muahaha. :P
thanx to shuann.haha.
today was pretty fun n quite
relaxed la. enjoyed most of the after sch activity.
and im soo soo tired now.
its 830pm n my eyeslids feel so heavy.
cant keep awake for too long.
my bro's friends r here to visit him now.
my parents r out buying a tv.
n im here blogging n feeling really sleepy.
man, they're really `beng.
haha.bro, i think ur church friends better.
-winkwink- hahaha.
beatty's participating in the most caring teacher
award. its a national thing. like, the rest of spore's
also participating. i took this huge stack of nomination
form to nominate my FAV teacher.
-should know who it is-
larry was nice enough to help me sign. n MIND YOU, i ONLY
asked larry to help me sign a form. n he didnt complain much.
only freakin eric complained. wendy told me that winnie said
SOME ppl from my class complained that i went round bugging ppl to
sign the form! sheesh. r they exaggerating or just plain blind?!
its either SOME ppl really complain or its winnie n her FRIENDS
-you should know who u r- just talked a whole lot of rubbish n sorta complained.
anyway, just FUCK OFF. i like to do wadever i like. if YOU dun like it, either u
FO or leave me alone! dun help. no one's forcing you.
ranting's about done.
just one more thing. SOMEONE.
n again, i shall not mention names!
SOMEONE is sooo sooo sooo KIASU!
you know, ya dun really need to announce to
the WORLD that you've studied, having an interview
with the vp or p. OR gonna be interview on
channelnewsasia about some before n after pimple thing.
haha. bet you'll still look the same after the whole thing
unless u go for plastic surgery!
muahahaha. always hanging out with guys.
thats so sad! no gal friends ta hang out with eh?
i really truely pity the guys. hav ta put up with u
clinging on to them like some bug. ha.
thats it. done, i think.
haha. someone's showing attitude now.
AND again i wun mention names :)
anyway, his friends r finally gone. not so noisy.
gonna bath at top speed now n watch xun qing ji
at 9pm :D
what we could have been, 20:52.
so, studied with nic at coffee bean again.
she planned it last night! n that so smart girl
didnt discuss with me first. shes so lucky i
can make it today.haha.
n cos of her `last minute-ness, i didnt bring
my disc man! :( had to deal with that
truely irritating -beeping- sound coming from
the next door archade. urgh.
so sadly,didnt get to do much maths work today.
n ill prob be going out to study on saturday.
not sure if the plan would be cancelled.
theres another one tmr too!
haha. but tmr's one should be more of having lunch
n gossiping.haha. ;)
anyway, i just realised i havent done my chinese hmwk!!
oh, n i'll prob pon bout an 1hr of that really boring n
useless chi compo lesson tmr. muahaha.
ohyes!! almost forgot!
nic! i owe u 10bucks! haha. n neeke dear was so nice
to give me 10cents!!haha. no la. that 10cents was specially
new. made in 2003 n really really shiny.haha.
i'll pay u back tmr. :D
i want cyndi wang xin ling's ai ni cd!
i want to get more sleep!
and i love renfu n liyang. haha.
- nite
what we could have been, 20:58.
spent the whole evening at hougang point's
coffee bean today after taking a really really
really really long time to decide where to go
to study at neeke's house.haha.i took 3hrs to
study 3 chapts of chinese! thats, s l o www!~
sheesh.. but it was alright i guess. haha.
what we could have been, 21:12.
at neeekeees hse now!!
m irritating edmund. n he STILL
thinks its really nic herself!
listening to william hung!
-shaka bonbon!-
still duno where to go!
urgh. but theres sports day.
k, bye!! :D
what we could have been, 15:39.
stupid mouth of mine.
sucha jinx!
my bro just got a fever :(
may be admitted back there
again... sigh.
ive been searching for song lyrics for yue guang
by cyndi wang xinling. but i just cant seem to find any.
k dying of thirst.
n see, told u i wun study so early.
sigh. better get down to some serious studying.
what we could have been, 20:01.
: )
my bros checked out yesterday.
staying home for the next 20 days or so
i guess.haha. i dun nid ta rush home
everyday after school anymore.
