Saturday, November 27, 2004
i STILL havent got anything for prom!
walked round town the whole afternoon
till like 9plus ten w my parents n headed hm.
but bought nothing! only had a great deal of exercise.
and GAWD! not that i wanna say this but,
i thought my dad had a great dress sense.
but oH NO. haiyoo. he actually agreed w my mom
on some clothes. like, super 80s fashion!
no fun shopping w my parents anymore.
apparently, my parents dun get why ppl are wearing
dresses and dress up all proper for prom.
its just a one-night-thing afterall he says.
yeah, i know its just a one-night-thing,
but its PROM NIGHT. not dinner and dance
or a normal dinner gathering or something.
we are lucky enough we have a prom night this yr,
last yrs dinner n dance was ruined by the beatty allumni
from wad i heard (reliable sources)
BUT i still
ohyes! that city harvest!
im sorry man, but i cant stand it!
irritating i tell you.
ppl frm there kept calling me the whole
day i was trying to get my prom stuff!!
you know wad, if they really keep forcing me to
go for their service, and i get soo pissed off.
i waun even bother going anymore loh.
super irritating la.
its not like that church would run away right
i can go the following week wad
im already so so busy and fucked up,
trying to find all my prom stuff and prom is on
you tell me which ones more important la.
go cut your hair tmr la, he says.
wa, i so free. tmr got mercys bbq loh.
its five thirty, and i havent found anything at all ;
try to make it by 6.30pm la, meet you at tpc, he says.
HELLO! do i look like super girl??
next,tmr 10am to 12pm got another service, try
and make it, come join la, he says.
whoo, how nice. ive got a bbq, may have to be there at 12
or even if i do not need to be there by 12, i have to get ready,
go look for the remaining prom stuff, which is like,
everything else cos i didnt get anything at all today!
how nice, how smart,how considerate of all these ppl.
i thank them for irritating me the whole night.
hopefully, they wouldnt do it again
cos if there is ever another again,
i swear, id never go to that church for their service
at all, for the rest of my fucked up life.
-unless my husbands from there (v unlikely).
and wads w this world, or at least, singapore!?
towns soo super boring w shitty christmas decos
and clothes are getting so EX$!
just one lousy plain piece of shirt,
made w not even a good quality material ;
and it costs 50bucks!
and did i mention before that singapores SBS BUS
cos they really do.
they should go service ALL the buses and make more
new buses instead of just having less than ten new double
decks and new single deck buses only for 105 buses.
the stupid buses always
stops at the bus stops w that super loud(amplitude)
and super high pitch(high frequency) screeching noise
the 'eee' sound is so fucking deafening la.
ppl who take the public transport have 50% higher
chances of losing their hearing faster or having
lousier hearing than those who do not take buses
and sit at the bus stops for long periods to wait
for the bus.
-70 took damn long to come today.
right, bro wants to use com
done w most rantings
and i seriously, LOVE BEING A FREE THINKER! :D
do wadever shit i want on saturday nights
and sunday mornings (:
i think i pulled a muscle while playing pool
the other day.
how can i pull an arm muscle while playing pool?
ridiculous right?
yes, i think so too.
but i pulled a muscle all the same.
ohwell,wish me good luck to find something for prom tmr.
worst come to worst, id go to forever21 to get something
simple and two pieces.
hem.long entry ;)
what we could have been, 23:38.
Friday, November 26, 2004
i missed the jay concert :(
would have slept the whole day away
if peili hadnt saved me of boredom and
invited me to join her,jane fiq n shiying
to walk round in search of our prom stuff.
i STILL do not have anything for prom.
SAM PEILI kept wanting to go play pool!
geez, is pool and bowlings so much more impt?
not like theyd run away or something.
youve got a full 2more months to go play every single day.
anyway. towns seriously super boring.
everythings exactly the same as before
(even before our prelims)
glad the governments gonna do something
bout our super boring orchard road.
but when are they really gonna start work.
christmas decos are quite disappointing too.
except tangs la. got those pretty crystals hanging
almost everywhere.
wanted to jump n pluck one out, but.. dare not la.
maybe i havent stayed n walk round town at night to
really see the decos.
and its the holidays! i cant believe im not going out
often enough. im actually staying home!
and there arent any nice movies
at all!!
im so not used to the long rides on 88 anymore.
almost vomited on the bus.
online pool time :)
what we could have been, 21:51.
