Thursday, December 30, 2004
first day at work.
did chasier stuff today...
WA SEH! must remember loads of stuff!
gotta know how to make all the different lattes and freezes and where to get all the very weird named salads. and i didnt know pastamania sold red and white wines! cool. haha. and theres beers too. there'll be an everyday soup : minestrone and the soup of the day today was... um. some weird name la. a name i can nv remember ! all the counter ppls been saying it the whole bloody day (4 hours only la.) and i still cant seem to remember that name.
first day wasnt that bad. ive got to memorise the names of all the dishes and learn how to use that computer.
so, first day. okay i guess. nothing much and 4 hours passed so fast. 2 hours of many customers coming in and ordering so many food! and another 2 hours of slacking. haha. there wasnt a single person in pastamania after i finished my shift and was having a super late lunch. hah.
oh well, tmrs gonna be another year.
goodbye dreadful yet not that dreadful 2004.. (am i talking sense?)
HELLO nice, new full of hope 2005. (yeah, hopefully la.)
what we could have been, 23:59.
Wednesday, December 29, 2004
new layout! :D
but i like it.
mp3 w new songs ! (some)
yay. haha.
some oliver james songs.
yes! that guy in -what a girl wants-
k la, SOMEONE'S dying to use the com
what we could have been, 20:50.
cant wait to change my layout.
guess i'll wait till the new year (:
which is in
2 freaking days!!
putting the mp3 thingy back on.
haha. look forward to that :D
ciao #
what we could have been, 01:24.
Tuesday, December 28, 2004
collected my uniform and im starting work on thursday. 7-11pm.
accompanied qilin to make her ic at lavender and
went all the way to sengkang to watch vcds w nic!
haha. and i fell in love w both movies we watched.
all the typical teenage girl movies.
# what a girl wants
# lizzie maguire movie
nice movies w great songs. haha.
and a cute guy in what a girl wants ;P
took the last bus hm and my parents didnt
scold. see the difference it makes whenever i say im going
out w nicole or at nicole's place ? haha. they allow me to stay
like very late. all cos my dad knows her mom.
parents didnt even call n ask why the hell am i not home yet
when it was already 11pm and i was still at nics place.
nic, next time i use you as excuse hor x:
ohya! i chopped off my nails! my pretty long nails are. are.. GONE ! :(
hahaha. nah, just felt like cutting them all short. and its for that blasted job i have to start only this thursday. but to make my cutting of nails not go to waste, i painted them
black ! :D
WHOO! hah. cool, its been a long time since ive painted my nails black and its SO much easier to type on this keyboard and sms now that i have short nails.
oh well, ive spent the whole day at home and watched a ton of tv progs. i wanna go out!! shopping! buy stuff. sigh. anyone wanna go out? haha. ive got kbox $20 voucher. but it can only be used after 7pm..
ya know, i can almost always not know how to end every single blog entry :
what we could have been, 22:25.
Sunday, December 26, 2004
im bored.
cant do much online and there's really quite nothing to watch on tv. and to think mediacorp and mediaworks are gonna merge next year. wouldnt there be even lesser shows to watch on tv?
anyway, i think i forgot to mention just now, jane fiq n bf went to spend their time at sam peilis place on xmas eve. asked them to go watch movie then play pool. they refused! can you imagine it?? sam peili turning down an offer to go play pool for the very first time! that pool maniac actually said she didnt wanna go play pool, and said another day ba. omg. i thought i;d nv live to hear her say that. the sky would fall if she actually refused to go play pool for once. but she said it on christmas eve! amazing. see wad xmas can do to someone. haha.
so she called me and asked if i were still in town half way through our sakae sushi dinner. why? i dont know. she didnt tell me, or she refused to tell me. not sure.
and nic is such a good sis? she went through all the trouble to going to so many 77street outlets to get her bro a t-shirt. and i had actually cared more about partying than to go get presents :(
sigh. sorry.
