i'm ANGRY!
freaking woman!
lucky for me i read some of her archieves today.
scolded me eh?
dun think i had a blog at that time last yr.
so much $ yet so stingy. lousy BITCH
k i shall stop here.
althought i still have a whole night to rant bout her!
went out with spas gf
and retard couple today.
watched stuckonyou.
its, ok i guess.
the rest thinks that cheaper by the dozen's better
but i didnt watch it!
anyhows, having 2e2 2002 class conversation now on msn.
so interesting.
wander who started it.
crappy ppl.
what we could have been, 23:29.
Wednesday, January 28, 2004
took a quiz.my results below.deleted pic cos its too big. :P
You are blessed with
FAERY wings. Beauty,
laughter, life, magic...that's what you are all
about. You are refreshingly innocent and happy
with your life of purity and play. Life's a
game and it's a good one. In your eyes there's
no way to lose! You can be very mischeivous and
have been known to cause trouble, but it's all
in the name of fun and not meant to really harm
anyone. You like to play tricks on people who
aren't quite as bright or clever as you - which
is almost everyone. Nature is the setting you
prefer to be in - Always. Barefoot and wild you
can't be tamed. You're probably a restless
spirit who loves to travel, and quite a
dreamer. Your creativity is astounding and your
art (of whatever media - from writing to
painting to drama) is like something from
another world - ethereal and often very
fantasy-oriented. You can either be a social
butterfly or a loner with their head in the
clouds - but rarely inbetween. You stubbornly
refuse to accept responsibility or to give in
to the wishes of others - unless you feel like
it. You have a strong passion for music and
can't imagine life without it. You'll grow up
someday, but you'll always be a child at heart.
You are adventurous and love to take risks, and
feel a deep connection with the weather,
plants, and animals. You prefer sunshine to
thunder or snow, the warmth of summer to
autumn's chill, and quiet forests to suburban
backyards. Magic through and through, you are
far more powerful than you seem, and are
capable of being extremely passionate. Though
you can be childish, naive, stubborn, and
self-absorbed, one thing is certain - life with
you will never be boring!
*~*~*Claim Your Wings - Pics and Long Answers*~*~* brought to you by Quizilla
what we could have been, 18:19.
i'm BACK! : )
been so so busy.
erm, okay. not THAT busy.
study for a test day before yesterday
and yesterday,
went to sakae sushi w [V],ling and siying.
so fun.
we sat there and talked about almost everything
under the sun.
laughed most of the time
and ate
a lot
its nong li xin nian chu 7 today!
ren ri - everyones birthday!
gonna eat that lou yu sheng thing
again later
but weird thing is my moms asleep now.
thought shed cook.
ryn gf may be coming my hse tmr i think
and shes going for a naval piercing this wkend
with her pingbabe.haha.
can i go?
hee...wana see how they pierce it.
think ill go study maths n chem now.
that gohsy nv mention whens the test!
its either tmr or fri.
hope he postponed it though.
what we could have been, 17:26.
collected all my angbaos.
not a lot altogether.
hav to use some of it
to survive for the rest of the mth.
i only just realised that there're a lot of ppl
borned in january.
so tired.
must do homework.
slp aeap. (as early as possible)
see ya`
what we could have been, 22:11.
Saturday, January 24, 2004
went to "bai nian" today!
took pretty long to get the cheryns place.
guess she got inpatient so i met her at j8 instead
went shopping to buy clothes.
bought a tshirt but i wana go change.
its 1size too small.
shit. i'm suppose to go my aunts place
tmr! duno how to change.
if really cant, then i'll hav to lose weight man.
urgh. so damn fat.flab!!!
jane cheryn n i went to take neos.
that lousy machine at j8's totally vendalised
n the pens dun work properly.
NV take neos there.
but lucky cheryn met her eyecandy there.
i love charmed!! : P
i must thank cheryn n jane for helping me search for my shirt.

