Tuesday, January 31, 2006
i am so pissed off with my parents. for the last few days, everything i do is wrong?! whats that about me not helping out to prepare the reunion dinner. i helped every other year! just not this year.
rushing me around! reunion dinner late afternoon, rush me home. when i got home, i had to wait another 2hours before the whole dinner started! and chu yi. go bai nian, i only knew last min and they woke me up ultra late la. and told me just wear anything cos i didnt have anything new and didnt know wad to wear. and when i just wore anything, i got nagged. wad about me dressing so nicely when i go out w friends and dressing like that when i go out w them?!
PLUS, after they rushed me around. all the way to where we were supposed to go, i realised, we were one of the first to reach!! rush so fucking much for what la. everybody else wasnt there yet!
and today, i went out. and was screamed at to come hom over and over. i went home later than today yesterday. why yesterday can today cant? she alr said its chinese new year. i should be able to enjoy myself cos i promised to not go out after the cny hols. im making full use of my time!
it was fucking 8 plus pm when she called ok. asking me to come home NOW. WTF. and i left the house at 6 plus pm! she kept calling non-stop over and over even after i told her to stop calling!
btw, the SHE is my MOM.
and my dad. definitely in the bg talking shit to my mom.
okay. enough.. im done with all the fucked up-ness.
this year's cny sucked to the so fucking core.
and i still hate that guy!
he's pissing me off.
i went to mos today anyway. nothing much loh, seriously. dancing was fun. ultra noisy. and i would have enjoyed more without my mom calling every other HOUR! URGH.
bedtime. work tmr, 9am-3pm.

what we could have been, 03:13.
happy chinese new year!so bored the whole dang night, i so totally regret not renting vcds to watch ): but anyway, there;s actually man in iron mask on channel5 now. i like that movie.
my ulcer's killing me. i cant eat properly cos of it, when i close my mouth even, i'll bite on it. hurts. PLUS my wisdom tooth chose these days to start growing again! adding on to the pain. ahhh. i cant eat all the delicious food. my mom cooked so much, i only ate a lil here and there. love yu sheng.
and so, i took an IQ test. i dun wanna tell wads my IQ. haha. but this is the other result i got a long with the 3-digit number ok! 3 digit HOR!
Concrete Thinker
People who are Concrete Thinkers have an intelligence grounded in a clear understanding of what is happening around them. In situations where others are confused, things are crystal clear to them. In addition, they have the unusual combination of strong verbal and numerical skills. They are able to solve equations and then use their verbal skills to explain those solutions to others.

A or B??haha. till the time i get to go to queensway, which is,
i dont know when? yet. sigh. winnie told me that
she need to go down to queensway too. we just have to
find 1 day that we're free :/
- sweet talker's back.
and RENFU is on TV!! YAYY.
new year isnt that bad for the moment.haha
what we could have been, 02:33.
Saturday, January 28, 2006
happy lunar new year EVE!
had super loads for dinner.
and i havent had any alc yet.
what we could have been, 18:57.
if your friends are that important.
why dont i just be your friend too.
you know wad my prob is?
i know.
i care too much. thats it!
i think i should not care at all from today onwards.
he does wad he likes i do wad i want.
if he wants anything then
he can come and look for me.
yes. i shall do just that. from after chinese new year onwards i shall do my own stuff, be independent again. i can do my stuff without him.
what we could have been, 13:48.
Thursday, January 26, 2006
long john silvers advertisement on tv looks so appetizing. but when you see the real thing, the chicken is pathetic la! everything's pathetic. small pieces of fish/chicken. so disappointing.
my pay isnt in yet!
OMGOMG. my bro jsut told me our pays are in already! pray there is. i will die of disappointment if i check tmr and see no money in my back account. i will! i have enough fats to choke up my blood vessels. haha. im suddenly happy. haha.
maths test tmr.
time to study!
now that my pay is supposedly alr in, lets all pray that its at leaast 500bucks. haha
what we could have been, 23:45.
Wednesday, January 25, 2006
his list?
1. friends
2. family
3. dota
4. me.
im not even sure if im really number 4..
theres prob loads more infront of me.
thats true, to a certain extend.
what we could have been, 22:24.
