Wednesday, November 30, 2005
day out with eric and silin (:
i suddenly thought of an
entry i read on xiaxue's blog :
if i were a guyits quite exaggerated. but very true
to some extent. haha.
by the way,
i love you winnie.
thank you so much dear.
you're the best.
always there for me whether
in shopping or tough times (:
thats it.
time to start smiling everyday.
:) :] :D :P
what we could have been, 21:44.
micheal buble - home.
on repeat mode.
i love the song.
super nice.
right vanessa.
what we could have been, 00:43.
Tuesday, November 29, 2005
skipped chrisys lecture.
thats a male lecturer by the way.
came home super early.
for wad, no idea.
havent been wanting to come hm
early at all, these days.
dont wanna see ppl at home.
but wad to do? nobody to go out with
and i have a bf who is under strict control
of his control freak mom.
no offence man. its true.
or its prob cos he just plainly doesnt want to.
he's so nice outside sch ONLY out of school.
which is, v extremely short periods of time.
i feel so jealous of his classmates really.
they get to spend 3days 2 nights,
in fact, it could be 4days 3nights tog like
nobody's business. thats like loads more time
then me.
my life is so square.
its all packed into a timetable.
the only 2 places i'd go is :
home --> school.
school --> home.
the going outs are all so RARE.
kill me. im feeling horrible.
i havent got a life anyway. i dont know
how anyone who's having the same
lifestyle as me actually stay alive.
internet connection sucks these days.
> is that the only reason?
yes. im still thinking bout it.
what we could have been, 16:08.
Monday, November 28, 2005
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO KENNY & YU WEI!went to jr's for bbq yesterday.
its a.. birthday party? haha. nono,
birthday BASH, according to nic (:
the guys were crazy.
snatching food and "owning" each other?
haha. so dota la.
jr's maid sure loves arvin.
sch's uninteresting.
except, maybe, for the poor-kenny-beating
part. he even got drenched in the
toilet at the end of the day.
i think tmr his arm sure blue-black till v jia lat.
yu wei got whacked, but so much lesser! haha.
he got more of the pinching of his nipples.
oh, oh! last week's quiz,
we got backresults today.
THAN GZ N RH! muahahaha.
by luck one la. haha. but i still got higher.
skipped the 2 fella's mini bday
celebration. rlim sent me hm ^-^
after so long.
/random thought.
it is just so taboo for a girl's bf to fall for his gf's friend, whether the friend is a best friend, close friend or just a normal friend. its TABOO! and even if they've broken up, no getting tog. haha. i dont get how pingyi girls do it. seriously. i still dont.
what we could have been, 22:37.
Sunday, November 27, 2005
ERIC : haha. yeah. the good old times la. eh, harry potter hor! with silin and maybe vanessa ya? and LINK ME ARH.hahaha. this out. talk to "GOD". hahaha.
its super cute. gary sent it to me.
but its an obvious C++ program thing. haha. careful wad you say! the whole conversation is recorded. that god in there is quite stupid actually. hahaha. but its really quite entertaining.
i miss you.
what we could have been, 01:31.
Saturday, November 26, 2005
things i did today :
- woke up at 2plus.
- talked to B on phone for awhile. then his bus too crowded, he shy, so put down. sms-ed abit.npthing to talk eh, i still feel so guilty.
- had lunch.
- online-ed
- edited my last 2 blog entries a little bit.
- chatted w a few ppl.
- i finally made up my mind and got barry to send me limewire so i didnt have to ma fan him to dl songs for me everytime i wanted it.
- and then after i got it all installed, i couldnt decide wad songs to dl!!
- slept for a while.
- woke up. quite abruptly. i still dont know why i woke up.
- finally sat down n tried to do c++ (was supposed to do it much earlier)
- did it, for a few mins n gave up!
- i duno how to do lar. then my B nv reply me. i dio stuck man!
- first of all, i didnt even understand the qn!
- so here i am, after giving up ; im updating my blog. hahas.
other things i'd have done after this, would be updated later tonight, or maybe not.
yep, quite detailed.
// random thought ! im suddenly wandering why didnt i know mrlim when he was at his most havoc time. sigh. wad would've happened if he was still havocing. prob loads more trouble and bit more fun la =P
okay, thought's over.
time to figure out wad to do or the rest of the night, before i see someone i wanna chat with online. until then, then i'd finally have something to do.