what we could have been, 20:39.
wake up at 933am.
watched that andy lau thing on channel u
hes got a pretty interesting life.
and that DAMN channel u's not showing WQYL
the only 3days i can come home early or stay at home!
and they had to choose these few days to not show wanyu.
staying at home is really pretty boring when there isnt anything
nice to watch on tv or anything to do online.
i want to go out n collect angbaos...
wander if cheryn still wants to go out.
she only just woke up not long ago.haha..
what we could have been, 10:52.
Thursday, January 22, 2004
did i mention?
that i love "easy come easy go".
think the dance damn nice.hahas.
now my guestbook has got quite a number of entries.
u guys seem to be using it for a chat room.
so funky.
: D
what we could have been, 21:39.
so hard to find a nice blogskin nowadays
wana change mine but no nice ones.
guess my ang bao money's not going to be very little this yr
but still not sure when i can go collect them.
my 2nd aunt's always overseas on the 1st fewdays of CNY.
i got and baos frm my parents today.
not bad an amount.haha.
but i got so frustrated cos:
1`my father recorded that planet ape movie thing over
my shou hou n boyfriend mvs!!
x URGH x
2`channel u didnt show wanyu at all today!! and its supposed
to be a 2hour special thing!
3`that 1230 programme on chnl u lasted so damn long!
i waited for 5566 for like 2-3 hrs n they finally came out, the LAST
4`becos i got pissed n all i didnt talk politely
and my mom nagged bout she not wanting to sold anyone on the 1st day
of CNY and assumed i wasnt happy with how much was in the angbaos!!
its like, m i THAT $$ faced?! if only she knew andy! i'd b the most 'un-greedy' person on earth!
anyway, its over.
n i cooled down n cheered up (but not much now since i just recalled everything)
btw, ur welcome jane.
hope u like the way ur blog's looking now.
i didnt really do much, just shifted ur tagboard.
no need to be so grateful. : )
i read it.haha.
loveutoo!! n i'm bloated.hah
nope! not cos u love me.
haha. cos i ate too much ; P
sorry. woke u up so late n made u oversleep
this morn. but i did something good! : D
er...i think.
downloading charmed season6!!
cant wait to watch them!
but theyre taking SO long!!!!
hate waiting.
that prob y i'm nv early for anything most of the time.
what we could have been, 18:37.
Wednesday, January 21, 2004
: ))
yeays! i spelt it correctly
nope, u didnt look like any retard.
i thought u all were pretty cute.
so amusing.haha.
i'm an observer...
i dun talk much but i KnOW...
NO la...
i'm not sure. ask cheryn y i so quiet.
happy new yr to u too!
chinese new yr celebration in school today
was horrible!!
maybe except for the malay dance.
ive always thought my school's malay dance wasnt
that bad.
they look really floaty n elegant.
came home n ate reunion lunch ; P
then slept till rnd 10+
and i'm eating reunion dinner n typing this at the sametime.
gonna hav a LOTRs marathon tonight.
yeah man!hahas.
n cherynn's calling later. maybe peili n jane'll
call too.then can hav conference.
but i doubt peili would last long.that girl sleeps away 3/4s of her life!
chinese new yr's eve!
monkey coming!
last yr was like shit.
lets hope this year would be better.( :
my moms gonna start scolding soon if i dun go n eat!
what we could have been, 23:32.
Tuesday, January 20, 2004
went out with cheryn girrlfriend today!
all the sec 4s pon` choir meeting..
well,almost all. those committee members like..
are sure to go.
hahas.anyway, met cheryn's friends.
ping babee (cant remember her name, only her nick)
and her fren, eleanor.(sorry if its spelt wrongly.)
yep...they're pretty amusing ppl...haha.
we took neoprint. think ill scan all my neoprints
when i get my scanner...haha.
crap. i'm gonna fall sick!!!!!
and chinese new year's sooo close!
my bro wants to use the com.
and L TAN u suck!
ass loh.
if she loses vanessa's paper,
i'm gonna hate her for life.
luv ya toO gf
but i'm the straightest person in tha world`
what we could have been, 20:50.

