thank goodness its friday! :) sigh. this whole week was a totally crappy. i think im gonna fail my chem test. didnt study for it but at least ill past ss test. O level chi exam results are gonna be out so soon! :( im scared. think i'll have to retake the whole paper all over again... sigh. just hope i dun fail this paper.
anyway, went to eat at sumo bento w qilin winnie n clare :) so much fun w clara around, shes one hell of a joker la. haha thought us how to master the art of eating oranges. very impressive indeed, with that super long tongue of hers. qilin n i went crazy together.haha. didnt know she had it in her. -the total craziness- haha. and winnie, always the notsocrazy one (: met cheryn,jeremy,joel and chelsea at tpc cc to play badminton! so fun! n my badminton skills improving. yeah! (",)V now i feel like having pe next week already.
cant remember wad else i wanna say, so...yeah, gonna go now. its really kinda late too. must slp as much as possible when i get the chance... haha. i think i may be meeting qianli n colleen tmr. maybe go study?
- out
what we could have been, 23:59.

well, thats it for now. haha. loads more ta come. my parents r about to come in n start scolding if i dun switch off the com (:
what we could have been, 00:13.

ive got this postcard. a small stack of it. hee..
what we could have been, 00:11.

what we could have been, 00:10.

what we could have been, 00:04.

more spidey :D
what we could have been, 00:03.
watching the importance of being earnest now :)
sound familiar?haha. mary jane watson in spiderman2 was an actress n she acted in a play called : the importance of being earnest. haha. its really quite interesting. haha. love their british slang. its soo... english.haha. right, so ive changed my blogskin, not much though. haha. it looks so darn similar to the last few. too bad. cant find any nice blogskins at all now a days. so, im back to the spiderman mood and playing spiderman soundtrack songs :D ill have
vindicated up soon after i get sick of this song. ok, movie ended. i think id better go now. gonna read ma book ; dan brown;s abgels and demons its really quite interesting. borrowed it frm my cousin.
what we could have been, 12:00.
watching the importance of being earnest now :)
sound familiar?haha. mary jane watson in spiderman2 was an actress n she acted in a play called : the importance of being earnest. haha. its really quite interesting. haha. love their british slang. its soo... english.haha. right, so ive changed my blogskin, not much though. haha. it looks so darn similar to the last few. too bad. cant find any nice blogskins at all now a days. so, im back to the spiderman mood and playing spiderman soundtrack songs :D ill have
vindicated up soon after i get sick of this song. ok, movie ended. i think id better go now. gonna read ma book ; dan brown;s abgels and demons its really quite interesting. borrowed it frm my cousin.
what we could have been, 12:00.
racial harmony day. pics will be uploaded soon.after ive got all the pics frm vanessa yiling n liz?or maybe winnie. dun think ill be able to get any frm liz cos her com broke dwn. and she deleted my afghan(spell?) lady pic!! :( so sad... it was the most artistic pic taken by eric. haha. arh. anyway, m damn bored right now. ha. cant wait to watch matrix 2 tmr. borrowing the dvd :D geog test tmr, and i havent studied. guess ill depend on my luck. afterall, mrs chao didnt tell us wad chapter to study. so its pretty much everything and all based on wad i know in general
- getting late][ ` off
what we could have been, 23:05.
((trust no one))
speech day was boring!
started feeling tired 5 mins after boo started his speech.haha. slept through most of it and watched the prize givings.. then there was a super mini-concert at the end. the chinese dance was...terrible. ha! the dance was alright la, its that really horrible song they used, it had this woman screeching away in it. oh well, i screeched away with her as well. hahaha. had a karaoke session with liz at the end.haha. sang along with the songs they played while the guests left. and thanx to mr terence tan, we had nasi lemak instead of bun this year ; although it wasnt that nice and ive been eating the buffet the other 3 years.
watching "a day" on channel u now. its so touching...
im in a mood to watch windstruck again.haha
so korean-drama-ish now.
anyway, its late ; i dun wanna go for maths tmr :(
+missed pa again today,bloody gohs gonna start nagging on monday. ohyesh, monday;s racial harmony day. gonna be interesting i guess :)
what we could have been, 01:12.
muahahhaha. at guomings house now.
hualao!! got ants!! :(
and his house looks nice man. nice bed too.
urgh... listening to jay chou n trying to avoid
the ants on the key board. haha.
AND waiting for speech day to start.
have to leave soon anyway; so, TATA! :D
-hope speech day wouldnt be too boring!
cos i didnt bring my spiderman book.
oh wait! ive got my teenage mag! wahahaha.
ok, leaving already. bye!
what we could have been, 15:36.