NICOLE : oooh. yessss. very sweet indeed. hahaha. thats why i post ma =P
RH : i got put your good points too loh. those in grey. haha. and read those bold ones very carefully! yep. fine, im kiddy. so are you ! muahaha
what we could have been, 18:56.
Friday, November 25, 2005
hack, i havent got anything to do, so might as well blog AGAIN right? nothing to blog, so i shall copy n paste & edit some stuff. hahas , from friendster and also on vanessa's blog :
A boy who will make me laugh.
A boy who will let me play with his hair.
A boy who will stop and wait for me in the hall; take my hand; and walk me two classes away.A boy who will tell me he loves me when I get to school.
A boy who will never be ashamed of me.A boy who would go to something even though he doesnt want to; just to see me.A boy who will run his fingers through my hair. A boy who would take the long way to class and be late just to see me for 30 seconds.
A boy who would stay after school with me just to walk around and talk.A boy that can free style for me.
A boy that would look me in the eyes and sing me something random but sweet.A boy that acts normal around anyone.
A boy who would tell a girl that he has a girlfriend.A boy who would make out in the rain with me.A boy who would lay under the stars and tell me stories as I lay my head on his chest.
A boy who would wait for me outside the bathroom.
A boy who would come up behind me; take my hands; and lay his head on my shoulder so I can put mine on his.A boy who lets me pay for somethings.
A boy who would do something special for me if I were having a bad day.A boy who would write on "Happy Birthday" on a chalkboard in one of my classes on my birthday.
A boy who would take someones cell phone; go into the bathroom and call me if I wasnt in school; and find out where I was.
A boy who would tell me things through my friends.
A boy who yells my name from across the hall.
A boy who would meet me at my locker every morning and at dismissal.
A boy who would let me sit with my friends at lunch; and when we'd look at each other from across the cafeteria; we'd smile at one another.
A boy who would come and sit with me and my friends.A boy who would beat another guys ass if they were messing with me.A boy who would let me take pictures of him and put them in my binder.
A boy who would buy me 25 cent rings from gumball machines.
A boy who would call me at 3am and ask me what I was doing; and tell me he was thinking about me.A boy who would go to the mall with me and we'd make fun of people.
A boy who would go places with me and my friends even though he'd be the only guy.
A boy who would laugh at me when I get a detention; only because he's sitting there next to me for the same reason.A boy who would carry my books for me.
A boy who would help me with my homework; even thought he doesnt know it either.
A boy who would pick out a song that made him think of me.
A boy who likes some of my music; and I would like some of his; even though we both in the first place hated it; but now love it cause they like it.
A boy who would help me if I was having problems at home.
A boy who would burn me a CD of songs that make him think of me; and I'd do the same.
A boy who would take the blame for me being late.
A boy who would pin me against a wall and kiss me.
A boy who would take me to the movies and see a stupid kid movie; just so we can sit in the back and make out.
A boy who makes his friends jealous of me because he talks about me so much.A boy who lets me take pictures of him at embarrassing times.
A boy who would pretty much do anything for meyep. i loved almost all. so, i pretty much bold-ed almost all! hahaha. oh shucks , i love my boy for some of the above points (:
so, B, grey ones=done, bold ones=not done, non-bold ones=not very important and black=extremely important. hahaha
what we could have been, 22:27.
friday just bacame jinx day.
but its finally the end of the week.
why am i complaining.
nic > hah. nah,
no need to mian qiang.
(: i was just joking la. haha.
and, thank you for your this,
list thing? haha. i was feeling bored
and then i found this
on ur blog, w my name!
7 things that scare me:
1. ghosts
2. insects
3. spiders (theyre not insects!)
4. being broke (^5 nic)
5. losing my phone.
6. failing, then repeating.
7. losing you.
7 things that I like:
1. my phone
2. LIMRONGHUI(yong hwee).hahas
3. rich + GENEROUS ppl
4. cabbing
5. shopping
7. my friends.
7 most important things in my room:
1. BED !
2. aircon
3. my wardrobe
4. fan
5. TV
6. laptop
7. dvd player!
7 random facts about me:
1. im crazy
2. supposed to be kiddy,according to B.(SO NOT la hahas)
3. i love painting my nails.
4. i think too much la..
5. im not a very good gf.
6. i think slping naked should be more comfortable. nv tried.
7. im very random. at times.
okay, most of the times.
