first day of school!
slept at bout 2plus to 3 last nite.
felt so tired today..
managed to survive the whole day in school.
got loads of hw to complete.
plus the uncompleted holiday homework...
miss the holidays so much already.
what we could have been, 16:42.
school's reopening tml!!!!
totally sux!
havent had a proper holiday!
went to work on friday...
erm,sorta work la.
earned $30.
i earned my own money!!hahaz.
yesterday,went for tuition.
after that,suppose to follow my
parents to boonlay to look at sofas.
but left halfway through n met with
geraldine n vanessa.
couldnt find the us version of
harry potter n order of phoenix...
muz wait for my cousin to come back
from france in sept to get it...
n i haven done a single hw.
what we could have been, 12:33.
so damn angry!!
i woke up exactly at 11am this morning!!
missed wanyu!
now i wun noe wad they showed for the 5566
news...on that autograph session!!
that's the one i wanted to record n i missed
it!!so damn angry...
sat there n almost cried...haha.
went out with liz n nic.
liz went eat then we went to collect
her voucher from marriot hotel.
she kept counting how many $10 vouchers there were
in the envelope...
afterwards,passed by that,erm...f4 shop[cant remember
its name...]..its some sorta clothing shop.
liz bought a black tank top n nic bought the white one.
i think nicole looks nice in any thing which's white...
n i'm seriously putting on weight!! oh man.haz.
anyway,had really bad stomache...
at first,thought it was some gastric...
i ended up going to the toilet n staying there for
i think,quite long...
dun think its gastric...cos if i had gastric,i dun go
to the toilet...i think ate something wrong or unclean.
felt bad,took up liz n nicole's shopping time.
liz went to watch charlie's angels at 7 with her aunt.
so nicole n i went home together.
what we could have been, 01:56.
had physics practical yesterday.
went to mac with geraldine n vanessa to have breakfast.
then went to vanessa's house.
played around n then had to go back to school for choir.
had warm ups in 4e1 classroom
n left for nanyang girls high for rehersal for the syf.
not sure when ms chang[choir instructor]became st margret's
choir conductor,but she told st margrets to come earlier to
watch our school perform.
met my ex-bestfriend.qianli n her sidekick shuann.
they nv changed a bit.
colleen called me n asked me to go out on wednesday,
with qianli,shuann n herself.
i agreed.its been 2 years afterall.maybe qianli wants ta..
*renfu rox~
what we could have been, 13:21.

You are Diet Coke with a twist of lemon. You are
crazy!!! You like doing strange things and you
laugh a lot. You probably hang out with people
who are either completely different to you or
you and all your friends turn up to school in
your pyjamas. You are very funny.
What type of coke are you? brought to you by Quizilla