pretty face. so doll-like! -envious envious-
what we could have been, 21:25.

so chio.. shes on some ad for lipsticks.chiochiochio.
what we could have been, 21:17.

ooo, and i love that black pretty, its got green eyes!!
what we could have been, 21:16.

kirsten dust. this pic looks better in the mag.haha. but she looks better here than in spiderman i think.
what we could have been, 21:14.

lindsay lohan :D frm 8-days.haha
what we could have been, 21:11.

and SHE looks super chio in king arthur :D but i dun feel like watching that movie.hee.
what we could have been, 21:08.

kiera knightly
what we could have been, 21:07.
slept till 2 hours ago... haha. still so darn tired. AND i havent done any of my hmwk.haha gonna watch the OC tonight, and gonna sleep late too. so hack! haha. afterall,tmrs speech day! hahaha. yeay. scanned quite a few pics just now. all the pretty faces. here goes :)
what we could have been, 21:03.
tmr;s beatty secondary school's 51st annual speech day.
lessons end at 9.50am!! whoOhoO! ;)
i dont know where to go anyway,sigh.
im kinda broke and i wanna watch a movie tmr.
hopefully,spiderman2 :D havent got to watch it
a second time yet.
so, yep, really bored now. sigh. read i-weekly and
8-days last night and both of the horoscopes say the same thing
and theyre both really true. haha. yehyeh, i believe in these
kinda things ; horoscopes,zodiacs, blah blah :)
k,better be off, gonna complete my hmwk and a whole ton of ss
i owe Ltan. ah..and finish both science tys if possible -impossible-
ive got so much chemistry to complete. ha! all these,so i wouldnt
feel bad bout emjoying the whole bloody day tmr; going out w the rest.
what we could have been, 15:40.
havent got anything to blog about lately.sigh.
anyway, just saw that charity show on channel 8
just now. 5566 was there :) renfu's in singapore
AGAIN! haha. they sang a new song. its quite nice.
but i couldnt really hear it. stupid hosts announcing
all the thankyous over the whole song! urgh.
and toros still in singapore (: haha.
anyway, id better go to bed or ill be all sleepy again
for the rest of the week. yep,everyone seems to be studying
so darn feeling really horrible now. sigh.
enjoy the song though;i love it a lot.
`till next week i guess][ta|
what we could have been, 23:19.
Your Icecream Flavour is...Neopolitan! |
You aren't satisfied with just one flavor. They say variety is the spice of life and this shines through in your Ice cream of choice! Just don't eat all the chocolate and leave the strawberry and vanilla behind! |
What is your Icecream Flavour?
Find out at
Go Quiz
what we could have been, 22:41.
what we could have been, 23:00.

thats it i guess, more some other day. and my pics dun seem to be in the order i want them to be... :|
what we could have been, 22:36.

what we could have been, 22:36.

and theres this super irritating friend of peterparker aka spiderman ; harry osborn.

what we could have been, 22:32.

i think this pic's really pretty
what we could have been, 22:30.

ok,she looked horrible in the last pic. this one should be better
what we could have been, 22:29.

damsel in distress -hope its spelled correctly-
what we could have been, 22:26.

stuck ; muscular...
what we could have been, 22:25.

that train rescue thing.haha
what we could have been, 22:24.

when theres a superhero;there has to be a vilian :D
what we could have been, 22:20.

whoO! ;)
what we could have been, 22:17.