7 things I plan to do before I die:
1. get married to a cute guy by 25. he is rich and can cook. owns a lamborghini gallardo as well( WA NIC! read this and i seriously cant delete it, good good. haha)
2. be proposed to super romantically then have a fairytale wedding.
3. have 1 boy kid, 1 girl kid.
4. holiday round the world w my whole family.
5. be very,extremely thin at 1 period of my fat life.
6. get my drivers licence and a car, as a surprise present w a bow tie on it. haha (lamborghini gallardo/porche/bmw) id marry the guy straight away la.
7. live my life to the fullest (so cliche)
7 things that I can do:
1. breathe
2. go out w my friends anytime i want.
3. sleep!
4. wadever i want.
5. scream
6. eat
7. drink
7 things I cannot do:
1. spend my money!! its still in the damn bank!((my MOM doesnt allow. wtf))
2. go out w my bf anytime i want.
3. seem to go on a diet.(absolutely no discipline. i suck)
4. stand heat.
5. listen to ghost stories.
6. watch horror shows (same,i admit! got no guts la)
7. wait for my pay. its taking SO long!
7 words I say the most:
1. fuck
2. duno
3. haha
4. you
5. damn
6. shit
7. dang
7 celebrity crushes:
1. wangrenfu
2. xiaozhu
3. where got so many one?
4. my bf's not a celebrity.
5. hmmm.
6. no more la.cannot remember.
7. nicky byrne? haha.
7 people I would like to do this:
5. SHAFIQA BIN (sorry..i could nv remember your full name)
6. MERCY? (does she read my blog?)
7. uh...LAO HUILENG.
have fun.
what we could have been, 18:46.
Thursday, November 24, 2005
last min outing w nic and khai (:
fun ppl. haha. and the old lips cafe has
changed to galilee&friends. haha.
not bad. nice chairs and theres lady's
night on thurs. desserts at $2.90.
cheap loh! although i got cheated into
ordering oreao cookies, thinking
it was icecream n cake n maybe some oreos.
BUT, it came out, ALL ice cream! damn.
w some oreo powders around -_-
photos and neos ! the neoprint machine is
new and damn fun la! im bringing all who is out w
me and wants to take neos there le!

neos! and i look so weird! damn.
been pms-ing. noo chips. its making everything
worst. but im better now.
someone, pls! tell me im NOT kiddy.
im not right! why they keep saying i am lar >.<
what we could have been, 00:11.
Wednesday, November 23, 2005
met silin in town.
shopped a bit.
and now, everytime i go town,
i see nyp ppl from my course!
anyhows, theres this super chio
restaurant/cafe/bar? thing at
heeren called balcony.
its soooo cool. damn chio.
it looks like a bar la. hope i'd get to
go in one day. haha.
damnmit. was feeling soo dang poor
the whole day la. walk everywhere n
couldnt get anything, so bought slippers.
and kink moved over to heeren alr!
yayy. i shall get my pay and go get a
skirt or top from flesh imps heeren (:
he'd better gimme discount man!
i still, just seriously dont get u.
im not asking for the whole world to know.
but i cant even just, lean against you.
my head tooooo heavy la, hor.
im prob too fugly.
apparently all the other guys keeps
saying that. and its as if i have no feelings.
okay, it may be jokes. but done a little
tooo VERY often right. im supposed to laugh
it off la. ok loh. if thats how its gonna be
for another 2 yrs. so be it.
they're lucky im soo not like my bro.
my character n all. im nice, and can take
jokes that insult. easygoing enough.
fad n xiong cares la. they're so nice.
had the urge to tell they everything today
before class. they just kept asking...
its nice to have ppl who actually care.
imagine, the HE doesnt actually say
anything in your all!
how nice. oh no, he doesnt have
to do anything, im not his gf man.
fuck la.
ohyes. and fuck is a good taboo word.
especially good to be used when youre
not happy. yes. anyone and everyone
says fuck. even christians! OH YeS.
even the oh-so-holy ones.
no offence la. well, MOST of them.
there;re some who dont. i know them.
it can be used everywhere!
it will nv be deleted from my dictionary.
tell me its mood swings. cos i think
it is as well. and long entry's good cos
im trying to push the pics outta this
whole stretch. so the skin would look a bit
more of how it should look.
mayday's lian ai-ing rocks.
it cheers me up in an instant.
for now, im a lil less unhappy.
what we could have been, 20:47.