came hm only at 7pm yesterday and was about to take the long awaited bath but i had to call my parents first. and then i was made to go all the way down to hougang mall for dinner. at least dinner was good. came hm w my lime mag :) and had that bath. felt so good! i didnt sleep on christmas eve night; well, only 3hrs. but i could still stay awake till 4.30am this morning! ta, i amaze myself. anyway, think i was so tired by then and knocked out w/o switching off the tv, i cant seem to remember :P
woke up at 1.30pm. had lunch, watched tv. watched tv and watched tv! ive nv watched tv so freely in my life. no one came to bother me. no one came to ask me to go study, clean my room, or do somthing else. its really almost total freedom now. i can actually watch tv in peace, go out till late (not too often) and use the phone w/o worrying bout my mom or dad coming into my rm to tell me off for using the phone and not studying instead! ive just realised how free life is now. and some of it can only last till this thursday{im starting work}
ive gotta start thinking of my new years resolution already. suggestions?
# hem , be less crazy? haha. or earn more $$!
anyone have any idea how to celebrate new years eve?
is there anything at all to do online? besides that maple story game everyones playing now.. im really so bored i had to blog about the extras on christmas eve and xmas day itself.
anyhows,off to find something to do. dl music? i wanna rent vcds again! (very badly.)and im gonna try make a new skin :) - colour combi = white , black and orange ! :D
what we could have been, 23:36.
its boxing day
but sadly,
i havent got any presents
anyway,i didnt spend xmas at hmfor once! hah. been staying hm for turkeys the past few yrs.
no turkeys this i wenta town to meet winnie hj and qilin.
wanted to watch oceans twelve but there
werent any seats left by the time we got to plaza sing.
so instead, we ate at sakae sushi to satisfy our
hunger and my cravings for japanese food,
mainly sushi (:
walked round town quite aimlessly in the very huge crowd w 1+ hour more to christmas. it really is like every single singaporean was in town that night. but strangely, i didnt get to meet anyone i knew.
there were many crazy ppl screaming their heads off
and spraying that white foamy thing at each other.
hahaha. if it was any colder,
it;ll look and feel like town was snowing.
qilin n i were trying our very best to avoid
any foamy stuff getting onto our hair.
haha. naturally, ppl incharged of spraying those
kept aiming ppl who were foam-free. haha.
we were aimed at so many times! haha.
but it was fun la.
qilin n winnie were craving for majong!
haha. so we ended up going over to winnies place for a long majong session w pizza n potato
salads hj got for us from tpc pastamania, which was supposed
to open till 2am.(poor staff)
we spent the first few minutes of xmas in tpc waiting for the pizzas to be cooked ! haha.
and i was the first to realise it had turn 12 :P
majong lasted 5 plus hours!
and most of my money (we used casino chips)
ended up w hj. i lost like so many times la.
always about to game then someone else ends the
game first!
slept at 6. well, not really. i didnt want to sleep at all. winnie switched off the lights and i WILL fall asleep 99% faster w the lights off. hahaha. so i just kept rattling on and on about anything and everything! w the radio playing songs in the background :D
winnie got irritated and i got wacked in the head :(
feel asleep eventually la and woke up at 10 for feng shen bang.
had delicious ju guei for breakfast and played majong again!
qilin won big time.
the vcd shop downstairs was machine operated.
and we need a membership card which we could only
get from 5-9 everyday.
so no sad depressing movies to watch,only jing ma jiang.
and the jungniery stars' performance ROCKED!!
haha. damn cool la! if you missed it, too bad :D
cant believe it.
its almost a year alr. another week and its byebye to 2004 and hELLO 2005.
love the short film thing they did for channel 8.
can someone tell me wads the songs title?
that "500,25600 mins. how do you measure, measure a year ?"
something like that la.
im starting work this thursday..
only this thursday! sigh. still many days to go. and schools reopening for the jc ppl.
those going jc! sneak me into your jc for a lesson or two pls? haaha.
# ciao.
what we could have been, 18:53.
