Thursday, October 28, 2004
O levels are in five days!
im super unprepared;the most unprepared Olevel candidate,i think.but i still feel really quite relaxed.wads with me?! jia lat la.
woke up at twelve today. felt quite good to slp till so late after not being able to slp properly the last few nights. kept having conference w nic n daniel till
way after midnight. tuesday's one lasted super long, but i fell asleep. nic n dan continued chatting all the way to seven in the morning! tsktsk. haha.
went to study w nic at her new house yesterday. did some work but it wasnt very productive, especially after shawn n daniel came! one sat there daydream, the other slept! nic was studying,i think. and i had super bad stomache.but i recovered.and not long after,somehow, we ended up playing with our cameras n staying in nics bros room cos it was super cold inside w the air con switched on.sigh.
im bored. and im hooked on grease songs. haha. watched grease mania the other night -was a repeat- trying to get some of the songs. and im totally utterly sick of vitaminC-graduation friends forever. sorry peili, the songs gotta go :]
-hopelessly devoted to you-
what we could have been, 18:36.
Saturday, October 23, 2004
saturday again! one more week to o levels :(
anyway, went to study w nic shawn daniel n ronald in school. it wasnt that bad la. almost completed a maths paper one , without any sch name that mrkoh gave us , if nicole didnt keep bugging me to go eat w her. haha. told her to 'ren till i finish the next ten qns on my paper. haha. then, gena suan by shawn. -peer pressure!- haha. not really la, i couldnt really concentrate any longer anyway. so we only studied for that short period of time w some entertainment provided by the guys : climbing through the window above the door,throwing almost everything at each other,trying to distroy the fan and ronald breaking the broom stick into 2! with the help of a door handle.
went to tpc w nic after that and went to play pool again! sigh. I SUCK AT POOL! >.< but daniels gonna be my shifu after Os. buahaha. planned it all, gonna go swimming then gym then badminton and then pool at night, everyday after Os w peili! :P
so, back to yesterday;mom called and screamed bout me going out the whole day. kehum, it was only 4pm. great. so i left first and got hm. i guess the rest of them had a really interesting day [read nic;s blog]
oh well, i kinda miss school. but definitely not most of the teachers.
-off to continue studying
what we could have been, 13:28.
what we could have been, 13:26.
Thursday, October 21, 2004
schools out. self studying time.yesterday was the last day of school.its sad to leave all my friends..haha,went to give hugs to most of them.all the bad memories and shitty backstabbing sucked but i;ll treasure the happy memories we had.
and i realised,after reading a few blogs n thinking bout it ; that our grad day wasnt that much. just a few speeches, some were good, some were bad, and some speeches were super good but it was the speakers' prob - too fast, too slow, too slang-ish- okay, complaining too much. but then there was the super short performance and the food, which was quite good this year, there was a larger bariety than all the other years. hah. then that was it,no more,finito.sigh
anyhows! where did i stop? ah yes ...
last nights study session in sch was so fun too. haha. but none of us studied la.only sat around, talked and laughed a lot and yes,i did a very unsuccessful attempt to study.haha.did 5qns of shawns phy tys.and after that,the whole lot of us went to have supper at entertainment mac. 4e3 guys, nic qilin mercy shawn daniel all went to play pool! heard it lasted till around midnight for those lucky crazy ppl who could stay out much later. i had to leave w fiq first cos my mom would start screaming at me if i went hm too late. n sure enough, she called n started scolding when i couldnt reached hm before 11.30pm cos i was still on bus 88 taking that super long bus ride from toapayoh central after night study ; for the last time-sniff- haha.
and i totally forgot to bring my cam ! :( so i didnt take any pics of my own w my cam at all on that super fun last day of school n on grad day too. sigh... but i have pics w yiling vanny n nic. haha.must wait for them to come online n send me. but i wun even get to stay online for long.
2 weeks to o levels ; cant wait for it all to end. got a packed day tmr,staying hm. solid studying, or at least for the morningn la, when my mom n bro arent at hm. no distractions at all :) thats the only way a person like me can fully concentrate.
what we could have been, 02:15.
Tuesday, October 19, 2004
what we could have been, 14:14.
what we could have been, 13:19.
grad days over. yiling cried.
and she was sitting right beside me.
the vid clip was pretty touching.
but all the same faces just kept
appearing... heard nicky cried too.
i had tears ; yep. but not enough to
have any pouring out of my eyes.
the food wasnt that bad. there was
SUSHI! had a super long day n went
to `study` w shafiqa n shawn.
right...more like a chatting session.
fuck. its suppsed to be late now. i had
a nap in the afternoon loh. urgh.
fine ; till next time [a very long time frm now]
what we could have been, 01:36.
Saturday, October 09, 2004
oh yeay! cant wait. lets see, THIRTEEN more days! shouldnt be long. afterall, time passes super fast nowadays. wanna leave this eff-ed up school where nothing is fair,teachers practice favourism and almost everythings so bloody corrupted among teachers n students.
never ever come to beatty sec.
sigh.ive got a bad sore throat! damn, it must be those pratas! :( i wanna staying hm on mon! sick of going to sch n doing nth but looking at all the effing teachers faces.
havent watch any tv or been online at all,except for now.haha. thats a great improvement. been studying, i think. gone back to night study sessions n i think only last nights was quite effective. if it wasnt for peili n fiq. was studying n CONCENTRATING alone in the back of ava. got distracted 2hours after i started n went to talk to shawn n daniel for the next 45min to an hour.hah! yes hongjie! i WILL study today. n try n figure out wad kinda design thing you want :)
its almost eleven. so chao!
what we could have been, 10:46.
Tuesday, October 05, 2004
what we could have been, 01:00.
yep -nods-
what we could have been, 23:41.
just came back frm the 3 day 2 night chalet stay.actually,ive been back for quite sometime.sigh. still have to go for tuition at 1.30 n leaving at 12.30! urgh. im so tired, dun think i'll be able to concentrate :( n i havent finished my tys! ah...
first night of chalet was so fun. too bad winnie, hj and vanny couldnt come! especially vanny.haha. she couldn see my panweibo cousin :P rite nessy? haha. she didnt have a great time in sch at the night study thingy too anyway ; with that bitch `abusing her w her long sickish nails digging into her sides. the poor girl! sigh. and the couple were supposed to come over to play pool or snooker.haha pool games have to pay but the snooker games were free! hah. but nini had to attend her grandmas birthday. but i learnt a lot frm cuz. haha. he gets pool training.
right, so ive got tuition to attend n leaving NOW n someone is throwing tandrum in the background cos his phone's bluetooth doesnt work! look, i dont even have a new phone yet. n the phone is a freaking diff model of course you wouldnt understand it as well as the nokia models!
what we could have been, 13:11.
*//hate bitches
especially those who backstab. apparently, some bitch told almost every fucking asses in this world that i cheated during mass revision! waow! how interesting rite? haha. i cheated! like, changed my ans then went to tell a teacher that it was marked wrongly? BITCH didnt even see anything clearly n she dares to tell ppl about all these shit rumours! you wanna play rumour spreading? easy! you'll hear bout you being pregnant in no time! BUT, im not that bo liao ; have BETTER THINGS TO DO, unlike YOU.
-you know who you are-
hope ur mouth'll decay

what we could have been, 01:50.