1 week was enough.
anyway, midyr's next week.
not prepared. most of the rest of my
classmates too i guess. or they're prolly
just saying it. i know SOMEONE whos
realyreally kiasu.n wants everyone else
to know whether shes been studying a not.
jane, its that wooman. u should know who ;)
had physics test n poa test today.
first time, whole class is prepared to fail.
nobody studied for both tests at all.
most of us either didnt know, forgot or didnt
bother to study. but i didnt know till yiling told
me in the morn.
ive got tonns of hmwk not completed. so, yea.
im off to complete them! (yeah rite, i'd prolly keep
saying later until its too late, i feel too tired n just go to
bed.) hope i wouldn be late for sch again!
been late for almost the whole of last week already.
PLUS today! spending too much on taxi fare! :(
what we could have been, 17:40.
Wednesday, April 21, 2004
oh yes, i remembered that guys name.(director guy i was talking bout yesterday)
its royston tan. hope its spelled correctly.haha.
what we could have been, 16:49.
this short film director came to our sch for a
talk today. showed us 4 of his short films which were
very touching. especially that father n son one and
another called 'mother'.
i actually cried while watching it cos i remembered wad my
mom n dad said last night and my bro n all. :(
assembly ended n we could go sign up if anyones interested
in acting in another of ros-something tan guy's (sorry, forgot his name)
short films. i signed up for fun, just to see wad itll be like. but mostly
cos mr tan, sort of knows 5566! took an ad for them or something like that.
siying went ta pester him after assembly to ask bout that 5566 stuff.
(yiling n i went to support her :P) mr tan said itll be out on 1st may.
:) ill be waiting.
what we could have been, 19:40.
long day. sigh.
sucha hot day! kept feeling so so
sleepy during eng n maths remedial cos i didnt
get any air or wind or wadever. was just really
really hot. nothing much happened.
just that, PEILI went to celebrate her birthday
WITHOUT ME! wow! >.<
bro did his operation check this morn.
i think he knows hes not in a very good condition.
:( he didnt sound happy at all when i msged him last night.
his msgs were all short n...sian?
results of the checkup would only be out 2days later.
pray he'll be fine n hope t.t's right.
anyway, ive got tons of wk not completed.
what we could have been, 20:04.
what we could have been, 19:49.
oyesterday was...
ohman...just fell in love with renfu all over again.he had hair extention! for most ppl who didnt go for the concert,n watched that nkf thing, theyd prob think it looks awful. but it was super cool last night.he did we will rock u n a whole lot of dance along with it for his solo performance. k one started the concert. i didnt like k one till last night. haha. always thought they were too similar to energy n none of them looked good. but theres this guy, li yang (hope i got his name right.) he changed his hair style n colour. he looked like, sooo cute last night...
round the beginning of the concert, they stopped for a lil while to say some stuff. xiezhi was talking halfway n renfu was standing directly in front of me. (im row 10. its not near, just seems directly to me, maybe cos im tall? :P) so i screamed RENFU!n waved too,he turned n waved back! -squeals- haha. then everyone else round me started screaming n waving. all thanx to ME! muahahaha. ;)
anyway, thats so much of the happy part.
havent done ANY hmwk.
renfu ;)
thanx for ur `wanderful blog entry cheryn :D
what we could have been, 23:09.
joanne is an egoistic freak
who loves renfu
and PRETTY GREENEYED guy from charmed; drewfuller
but loves
cheryn most of all
she loves to scream into people's ears
like nobody's business :)
she likes to say wah sai
and is best at stealing people's FOOD
she loves to say that SHE IS FAT
elephants are fatter, she is not at all :D
but i still love joanne.
-nicole wannabe. :P
what we could have been, 12:43.
its 5566 concert day already!
im getting a lil excited now.
really wander how itll be like and wanna see renfu. :P
seriously hot day today...been burning in my class the whole week its even cooler along the corridors.and i dun have a fan at my area!ok, i
have a fan. but none of its wind gets to my side! all it does is blow my legs. sheesh.so ive been perspiring almost every min. ive nv been so sticky during lessons for a whole week! damn uncomfortable i tell ya.
skipped choir today cos i had dental appointment. but it was cancelled at the last min cos of my bro. my mom seriously scared me this afternoon man. i knew he was admitted in the hospital cos he was ill. but didnt know how sick. then this afternoon she just called me n told me that the doctors suspect that my bro has something in his lung and suspected it was cancerous or something like that. i didnt think it was that serious cos they only suspected. until my mom called me again n she sounded like she just cried. i got all worried.wanted to cry the whole time i was in town with ryn nic n shir. met up with my dad at 5 n went dwn ta NUH. saw my bro n he looked wuite alright. just...kinda swollen round the neck n face. both his hands had that needle thing stuck on. n i felt better after my dad said that most docs just suspect theres cancer cos theres some lump thing in his lung. but it cant be cos my bro had so many tests before he went into NS n he was perfectly fine. im still worried for him i guess. hes going for this operation thing to stick something in his chest n get samples of tissue to test if that lump is cancerous.(something like that.) pray that hed be fine...