Wednesday, November 24, 2004
and its the freaking holidays la.
dun care.
i have to be awake at eight in the
morn tmr. n pull my mom outta
the house to go shopping!
she promised!
what we could have been, 16:09.
went shopping w qilin yesterday.
huileng came along too (:
and i was almost one hour late to meet qilin.
felt so bad. overslept! so i missed peili;s
east coast park trip n almost missed
qilins shopping. but yeah,woke up and bathed.
see,peilis cycling was at 10 in the morn. and
i slept at
four the night before so i was soo tired.
and i was supposed to meet qilin at 1pm.
woke up at 1pm :P
no more excuses to nt going out to meet her.
or i'd be a pig.
im so so sorry SAM...
anyhows. went walking round town n trying on so many
stuff. that qilin bought pair of slippers n black off
shoulder top from forever21.
i want that off shoulder too.. but not enough cash la.
so didnt get.
ooh. ate at mache. rosti plus fried noodles.
didnt know their fried noodles was soo yummy too.
$6.80, a very big plate of noodles.
shit la. putting on weight alr.
i am FAT..
must stop eating out.
only come home and eat my moms cooking :)
its a lot healthier too.
and i havent found anything to wear for prom!
JANE. sorry ah. lazy put the other
neos up.haha. another time k
`off ta try make my mom allow me to rent vcds.
what we could have been, 13:22.
Monday, November 22, 2004

191104. sam peili's huge face in the center. hahaha. i quite like this neo :) really cute. 2E2`02 forever! :D
what we could have been, 21:03.
but im obviously not making good use of it.
sigh. too lazy to step out of the hse!
what we could have been, 18:22.
Saturday, November 20, 2004

56 imm autograph session i missed. sigh. I AM SO BORED!! sheesh. staying home on a saturday again. too lazy to go all the way into blogger to blog. so im just doing a short entry here to save time;bloggers working really slowly anyway :(
what we could have been, 18:34.
Saturday, November 13, 2004
last 2 episodes of ren wo ao you is on this monday n tuesday!
its ending so soon. sigh.
did three hours plus of poa.
not bad la. haha.
ive nv done that much pa in a day.
so thats how little i actually practice poa.
and ive just realised,after thinking so much cos i
couldnt sleep last night as i had slept the whole
friggin day away yesterday; that i dun really know
my friends at all. haha.
but now i do. some ppl just cant be all.
and theres 2 on the list alr. the 2 who ive known for almost 4yrs.
geez. haha. -ren bu ke mao xiang,hai shui bu ke dou liang ah..
haha. forget it. afterall, i cant keep secrets that well.
it'll slipped once in a while, to someone i really shouldnt be
telling it to.
i feel terrible. sigh. but at least i didnt go telling the specific
someone i was told not to.
what we could have been, 16:26.
Wednesday, November 10, 2004
im here,waiting for 9pm to come.
haha. did some pa today! whoo.
uh, actually, not that much la.heh, one question from the tys.
but i did the full question! haha.and i did learn some extra stuff.
so it aint that bad la. gonna do more after this.
and tonight.. CONFERENCE! again. haha. yepyep. looking forward
to it la. haha. with tha gals.wee. chat chat time after soo long.
o.kay. waiting for dinner n 9PM! and uh, ya. leavin' (:
see ya.
p.s ; quote of the day! :
if you takecare of your character,
your reputation will take care of itself ;)
-courtesy of jamie yeo 98.7fm. hee.
i think its her, or carrie. cant remember la.
what we could have been, 19:57.
Tuesday, November 09, 2004
noun : a right reserved exclusively by a particular person or group
(especially a hereditary or official right)
for anyone whose puzzled bout wad prerogative, this
chim word means, heres the definition :)
what we could have been, 20:44.
im blogging for the third time today!