Saturday, December 25, 2004
anyone ever wandered how santa came about? :)
what we could have been, 20:48.
Friday, December 24, 2004
feeling slightly better.
but still bored.
hmm, funny, everytime i say
im bored, i'd recieve a msg.
what we could have been, 17:11.
ive got
nothing to do.
theres nothing to watch on tv;
absolutely nothing. unless your one
of those hard core tv addicts
who watchs television 24/7 and
could stand going through every single
one of channel 5 , 8 , i , u and central 's
same old repeated boring
shit theyve been having over the past yrs.
i cant survive w/o SCV!! :(
nothing to do online.
and no where to go. towns prob
totally flooded w many millions
of singaporeans.
and if i went out. i'd have limited cash!
wad can i do in town on xmas eve
w limited $$$?
spend them all, count down to xmas
and spend the night in town wandering bout
cos i do not have enough money to
get transport hm? thats prob it.
arh!! im gonna bathe.
hope that bath would wash away this
mood swing im having now.
what we could have been, 16:23.
christmas is tmr !
happy christmas eve ppl.
recap ;
went out w qilin on wed.
sposed to accompany her
go make ic, but we went all the way
there n didnt make any ics in the end.
haha,cos she didnt have a 100 bucks
and she forgot to bring her passport
size photo.
we ended up walking round bugis
then to town, tried on many
heels and slippers.
wenta ka jiao serene and nic at cafe cartel
cineleisure while they were working.
ryn n her boy n friend were there too.
walked round and only reached hm ard 11.
lucky me, my dad wasnt angry.hah.
but i guess he just didnt say anything la.
went out to meet dydy n gang lunch
at bishan cafe cartel for lunch tod.
free meal! :P
ate pasta w some of dydys ribs.
deeliciouss. and was so full!
sat there for another hour or two chatting
away and catching up on wad has
happened since prom.
many teachers are leaving beatty.
and terence tan is the new subject head for..
not sure which sub lei. history ba.haha. P:
cabbed hm and decorated xmas cards.
theyve been sent out. but not sure if they'll
reach in time. so, if they dun reach in/on time,
not my fault hor. heh heh.
and we're STILL deciding on whether to have an
xmas party! sigh. its so last min.
oh yes, im starting work either this sun or next week!
:) didnt start on last tues cos there werent any uniforms
for me. and i had to spend the few hours at
qilin's place so i didnt have to go hm too early to have
mom n dad ask so many qns.
# in other words, i was supposed to
have been working.but i wasnt!
so girleys!
PLEASE do not tell my mommy anythiNG k?
haha. anyhows, yes , i'd be starting work about
next week and training's under LIM HONGJIE!!
yeay! hahaha. at least training wun be that
bad. its under someone i know! :D
this entry seems super long huh.hah/
what we could have been, 01:37.
Monday, December 20, 2004
went to collect uniform at 4 today.
was late. hahah.
so i had to wait,quite long before i got it.
soo many ppl went for job interview there.
got the uniform eventually and
waited for jane and fiq to come dwn to tpc.
wanted to meet up, head dwn to town to
give cheryn a lil visit at swensens.
but there was this long long queue outside.
we ended up standing around the area and
peili spotted cheryn!
serving a customer sitting outside and wearing
the uniform and a cap which looked too big for her head.
hahahah. she looked so cute. small small.
almost got to see zhou xing chi outside
cine (having gala premier of kungfu hustle)
saw nic at cafe cartel, where we eventually
decided to have dinner cos we couldnt tolerate
the hunger any longer :P
had pizza and ice cream -yumm.
saw that guy who looks like toro!
hahah. not bad lah.
haha. i;ve gotten over the excitement
of seeing someone who looked so like toro alr.
and. thats bout the 5plus hours of lil
not v exciting outting i had w peili jane n fiq.
but we laughed a lot.
so, JANE! i blogged bout this outting tog.
hahah. happy?