sigh. gonna get BOA's love n honesty song on my blog after that powerwebmusic 's fixed. (: anyway, ive gotta go get slp.damn tired and theres breakfast at 7.30am with vanessa yiling siying, pa remedial followed by napfa 5item test tmr and then combined science tuition! THEN, ive gotta rush home and bath, change n get ready for the CONCERT! ah... wander wad renfus doing now.hee. prolly still rehearsing. :) tata .
what we could have been, 00:32.
wow...im 25% evil!!
means im...75% innocent!!
yeay! im not as evil as nic.
haha. ok. not really in the mood
for laughing n all now actually.
sigh.hope my bro would be fine tmr.
what we could have been, 22:23.
I am 25% evil.
I try to stay away from evil deeds but succumb to temptation every once in a while. I'm not quite on my way to hell but I certainly have some explaining to do.
Are you evil? find out at Hilowitz.com
what we could have been, 22:20.
soooo darn hard to get a nice template nowadays!
nothing AT ALL! well, there is a few nice ones but
ive got too many stuff ta put in, so...not enough space
heh heh..im bored. and there the OC tonight! :)
just finished watching ep7 now.(downloaded)
omg...hope i can get ep8 asap...
its like, damn nice. and ep7's really sad.
almost cried n all.
gtg do my dnt folio anyway.
sigh. had to be handed in on tuesday.
but ill hand it in tmr.
do all i can later. n thanx SHUMIN!
for helping me think of something to do.

<---reminds me of the clock on x70 phone...
what we could have been, 22:01.
Wednesday, April 14, 2004
wow! wad a day!got up like any other day but was late for school!not a single taxi passed me man.urgh. so, spent 1hr sitting at the void deck under cheryns block, listing out the pros n cons on going home or not.hahas.more cons than pros if i went home although ive got 2 tests today and didnt really studied fer them.so i finally decided to walk into school. thank god i wasnt the only one late.jessica was late too.heh heh. (sorry la,bit evil)
went ta see mr singh! he was in a good mood :)but i skipped detention.and i think i should be able to pass my tests.i hope.
ahh...then theres that fashion talk by something.SIA.haha, cant remember wadsit called but it was interesting.n their standards are high.
CHOIR! learnt that -song of music- song called, wad,favourite things issit? wadever la.oh..and after that,we (sec4s) had SUCH a WANDERFUL talk with ms pua...MIRICLE! for the first time in history!i actually agree with was PUA said!!but thats mostly cos zimin really didnt make any sense at all. she wasnt even prepared. just blabbered everything and anything that came to her mind, which was,basically...RUBBISH. god. wad beatty ppl no culture??!wads that culture?waddahell.bet she almost said uncivilised.ha! she'll be scolding herself too! wad an airhead.scared that she'll lose face cos the song is childish?the song is FINE! its the stupid movements. and afterall,(ive really gotto agree with pua bout this) pus said before,if u wanna be in choir, u'll have to be ttthiiicckk skin!who cares wad others think.(i care la, but really, the song's NOT childish.)has she even watched the movie. i was lucky, liz made me watch part of it with her last yr. so i know part of the story, and it really isnt
that bad.why cant we just stick to this fav thing song so we dun hav to stay back or come back to school to prac extra stuff huh?ur thinking too highly of urself GIRL.'our choir has high standard','we can do it' ???"gei kiang" lah... sang follow ur dreams till the really high pitch part and...she went
OFF! WOW! such high standards!seriously, she would rather go up to stage during assembly, sing an acapella song and go off tune than singing a nicer song only a lil stupid cos of the dance steps.
okay, my ranting should be 'bout over by now. (:
im done, gonna study ss now.
what we could have been, 22:03.
sucha pity, cant upload
that dou yu soundtrack, lydia, by FIR.
i think its damn nice.
maybe next time :)
what we could have been, 20:22.
last few days were...
alright i guess.
only my chinese oral. i sucked like hell.
totally screwed it up i tell u.
