i really cant wait for tuesday to come :]
still excited bout the
zoo visit
tmr's the teachers day concert...
hope it'll be entertaining.
and pray for the `awards.sigh.
what we could have been, 21:08.
Saturday, August 28, 2004
x confessions of the teen psycho queen ;)
CLARA LAU!neh... she deleted all my vids n super nice pics from my digicam yesterday!! ARGH! ok, will not talk about it anymore. shes feeling really bad bout deleting ALL my stuff in my digicam. haha. THIS has taught me to always upload my pics. haha
anyway, joel daryl ting liz winnie clare shir and i cant remember who else, went to play pool yesterday. and i suddenly SUCK at playing pool! wad happened man?!ive got totally no idea! haha. i played just fine the last time i went w peili n gang. in fact, i won peili twice! hmm... missed so many frigging balls ; i gave up halfway through n became the camera girl! ;)
took vids of lizzie's funniest videos. haha. featuring elizabeth hoon shooting the ball ; then missing the hole and then going to the other end to whack daryl who was laughing - loudly :) that was the first vid. and the second, lizzie's first goal! ball roles into the hole anndd she jumps for joy! however, all the pretty vids, whacky pics and other weird vids got deleted by our dear dear CLARA! :P
ate mac n almost everyone left! sadly.. so clare liz winnie n her frens and i went to town together! the rest arent that important :D had quite a great time lah.
rite, so pics would be uploaded soon ; i guess.
what we could have been, 22:14.
Wednesday, August 25, 2004
social etiquette today was, good :)
haha, most of the lesson was boring ;
prob cos i knew most of the stuff she
taught? haha :P
had steak at jacks place after the whole course.
so interesting. joel larry daryl winnie clare n i
shared a table. haha. jokers la, all of `em.
joel took soo long to finish his spring chicken!
lousy pok.
daryl complained bout not having enough food n he
could eat 10 cows n got us garlic bread
n himself an extra bowl of soup! amazing. haha.
ohyes, ive gotta say this, they were playing all the
instrumental versions of 5566 songs!!hahaha. >.<
anyway, guess where we;re celebrating teachers day next
week! the
i know! amazingly weird! hahaa. but i guess it'll be fun.
been there every single yr in pri sch. should know the place
well enough :D cant wait. luckily my chem test has been
postponed till next thursday... i havent been in the mood for
studies recently...not sure why, but just lazy i guess.
hopefully nic would be free to go town w me tmr..
gotta buy stuff. and my mom nv gimme my 30bucks...
my savings since, um...last week? haha. i save n spend
save n spend but bit by bit! (",)V maybe i'll ask her tmr...
getting late anyway, so, good night!
-you know you love me ; jo
what we could have been, 22:37.
had english oral today!
NOT talk about it anymore.
it really frigging sucked to hell!
im so
fucking screwed :(
anyway, went to town with yiling
after that, but we havent got to watch
twins effect2
yet. prob watch it tmr.
since ill be taking shumins place for
social ethicate course and i
wouldnt hve to take chem test on wed :D
so, ta! i gotta get outta here n take a bath.
bro wants ta use com anyway.
-you know you love ME (;
what we could have been, 20:01.
//scandal is gossip made
tedious by morality*
new song! haha, zhi zhan zhi shang. sounds really like jolin;s bu la ge guang chang :) and i happen to like that song too. but you'll probably have to wait longer for the song to load... not sure why its taking so long to load though. i've got to change it... convert to mp3 or something like that. apparently, my bro says the file's too big thats why its taking so darn long.its 2117... im gonna sleep early tonight (: got a long busy day tmr. [nomination forms]hee..
learnt a new phrase thing : penis man! -sounds gross, yepp, i know- anyway, its a noun n it means an insensitive, arrogant, annoying jerk. usually, but not always, short and bald. thinks he's the studiest dude in the room ;) got it frm gossip girls. anyone have any suggestion who that may be? haha, it'll be interesting to know the diff options :D tag ya~
vanessa ;
tell me hows ur new layout k? hope you'll like it! slp well.
- cya -
what we could have been, 21:26.
