pretty like a princess.haha.a crown seems to be missing...
what we could have been, 13:56.
Umm, you might consider suicide maybe a total of
about 10 times in your life. You think that
sometimes life can become too stressful and you
just wanna leave it all behind and die. But
don't worry. It will pass in time. I hope you
liked the quiz! Please Rate!!! `-)
Are you going to commit suicide? (PLEASE RATE) `-) brought to you by Quizilla

You're Lorelai! The main character wherever you
go, you're stylish and a little stuck on
yourself. You get no end of delight in
discussing the foibles of those around you, but
you are basically good at heart.
Which Gilmore Girls Character Are You? brought to you by Quizilla

Goddess of Wind:
At home in the sky and with the wind blowing in her
hair, the Goddess of Wind is a flighty one.
Your fun-loving cheerfulness makes people flock
to you, but they seldom stay long. Either you
get tired of them, or your fast pace over
whelms them. Those few that manage to keep you
with your ever-moving speed are precious to
you. Your love for danger and speed makes you a
very interesting person to be around. Sometimes
your fickleness saddens you, but you tend to
turn your depression into anger at whoever
happens to be around you. Your temper is strong
and fierce, like the quick gales of a storm,
but its often over just as quickly.
What Goddess Are You? brought to you by Quizilla

Your: Wondering eyes. Your not quite focused and
your quite the day dreamer. Your a bit odd and
as many say "Your head is in the
What type of eyes do you have? brought to you by Quizilla
what we could have been, 13:29.
i believe
miricles DO happen
graduation day was fine.
i think my sec3 class is much better than the sec2 class.
most of the girls r bitches n sec2...
except for those like peili,clara,jane,fiq n all...etc.
i guess...
oh,went to see shanwei again at tpc...
hope siying help me sign..
she said she wants so i let her queue then i left....
then last min she say dun wan..urgh.
shanwei looked up n said xiexie at the tpc autograph sesion..
not fair!!...but he only sang 2 songs...haha.
n he didnt sing he quan..haha.
oh man...he did the a-go-go dance they taught on wanyu...
so funny...he really cant dance properly...(sorry)
they lian xian to taiwan n talked to renfu n mengzhe on the phone...
renfu was so funny.but couldnt really tell hus voice was mengzhe n whos was renfus
but renfu picked up the phone...haha.
too bad we cant watch wanquan happy in spore...
cos they were having wanquan happy when shanwei called.
n i touched part of his hand when he was leaving...
haha.the body guard around him squashed him like sardine..
suppose to go cycling n roller blading with peili today...
n i was also suppose to race her..
but my mom dun allow..sigh...
she must have had lots of fun with jane n shiying today..haha.
she bought the xi jie vcd le!!yeay..
can watch together later...till late in the night...haha.
so fun.tom no nid go school...
promotion day...sigh,really hope i get promoted...*prays*...
im gonna watch wanyu in da morn n in da afternoon!! fun...n i dun think ill slp tonight too...haha.
cos i only woke up at 5pm today...haha. ; P
what we could have been, 20:27.
Thursday, October 23, 2003
: ( so bored...sigh.
very tried...yawnz...haven been sleeping well for the whole week.
sigh.everything's all
cant stand it...
sigh.i knew my dad wun keep his promise...
no matter wad he said bout buying wadever i want...
he wun in the end. : )
his my dad afterall...and have to obey even
if he dun allow me to go for that dinner n dance thing.
i didnt do really well 4 my end year anyway...
nothing much to go celebrate bout...
the only result i'm quite ok with is...
as ss...
sigh...duno y ppl say ss very diff.
i find ss easier to study than other subjects..
all u hav to do is memorise.
but hav to memorise a lot of stuff onli la.....
sigh. [i'm dying...haha.sigh too much...]
xi jie shao nian damn nice..
juz finish watching the vcd...
yue kan yue hao kan leh...
that guy hu reported that insulting article in the newpaper
on monday bout xijieshaonian is really n idiot.
weak story line? neh..neh...
i like it a lot...haha.
i think ill buy the whole set of vcd when everything is out.
heard the actors coming to spore in nov...
haha.cant wait. n wander when's my last year's class' chalet...
looking forward to it...haha..
good night... -_-zz
oh...btw, my skin's still peeling real bad...haha.
what we could have been, 23:18.
sucked as usual.