ohya! forgot to mention! waited for SAM PEILI
for like, soo long ! and she almost got lost in
wisma. aiyoo. peili ah..this is why you must
at least come town a little more often than before :)
haha. so jane fiq and i watched the very old version
of animated x-men.hahah.
not very interesting la. and fiq was so fasinated w all
the lil cute babies around.
wa long entry. and i still have this feeling i left some
stuff out. ah, nvm.
what we could have been, 23:37.
within half an hour.
and i just realised my blog had
a crewed up clock. hahah.
it wasnt according to singapore time!
cute not this skin :)
i like it.
what we could have been, 13:47.
ya know wad, this skin looks really childish.
urh. why dint i realise that before?
hah. working on a new one :)
my mom keeps asking me not to go for
the job, now that i have a job!!
damn it la.
anyway, gonna have a new skin in..
lets see, within half an hour la.hahah.
cant stand this one anymore.
what we could have been, 13:47.
Saturday, December 18, 2004
just tried the new grilled chicken foldover
from mac donalds. its not bad.
the outer bread-like thing is the best part.
but theres too many onions!
makes the whole thing quite sick towards the end.
and its too ex! 4plus for one foldover.
hmm,why am i doing food reviews lately?
you tell me! i dont know why myself.
hahah. been eating loads too.
shh. ((but i skip breakfast)) unhealthy!!
hahah. i dun give a fuck.
bah bah bah.
k,this is a completely useless entry.
-not that any of my entries have been useful.
im just bored and quite happy :P
and waiting for 8pm to come so i can watch
dou zhen online. and then 11pm channel 8 movie :D
so far, i think mediacorp still sux.
NO SHOWs to watch at all la!!
all repeats.
and theyre merging w mediaworks again!
cancelled my wanderful wan quan yu le >:(
oh gawd, ive gotta get something to drink.
i can still taste onions >.<
chao # <- last time i saw this sign being used,
it was on avril lavigne's under my skin album cover.
now so many ppl are actually using it. geez.
+ ohyes,could someone kindly enlighten me,
is chao spelt as chao or ciao??
what we could have been, 18:52.
i am kinda happy.
happy :)
hahah. thank you HJ!!
got a job,like finally la.
going out w winnie n qilin tmr! #i think.
hahah.wanna watch
phantom of the opera,
oceans twelve,
and kungfu hustle.
ive got a craving for sushi AGAIN!
hahah. heard suki sushi buffets really good.
and quite ex too >.<
early dinner +
what we could have been, 16:50.
Friday, December 17, 2004
i have no idea what to blog.
im just in a neutral mood.
went out for lunch w my mom n bro today.
made a last min decision to head down
to..somewhere near my dads work place,
for some roti boy. hahah. cant remember
wad that place is called :P
anyway,roti boy;s this bun thingy w butter
inside and a crispy crust on the outside which
tastes super good.
anyone wanna try it? tell me, i'll bring you there
to try some. its $1.10 for one.
and theres a queue that lasts forever.
ppl just keep coming until the shop closes.
why does so many ppl seem to miss school so bad?
i dun feel much for that school,really.
sigh. hahah. i prob had more bad memories
than good ones these 2 yrs.
yep,bad memos,quite a few.
lets just hope 2005 is a super duper good yr.
what we could have been, 23:14.
Thursday, December 16, 2004
new skin and i edited this one a lil frm its original.
the -others- part is added on.
cut and paste. didnt really get
the hang of all the funny numbers
in the template. so if you wanna
click on others and see something;
pls click on the small area somewhere in
between the letters H and E.
and about that mp3 thingy on the left.
choose a song and press play.
i suppose most ppl should know how
to use the 'pause' button right?
k. so if you wanna change a song, choose another
song and click on play.