<---- i wana go!!!
what we could have been, 21:45.
gao xiao xing dong's on channel 8 now...
i think it isnt funny anymore...
no more albert and duno whos that woman singing all the oldies today
bao mei li's boring man.
no originality...
they're so lucky 5566 r not going
cos theyre leaving on monday i think.
theyre singing lesson rubbish is copied from wanyu! :(
speaking of 5566. they're going for the mtv asia awards!
i wana go!! andy's got the tix which includes the
private party thing. but he doesnt wana give them to me!
hes gona sell it...sigh.
just my luck. :( -sniff-
slept at 2plus last night...
amazingly...i didnt feel sleepy for the whole day!
but i slept in d&t...
went out with jane shafiqa and mercy after school
to look for jane's dress n skirt.
hahas. they gave me a new name :
yo jojojo...n theyre the power laugh girls.
spas la.
weird. but i think bugis doesnt hav much stuff.
why does everyone like going there so much??
oh yes..but it definitely beats queensway with all the lians n bengs
in their bell bottom jeans n weird dressing.haha.
yep girlfriend...its soo eew...haha.
i'm soso glad theres only 2 days of school this week...
and chinese new years coming so so soon!
ive always loved chinese new year...
but i'm catching a cold
sucha cold weather all of a suddenly and
that stupid bus88 so damn freezing cold!
gna go finish my hw n try to pack my rm :)
what we could have been, 20:26.
shoo cute...haha.
what we could have been, 22:49.
what we could have been, 22:44.
slept away 3/4s of yesterday...
hahas. cant really remember wad happened at all.
slept at 2am n woke up at 8.30 this morn.
but got really tired during maths tuition.
was sooo happy to get out of that place after a really
loong 2 hrs...haha.
met cheryn and ian at j8 mos.
felt so extra.sigh.haha.
energy really coming to spore today...
larry said some stuff bout it last night but i didnt believe...
went to j8 today n saw lots of ppl queuing up with energy cds.
okay...maybe not THAT much ppl queuing... : P
the 5566 concert tix are $150!!
geraldine book thru fc...
but i dun hav that much cash now.
n cheryn wants to go as well.
i think ger only has 2 tix...
sigh... ah!!!! fan nao...
what we could have been, 22:19.
went to town with cherynn gf and nic mommy!
hahas...nic wanted to look for a bag..
but there wasnt a single bag which looked nice at all!
there WAS this one...from mambo
cheryn wants to buy it.
: ( i oso need a sling bag...
anyways, gossiped quite a bit while walking
and realised that there're even more 2 faced ppl than
i thought there were.
ohya! geraldine helped ryn n i book tix fr the 5566 concert!
thanx girl! : )
feeling tired now...
but i really dun wana slp... i need to finish all my hw tonight
and enjoy the night watching vcds!!
haha...i'll do my best! x mm! x
sent here by god to protect you!haha. (:P)
love you too babe!
what we could have been, 23:32.
Thursday, January 15, 2004
watched last ep of charmed part 5 last night.
damn damn damn nice!
haha...that chris guy damn cute.
haha. cant wait for part 6 to b out...
i think i'll try to dl it n watch : )
what we could have been, 21:41.
went to orchard with cheryn today!
met her fren ian...funny guy.
made my retainer thingy today.
and i hav to wear it for like, 8 months!!
damn wad loh!!
so excited and all b4. but now...
URGH!! so frustrating!
i didnt know it could be so frustrating to not be able
to speak properly....ah!!!!
i cant even chew my food!
so bloody irritating...n now i cant say damn`... >.<
what we could have been, 21:36.