作词:方文山 作曲:周杰伦 演唱:周杰伦
光 轻如纸张 光 散落地方 光 在掌声渐息中它慌忙
她在传唱 不堪的伤 脚本在台上 演出最后一场
而全村的人们在座位上 靜靜的看 时间如何遗弃这剧场
战火弄脏 她的泪光 谁在风中 吵着吃糖
恐惧刻在孩子们脸上 麦田已倒向战车经过的方向
蒲公英的形状 在飘散 它绝望 的飞翔
她只唱 只想 这首止战之殇
恶夜燃烛光 天破息战乱
殇歌传千里 家乡平饥荒
天真在这条路上 跌跌撞撞 她被芒草割伤
孩子们眼中的希望 是什么形状
是否醒來有面包当早餐 再喝碗热汤
农夫被烧毁土地跟村庄 终于拿起枪
孩子们眼中的希望 是什么形状
是否院子有秋千可以荡 口袋里有糖
刺刀的光被仇恨所擦亮 在远方野蛮
what we could have been, 21:07.
Saturday, August 21, 2004
sigh... this is how bored i am. argh. got absolutely nothing to do!! my whole enty's in so many diff colours...haha :( really very sian. no more nice blogskins to be found, again! this sucks. i wanna change vanessas layout but i cant cos there isnt one super nice one which suits her! actually, there really isnt one that i find nice n think that she'd like it all the same. oh well.
chickens are banned? haha. lesser eggs n all. wander if the egg n cheese prata at chong;s house would be more ex. haha. so, yea, chickens are infected, we cant eat them but everyone else is still eating them (or at least, most of my friends). and ive also heard that we cant even eat meat. no chicken, no beef, no pork! thats so sad! all we can have is veg n seafood. seafoods fine actually.
anyway, today was pretty interesting :) in fact last 2 days werent that bad. so i woke up pretty late today n missed 156. msged nic and she actually missed 73 to wait for me so we could share a cab. 7am, not a single available taxi yet. dear o`neekie;was about to skin me alive if we were late n had to go for detention. we even came up w a plan on how to clilmb over the sch gate. hahaha. but then, 7.05am, a taxi stopped! yay. told the uncle to drive as fast as possible. so he ran a red light n thanx to him, we reached school in time!
i would just like to say, thank you so much for waiting w me and risk being late n getting detention neekie!
kk, its really getting late already...ive still gotta wake up early n study tmr. got a major chem test coming up ; k, not that major a test but its sorta like a revision for all we've learnt since last yr (: and i havent studied in 3 days! im getting lazy again. fuck.
out -
what we could have been, 02:08.

i want this necklace...think its cool. its white gold plated! haha
what we could have been, 02:07.
Thursday, August 19, 2004
okay, so i didnt study today. fine. humph. hah. spent the whole time trying to find a nice blogskin. damn, its so frigging hard to find any nice ones again! there was soo many pretty ones at one period of time... sigh. haha.im reading gossip girls again. its getting interesting :) soo cool, envy those frigging rich ppl in gossip girls n the OC! okayokay.
its late. -yawn-
`nights peeps.
- you know you love me (;
what we could have been, 23:43.

now there are 2 cute baby pics on my blog!! :] and i hate that blue blogger search bar at the top of my blog. spoil the whole thing! someone tell me how to remove it pls. thank you!
what we could have been, 22:03.
okay, i wouldnt be able to use the com that often, so im gonna blog more :D
im bloated :( drinking vitagen. gonna get another bottle later, hope itll help. haha.ever since that really horrible n pissing incident on one of the thursdays not far back,i guess my relationship w my mom has improved and i seriously, i really dun mind losing the friends who dun even trust me. i can make so many others in future. ma poor mom stayed up all night to help me wash my school shirt cos i didnt have any left and she only slept at 4am! :( so she woke up only at 6am n i woke up late as a result n had to rush to school. yepp, dads gonna get new phone soon, i hope. haha itll most prob be an ericsson one afterall. no 7610 (but its supposed to be really heavy n big so, wad the hack) almost had to say bye bye to my new hp when i lost my wallet. recieved a msg frm my dad right after my mom hung up, saying : no more new things 4 you! whou, im super lucky today loh. even the taxi uncle who drove me home gave me a discount! no $1 charge for peak hour cos we were talking merrily in the cab bout going to poly or jc.haha. and he said i was a student so no need charge me. how nice of him :) THANK YOU UNCLE! -too bad, i cant remember the car plate number. haha.
kk. gotta study physics le. havent been studying the last 2 nights. gotta catch up w subs.
what we could have been, 21:38.
love my
girlfriend & chong!
there, ive said it :) thank you gals soo soo much for not giving up the search for my almost-got-lost wallet. haha. and i take back all those cursing n swearing i made bout that poor old man whom we thought stole my wallet.
im a super fucking happy bitch right now! - haha,cheryns style ;P -
got ta go stuff myself again all cos of my nv-letting-me-not-eat-dinner parents. im getting
FAT! haha. wait, i AM FAT.
SHIITTT! hahaha. ok.