DO NOT press stop
then choose another song. it wouldnt work.
the current song would start playing again.
okay! im not sure wad im exactly talking about.
hope you know wad im talking about cos i
obviously dont.
anyhows, theres jay-z and linkin park's
collision course. all 6 tracks.
yoo check out jigga what/faint and all
the other tracks 'xcept big pimpin'/papercut.
that ones irritating :P
and some of lindsay lohans songs.
she really sounds like hilary duff. geez.
later #
what we could have been, 20:15.
britney spears - my only wish this year
Last night I took a walk in the snow
Couples holding hands, places to go
Seems like everyone but me is in love
Santa can you hear me
I signed my letter that's sealed with a kiss
I sent it off, and just said this
I know exactly what I want this year
Santa can you hear me
[I want my baby, baby I want someone to love me
And someone to hold
Maybe, maybe (maybe, maybe)
I'll be on my own and I'll be thankful
Santa can you hear me?
I have been so good this year
And all I want is one thing
Tell me my true love is here
He's all I want, just for me
Underneath my Christmas tree
I'll be waiting here
Santa that's my only wish this year]
Christmas Eve, I just can't sleep
Would I be wrong, for taking a peek?
'Cause I heard that you're comin' to town
Santa can you hear me
I really hope that you're on your way
With something special for me in your sleigh
Oh please make my wish come true
Santa can you hear me
I want my baby, baby
I want someone to love me
And someone to hold
Maybe, maybe (maybe, maybe)
We'll be all alone under the mistletoe
I hope my letter reaches you in time
Bring me a love, I can call all mine
'Cause I have been so good this year
Happy alone, under the mistletoe
He's all I want and I'll be thankful
Santa can you hear me?
I have been so good this year
And all I want is one thing
Tell me my true love is here
He's all I want, just for me
Underneath my Christmas tree
I'll be waiting here
Santa that's my only wish this year
(Oh Santa, can you hear me?)
He's all I want, just for me
Underneath my Christmas tree
I'll be waiting here
Santa that's my only wish this year
what we could have been, 19:28.
i still havent got a job :(
anyone anywhere wanna hire me?
haha. nah.
HJ,that super nice guy..
his helping me find out if i could get a job
at pastamania.
its all really good. the only bad thing is its
in TPC!! hahah.
oh well, the only ppl id run into are
peili n gang. they love to go there for lunch.
hah. hack it. if i get the job, at least ive got a job.
im so addicted to jay-z and linkin park's
collision course. -esp. jigga what/faint-
and im listening to 56 stuff again.
not that sick of the old old songs ive listened
to over a thousand times anymore.
and ! i know wad i want for christmas alr!
gonna ask my parents to get SCV.
i could wait a lil longer for my phone.
price will drop next month :)
i want SCV! chnl 49, 55, 56, 60,
mtv channels(not sure wad they are now)
anyhow,still deciding whether to go for
the 4e5/4e4 bbq later.
what we could have been, 13:48.
Monday, December 13, 2004
slept till two plus today.
was soo tired.
and i missed hong xing da jiang 2004!!
sigh. have to wait for the encore telecast.
fell asleep halfway while watching it.
thats how tired i was.
missed zhong yi da ge da also.
haha. didnt sleep for almost 2days.
went for the concert and only came home
at one. didnt sleep till i left the house at 6am,
headed down to bishan and sat there,
fell asleep at 8am and woke up w a
very aching back and numbed legs! haha.
ah well, renfu looked tired.
but his autograph was nice!
haha. finally, a diff one from the once before.
listening to 56 songs.
i should come up w a name for the
renfu-missing sickness.
what we could have been, 15:39.