LOVE is your chinese symbol!
What Chinese Symbol Are You? brought to you by Quizilla
what we could have been, 20:29.
woke up at bout 2-4pm today.*yawn
so tired.got muscle ache everywhere.
i got quite a tan too.all red n dark now...
my arm got 2 diff colours..*geez my legs r fairer than my arms
haha.whole body's all diff colours.
yesterday was so fun...
it's the second best day ive ever had...
went to merlion park in the morning to
queue for 5566 autograph session...loads of
ppl started queueing a night b4.
i heard that the 7788 fanclub ppl having been
queueing 7days ago...
they were late for more than an hour..
bit angry...ppl were burning in the sun n they r
actually late for more than n hour.
but when they arrived in a boat...
everyone got so excited n started pushing.
cheering n screaming...haha.
so fun.i was in one of the first few ppl hu got their
autograph.[heh heh...cos when they changed the
queueing arrangement,we kinda cut queue...]
shaowei was first,but the umbrella blocked his face...
renfu got realy nice eyes..
he look so....good in real life!!
wanted to tell him something,juz anything,say hi or something
but i open my mouth nothing come out...haha.
he smiled at me...ah..mi heart juz simply melted...
haz~n when i got off the stage,i realised i forgot to look at
xiezhi n mengzhe!! regret...really regret.now i wun noe exactly
how big mengzhe's eyes really r,n i duno when then i can see
xiezhi again.*sigh.
after that,rushed to sentosa for the sars concert.
i got this really bad leg cramp when we were walking through
the mrt link thing to the other side to take a train to harbourfront.
i think i sorta screamed once.n almost cried...
then this lady gave me her bottle of feng you...didnt work.
the security guard came n told my fren to help me lift up my leg so
that blood would flow.it worked but was really embarrassing...haz~
reached sentosa.partied till the last song.5566!!ah!
their new song's really nice.
they changed the dance...n it became damn nice!!!
so happy i went for the sars concert instead of that psc nite...
shin's performance was the 1st n really good too,but afterwards i got
partially deaf.haz.xiao xiao oso very cute.fan wei qi seem to love crying a ot.ha.
missed the last ferry which was at 10pm.
the concert ended at 11pm.
gena scolding from my father n force to take taxi home.
alicia n yiling got to stay outside.they went to marina mandrine.
really envy them,they saw shaowei n shin,heard they were going
to the pub.wouw.ha.
n elva came back without any makeup,but still looked good.
n jolin came back really late.
alicia told me juz now that she sent them to the airport.
she said she shook hands with someone[i cant remember hu]
n she touched renfu's hand!
then b4 they went through that check point thing,renfu
turned around n said byebye...so cute.haha.
miss them.
what we could have been, 22:35.

Yellows are the most fun-loving, free-spirited,
energetic, and childlike personalities in the
aura spectrum. Yellows are wonderful,
sensitive, optimistic beings, whose life
purpose is to bring joy to people, to have fun,
and to help heal the planet.
What Is Your True Aura Colour? brought to you by Quizilla
what we could have been, 21:50.
went for tuition this morn.
then managed to get my mom to buy
me a new shirt.but didnt buy the bag.
was so close!! argh~
anyway,went to jolin's autograph session.
so many ppl! mostly guys...n really rough.
got pushed around really badly.*sigh
everyone so hot n sweaty.the whole place
stung n i got tanned.so dark...that alicia.
shouldnt have agreed to accompany her.
ohwell.i think tml would b more fun.
considering,i'm queuing for someone i really
wanna meet n sign my cd.n take pics. :D
what we could have been, 21:33.
there was like some crazy storm this morn.
the wind was so strong.felt like i was
gonna be blown off.haz.but mi too heavy.
:P hav to loose some more weight man.
thought i'd b really late for choir.
but i ended being late for only 5mins.
but i was almost all wet.
went with janice,siying n alicia to tpc
after choir.they went to kou fu ta eat.
i didnt eat![*muz loose weight~] :D
then went to search 4 a bdae cake for jan's
[*hAppY bIrThDay uNcLe!~]*grin
went home after that n watched wanyu.
today's one so farnie.
but recieved few phone calls halfway through.
[lucky got record]
most were from liz n few from wendy.
liz sounded like she cried n tired...
she kept complaining she was bored...
poor thing.
i'm gonna go visit her tml b4 choir.n mayb
after choir too,for a little while.
haven been slping well for the last few days too.
not sure why.
feel exited sometimes.muz b cos of saturday.
n friday.loads of idols coming...haz.erm.
actually,only got 2.haz
but still kinda happy.
feel so bad...haven started on a single holiday
homework.especially the dnt folio.

