first half of the daay was fine.
then it started to suck and really badly in fact.
having dnt tmr AGAIN.
fucking kohkameng,so many lessons for?
urgh.then having tuition frm 2-4.
fridays even better,go back to school
and after that, gonna study. wun be home for
almost the whole day. wander wads the new timetable gonna
be like aafter school reopens cos the holidays can suck
as much as seeing all the stupid teachers faces.
guess at least going back to school to see some ppl
i havent seen in a month should be good. wander whether
id get a present frm hongkong anyway.
well, cant stay long if not ill get scolded for using the
com till soo late AGAIN. everything just seems to be my fault
anyway. when the phone cant be found, it HAS to be ME who took
it when i havent even touched it at all. tss, lots more;
too much to list all anyway. #| ciao ;
what we could have been, 23:50.

itsy bitsy spider climbing up the ; -are those pipes?- haha,wadever.
what we could have been, 17:32.

whoOhOo! :D
what we could have been, 17:29.
still looking for spiderman2 pics.gonna find them soon! :) cant wait to watch that movie
what we could have been, 17:08.

sigh, so young, so pretty. such a pity,she smokes :(
what we could have been, 17:05.

right,ive got nothing to do now so im sending more pics to my blog. this is amanda bynes and lindsay hohan (hope i get their names right) hee. chio huh?
what we could have been, 16:50.
found super cool quotes frm this girls website :D picked out nicer ones and here they are. let just hope NOBODY copy n pastes these on their blogs.u could try exploring n searching for that website OR come ask me for the add ;) muahahaha. hmm,m i still a bimbo, NEEK? :)) whoo! i especially LOVE the first one a lot.
[So you're the bitch that told the bitch that i was the bitch - well listen up bitch it takes a bitch to call a bitch a bitch!]
"You're as fake as press on nails"
"When I die, bury me upside-down so the world can kiss my ass!"
"To the world you may be one person, but to one person you may be the world"
"There are no stupid questions, just stupid people."
"Mistakes are proof that you're trying"
[Don't cry because it is over, smile because it happened.]
[Heaven wont have me and Hell's afraid i'll take over!]
[You laugh because i'm different. I laugh because you're all the same]
[Cry me a River, build a bridge and get over it]
[Forgive and forget. (But keep a list of the names.)]
what we could have been, 15:52.

discover what candy you are @ quiz me
WHOO!hello neeky,we;ve got the same thing! stole it frm ur blog,wun mind would you? aw,of course you wouldnt!haha,thats ma girl ;) see ya at tuition tonight! #afterall,ya stole some from mee too; dincha? muahahaha :D have a SUPER day! \\
what we could have been, 15:34.
You're the outgoing smiley.
You love to kid around and laugh and are well-known. You can easily cheer someone up, and you're often in a good mood. Overall, you're an optimistic person. What online smiley are YOU?!
@ Radiant
what we could have been, 14:12.

"yep! one last pic! friends forever!" hahaha :P
what we could have been, 00:00.

what we could have been, 23:56.

AND of course not forgetting all his super cute pics! :D
what we could have been, 23:53.

"use your inner-eye she says, ha."
what we could have been, 23:49.

what we could have been, 23:48.

what we could have been, 23:45.

i;m truely sorry harry,but rules are rules :)
what we could have been, 23:33.

what we could have been, 23:31.
im finished with my blog stuff :)
what we could have been, 22:32.
just visited a blog belonging to some bitch.but seriously,her entries are pretty interesting and shes so fuckingly lucky to be working in mediacorp.urgh.anyway,this is her blog add :
xiaxue;s blogi;ll be linking her soon :)
ohyes,i found this other super cool webbie too.its existed for quite sometime now,but ive only just remembered about it recently cos of all the harrypotter it is:
mugglenet.speaking of harrypotter,read about it in one of that xiaxue;s entries.some of it is hilarious. im off to meet my ohso comfy bed!cant wait to slp :D
what we could have been, 03:26.

qianli n me flooding smileys :D
what we could have been, 23:32.

heyy try this out! its so cool! bloggerbot.n its so super easy to load pics onto my blog now. thanx to qianli who introduced this prog to me :) everone should go get it soon. just click on the pic above,it should link u to the website.
what we could have been, 22:42.
its really late.again.
anyway,changed my layout again :P
hope its alright.
shoutbox is dwn. :(
went out w qianli n colleen on wednesday.shuann had fever!poor girl. hope shes,we wanted to watch a movie but couldnt decided wad to watch -maybe thats cos of me la- OKOK! sorry. but i really dun like watching cartoons,at least not anymore. and there really wasnt anything else to watch, so... watch the Best BEt in the was okay at the beginning w all that tio chiu or hokkien -? can nv tell the diff between those 2- anyway,ya,pretty much a comedy.but towards the end,theres this really stupid part which spoils the whole movie.oh wait,the movie was ALREADY stupid. hah! everyone in the cinema went `HWALAOEH` at the same time! singaporean unity. -talking crap! ;D
had quite a lot of fun. afterall,i havent been going out with those 2 gals for a really long time, especially ngai qian li.she got her esprit bag.its nice.anf i havent got a new bag yet.sigh.
didnt do much today. im gonna start studying in a few more hours time. and ive got a new blog! at haha. its a public blog.but i dun think ill be using it.i only like the tagboard alot. thats y i signed up for it. then i realised that the tagboard cant be used on blogspot ; sadly.haha. want to know my add? come ask me.ill give it to you ; if i feel like it.haha.
:so long
what we could have been, 01:44. its really late at night again.
found some really cool stuff frm ppls blogs;
including quizzes n pics :D
-sorry if i didnt ask permission-
anyway,made this hp skin to go w the nice
instrumental song thing i found. but theres
some error! :( URGH! damn it. theres probs
publishing it.
anyway, some of the really interesting stuff i found:
joanne is a radioactive squirrel!! |
J | Joyous |
O | Overwhelming |
A | Accurate |
N | Naive |
N | Normal |
E | Easy |
Name Acronym GeneratorFrom