Sunday, December 12, 2004

ohya,forgot to mention. saw olinda :) took pics w her too.. haha
what we could have been, 05:11.
and i have to say this ;
supposed to say it,
i was bloody lucky today!
haha. got the $130 tix at 50 bucks.
but it was vip tix,she won it la.
let her earn a bit ba.
rushed everywhere and finally reached
expo hall3 at around 8.10pm.
thank god the concert hadnt started.
the whole thing was, okay la.
haha. nobody screamed like crazy lei.
i mean,those ppl frm my row.
n somemore its the 3rd row frm the stage!
but cos the fan club ppl seating somewhere
else i guess. like right next to the stage.
this woman next to me could actually sleep in the concert!
her boyfriend was the only one paying attention throughout
the whole thing. hahaha.
oh.the area only got high towards the end after 5566
came out and when the whole company
started singing christmas songs
and yin wei ai.
whoo! i was so darn close to the bloody stage!
too bad my cam sucked and i forgot to borrow cam
frm yiling. cos my seat was so close and nobody in
the first and second row stood up.
so when i stood up w the rest of them at the back,
it was a super great view!
renfu stood right in front of the place i was standing
and performed the whole yin wei ai song!
geez. screamed like hell then coughed like hell after that.
haha. apparently, my cough still hasnt recovered.
but renfu smiled his super cute smile and waved :)
and im always right in front.
ah, wad the hell la. screw my throat. my voice will always return.
you;d hear my screming and shouting like nothing
happened on monday :D
speaking of monday.
i'll have to call serangoon gardens cafe cartel
to check the details again when their
manager is there.
pray i get this job.
i NEED IT. and its near home. convenient.
AND im gonna try get a one day job at the place
morris is working at next yr.
when(if) 56 are having a concert.
that guy actually freakin talked to renfu just now la!
morris, beatty prom king 2004. you rock la.
thank you so so much..
im gonna see renfu again!
i absolutely LOVE RENFU ;P
what we could have been, 04:03.
Saturday, December 11, 2004
the concerts tonight.
i cant go :(
feeling very very sad now.
anyway,yesterday was a long day.
came out to meet vanessa at 9.30am to go for
job interview.waas late, as usual. so i sent
her off to her first day of work at metro paragon.
went walking around a bit then went up to taka
for that same job interview vann went to.
dint get the job la i guess.
dint feel like going hm after that cos it was too early
and 56 arrived in spore alr.
heard theyd be staying at hyatt hotel this time.
so i walked to hyatt and sat inside and waited for
ryn to come. (last min decision.)
sat there too long,a guy who looked like some secret agent
w that ear piece thing in his ear came and told me i
couldnt sit there if i werent a guest of the hotel.
cos their vip was arriving soon.
it had to be 5566.
ah well, so i went and stood outside.
saw fiona xie. super chio la.
she came out and 3 girls ran up to her.
could hear her telling them "wo yao qu ji ze hui le"
cheryn jane and fiq came.
i had to leave. so i kept repeating on and on,
if i left the place and if just nice,56 arrived
right after i left, id die.
and they DID arrive right after i left.
found that out frm alicia.
AH! but im not dead la. :(
so. walked round trying to find prez for ryns new boyfriend.
ate marche and left to meet my friend.
then nic called, so i went to meet her.
my other friend had to go hm anyway.
so both of us went up to paragon to ji siao vanessa
and i left again! to go back to hyatt.
haha. met alicia and that -URGH- lucky girl got
to sneak in to the hotel by the car park and
saw the whole lot of them.(renfu!)
im sad.sigh
going to serangoon garden to try get the job at cafec cartel.
wish me luck.
what we could have been, 14:21.
Friday, December 10, 2004

super cute kitty frm maple story..and no,im not feeling better. still sad :( i wanna go to the concert.
what we could have been, 00:39.
Thursday, December 09, 2004
jungniery all star concert is this saturday.
i dunno where to get the cash ta go for the concert.
i could get the money,but the prob is by the time
i get it,the concert would be over.
anyhows,going for job interview tmr morn.
the one vanessa went.
it aint that bad although you'd have to work
the whole bloody week.
can take a day off once every week.
hope i get the job after interview tmr.
having one that pays alright is at least better than nothing.
and that concert..
i wanna go so darn badly.
what we could have been, 22:04.