watched spiderman today with peili shafiqa and shiying after we played pool. :D it was GREAT! loved it!! ill give it a 41/2 star outta 5! the mags n newspaper were right bout the ratings :) yep. and i had a dream about greece winning the euro04 last night and guess wad?! peili woke me in the morn n the first thing i asked her was, did greece win protugal? HAHA! GREAT! if only i could dream up 4 munbers so i could win more $$$! :) anyway, its running late, ive got sch tmr and a lil more hmwk not complete plus spiderman2 book to read! its great! okay,im really nervous and scared of that chi Os oral coming up this thursday... sigh,pray ill pass :\
what we could have been, 22:11.
040704 sunday
todays quite a good day :)
had tuition today.didnt wanna go at all.sigh,got forced to anyway.
peili called me after that and asked me to go down to lucky plaza
cos she needed my ic to play pool!haha. playing pool is much more
fun when its played online...haha,thats my opinion though.maybe its
cos i dont noe how to play the real thing :P went to the arcade and
played daytona (spell?) 4times.haha. damn;didnt get a 1st at all..
blardy peili kept knocking over my "car" everytime i took over her.
haha.but it was really fun,maybe we'll be going back there tmr.
not sure if i wanna go back to school tmr a not. or even go out.
ive got tonns to hmwk not done.sigh.but i wanna watch spiderman2!!
got the novel today,and im determined to finish it tonight. haha
thats impossible with me feeling tired and a soccer final to watch...
yep, it IS impossible.hahaha.
guess im off for now.playing msn games w fren :D
what we could have been, 00:51.
what we could have been, 19:50.
what we could have been, 19:07.
How to make a joanne |
5 parts competetiveness
1 part silliness
3 parts beauty |
Method: Stir together in a glass tumbler with a salted rim. Top it off with a sprinkle of caring and enjoy! |
Crescent Girl's School
which secondary school (singapore) should you be in? brought to you by Quizilla
whoo! stole this from nic. NICE ;)
what we could have been, 15:38.

puss in boots..shooo CUTE!! guess i only like this character in shrek.haha. liz n simin got that accidentallyinlove song stuck in my head! :(
what we could have been, 15:07.
anyway,for now, ill leave it as this.
iwebmusic is something like powerwebmusic
ppl, go try it :)
what we could have been, 00:04.
downloading spiderman2 sound track : we are by this girl called anna.
cant seem to be able to get a full version! URGH!!
so far all those ive downloaded are all either only half the song
or are cut here and there! maybe theres something wrong with my
kazaa.hope one of the other same ones im dling is alright.
wanna upload it on ma blog; since the song i have now is not working...
:britney ; everytime... (: gtg, its late.
ohya,my whole class got moved from the 4th level to the first storey!
all cos viignes sprained her huge ankle. ARGH! hate it down there.
cant concentrate at all, there're diff classes having p.e everyday and
theyll keep running pass AND im seated closes to the windows! cant she just climb
4 storeys? lazy pork. she can come to school earlier and ashita can help her,
theyre always coming to school together. she seems to be able to walk perfectly fine.
pretended (in my opinion) to limp yesterday morning. ive sprained my ankle a few times
before as well, minor injuries and serious ones. the serious one was when i fell
from the stairs, sprained ankle, lost balance and sat on it at the bottom of
the steps. SCREAMED i tell you. that woman just missed a step or something and had
a little sprain! BIG DEAL. we;re so goonna be stuck down stairs for 2 WEEKS!! ah!
hateit hate it HATE IT! she could go see a chinese doctor, her ankle would have
been healed by today. -growls and pullshair-
fine, thats it for todays rantings. hopefully our dear-kerhem-vignes would have a
fast 'recovery' (obviously,i dun think shes that injured) and we'd be moved back to
our dear classroom. (or i may loseit and kick her ankle to make her REAL-ly injured
and make our stay worth while.)
ok,cooled down. im off. nope,i actually dun mean most of the things i just said :]
what we could have been, 23:12.