Tuesday, January 24, 2006
I HATE BEING BROKE.met nicole after school and watched i not stupid too.
ultra good movie. i cried almost half of it and laughed the other half. haha.
i think parents should watch "i not stupid too" movie too. EVERY SINGLE PARENT should watch it no matter how busy they are, no matter how many countries they have to fly to. it really puts the msg across. you need the "KEY" to get through to your kids. not just by cutting their allowance, screaming at them, nagging, beating or punishing them. you have to listen la, and notice their talents rather than their flaws. its SO true. although the ending of the movie was quite lame, but i think this is the best jack neo movie just yet. and anyway joshua ang and shawn lee are total cuteness.
im suddenly not in the best of moods. i thought a lot on the bus ride home. why am i really spending so much on him. he paid for quite a lot for the first 3 months. but half of it is for hiself too. food, cab n all. then i paid for a lot alr. isnt it supposed to be fair alr? his parents are like fucking loads more wealthy than my parents la. so it cant really be compared like that wad.
i dont get why rich parents like to torture their kids by cutting their allowance. wad would they do if their kids go out and steal other ppls money. okay, not all rich parents do that. im making a mental note so i can tell that to his mom the next time she msgs or calls to ask me to leave her precious poor son.
if i were rich. like, ultra rich rich, i'd give my kid as much as he/she needs. but obviously, not to the extent of spoiling him or her.
WHY? cos my theory : when youre ULTRA rich rich rich!! being stingy is a sin. especially to your own family. to others, a little generosity is best. why be so stingy to your own "qing sheng gu rou" and so nice to outsiders? no point right.
ah, fuck it. im having
ulcers(: hurts. i need more water.
what we could have been, 23:26.
i hate dota.
i'll nv touch it,
never play it at all.
cos my bf's playing it.
the game is more important to him than i am.
what we could have been, 10:25.
nanyang poly lecturers fucking dua bai.
the store vendor just skipped me to serve them first and the TWO lecturers, one female and the other male, just went straight and ordered their rice. its like, li suo dang ran, kind. GAWD, the examples they're showing. they could just tell the uncle to serve me first? HELLO?? am i invisible? isnt waiting for 1ME better than me waiting for 2THEM? damn it loh. si bei dua bai. then the woman still complain why her veg so little. eat more la, CHI SI NI. urghh. piss me off.
my hands hurt from carrying :
2 1.5L of f&n orange,
2 cans of miranda orange,
1 carton of packet drinks,
1 extra pack of 6packets drinks,
1 bottle of green tea.
gawd. haha. if i carry that everyday, my muscles would come back. haha. damn blardy heavy i tell you.
and im irritated. wads it bout pervertic men with bicycles and/or lorries! ew?
what we could have been, 18:49.
i am SO BROKE.
so very broke. and i hate it.
i want my pay! sitel, if any of
you are reading this, pls pls
pay us or, ME soon. i really
really really need the money.
why'd i have this strange feeling
he doesnt really care so much anymore.
AND NOW, ive got a neater wishlist (:
what we could have been, 00:58.
Saturday, January 21, 2006
its nice to have ppl to laugh with like a total looney once in awhile. it totally makes my day no matter how tired i am. haha. nicole has like, ultra crazy and fun friends la (:
cheaper by the dozen 2. its really good. better than the first one. ultra good! go catch it!!
and, i ABSOLUTELY HATE the feeling of being broke. damnmit. when is my pay coming in!! i NEED my MONEY! i NEED CLOTHES! for chinese new year! urrrgh.
feb 17, i'll be going genting (: for bout 3 or 4days. whee ! my first time going genting eh. fun fun. but v near exam week and my darling bf's birthday.must get him something.
watch this i guarantee you will laugh your ass off. haha
nic's friend, shawn kept going, "it hard" haha
what we could have been, 00:57.
Thursday, January 19, 2006
pffft .... suay day, can.
urgh. over slept this morn. supposed to wake up at 8 or 9. but woke at 1010am in the end. went down to take a cab to serangoon garden. while waiting for cab, i walked pass the front of the bus stop and tripped! tripped on wad, im not exactly very sure. but some skin on my arm got scratched out cos i grabbed onto the stone stump thing to break my fall. pain.
i cant really remember most of the day. just that, when i came home, something happened la. then my parents.. rrrggh.
the only lucky thing that happened to me today is, i got a SILVER mercedes cab to serangoon garden in the morning.
what we could have been, 19:24.
finally gotten rid of the last layout.
i didnt like it much really. haha.
yesterday night was funn. haha. finally met up with the girls la. after SO long.. AHH! so much fun la. hahaha. peili/cheryn/qilin/shing/huileng/serene.
had dinner at chompchomp , serangoon garden. my bf came down! (: unfortunately , he had to witness us girls (peili,shing,cheryn,qilin) sit tog at coffee bean after dinner and gossip hell loads , cos ice cube wasnt open! damn.. haha. btw, dinner was DAMN DAMN good la. haha
we are supposed to have something like this "catch up" thing every 2weeks. hope it happens. haha.
took pics with almost my whole class today.
shall continue w the rest of the class.
what we could have been, 11:42.