Wednesday, December 08, 2004
new skin!
christmas is coming anyway.
i am so bored i change layout everyday.
no where to go.
no job to do.
everyones got a job.
lucky them
some ppl think their so smart.
went w their parents to look for job
of course it was easy.
fuck it.
im gonna try my luck.
if im lucky, id get a job,
someone else w a job could
go to the concert w me this saturday
cos ive found cheap tix but no cash.
and id pay that person back once i get my
first months pay.
if i was lucky enough, i'd win the concert tix.
-looks up into the sky through the window.-
no stars.
not that lucky.
im in a fucked up mood.
-bu yao re wo-
what we could have been, 20:09.
Tuesday, December 07, 2004
went job hunting w serene and nic yesterday.
then walked around town aimlessly w nic after
she decided not to watch christmas w the cranks.
well, she n serene got a job.
and im still.
this sucks. im home doing nothing again
cos i watched all the vcds i rented lastnight.
confessions of a teenage drama queen isnt that bad.
its pretty good infact,
other than the fact that its really quite drama mama la.
i shall go job hunt w qilin soon.
or therell only be expenses and no income!
not good.
i could forget bout going to the jungniery all star concert alr.
moneys not gonna come flying down from the freakin sky.
just heard sly and taufiks versions of i dream.
know, i think sly sounded better.
taufik sounded so , neizal(spell??)
if only sly could pronounce his words properly.
ohwell.gonna work on my mp3 thingy.
dun feel like going for badminton tmr.
feeling lazy.
im so gonna gain weight fast.
what we could have been, 17:54.
Monday, December 06, 2004
in this world.
everyone has to work hard to
earn money. nothings free ;
shi jie shang mei you bu lao er huo de shi.
and theres always retribution.
so beware.
what we could have been, 01:32.
Sunday, December 05, 2004
i hate petty ppl.
shout ah others for nothing.
not exactly nothing.
most prob cos he got prob outside
but thats not a reason to go pissing
others off as well.
what we could have been, 23:52.
Saturday, December 04, 2004
back from class chalet.
never EVER! book a chalet at pasir ris coasta sands!
its terribly small i tell you.
especially the 2 storey one.
and the bloody toilet! damn >.<
thousands of that tiny fly thing and ants!
sick sick sick!
-clears super sore throat-
over reacted a wee bit too much.
and there was that air condition, so fucking lousy
the whole room upstairs can be so hot
and have air so stale you could suffocate
the min you step in and shut the door.
kk, so basically, the whole chalet sucked
all thanks to our Os ending so bloody late
so aranda became too ex at the hols peak period
and we just had to settle w that absolutely
lousy chalet at coasta sands.
and all we did at chalet was cycling,
took the 2 seater bike for the first time cos qilin dint
know how to cycle ; we couldn just leave her behind right.
oh well, it was quite diff to handle cos loads of strength was
needed to control it.
pooling! whoo. was fun la. but some horrible stuff happened
before we went to play pool.
was so pissed off la.
"having 4e3 meeting."
fuck la. its a 2e2 chalet loh.
was chased out by that counter bugger on the 2nd night.
kept going round checking for ez link or ic
to see if everyone was 16.
and i left my ez link back at the chalet.
so we went to play datona(spell?) at the next door arcade.
-thats bout the only thing we'd play at the arcade.hah.
and bowling. i just watched, with no voice.
came hm at eleven plus ; watched tv, went online, wenta
compass to have dinner, bought ba gua and that bacon thing they sell
at mei zhen xiang.
delicious! hahah.
back and here i am.
cant wait for christmas! i wanna celebrate.
go party or bbq or something.
anyone? :P
-jingle bells
jingle bells
jingle bell rock-
what we could have been, 19:40.
Thursday, December 02, 2004
im back w a bad sore throat!
but prom night was pretty fun.
i wasnt even excited about it on the day itself
got a lousy haircut n quite nice highlight,
that was wad i felt, but so many ppl kept
saying it was nice and okay.
weird la.
i still think it sucks.
alexandra got prom queen!!
and prom king was morris.
chalet later.
sian leh.
haha. short entry today ah :)
what we could have been, 13:21.