- out
what we could have been, 21:15.
at qilins house!! haha. ate delicious maggi mee w mushrooms n egg ; shes got a chiochio sis and her dads really friendly :D i almost hated thursdays permenantly... hahaha. thought i was about to lose my wallet w 35+ bucks inside!! but i didnt!! finally found it on the bus and got everything back! wad a relief!! haha. i take back all the bad stuff i said bout that man i thought took my wallet :P phew. ok, watching huan zu ge ge 3. quite nice. xiao yan zi quite chio. and everything all changed. rong mo mo suddenly so nice to her. got ta go! :D
what we could have been, 15:44.
its late. im supposed to sleep but dad didnt say anything :P watching some movie on channel 8. cant remember the name of it. but edison chens in it! he looks soo cute :D
okay. movie ended. touching love story n time to go to bed n wake up tmr morn for tuition in the afternoon. i dun wanna go for tuition!! ): but i have to.
oh well,nighty night ;)
-renfus bdae's coming-
qianlis too of course! haha.
what we could have been, 12:39.
hmmm... i think the pics are a lil too big... gotta change the size of it soon. arh, gtg. now, dads making lotsa noise. -tataa-
what we could have been, 01:33.

i want this phone. the gold one instead of this one w that red area if possible. heard its out of stock :\ but i still want it! haha. 1mega pix phone!
what we could have been, 01:27.

found this super sick pic frm one of the layouts on blogskins.com. damn sick. haha. i think i'll remove it soon. or it'll destroy my pretty lil cute blog layout. ooh! i just love this layout. its soo cute dun ya think? haha. okok, not too carried away now ;)
what we could have been, 01:24.
Saturday, August 14, 2004
作词:宋健彰 作曲:周杰伦 演唱:周杰伦
久未放晴的天空 依旧留着你的笑容
哭过 却无法掩埋歉疚
风筝在阴天搁浅 想念还在等待救援
我 拉着线 复习你给的温柔
暴晒在一旁的寂寞 笑我给不起承诺
怎么会 怎么会 你竟原谅了我
我只能永远读着对白 对着我给你的伤害
我原谅不了我 就请你当作我已不在
我睁开双眼 看着空白
忘记你对我的期待 读完了依赖
i still love qi li xiang. but i promised vanessa to put it on her blog if i cant find the song she wants. and obviously, i cant find the song so i'll have to give her qi li xiang :P but ive still got a nice song! ge qian ;)
what we could have been, 00:59.
changed my layout again! bwabee eyes shoo cwute! -squeals. hahaha.
but im still figuring out which song i should use w this skin. any suggestions?haha.
first, congrats yer new PM; mr Lee :) goodbye mr goh chiock tong[hope i get the spellings rite :P] yepp. [my area under new pm leh] haha.
interesting day after all those depressing times before. haha.
mrs clara tan (mrs rite?), our VP by the way, talked to us about goal settings, procrastination, time managment and there'll be night study session! (wadever its supposed to be called.) im soo excited. haha. its gonna be held in the library...with air condition and food! -thats to keep us awake- haha. hope they start soon.
ohyes, maths lesson was spent in the hall w 4-5 teachers n so many announcements. ms liza told us about this social etiquette course to `guide us or teach us dining manners. doesnt sound very interesting, but its ONLY $20!! it definitely worth it. we'll have a lecture on dining manners n everything then, we'll take a bus on that day n all go down to jacks place for a 5course meal! nt bad. haha. and suddenly almost all the girls in the hall were really interested.haha. guys, i dunno. haha, its gonna be one of the days next week. right after my eng oral i think. -gasp, eng oral! :( nervous-
and, the rest of the announcements werent as interesting. haha. actually, non of the rest were interesting at all. and im stil in a dilemma whether to retake my chi Os or not. it really seems to be a waste of time if i retake to try my luck. argh, ive got till mon to decide.
need to lose weight!! urgh,fat fat fat. doing sit ups every night already. and i heard frm wan quan yu le that if u dip orange -i think its orange. didnt really get that part, recorded it so i can watch it again- into hot water, not too hot, then wrap it w aluminium foil,toast it then eat it everytime u feel like having a snack, eat the whole thing w the skin, but ya cant eat more than 2 in a day. just like that and u'll lose 6 kg a month!! >.< my mom doesnt allow any of these experiments. haha. ah, wad the hack, ill do it the hard way then. just like neekie. 1 meal a day. and do sit ups as many times as possible -most prob only when i feel like it- hahaha.
whoow. longest entry in a long time. but most of it is crap. crap rite? yepp, crap. ohya! speaking of crap, ive got a new gmail account!! wanna know the add? ;)
crapmania@gmail.com the storage space may be a lot bigger but pls do not send junk mail. alright. thats about everything.