THIS is how bored i am.
haha. nothing to do online anymore.
wanted to leave the colourful entry
of simple plan's welcome to my life
lyrics as the very first. it looks so nice!
but i just cant help it!
got nothing else to do, except to look for
songs and wait for more ugly blogskins
to be uploaded onto sheesh.
so now, here i am.
waiting for 9pm to arrive.
arrive? sounds weird huh.
nah, just waiting for 9pm. :D
ren wo ao you! haha.
that cute toro's acting in it.
ha. not as cute a renfu! :P
felt so sad i missed their autograph session
AGAIN! hah. last sunday. couldnt go, obviously
becos of the Os. so, yea, maybe ; just maybe i'd
be able to go to their concert this dec!
haha. cant wait. k.
STILL waiting for 9pm.
so..i;ll continue waiting till 9 la.
what we could have been, 19:41.
welcome to my life
do you ever feel like breaking down?
do you ever feel out of place?
like somehow you just don't belong
and no one understands you
do you ever wanna run away?
do you lock yourself in your room?
with the radio on turned up so loud
that no one hears you screaming
no you don't know what it's like
when nothing feels alright
you don't know what it's like to be like me
to be hurt
to feel lost
to be left out in the dark
to be kicked
when you're down
to feel like you've been pushed around
to be on the edge of breaking down
when no one's there to save you
no you don't know what it's like
welcome to my life
do you wanna be somebody else?
are you sick of feeling so left out?
are you desperate to find something more
before your life is over
are you stuck inside a world you hate?
are you sick of everyone around?
with the big fake smiles and stupid lies
but deep inside you're bleeding
no you don't know what it's like
when nothing feels alright
you don't know what it's like to be like me
[repeat chorus]
No one ever lies straight to your face
And no one ever stabbed you in the back
You might think I'm happy But I'm not gonna be ok
Everybody always gave you what you wanted
You never had to work it was always there
You don't know what it's like
What it's like
[repeat chorus]
what we could have been, 17:22.
im,as usual. SO BORED!
haha.k. so chem was alright today.
but im starting to freak myself out!
ah. wad happens if im doing all these
papers now and it all seems okay.
BUT, wad happens if after i get my
results, they all sucked to hell!? ):
shit la. i'd kill myself. i'd be totally lost!
it'll be the end of the world! AH! :'(
im freaking out!
im freaking out!
im freaking out!
im freaking out!
hahaha. okay. this is wad happens when youre BORED!
haha. thinking too much. anyway. ppl out there...
BEWARE of toapayoh central! yes!
that TPC!
haha. know why? i'll tell you why. that place
is a total shit place! you could lose almost
anything there if you arent careful.
theives roam that area. and wad are the
policemen doing?? sitting in their
air-conditioned office, shaking their fatty legs!
are they really that busy or do they really have
nothing better to do and have grown lazy
over the pass years? >.<
we have to depend on ourselves! always!
i hear a song playing:
"You gotta be bad, you gotta be bold,
you gotta be wiserYou gotta hard,
you gotta be tough,you gotta be stronger
You gotta be cool, you gotta be calm,
you gotta stay together.
All I know,Love will save the day"
oh yes, but love wun save the freggin'
day! love is blind! arh.
kay, im going mad. not really sure wad im
really talking about anymore n i havent
stopped typing ever since i started. no, wait.
i have! when my mom came in! urgh. fancy
her reading all these rubbish ive blogged.
uh, yeah, ciao..
what we could have been, 16:51.
Saturday, November 06, 2004
16 more days!!
um, 16 right? haha. losing count of the days.
wait, ive always been procrastinating.
wad diff does it make?
kay, im screwed :(
hey,but maths paper1 wasnt that bad at all.
listening to : my immortal
by evanescence.
cant find the song i want to put
on my blog,so its this one
the song wouldn stay long anyway.
what we could have been, 19:27.
Friday, November 05, 2004
woke up at one today :P
but studied till seven plus.
actually, my brain couldnt
absorb anymore
information ever since 6pm.
so here i am. online.
what we could have been, 20:01.
new blogskin! (:
not much.
but its simple n nice.
gonna make a better one after Os
when i feel like it.
gonna go ta bed n time to
mugging tmr!
what we could have been, 01:22.
Thursday, November 04, 2004
urgh! no nice blog skins to be found anywhere at all!!
keep on searching.keep on search :P
anyhow,maths paper today was alright! haha.
really wanna do well in this paper. it wasnt even
difficult! but i may have a few careless mistakes.
what we could have been, 19:05.