Wednesday, December 31, 2003
A- age: 15
B- boyfriend: none
C- cartoon character you hate: cant think of any right now.
D- dads name: edwin
E- essential makeup item: foundation?
F- fav colour:
G- gold or silver: silver
H- hometown: singapore
I- icecream flavour: chocolate
J- job title: student
K- kid's names in future: rachel,ashley,zach
L- living with: mom dad big bro.
M- moms name: Lily
N- no. of piercings: 2
O- overnight hospital stays: when i was a baby!
P- phobia: dark, insects, failing exams
Q- quote you like: -
R- regular drink: water,lce lemon tea,green tea.etc.
S- secret fetish: wang renfu
T- time you wake up: holidays:anytime, schdays:5.55-6am
U- unique habit: -
V- veges you hate to eat: celery
W- worst habit: scream
X- xrays youve done: 1
Y- yummy food you make: curry noodles
Z- zodiac sign: dragon
last cigarette: i dont smoke
last kiss: ...
last good cry: 26th dec 2003
last library book checked out: cant remember
last crush: heh heh...renfu?
last phone call: SAM PEILI
last tv show watched: wan quan yu LE!
last time showered: this morning
last shoe worn: sketchers..i'm getting a new pair! : )
last mp3 played: shou hou & boyfriend (either one)
last item bought: wallet
last downloaded:
last annoyance: friendster-keep having error.
last thing written: letter to wener
last sleepover: 2e2 2002 class chalet
last chatted with: SAM PEILI
last sexual fantasy: >:|
last weird encounter: weird dream
last ice cream eaten: strawberry icecream
last time amused: today 2.30+ when renfu sang boyfriend in chinese.
last time wanting to die: 2nd last day of school.b4 promotion day.
last time in love: not sure
last time hugged: bad memory
last time scolded: today-by mom,for not packing my room
last time sat in: i'm sitting right now
last shirt worn: blue big baggy shirt
last poster looked at: LOTRs poster
last show attended: brother bear
last word said: 'eh'
thanx for ur quiz thing! :) stole it from cheryn. really bored right now
what we could have been, 17:54.
happy new year's eve! : D
what we could have been, 01:37.
went out with my mom today.
haha...sigh.missed wanyu.tmr morn muz wake up early
haha... today...
bought a new wallet! haha.
n bedsheet n quilt. : )
walked the whole day.
robinsons had sale for card member or something today.
sooo many ppl...haha.
so fast...have to go back to school soon and have another hell-of-a-year.
urgh!! simhL's my form teacher next year!!
damnit. of all teachers!
n ttan missed by 1 yr again.sigh.
sooo wad loh...
wander if my dad can read those fengshui things prperly a not...
he said i'll hav a bad 2003 last year...n it's definitely the worst yr of my life.
n this year he says 2004's not bad for me.
hope itll be good lah. sigh.
nothing more to say. : )
anyway, my list of friend's blogs is getting longer.
haha. vanessa, loretta and yiling got one too!
: )) yiling got hers today...
and peili didnt call me today. she promised.
: ( haha...that woman.haha.
what we could have been, 01:33.
Tuesday, December 30, 2003
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hope it can be seen. : )
what we could have been, 01:10.
in almost exactly 2 days! : P
what we could have been, 00:04.
Saturday, December 27, 2003

