's been a l o n g t i m e...
since i blogged.
ms chang has left bout 2 weeks already.
i think
i almost cried when we were looking through the book
made for her with all the memories...
n was so close to letting everything out when she actually hugged me.
but i cried on the bus.
so damn tired...
my com's repaired!!
but everything got erased...
x a g a i n x
had 2.4 today
i beat my last year's timing!!
but not very happy,cos everyone's
getting 14 15 mins...
i got like, 16mins.
16.11 mins to b exact.
was hoping for 15.
well,try again next year.
ohya,the dance song has been changed to
justin timberlake "like i love u"
we're,i think, half way through it.
left bout 1 min plus of dance we havent learn
n audition's postponed to wed 10.15.
duno wads wrong with that women...
[not naming...] -humm-
[quite obvious anyway.]
handphone get confiscated is her prob wad...
went to tell prefects main com where we all
hide our other handphones...
n now the whole class have to keep moving places
juz cos she n her big mouth went to complain...
she shifted places too...
tmr got chem test.
hope toh houw'll b in school...
i dun like doing tests with empty seat beside me...
better go study...
what we could have been, 22:24.
today's racial harmony day!
not as fun as last year though.
there wasnt a concert this year.
juz some competition thing..
for best dressed n all.
but winnie won!
congrats gurl.
at liz's house..
for the dance.
the song's changed.
but at least we learnt some parts of the dance moves
for the dance today.
liz's fren charlotte thought us.
hope everything works out anyway.
what we could have been, 19:35.
at lizzie's house,
combined part of the britney nsync mix vid thing
with tearing up my heart dance remix.
tried her penjabi costume she bought yesterday...
which she thinks is really see through.
but i dun think so..
u cant really see anything under it.
but its really really pretty.
pink colour..
very nice...
she was very reluctant to sell it to me
but couldnt aniwae cos her sis wants to
wear it on monday...
had choir today.
late again.. :P
so came up with a story that a com repairman
came to my house n i couldnt leave till my dad came home
cos nobody else was home.
syf is on tuesday...
hope we'll get a silver.
ms chang's leaving on wed morning.
going to australia to study music.
duno whether to feel happy or sad..
she was so mean juz one month ago.
but no she seems quite nice..
speech day yesterday
so fun
until almost to the end of the day...
wendy spilled laksa all over lilian.
n splat a bit on me too.
lilian was really pissed
n i missed my free ride home.
what we could have been, 21:25.
no choir todae...
so went to liz hse.
she had tuition n i watched wanyu.
tried to do some of my hw.
nic came n joined us after her debate...
she won best speaker..
n they r gonna b against 3e1 in the finals..
liz thinks 3e1 will win.
no matter wad i noe hu im supporting.
came home.
did maths.
found out that someone drew the number 1
on my maths graph book 1...
draw until so ugly some more...
so angry!
darn it.
btw, *cough* kkm sux! (^_-)
what we could have been, 00:21.

Which [Movie Genres] are you?

beach barbie
Which barbie are you? brought to you by Quizilla

Which [Charlie's Angels] characters are you?

Nokia 6100 is the phone for you. You always do what
you are told. You never make mistakes - or
atleast you try not to. You get upset easily
when what you have plan need to be changed,
especially at the last minute.
Which Nokia Cellphone is Most Suitable for You? brought to you by Quizilla
what we could have been, 16:21.

What's your usual [mood]?

You excel at Quidditch. You're either a jock or
just love the game, but then again who
wouldn't. You're a natural on the broom and
there may be prospects of you making it to the
big leagues.
Which Class at Hogwarts Would You Excel at? brought to you by Quizilla
what we could have been, 22:09.
had a major quarrel with my bro yesterday.
not speaking to him ever.
at least till i'm not angry anymore.
went to eat sushi with shumin n yiling today.
ohya,n yiling's bro. [happy birthday...erm...yiling's bro!!]
hahaz.duno wads his name...
really nice.
so full.n now i have to go on a real diet.
ive been gaining a lot of weight...too much.
decided not to eat recess.
n having fruits for lunch...
maybe grapefruit...geraldine told me that that helps
losing weight.cos after eating grapefruit ull feel full
n dun feel like eating anymore.hope its true...
uhoh...dinner.i hav to eat dinner.or my parents r going to
start nagging n saying i hav to eat, im not fat n im not eating
thats y im not doing well in my studies...
y cant they get it?!
i'm going to not be able to fit into my school skirt n my jeans
very soon..[i bought that pair of jeans at the beginning of the year!]
what we could have been, 21:37.