Tuesday, January 13, 2004
what we could have been, 21:16.
saw R&B today...
haha. and i just realised that jie li sai
is that song toro sang at shin concert!
and its damn nice...haha.
what we could have been, 00:06.
Saturday, January 10, 2004
sec 1 cca orientation.
pretty boring this year...
peili kwpt wanting to play badminton.
jane cheryn fiqa and mercy kept going to the canteen
and the hall to watch badminton.
nobody accompany me to go round looking at
the diff cca stalls. nobody wanted to climb up and down.
and choir was perform that ridiculous bare necessities
over n over again for the sc 1s
until, i'm not sure when(maybe they ran out of customers)
,they stopped performing n squatted outside the classrm
singing jay chou's 'gui ji'...haha.
the ncc land ppl were super extras.
they went up to the 4th floor n starting chanting n singing
as they marched all the way down.haha.
anyway, something really complicating happened just now.
guess i cleared it up... but now i've learned to be careful
wad i say to others. and trust no one.haha.
no la. some of them still can. like
v and
y haha. u should know hu you r. :))
what we could have been, 23:06.

What does YOUR Life revolve around?Quiz by Sarah Chow
what we could have been, 22:06.

Which [Diamond Shapes] are you?

What's YOUR Style?Quiz by Sarah Chow
what we could have been, 22:05.
T.G.I.F. FinallY!
went out aft school with liz n ryn...
: ) sooo happy.
haha.got 5566 2nd album...
cheryn got one too. and we got to choose which
jia you bang thingy we wanted.hahas.
feel sooo exausted after a whole week of school.
and i havent had the chance to watch wanyu for a whole week.
not even this monday... cos school ends at 2.15pm! : (
theres sec1 cca orientation tmr...
sigh.cant sleep in late...
just to go to school and do tha most
ridiculous performance. even my kindergarden dance performance
er...lets see...bout 10-11yrs ago...
wasnt that bad.
i'm getting tired... (=,) good night.
what we could have been, 22:04.
Wednesday, January 07, 2004
x ARGH x
cant stand that pua anymore!
stupid woman...
if she thinks the excuses i give for not going for choir
are Lies, y bother asking in the 1st place?
freaking bias woman.
spoil my day.
i can gurantee at least 90% of the sec2 think that
bare necessities dance thing is stupid.
n they're 14. just 1 yr older than sec1s.
were more like attracting the pri1 to join a really lousy choir.
we had to perform in front of the whole badminton players today
n it was totally embarressing loh..
imagine performing in front of the sec1 n teachers n
(not sure if the rest of the schools will be there)
cant wait till friday...
5566 new album'll be out...
but i'm broke! n my mom, for
some reason, isnt giving me
money... (`.`)
hope i'll hav enuff on fri.
and ive suddenly got a craving fir sushi...haha.
what we could have been, 20:11.
Tuesday, January 06, 2004
and JanE too!
hahaha. today janey's birthday!
went out n took neoprint.
see if i can post it online when i get my digi cam in feb...
heh heh... ; P
ive also just finished watching xi jie vol4.
cheryn kept saying that the ending sux.
i thought it was quite alright...
yayu n yuli together in the end...
ying he left, xingwang become teacher,
wangxingjie became a script writer,
da beck quit being a booch(wadever way its spelled)
and aisensi...nothing really happened.
shen ying he kissed wang xing jie on the cheek.
haha...so sweet.
anyway...i gtg take a bath n start on my chinese.
see ya.
what we could have been, 20:54.
haha...rushed the chi tys man!
and still cant finish.
but tantl seemed to be in a good mood today.
: ) gave us till friday laterst to complete.
haha. gotto do ss n compo later.
went out with liz cheryn n larry after school.
choir cancelled!haha..
so happy~ but theres rehearsal n practice tmr.
anyway, i bought ear rings n only realised that
one of them's out of shape!!!
ah!!!i got to go back n change! hope they allow.
x argh x !!!! so wad loh...
my mom packed my room!
now i cant find so many things!
n waddahell!
my piggybank thingy's missing!!
i'm saving for the april concert...
stupid monday blues' getting to me.
dun think i can watch xi jie now or tonight le...
what we could have been, 19:12.