I did it in 20 seconds.
I deserved an A-!!
Take the
How Dexterous Are You? Quiz!!
yesh!!! got c- last ive got A-!! haha... ����!
what we could have been, 18:07.
back from bbq at almost 12...
the "party" was held at christian's hse downstair's bbq pit.haha.
trelis tower...first time ive been there.
n i still think oleander towers is much better,
it wasnt infested by ants.
it was fun though...n the food was...ok i guess.
haha. only some werent really cooked.
suan yuan (hope i spelled it correctly,if not...sorry.)
couldnt cook/bbq at all. his satays were all chao tar...
haha. only I will cook the food really well...haha.jk jk...
today's otta not v good...the satays were better compared
to the 2e2 bbq gathering. but i didnt get to eat any satay that time.
well,there was only around 10 or less than 10 ppl at the bbq.
kinda pathetic...but it went well i guess.
shumin quite poor thing...sigh. so many ppl cancelled on her...
ohya! did i mention that christian has a really pretty sis?haha.
anyway...shumin,jeslin,peili n i went to the archade after that to play dytona.
haha. first round...i lost,4th place. 2nd round...i was in 1st place!!
shumin took over at the last second then peili... so i dropped to 3rd.
urgh!! wo bu fu!next time i'll win! haha...
look at the late, i mean early...ah,wadever.haha.
i just finished watching all 6 discs of xi jie shao nian vol3.
took around...yep,6 hours.
it's really nice. really touching n sad. sigh.
until the 3rd disc, i only cried a lil' so little.
n i heard it was suppose to be really sad n all from peili cheryn..blabla.
waseh...from to 4th disc onwards...
cried for 3 hours!! continuous...except for the 1-2 mins i spent changing the discs.
haha... my eyes r all swollen i think.haha.
can only feel a little puffy round the eyes. the boyfriend mv was really good.haha.
n they showed the whole mv!! nice of them.
we only get to watch 1/2 of most mvs.
today seems like a pretty good day. a really good one i think.
made the right choice not to go out with my mom n stay at home to watch wanyu
then go out for the bbq.heh heh...
then i got to watch that mv n got so high.haha.
fun bbq, archade, came home late n didnt get questioned or scolding!
n i have that xi jie shao nian vcd to watch!(thanx peili for lending it to me)
l o v e y o u ! ! :P
ohya!! n ive also pre ordered 5566's 2nd album!! called "zhi ai"
haha.maybe i'll get the taiwan version. cos its suppose to be better.
but it costs more as well...n quite alot more in fact.
oh well...i'll rack my brains botu which one to choose when the time comes.hee.
gtg now...cya later. i'll prob try
not to sleep.haha.
renfu rawks!
peili's the best.
cant wait for xijie vol4. :D
what we could have been, 05:29.
Friday, December 26, 2003
heard 2 of 5566 new songs!! ah!! so nice...haha.
all thanx to yiling! theres one song..."boyfriend"
it's in english!! not bad...but the whole thing sounded like
its sang by only renfu n arnd the ending of the song theres this really high pitch part.
oh man...that part totally spoiled it...sigh.haha.
the other song's "shou hou"... they sang it on wanyu (thurs morn's 1) too.
ho...that song's also really nice.
wanyu start got boyfriend mv du jia shou bo !!
hope theyll play the mv for the whole song! so exciting.haha.
after to rush to tpc to meet bbq! haha.cya.
what we could have been, 14:43.
Thursday, December 25, 2003
what we could have been, 00:50.
Wednesday, December 24, 2003
what we could have been, 14:03.
Monday, December 22, 2003

You are the content happy-go-lucky cat. You like to
spend most of your time sleeping somewhere
warm. Perferably with food nearby as well.
What sort of cat are you? brought to you by Quizilla
what we could have been, 13:00.
cutie! haha
what we could have been, 12:55.
man!! this is way cool.haha...ive got charmed paige's power!haha...
sheesh...haha.cant find the one where they calculate your death...sigh.haha.but these are pretty interesting anyway. :D
what we could have been, 12:48.
what we could have been, 12:23.
Sunday, December 21, 2003

I did it in 47 seconds.
I deserved a C-!!
Take the
How Dexterous Are You? Quiz!!
geez...try it.interesting quiz.

You represent... apathy.
You don't really show any emotion. You can be
considered cruel and cold, but you just don't
really care about anything. This is just the
way you are... you're quite a challenge to get
close to, and others may perceive you as
What feeling do you represent? brought to you by Quizilla
what we could have been, 18:18.
Saturday, December 20, 2003
what we could have been, 23:15.
Friday, December 19, 2003
went out with vanessa yesterday...
suppose to watch a movie...but nothing to watch...
so went to eat. couldnt find sakae sushi anywhere...
so ate mos anyway.
met andy at ps n he was so blind he didnt see us until we went
up right in front of him...haha.
he bought a ring for his gf.haha...
interesting...1 yr anniversary. congrats 2 u!
orchard looks really nice at night.
had tuition today.
n i only knew bout it last night.
woke up so damn early.
urgh. n took almost an hour of bus ride to that
tuition teachers house...
late for 5 mins n i'll hav to go once every week from today onwards...
better start on my hw.l8r.
what we could have been, 01:10.
Tuesday, December 16, 2003

Which Kid's TV Character are You?
Find out!
what we could have been, 16:30.
Monday, December 15, 2003

Which Music Type are You?
Find out!
what we could have been, 23:29.
Saturday, December 13, 2003
whether's getting colder n colder...its freezing in my house.
feels like the air-con's switched on 24hrs aday and at 16�C
when the living room window's open.
too bad there isnt any snow in spore...haha.
itll definitely feel really good to hav thick warm blankets
to cuddle up in for a l o n g sleep...
woke up at 3 plus 4...haha.
wander if it's that cold in other parts of spore.
vanessa got a blog!!haha...she got hers yesterday.
5566 2nd album coming out early jan!haha...
but duno if ill be able to buy it. :(
what we could have been, 21:11.
Thursday, December 11, 2003

What's Your Personality?
Find out!

Which Disney Princess are You?
Find out!