`love ya ;)
what we could have been, 22:00.
Thursday, August 12, 2004
:( sad.very sad.
feel like changing layout again, but i love this skin. its so cute.sigh.
btw, i hate ppl who backstab.thats all i have to say.
what we could have been, 14:59.
damn, got that emily strange quiz thing. it was so darn cute! and its cocked up. so i cant put it up :(
right, so i spent a whole day hme n didnt go for tuition. boring. and i really dun wanna go back to school tmr. sigh. but then again, i want to go back to school cos then i'll get that spiderman2 dvd ive waited so long for. if surendran forgets to bring it tmr, im gonna kill him.
ive watched this week, next weeks n the following weeks `the OC already! :) downloaded it all. tmr night, 10.45pm channel8... concert! the one i missed on sunday night; cant wait. watched the ad and now i feel like watching catwoman as well. think ill slp early tonight n wake up earlier tmr morning. good night.
what we could have been, 20:28.
national day parade was really quite expected. nothing much, really. its all about singapore in the past n present; every.single.year... ha. the finale was alright(cos jj was there) haha.
dun really like the guy but i love his 2nd album! haha, so. ya. finale was fine with the expected fireworks. sigh, speaking of fireworks...i missed that concert last night
at marina. 56 was there :( ohwell, i'd still be able to
watch it on tv on wed.
laughed through almost the whole episode of singapore idol. guess singaporeans arent so shy afterall. cant wait for weds 2nd ep of it. wanna see if my ex-chi tuition fren,gillian, is really that girls in the ads (the last girl on the ad w tears of triumph) and that toh houw too. i think he;s fake. i'll think that way till i see him appear on tv :P
what we could have been, 21:35.
作词:方文山 作曲:周杰伦 演唱:周杰伦
窗外的麻雀 在电线杆上多嘴
你说这一句 很有夏天的感觉
手中的铅笔 在纸上来来回回
秋刀鱼 的滋味 猫跟你都想了解
那温暖 的阳光 像刚摘的鲜艳草莓
雨下整夜 我的爱溢出就像雨水
院子落叶 跟我的思念厚厚一叠
几句是非 也无法将我的热情冷却
雨下整夜 我的爱溢出就像雨水
窗台蝴蝶 像诗里纷飞的美丽章节
我接著写 把永远爱你写进诗的结尾
那饱满 的稻穗 幸福了这个季节
你突然 对我说 七里香的名字很美
what we could have been, 01:31.
check this out : click
here. its on todays news paper. stupid chickens damn funny.haha.
what we could have been, 01:21.
new skin comes w this cute song. gonna change it when i get sick of it :) feeling really tired n bored today...
watched the notebook last friday w neek n qilin. its alright i guess. really touching story. could hear ppl laughing at the begining of the movie n sniffings everywhere towards the end. n almost the whole cinema was occupied by girls.hahaha.
i reallly wanna watch qian ji bian2 now. but i didnt watch the first one. oh well, see how la. surendran has finally
finally gotten the spiderman2 dvd! getting it on wednesday.yay...
right.dun think ill slp tonight. or atleast, ill try not to slp :) then i can study too i guess.
*cant wait to watch singapore idol tmr night.
what we could have been, 23:35.
Wednesday, August 04, 2004
`//new song! :) heard mandys song again. used to love this song a lot. think i still like it. haha. enjoy the song. mansy moore's cry.*
fridays coming...
early dismissal and no lessons cos of the national day concert. haha. wander if its gonna be better this yr. wait, wad m i talking about? its always bad. haha. nah, alright i guess :)
going out w the girls. haha, i think we may watch the notebook :D nc-16 movie! finally. haha. im 16 n finally gonna get to watch a nc-16 movie. right. so its gonna be another girls day out. should be fun.haha. i wanna play pool! haha, sampeili got me addicted to it.
ohyeah,haha.ive finally watched meangirls!! ;) vanessa finally lent the dvd to me.that biyatch. buahaha, jk. i wanna watch it more times. heh heh. love their bitchyness. all the -shutups- n -biyatch- n all that backstabbing! could learn a few tactics too. muahaha. tried burning it but it didnt work. sigh... anyway, right, i loved the movie man!
national day celebration. all pupils are encouraged to wear red and white. red n white! ive got red top, white top, none of those coloured bottoms. haha. pon sch! maybe. but i guess ill just stick to sch U. haa. anyway, theres still sch tmr, so id better go ta bed ;)
*out :]
what we could have been, 23:35.