Tuesday, November 22, 2005
boring life.
boring life.
boring life.
i going out tmr!
silin and maybe vanessa.
but i really cant wait for pay
to come, period to end.
shopping spree to start again
and swimming.
the guys going swimming this
thurs! darn P, i cant go.
can only watch.
but, i get to see my B swim (:
can see how fast is his speed.
should be very. but he keeps saying
his stamina n all deprove. nvm,
sure still super good ^-^
what we could have been, 23:59.
Monday, November 21, 2005
stomach cramps in sch.
boring. and i did c++ on my
own today! yayy. actually,
with some help from B and
the examples. but i did functions
man! (: great achievement.
slp time.
cant wait to get pay and go shopping.
giordano, flip flops, skirts!
potty movie too.
what we could have been, 11:52.
happy birthday ruifang!
now i got the day right (:
self invited to arv's bday thing.
haha. cos i totally had nothing to do
at home la. wanna do hmwk,
NO liquid paper! damn it. and
i cant cancel! must write sui sui.
for jap. and if cancel. damn untidy
anyway. buey tahan. everyone telling me
to just cancel. noooo.
sch tmr. great -_-
tampons suck.
cant wait for pay.
what we could have been, 01:00.
Sunday, November 20, 2005
today ended well? (:
thanks to y'all :
winnie, vanessa, silin.
did i miss out anyone?
haha. hmm.
barry, gary? (:
barry managed to make
me laugh when i was crying!
stupid fella. haha.
just ordered mcd.
i am sooo fat! damn it.
but i cant resist mcd now,
i duno why. just got this
little craving. been eating like,
loads lately. is that a symtom
for some weird illness. my period
still not here.but i keep
getting the stomach achy feeling. sian.
i called ruifang at 12midnight.
to wish her happy birthday.
stupid phoebe, pian wo!! >.<
haha. she damn blur sia.
20th and 21st nov also
can remember wrongly. haiyoo.
make me so embarrassed loh.
my mcd IS FUCKING LATE!!! ASSes.
where is my food. urgh.
call them, say coming.
blahh. i wanna slp alr loh.
mcd, sucks. should have
ordered pizza man. pizzahut rocks.
im fat.
what we could have been, 13:05.
happy birthday ARVIN!!
happy birthday yinghui.
what we could have been, 00:00.
Saturday, November 19, 2005
this week sucked.
im so sorry for all the shit mood swings, im a lil worried bout you-know-wad also la. or maybe just think too much.and wadever happened today. shouldnt have left my phone? im so sorry. )':
and for messing up your life quite a bit, since the day i stepped into it.
meeting vanessa soon. will try to forget this for the moment. no one likes going out w a moody friend. sometimes i wander why my life could be so extreme. so good at one point and all the way down to hell at another point. major shit in '04 and '05 seemed great, right till the year is about to end, something tragic has to happen. im so prone to losing friends, im quite used to it. sooner or later, we'd talk again. just not as close as before.
someone, kill me please.
what we could have been, 12:02.
Sunday, November 13, 2005
im sad.
im bored.
im not holy.
im free.
im kinda vulgar, at times.
im cheap?
im bad influence?
i v strongly disagree with the last two,
to hell with you biatch
i love my dad.mybro.
although i get SO fed up w them sometimes
what we could have been, 21:29.
Friday, November 11, 2005
slept at 345am last night. woke at 645am this morn. stayed online w boyfriend. long long talk bout many many stuff and then i realised why he rocks my world. watched 40yroldvirgin at the same time. dint really pay much attention to the movie. its really super boring. thank god i didnt waste my money and time to go watch it in cinemas and try sneak in somemore (m18).
maths the whole dang day. fucking boring. chapter1, i understand! yayy. clapclap. i'll soon get lost in all the very complicated maths and cmi again. haha. this sem must be better than last, got lesser chaps tested.
he came over (:
9pm dance drama on channel8 is so fucking fake. the dancing of the actors SUCK to fucking hell man. damn, i cant stand watching it. felt to fake. spore actors seriously cant dance huh. even kirsten dust can move better than them (just watched some midnight movie on channel5 =P)
working 10am-2pm this weekend.
todays a pretty good day all together (:
what we could have been, 13:15.
accompanied nic to see doc after sch tods. cabbed to compass point, lend her 10bucks. finish doc, cabbed. sent her home then go back amk w rh meet the guys. celebrated at seoul garden. pics, vids and all. then they went dota-ing!! walao. haha. im so tired and full now.
hope ronghui's alright at home...
conflicts again. sigh
and ive got the 40yr old virgin and into the blue dvd! yayness.
hope barry lend me sin city soon, heard its good. haha.
jit sucks la. he has ipod nano. I WANN! ):

guy club. 2nd from right:BDAYBOY!