damnit. i just blanked out at the first conversation
question bout: wad do u think about the ed system which
allows students to skip olevels and go straight to Alevels.
or something like that. damn!
i didnt say anything at all. but i had quite a bit to say bout
the handphone question i guess. (thats the 2nd one.)
anyway, forget that. wads dones done.
went out with my parents yesterday n today.
damn tired. and i didnt even get to buy my own shoe!
my mom bought the one i wanted for herself.
urgh... all i did was eat A LOT.
gtg anyway,`off.
what we could have been, 20:17.
hoho...im online!!
and i havent studied a thing!
ive got physics test tmr and guess wad
i left my guide book in school!
pa test tmr too. spent almost the whole
day sleeping and doing my cme project.
im sooo screwed...
ive still got a tonn of hmwk not done!
chewing on a huge packet of lays,lightly salted.
im gonna fail my test and growing fatterevery min.
soo darn screwed!!!!! URGH! -pulls hair-
okay, thats it. im a couch potato and il spend the
rest of this year regretting again! which means ill
regret for the rest of my life! geez.
ok, is this stressed? yeah, i think im stressed.
im soo stressed up and LAZY. gosh.
id better do something bout it or my horoscope WILL
come true. omgomg. im leaving. bye.
have a great say, great night, wadever.
what we could have been, 22:40.
:D charmed guy.
did i mention hes got greenish eyes?hahas
or maybe i just saw wrongly. -shrugs-
spent the day watching The O.C and i still duno wad
O.C means.haha. that shows nice... but i still like charmed.
got more of *look at pic above* hahas.
although, i swear, i saw him in The O.C ep1 beating up
the other guy.hahas. just that one glance.
went to school for english today at 8.30am!!
so damn early loh. and most of my day's gone.
i havent studied or done any weekend hmwk or
overdues work. and theres supposed to be a
physics and pa test on monday.
theres maths tuition tmr!! how to study?! ....
feel so lazy these days! urgh!!
help help help help.....
what we could have been, 18:46.
theres bout half an hour more to the end of my bdae! :(
but, enjoyed most of today.
so touched by all the lil things my friends did
they all IGNORED me for the whole moring!hahas.
i hint and hint and they still ignored me...
vanessa yiling siying n all were involved in the whole
plot thing. I DIDNT KNOW!.
led me to the toilet then to the canteen.
and cheryn nic clara shirleen liz simin jane peili fiq
(must name all the important ppl, sorry if i didnt mention u)
surprised me with this cake n sang bdae song!
the whole canteen sang along and screamed together
as well. especially the malay guys. and they came over
to get some cake too...without knowing whos the bdae girl. -_-
hahas. so...lets see.
i got a necklace,earring,teddybear,
a bigg board thing from ryn and lots of cards. :D
t.t remembered my bdae!
went out after school, took neos n walked round
with SOGGY socks! damn gross. `cos it was raining.
anyway, just wanna thank all those soso sweet ppl who made this bdae so memorable.
THANK YOU so much
was surprised when u called. but it was really sweet of u. im so touched. :)
rynnie gf!! - thank you! for all uve done.
ma spas gf... love ya loads.
*wait a sec, didnt we just break up on the train just now??
shirleen dahling - i know ya care. ill tell u if i hav any probs k?
thanks so much for all ur care n concern :D
neekee 'mommy'! - thanks for ur card.its so sweet. i luv u too.
1st person who wished me happy birthday - MY MOTHER!
2nd - peili
3rd - arvin
4th - jeslin
5th - eric
then,cant really remember anymore.but they ignored me half the time remember? ;)
last person - junrong.
kay,looong day. enjoyed it (:
what we could have been, 23:29.
first of april!!
absolutely lOVE april!!
hahas. know why?
cos its a special month!!yeay.
firstly, its my birthday month! *hinthint*
haha. and theres that concert this month too!
OH SHIT! chinese Os are like
around 8 weeks to go! :(
feel so damn lazy. going out tmr n all.
simins parents are leaving spore to US
for 3weeks. that lucky girl.shell prob start
partying already.haha.
ohyes,met dion and her mom the other day.
didnt recognise them at all!
took me like 2 mins to remember who they were.
and that dion had already walked away.
only saw her wearing SCGS uniform.
ooo... SCGS BIG deal ah? >.<
spunky mood ruining i think.
cheryn hasnt called.
peili and all too.
maybe later. :(
anyway, im off before i start getting nagged at (",)v
what we could have been, 22:05.