Hello Kitty Pocky! You're flat out weird, and
somewhat unknown, since i haven't even seen you
in Sanrio stores. You, however, are the
omnipotent kitty of OZ and all shall bow down
before your immense Bran-muffiny-ness.
What Kind of Pocky are You? brought to you by Quizilla
what we could have been, 18:41.
Monday, December 08, 2003
woke up at 10 plus today...
missed wan quan yu le!!AH!!
sigh...went down to ntuc with my mom to buy food.
cooking curry!!haha...
juz finished playing bejewelled with vanessa on msn...
she got really hooked onto that game!..
haha...sigh...i missed wanyu cos of it...
n she missed her lunch..haha.
nvm...i can watch tmr morn's repeat.haha~
cant remember since when...
the back of my neck hurts!!
not sure if its stiff neck...
but i cant turn my neck to the far left...
or look up!!!...urgh...itll hurt like hell~
*geez...jr..ure rite!hah...only it's suppose to b crazy...

You are a CAT!! You're very laid back and don't
care what anyone thinks. It's your way or the
highway! You decide what's good for you, and if
it's not good enough, then you won't want
anything to do with it. Sometimes you may be
selfish or snobby, but you just want what you
believe is best for you. People enjoy the way
you are seemingly care-free and eaygoing.
~What animal are you most like?~ brought to you by Quizilla
what we could have been, 16:03.
Saturday, December 06, 2003
holiday sux.
staying at home alone isnt so bad.
but with ur parents...urgh!!
my bro didnt get into air force...
now wad?! my fault!
like its got anything to do with me! urgh!!!!!
n how the hell would i know who sms me at 4am last night
if i was asleep!!??nv think b4 scolding eh?
if he knew my fren smsed at 4am then he was awake!
wad for?! he's also awake at 4! read my msg!
gee!didnt he know that its really rude to read someone else's msg
without permission??!!! a r g h !
what we could have been, 20:34.
Friday, December 05, 2003
friday!! so fast...
woke up so early today...
went to go get my cam from cheryn cos my mom needed it
for my bro's thing...some passing out or something.
juz leaving ns ba...n he may be joining air force...if they want him.
haha... : p sigh...paiseh...
made cheryn come all the way till the mrt station to pass
me my cam...cos had to rush...
spose send arvin off at airport...but didnt go in the end.
my mom needed the cam early anyway she had to go do something with her hair...
in the end...called colleen to go watch movie n use up the tix i got at liz's church amazing race thingy.
watched brother was...ok for a cartoon..i guess...
its late...gtg.nitez.
what we could have been, 01:43.
Wednesday, December 03, 2003
watched never been kissed 1 night ago...
the ending was soo sweet.
had choir today...
learnt 2 new songs.
one of them's in some funny language...
3 words throughout the whole song
n i still duno wad it means...
n theres that song.."the bare necessities"
lively nice jungle book song...
we had to do a dance to go with it!
youll nv believe how stupid n ridiculous
that dance was!!...wadever...
man! n we're spose to perform it during sec 1 orientation nxt yr!!
ms chang isnt back from...where'd she go??nvm.
she said she'll come visit.but she hasn.sigh...
anyway,went to j8 to eat n walk abit.
we saw kym ng! n...wadsis name?? oh! bryan wong.
about to start thier search 4 chubby n cute looking gals...haha.
jane fiq n shiying came to my hse.
taught jane to make her blig template stuff.
n jane n fiq sat on my bed!!
urgh...dun like ppl to sit on my bed...but...
nvm la.wasn in a bad mood yesterday...
went shopping with my mom today.
didnt buy much.
OHYA!! n our "dearest" principal's leaving!!
we've got a new principal!!! beattians! rejoice! celebrate!!
n pray our new principal's absolutely N O T like "superman"..
; )
what we could have been, 23:31.
Tuesday, December 02, 2003
had 2e2 bbq yesterday!
it was...ok i guess...hhaha.
went with peili n shumin after their badminton.
suppose to meet them at j8 at round 4pm.
i was early for the first time this month!arrived at 3.50...
waited n waited...
4.20,haven arrived.i called n guess wad!
shumin's at peili's house,n peili juz finished bathing...
and still DRYING HER HAIR!!
she's got short hair! wads there to dry...
anyway,reached onli at round 5.30++
found fiq n shiying...
no clara...sigh...
the food was pretty good...
loved the otta..ohya...damn.
juz realised i didnt get to eat the satays at all...
sigh... birthday's in exactly 4month's time!!yeay!
what we could have been, 17:42.

The Big Five Personality Test |
Extroverted | |||||||||||| | 48% |
Introverted | |||||||||||||| | 52% |
Friendly | |||||||||||| | 44% |
Aggressive | |||||||||||||| | 56% |
Orderly | |||||||||||||| | 52% |
Disorderly | |||||||||||| | 48% |
Relaxed | |||||||||||| | 44% |
Emotional | |||||||||||||| | 56% |
Openminded | |||||||||||||| | 52% |
Closeminded | |||||||||||| | 48% |
Take Free Big 5 Personality Test
what we could have been, 15:47.