sigh...i'm gonna fail my science...
i passed my compre... stupid eng marked it...
i was so happy with my report writing marks...
n the compre spoiled everything... -urgh-
haven got back compo...
hope its good...really hope its good...
n i heard that tmr getting back ss reasults...
i have to score at least a 30 n above to pass the total... geog's aways pulling my humanities down..
i hav to do well in ss...
if not i duno wad to say...n id have wasted a whole year of my fren's time.
cannot.... : ( come i cant seem to post any chi words all of a sudden?
all the words come out as ??**##....??WHY...
used to be able to last time... ('_')?? nv go for choir...
afterall,already got my cca frm signed by the teacher in charged.
n she nv give me 75% n above!!!
so damn angry...i nv go for last few lessons cos i nt feeling well wad...
wad she think! come n ask me y i nv go...
told her i got fever n nv even go to school for one of the days...
she actually replied saying:dun lie!!
QI SI REN AH!! she dun believe,ask me for wad?
go ask the chairman la! afterall she's also in my class...
oso in prefectorial board...
argh! next year i'm gonna encourage
all the sec ones to never choose choir as one of their cca choices at all.
see that stupid choir dao bi.
ha.almost every single one of the sec ones in choir this year is already
regretting they ever chose it.
they actually make u come cack almost every single day of the holidays
for practice...once i had very bad sore throat n cant even speak aloud during
holidays...they actually called my house n asked me to get down to..
where's that place?,chimes? cant remember... for choir practice!
bian tai ah! make me go all the way there then say...
u seat there listen oso good. wa...i not feeling well,still listen wad shit?!
feng bian tai kuang...
btw...cheryn...dun angry la...ok?ok.
what we could have been, 00:44.
Wednesday, October 22, 2003
xi jie shao nian shown yesterday...
very nice...but really exaggerating at the sametime...
haha. xiezhi very cool...renfu very wacky,as usual...haha.
i wana buy the vcd...
but geraldine told me that theres gonna b 4 volumes..
n theres only volume 1 now..
i think im gona try n beg siying's sis to lend me hers.
then geraldine,vanessa n ... maybe got some otherppl
can all gather at someone's house n watch the whole thing together. fun.especially if we get to stay over...
but i think very impossible la...
sigh...i'm peeling...
now not only are my arms peeling...
my leg oso starting to peel.
cant see my back...but i think its peeling a bit... chest oso peeling! hah.
today got choir...
so irritating...urgh!i really cant stand choir...
tmr gonna get the cca form signed.
if she doesnt sign 4 me 4 my 75% attandance...
i'm gonna go look for mdm ching...ha.
n after that cca thing...
i'm not gonna attend that freaking choir practice!!
today i got headache n my throat cant really sing...
i still have to go for practice. urgh.
n so little ppl go only.early noe i dun go...
ohya...the school juz offered 'round 30 tix to the prom nite at a cheaper price...
bout...$40 only!! its suppose to b $70...
quite worth it... i wana go...
then can wear pretty gown...haha.
but duno hus going...
if the whole group of ppl go together,it'll b so fun...
n this's gona b the last chance for us to go for a prom nite..
next years prom nite is cancelled!
n from wad mrs m goh says...
next year,we've got nothing... no celebration or wadsoeva...
urgh!!..cant stand it! how can liddat!
every other school has a prom nite!!
n to a sec4... a prom nite is really really important...
but i think i still luv my pri school...haha.
we've actually got a prom noon!haha...
n no other pri school has! erm... maybe some have la...
but not most of them...haha... : P
what we could have been, 00:37.
Saturday, October 18, 2003
*2 more days!xi jie shao nian chnl u 2245!!yeay...haa.
went out today!!yeay.
but i started peeling!!
liz's also peeling...haha.
cheryn's fine.!totally fine!!urgh.
i feel like-how liz feels...a snake.
hah.the whole patch of skin on my nose n it hurts.
now my nose n the rest of my face is a diff colour. of my face all burnt colour skin n my nose is pinkish...
urgh...cant imagine going to school like that.
but the rest of my body's not peeling.
thank god.....haha.
saw ethel today..haha.
saw cloe [duno how to spell,sorry.]
at cineleisure.
ah!!saw edmund together with freddy at bishan!!
how "lucky" can i get?haha.
what we could have been, 20:46.
i got SUN BURN!!!
damn pain...haha.
n very hot...
my face's all red! n i went to school yesterday to waste time.
sigh...ha...went to school to get questioned by half my class
asking y my face so red... -_-" n clara kept calling my
red pig!!ehi....erm...was it red pig or red monkey??haha.
cant remember.
n my choir teacher scolded me again!