What Name Should You Have? by Lauren
omg,and look at these! r they a couple?they sure look like one.looking good together as well.
what we could have been, 03:01. like,so NOT spose to use the com now!
bros asleep.really hope i dun wake him up.
so im typing really REALLY slowly now :P
waiting for that stupid;sosuperslow charmed
s6ep18 to finish dling.praypray non of my parents
will come in to check on my bro.
anyway,found this:
on some girls blog.n shes from california.yep.haha.
and this thing -above- is really quite true ;)
anyway,her blogs interesting.
so ; slanggish.haha so american :D
wait,wad m i saying?she IS american.haha.
anyway,back to exploring ppls blogs (",)V
what we could have been, 04:39.
been like,so darn long since i blogged.
mom ransacked my room n found my report book.
wow! thank you very much! urgh.
anyway, went to school the last few days and had
mdm gohs pa lesson. its like, such a waste of time.
she wasnt in the classroom half the time!
like,imagine us sitting in the classroom for
almost an hour not doing anything.
chemistry practical was pretty interesting.
went to take the knight bus
:D for the 6th time.haha!the first 5 times were from kill time while waiting for our 4.20pm movie.the whole knight bus thing was really lame;seriously.all they do is introduce themselves n tell us about sirius black,the very dangerous murderer on the loose out to kill harry potter;and they are here to help us protect ourselves from the dementors n sirius us draw a useless lightning bolt scar n teach us the patronous(spell?) charm[against the dementors] n lumous spell.
WOW!how nice of,someone PLS tell me,
how does a lumous spell(its a spell to light our wand tips),help us to get rid of the dementors and black?
LMFAO[laughing my fucking ass off]oh,btw,to put out the light at our wand tips,just saw the incantation: nox(spell?sorry bout'et.) and the wand movement, the swish and the flick; isnt that s'posed to be the action for the lavitating spell? -wingadiam leviosa!- (spelling again! ?? :P)
okay,so the whole things really stupid and lame. someone obviously wants to go for another ride but keeps saying I of all ppl wanted to go. ok, so theres this cute guy on the bus. the guy whom i suspect,likes yiling. or atleast thinks shes cute.haha.i think shes cute! sho chubbly huggable cutie. :)anyway, back to topic. that someone,kicked my leg. and its damn fucking painful! theres a bruise!alighted from the bus and heard a few girls asking one of the guys on the bus if theyve seen the really tall guy.haha,he had already left w his sis earlier on. i guess that really explains why almost more than 1/2 of the bus was always filled w GIRLS.haha.forgot to bring my cam today :( couldnt take pics -sadly.
anyway,the 2nd week of the hoildays is about to end soon. TOO SOON! how can the hols pass so darn fast?? it seriously doesnt feel like the holidays at all.ive only been able to watch a bit more tv and not do much hmwk,slp a lil later thats all. ive still got to go back to school every other day. sigh.only the 3rd weeks totally free of school. that still doesnt mean there isnt tuition. i think the whole of next weeks gonna be full of tuition. tues n weds already booked for science tuition. missed 2 weeks of maths so either 2 of the remaining days would be for maths. ive got 3 days to enjoy and BACK to school on the 4th week till sch reopens.
so tell me, no hols right? RIGHT! urgh!
gonna go watch that 9pm channel u luo shen now -i think-
and my leg STILL HURTS!
what we could have been, 17:55.
oh man...haha.
whoohoo! eye contact eye contact!!
buckbeak! (spell?should be correct.) :P
yep,thats a dead ferret on hermione's shoulder
hardworking.ooh!hedwigs so pretty.
the knight bus.and harry on the ground.cant see his jacket clearly here.but i like that jacket,it looks nice :D
what we could have been, 17:54.
i watched harry potter and the prisoner of azkaban!yesterday.
its damn nice! everyone out there has to go watch it
especially all those harry potter fans out there.
ooo...daniel radcliffe,emma watson and rupert grint? :P
anyway,they grew so mucH! n harry potter is getting more
n more good looking.whoo... :D
but i didnt like the didnt end properly this time
round.maybe cos ive read the book n all.but lots of it was
being cut off.the whooping willow n hermione was super farnie man.
oh, darn it.that so lucky emma watson? -argh,sorry cant really get
their names right.- haha.shes so so chio! n always being hugged by
what we could have been, 20:37.
i wanna watch
harry potter and the prisoner of azkaban. ah~! :P
new dumbledore actor :D looks exactly the same leh.
hermione's grown into such a pretty girl.
SIRIUS BLACK!i thought hes supposed to be handsome? :x
what we could have been, 23:54.