ages.
tax + gst added up to fucking loads
visited terence and saw his pretty wife and the ever so cute clare! she's ultra cute la. winnie fell in love w her and so did she (:
mini-shopping in compass point with winnie dear.
cant imagine what i found!
1. Eclat D'arpege LANVIN paris!!89bucks/100ml
2. new guess bags i love. (black)
3. denim billabong skirt. 60bucks.
4. billabong cap. 30bucks.
if i werent broke at the moment.
nvm. i shall wait a bit longer. till after genting.
but i want my perfume no matter wad (: whee.
nic's house bai nian! whee. hahaha.
didnt try her food lei. regret. haha. now a bit hungry.
anyhows, gambled.haha and i didnt win anything
nor lose anything! haha. amazing.
considering my luck in this dog year aint that good at all.
poor nic lost quite a lot i think.
cabbed home thanks to the guys.
what we could have been, 00:30.
Friday, February 03, 2006
im actually happy again.
i got not enough slp la damn it.
then i not happy. screwed up my day.
so sorry baby.
the poor boy sick.
went to his specialist to flush out his nose.
i think i know why!
he keeps sucking everything in,
doesnt wanna sneeze out. must be la.
not good know...
and the poor darling went to slp and woke
up again. night mare.. sigh.
what we could have been, 01:00.
Thursday, February 02, 2006
i had bad stomach cramps yesterday.
v bad. plus i was damn tired cos i had to fix problematic com the night before. so i felt like a very painful walking corpse with blood flowing out from below.
no appetite till late at night.
so had nothing to eat 'cept a cup corn.
and then late night mac.
no one seemed to care much.
happy 7th mth 'versary.

there, i got peili's face up.
what we could have been, 17:14.
NO peili.haha not cos my face is smaller. cos jane chio-er!!
jane, i tried to put peili's one up also. sooo many times. i got so frustrated cos it couldnt work and i was telling one of my friends. haha. so i decided to not put her face up. i think blogger got prob w her face la. no choice. hahaha.
what we could have been, 04:19.