what we could have been, 00:08.
Wednesday, November 09, 2005
english paper. was, okay la.haha
i as usual always same ans.
i hen sad now ):
what we could have been, 23:39.
Tuesday, November 08, 2005
i seem to always fall aslp between 7-9pm these few days.nothing to do at home/online.
no ones taggin my blog anyway.haha. cept nic and shan.haha
tmr eng Os leh. how how how.i scared. worried. very.
that i cant think up wad to write for compo. wad if i get a mental block? wad if the questions are difficult. then i would fail again. i dont wanna fail again. got phobia already. and why does stupid moe have to gimme a sch like bartley. cannot back at beatty ah. i can talk to some ppl i know then can calm nerves. or bowen, SO much freakin nearer la. im so full. just feel so insecure. arh. how...
what we could have been, 21:22.
Monday, November 07, 2005
first day of 2nd sem.totally,utterly,fuckkingly BORING!
damn damn damn boring i tell you.the whole dang day, especially in c++, damnit, i was damn slpy.but jap was interesting. then there was the enterprise resourse planning,that was lame. and business shit thingy in e-learning, i think its called business information systems. that was, boring too. super draggy. and i dont find much of the things we learn today, of any use. EXCEPT for jap. haha. i kinda like jap. its interesting, for now (:
lecturers let us off earlier today. coolness. and so the day ended 1/2hour earlier. rlim cabbed over for fun then went home 1hour later ;)
have gotta watch swing girls vcd soon,then can return tmr. but i v v tired lei. sigh.and if im really going kovan tmr, i wanna get those pair of shoes. sad, should have just gotten them on sat. ohyes! and i got back to my normal class! D1 instead of that D6 class. yayyness. ahseng too.
im tired. night.
what we could have been, 18:28.
Sunday, November 06, 2005
new skin.
you like?
i like.
school starts tmr!! shiet. eng Os this wed. not good. not good. thanks for the luck huishan. i need it. the very long first day of sem2 at school ends at 5pm. damn. then i think i gotta go kovan, return the vcds. and maybe get the pair of sneakers. i need new ones anyway. tmr is D day. gotta get my class back no matter wad.
ohya, i just woke up at 415pm just now (: haha. i cant believe it myself. new sems resolutions : pay attention in class, study harder, eat lesser, lose more weight =P
what we could have been, 19:15.
Saturday, November 05, 2005
i think mu periods coming.
daniel woke me up last min tods.
made me rush down within 1/2 hr
to work from 1030am to 2pm.
extra pay why nots.
sat next to phoebe.
and lunched at tm w winnie.
and wenta meet silin at kovan.
shopped at kovan.
took neos w silin (=
home at last and missed the
whole lot of jing qu jiang.
damn. haha.
nvm, sure got repeat one.
i need to upload a lot of pics for
nic,arv,silin and myself! urgh
but my bros using the com.
i SO need a card reader.
what we could have been, 20:40.
Friday, November 04, 2005
havent had enough slp at all
in this whole fucking week.
my mood swings are horrible.
and im soo tired.
work seems to be super fun everytime
theres a holiday.
both deepavali and hari raya, worked
with phoebe and ruifang. nice and fun ppl
(: gonna miss them. not working from tmr
onwards till, i hv no idea when also.
were supposed to all go for late dinner/supper
tog. but ronghui couldnt go la, so late,
then his mom. sigh. nan de we end work
same time eh. haha.
school's starting this monday.
im dreading that fucked up monday.
7th nov aint a good day la.
everythings messed up. my class n
time table. cant find daniel liu in
sch tods. i wanna change my class
back to D1! i dun want D6 la. for
nothing, backside itchy, go change my class.
ass. some more selected to join the new
notebook class. i dont wanna be guinea pigs man.
i want my class back..
having close to major mood swing.
what we could have been, 21:11.
Tuesday, November 01, 2005
work from 9am to 9pm today.
so super tired.
but it was pretty fun today.
worked with rui fang, phoebe
and ronghui (=
toilet breaks tog and lunch+dinner
caterings =D welfare!! good good.
kay. slpy...night.
tmr is a special day.
its nearing 12midnight (=
what we could have been, 23:30.