-urgh- u can nv imagine all the things im gona do once
i graduate man..[erm,if i graduate next year...i hope so... : (]
ill tear down the scool n seat on the principal,choir teacher n eng teacher!!
but i not heavy enuff..haha.i lost 1kg!!yeay!! *applaud ppl... :)
ive got like 9 mor kgs to go?? : P
aniwae,i wana watch infernal affairsII...
my mother dun allow me to go out.
suppose to go with cheryn today,but now im stuck here
doing this.ha.n my face is still red!!
ok la,at least not as red as yesterday. peili keep saying
my face very red,red till very cute...urgh!!
cant seat or sleep[laydown] properly...
i dun think liz's doing any better...
but cheryn doesnt seem to hav any burns at all.!
no legs still very red...
hope my skin dun peel.
my mom says if i keep applying lotion it wun peel.
pray i pass all my subjects n get promoted...
no ones gonna believe wad id do if i pass my maths n get gonna like...jump around n kiss the nearest person...
haha.hope its not gonna be some disgusting person.
what we could have been, 16:34.
Thursday, October 16, 2003
went to sentosa after one hour of school.
haha.sci mcq was ok...i guess.
went to palawan beach today.
no sun until afternoon.
was damn hot...
then got sun tan.
but now it looks more like sun burn...haha.
all red...haha.
very painful all over.
cheryn me,its kepo,but she says its "gei kiang"...
haha.cos there was this group of girls who had their slippers
washed into the middle of no where while the were playing n couldnt get it...haha.
think they cant swim...heh heh...
n cheryn went to offer some help...
i had to follow her go get 2 pairs of slippers in the middle of the
really salty water for them.
n now my leg muscles hurt.sigh.
then went to take neoprint with liz n cheryn n larry.
oh man!! n i juz found out that my tape recorder not working properly anymore!!!
ah!!!! i cant watch wad my bro help me tape n i not sure if can tape a not.
-urgh-... : (
aiya!!!think bout it tmr of wad la..
really dun feel like going to school at all.
theyre having this modern dance crap.
i bet its going to b sumting like a-go-go or worst...haha. : P
then got choir!!eeyer!!
n entrepanurship course[wadever way u spell it.]
organised by g.s.y! n hes like the last person who has got anything to
do with entrepaunrship stuff..hes a chem teacher!!hah..
but still got to go.sigh. tired.haha.
good night...
what we could have been, 01:16.
Tuesday, October 14, 2003
had dnt paper today...
yeay!! one more paper left.
but dnt...hope i pass.sigh.
aniwae,went with yiling to tpc to eat...
then met up with liz yewting n larry.
walked round almost everywhere juz to find erm...
3 or 2 birthday presents...
larry n yewting relly duno how to choose presents at all.
GuYs...sigh. haha.
saw a nice bag n wallet at surf babe...i want.
*sniff,no money.
muz look 4 work during the holidays...
thought of working in jack's place.
liz did the "na...ur food,anything else?" expressionless n with a really low voice...
suppose to b immitating her sis if she works in jack's place...
i laugh like hell...stopped.
but stared laughing to myself again on the bus...
ppl muz think i was crazy...
gotta go study sci again...
tmr can go beach..yeay!
but dun feel like going anymore...sigh.
what we could have been, 17:48.
geog exam today...
it should be alright...
hope i dun do badly.duno y,
but i dun hav any confidence at all. : (
i think, if i get promoted,i'd b really hapi already.
urgh! but that freakin eng cher got something
against me.damn.
gotto study dnt.
haha...tmr dnt paper 2hrs...
art exam's 3hrs!!
the art student's ass are gonna hurt so bad.haha.
: P
what we could have been, 19:10.
found nice blogskin! it.
that gal who made it is a genius.
haven study geog...
dun think can slp tonight...
i onli woke up at 3.30 plus plus.
"pig"...i noe.
gtg bath n study...
what we could have been, 19:36.
Saturday, October 11, 2003
it's almost 2 months!!
first,com broke down.
then exams.
got this feeling i wun do well at all...
what we could have been, 19:32.