Saturday, January 03, 2004
no hong dou nu zhi lian!!
x urgh x
nvm...got more time to do my chi tys.
what we could have been, 23:05.
went for cooking lessons today.
its more like 'how to use a microwave' lesson.
haha. all aunties man!
there was only this 1 boy who's about the same age as me
haha. that lesson became more n more boring towards the end.
n my brain couldnt take in anything she said 15-1/2hr befor the
class ended.haha.
and ohman! nv ever! hav lessons with aunties who r more than 60!
(age estimated... ((: )
the one sitting in the middle kept asking questions over n over!
and all her questions are mostly the same.
n that teacher kept repeating her ans on n on!
she finally got irritated in the end anyway.
haha.told her to let her explain everything from top to bottom b4 she
budges in with another question.haha.
walked round almost every inch of chinatown after cooking lesson
to kill time. my mom wanted to look at the firecrackers. and since
the lesson was in parkway parade, we hang round to shop and wait
for 6.30pm.
the primeminister anly arrived at 7++pm...
waited for like, super long loh.
so 'dua pai'...
they had like 3 speechs and 2 prize givings b4 GCT(pm)
light up chinatown n light the firecracker stuff...
urgh...theres this woman who made 2 speeches!
super long! everyone around was complaining but none actually
did any 'boo's aloud at all! "singaporeans" sigh...
*shit wad am i saying! haha. i'm one too!
but i did booed a tini wini bit...no one else followed so i stopped.
heh heh. : P
anyway, i'm home now. bathed and all clean.
gonna watch hong dou nu zhi lian.
then gonna get coffee n continue my chi tys.
i'm so lucky my tuition teacher doesnt want tuition tmr. : D
what we could have been, 23:03.
today's the 1st day of school.
'cham'... i didnt do a lot of the chinese tys
and that woman wants it to be handed in on monday
totally completed or else.....
urgh...got to rush like hell and ive got that
x urgh x cooking lesson tmr!
ive got to try complete as much as possible tonight...sigh.
but 1st day wasnt v bad...
the school's pretty big. although still smaller than my pri school.
haha...classroom's also quite big.
simHL seemed quite nice today.
not sure why. and i was so so SO surprised when i got into the
class com'! haha...n from wad simHL asked me to do...
i think id prob be secratary...
quite funky...haha.
but the tape recorder's repaired!!
so happy!haha...
if i get tired from studying tonight, i can just come out
n watch the shou hou n boyfriend mv n some wanyu!
yeay!!haha... got to bath n play pool with serene. : ) cya
what we could have been, 20:17.
Thursday, January 01, 2004
few stuff ive done in 2004... =)
1st 2 quizzes `below
1st 2 songs heard `5566'boyfriend' and 'shouhou'
1st few people talked to `peili mom dad bro
haha...feeling sooo super bored now...have to go back to school
tomorrow...sigh. but looking on the bright side...
its only for 1 day. and on a friday! the shortest school day in a week.
=) will be going out after that.but i'll hav to reach home b4 2.30...
heh heh...a very obvious reason.
and on saturday, ive got cooking lessons!
haha...so exciting. n i'll b getting braces! not sure when but next
appointment's on 15th jan. cant wait.
feeling tired already...haha.dun wana sleep.
later 10am wanyu would be the first ever ep i'd be watching in 2004. :)
and i wun b able to watch the repeat on friday morn cos of school.
anyway...i'll try to stay awake or sleep on the sofa.
listening to shou hou again...ah..so nice.hee.
what we could have been, 03:39.
my 1st 2004 quiz which can be seen when posted here. =P
what we could have been, 03:23.
what we could have been, 03:11.