Tuesday, January 17, 2006
2 days of quarrelling
FINALLY fucking over.
its damn fucking lame.
and i keep thinking he;s doing it because its somehow due to jealousy? wad about me siding someone else. come kill me if im wrong. pffft.
spent school hanging out with a different group of ppl. they're fun loh. wenxiong's fun. haha. and he's super nice! like a damn nice big bro. offered to help take my plate of chicken chop at lunch, then passed me tissue paper right after i finished my meal. it just appeared in front of me. haha (: these are nice guys and totally different from the other group of them who only know how to use their mouth to put ppl down. except for my bf la. he loves hanging w that bunch. what to do.
meeting the girls at serangoon garden soon.
peili shing cheryn and maybe qilin.
yayness. havent seen them for so long.
what we could have been, 17:28.
singaporeans. hah! the buangkok mrt station is finally opened today. and oooh...10,000 ppl went to take the first ride out. woww... how fascinating!.
GEEZ! did anyone watch the news? look at how the singaporeans were rushing for the first ride, how they ran through the gates. how they rushed into the train. OMFG. theres even one who lived in punggol but just came down to "witness", in other words, KEPO.
pfft. can you believe them?? its just the first freaking ride. if you think properly, you have to pay to take the first ride. there arent any money give aways you know. why are they actually all rushing to take the first fucking ride? its not like theres only 1 ride and then they'd be closing down the station. so wad if you took the first train? boast about it? haha. LAME! fucking boliao la. beh tahan la. see the way they run??! OMFG man.
okay anyway, went out with silin and kelvin yesterday. shopped loads and all. then ended up at clark quay for dinner at winegarage. ooh. food was ultimate. delicious! and 50% off! gawd. can you believe that. haha jit and huiting really missed out on a whole lot of good stuff. haha. kelvin boy, finally told silin about
it. haha. cute.
answer's gonna be on tuesday. im soo excited alr. and its not even any of my business! but im so excited! our silin's gonna get a bf soon! yayyy. hahaha
i bought a new top. and i wanted to get the one at flesh imps too. but the top area tight la! damn. i love it la. it says so glamourous in gold letterings! anyhows, i love newurbanmale (:
pics :


what we could have been, 23:43.
its been raining for 5days straight and it only stopped this afternoon! and IM LOVIN IT. haha. i love super cool weather and the smell of rain.
although i was almost about to get pneumonia while having a 3HOURS long lesson in the freezing lab. brrrr. i couldnt move properly. ive never been so happy to see the sun in my life.
my mom. damnit! she keeps having this thing to keep angering herself for no fucking reason i tell you. for nothing she'd just get pissed and nag bout anything in the world ; untidy room, blah blah! urghh.
anyhows, i got a little compliment from my dearest cousin. just the one compliment made my day. at least theres one good comment after the whole day of insults i got today. and there was exceptionally many of them today.
and, i think i did well for my maths tests. (:
HUITING : i changed my blog add so she cant read. thats the whole point. hahahaha.so she wont be seeing that. thanks so much anyway (:
what we could have been, 20:47.
since my poor giraffe is so sick, it's about to not be able to make it very soon, ive decided to let it rest forever.
what we could have been, 02:16.
reason why i changed my blog add is cos i really suspect that some woman is reading it. and its obvious which woman already.
she seems to know exactly wads happening everyday. work, school and wad i said about her. that entry i wrote bout her, was meant to be for her.but apparently, she wasnt very happy and so, screwed rh the other night.
i dont want him to be getting into anymore trouble. and her, to know anything else about my life and wad i do or say everyday, whether i passed or failed any tests or scolded all the vulgarities in the world.
and of course, that woman is none other than my bf's mom.
and my bf's ex-ex-gf is still reading my blog anyway. i read her blog too anyway so i can see that everytime i go through a hard time w my bf she will seem a little happier. xing zai le huo. ass..
anyhows, theres maths test tmr. im just hoping i dont fail it.
what we could have been, 00:10.
its been raining for almost 24 hours.
weathers super cold.
i love it.
althought it was a little hard to fall
asleep with the rain splattering on my window
last night, i still hope its gonna continue the
whole of tonight (:
i wander how life's gonna be like,
4yrs down the road.
so sick of family getting in the way.
what we could have been, 23:13.
okay!! i hear ya...hahaha
cos, i finally found
my other black strap for my black bra!!
hahaha. now i can finally wear it with
the strap so i wont keep feeling like
its gonna drop. hahahaha
andi love
rlim la. he msged me telling me
he was really tired just now, so i told him
to go slp. he's got church early the
next morn anyway. but when i came online,
he was online and the first to msg
me on msn even before my com
finished loading properly.
AH! he said it was a surprise.
i really was surprised (: sweeet.
okay. anyhows, went to freddy;s
chalet w nic, hoping to see superstars.
but gena scam. haha.
NICOLE : hahaha. relax la dear. its just 1 tag. okay, 2. hahaha. i wanna haunt your tag. but my laptop dont allow. cos i cannot tag there, damn sad. haha
HUITING : hahaha. cos its a new link (: then somehow a little easier to find your name also. haha.
JANE : (: super long nv see you alr. must meet.
REGINA : hahahahhaaa. chicken little dance. if neeko does it, i must take vid!
what we could have been, 01:40.
Saturday, January 07, 2006
out w nicky and daryl day.
and additions of nicky's poly friends.
crazy ppl! but damn fun la.
haha. slacked at cine level9,
watched family stone.
its quite good. got touching and funny parts.
went to peninsula and then funan and
then clark quey.
1 by 1 the 7 ppl left till there were 4 of
us left. regina, nicole, alwyn and me. haha.
ended up in forbidden city at CQ drinking.
i had aftersex. its fucking orange juice w
damn little alc la.haha. but we shared a red
wine and a champagne.
im so fucking tired alr. -yawn-
and fucking broke.ha
nice meeting you peeps (:
and pics in indochine:

nic and me! (:
[it was damn dark la.]

regina nicole me
i dont have alwyn's pics. haha.
and it so not clear la the pics
what we could have been, 01:20.
what we could have been, 16:43.
Thursday, January 05, 2006
gonna pass yesterday's test and fail today's one.
i think im gonna fail. and even if i fail, theres something that wont make me feel so bad. cos baby made a bet with me cos he thinks i wont fail. ha.
worked last night till late. by the time i reached home, it was super late. so tired, i didnt have time to study. so i just fell aslp. and i regretted so damn much while doing the paper today. was like, shit la, shouldnt have worked last night, shouldnt have worked! then got time to study.
but last night's work was quite fun, with jessica and shairrul around (: and shairrul has the same bday as me! just found out on monday. so cool.
been conferencing with that kelvin and silin recently till late night. so im super tired. hhaha. powerpoint test tmr. die loh i tell you. i dont know anything bout ppt. can you believe it?? if you cant, you still have to. cos it IS true. ive nv really done any ppt in my entire like :P
im slpy. its time for slp. night!
silin, i mentioned you!
kelvin, hanah...hahaha. next time then next time loh >.<]
ohya, new layout. i love it. damn cute. hope you love it too. i only dont really like the giraffe cos its sulking. if only it had a jolly face and always smiling...hahaha.
what we could have been, 01:23.
im suprised nothing happened today.
but there was a whole load of 'if's.
if his mom this and if his mom that.
then physical break but not emotionally?
comeon la. who're you kidding??
happy sixth month. i cant believe its half a yr alr.
KELVIN.you can delete the 'name' you know.
-_- replace it with your name or nick la.
hahaha. aiyoo. (:
waiting for shopping day.
NICOLE.(: try give the poor dude a chance la. haha.
HUISHAN.(: thanks for concern. hah. you take care too.
saw your blog entry, so sad...
what we could have been, 19:39.
just back from my cousin's house warming (: her house was, chio. but so patriotic. almost the whole living & dining room were red and white, except for the tv set and sound system. black. PLASMA flat screen la! long one. i only saw that part of the house. haha. cos i got stuck to the red sofa, watching lord of the rings the two towers. damn exciting...
its not easy to let go
after 6 long months.
what we could have been, 22:24.
HAPPY NEW YEAR peeps!! (:hahaha. thanks
mercy!! okay. of course you can. hahaha. i dont mind really. cos i didnt make it. took from blogskins...miss you too.
nicky after so long! missed her loads. and went shopping together! but couldnt find my bag and belt to buy! sad la. so, anyway... slacked at marche and all. till 7, she went to meet her not-bad-looking and really nice person friend and i went to meet
winnie and the rest of the guys (
barry,willie,freddy,edmund, khairul) at cityhall!
hahaha. love hanging out with that bunch of ppl la. they damn funny. nv fail to make me laugh hell loads. hope 2006 would be a much better year than this yr.
btw thai express curry rice is damn nice (: thanks to recommandation from khai. love nic and winnie many loads.
lets see wad happens on monday. our 6th month and maybe the very last day.
tell me you dont love me anymore then i will leave for good.
read cheryn's blog and all. so touched! miss her too la. those times when we gossiped on the phone late in the night... haha. sia la. now she make me miss sec sch so damn much. im prob the one who misses sec sch thaaaaat much more than others cos my poly totally sucks thaaaaat much more than other's. hahaha. sigh..
missing many of you guys loads.
what we could have been, 02:43.