Sorrowdweller. You are not overcome by anger nor
happiness. Your emotions are pretty well
balanced, but you do tend to get somewhat
emotional at times leaning towards depression
and saddness. You have your own views of the
world and while you do not see the beauty of
life, you are not completely overwhelmed by
darkness. Live and let live just because.
How Emotional Are You? brought to you by Quizilla
what we could have been, 02:26.
had tuition today...
didnt like it...
not sure why...guess juz isnt really used
to it...after not having tuition for 2years.
the teacher's voice was really loud...he's pretty old
n he didnt seem to b able to pronounce my name
properly...-_-" [chi speaking family...]
hope geraldine isnt angry with me...
didnt go sentosa to accompany her...
she sounded disappointed yesterday n angry today.
alicia bought the sars concert tix.
toked to her on the phone for an hour..
5566 n sars concert n jolin...haz.
agreed to accompany her to jolin's
autograph session on friday.
n we thought of lots of stuff to do n say when
were having our stuff signed by 5566...haz
so exited! :P (*^-^*)b
went for dinner with...
my mom's sister and her son's wife's family...
ate a lot which put all my hardwork on loosing
weight to waste...*sigh.
the food was good anyway.yup.
but it was damn crowded
had to wait for a really long time b4 it was served.
hAPPy fAtHeRs' dAy!! *gRin* ; )
what we could have been, 23:27.
my tuition got postponed to tml...
liz called me in the morning n ask me go
jOgGiNg with her...n larry...
[she keeps thinking she's
fat!! n nids excercise...]
obviously...she isnt..!
winnie was suppose to b going with her,
but cancelled last min...for the third time in
a row...
didnt feel like jogging,so rejected her...
think,starving myself should b an easier way...
can safe money at the same time...haz
hope she isnt angry...but if she is,hope it wun
b for long... :P
cant wait for next week...
feel like going to sentosa on friday...
so that can play one day...then next day,
go for the autograph session n the sars concert...
but,no where to stay for 2 nights??i dun think so.
haz,so decided to go really early in the morn
on sat... :D
wander if phua chu kang's gonna rap that sars rap
at the sars concert...haha...
oh man...wander wad jolin n elva n 5566 r gonna
think bout it...hmm...
haz,i dun think they'll understand half of it anyway...
so bored...sian...
geraldine ask me go sentosa with her...
suppose to go n accompany her today...
but cos of that tuition cannot go...
now tuition postponed...
didnt do anything for the whole day,
n geraldine asking me to go to sentosa
tml...*sigh...how? i oso duno.
what we could have been, 19:25.

You should be a Libra, your generous, realistic,
and charming, but you can be dependent,
distant, and materialistic.
~*What is your TRUE Zodica sign?*~ brought to you by Quizilla

Your ideal mate is Bobby Drake. With his innocent
sweetness and his boyish good looks, how can
any girl go wrong? He's the type of guy to
supply you with all the TLC that you can
handle, and he'll always be there for you when
you need moral support, or just a shoulder to
cry on. Though he is still young, he lacks the
experiences of life, and can be naive.
Who Is Your Ideal X-Men 2 Mate? (ladies only) brought to you by Quizilla

You are Leviticus.
Which book of the Bible are you? brought to you by Quizilla

You are Trinity, from "The Matrix."
Strong, beautiful- you epitomize the ultimate
What Matrix Persona Are You? brought to you by Quizilla

Old. You'll have a long (happy?) life and you'll
die at a very elderly age. Like 80 or
something. Nothing to roll your eyes at, eh?
Probably from a disease or something. You
wanted to die young, because you're a bit of a
slug and don't have many goals, but you never
get what you want.
At what age will you die? brought to you by Quizilla

-Perfect- You're the perfect girlfriend. Which
means you're rare or that you cheated :P You're
the kind of chick that can hang out with your
boyfriend's friends and be silly. You don't
care about presents or about going to fancy
placed. Hell, just hang out. You're just happy
being around your boyfriend.
What Kind of Girlfriend Are You? brought to you by Quizilla
what we could have been, 20:25.
no poa lesson today!yeay...haz.
was cancelled last night.
time seems to pass so fast...
suppose to stay up the whole night
n day...but fell asleep at 7.30am!! n woke up
at bout 2.30+...little late for WQYL...ah!
missed the starting...haiz...
aniwae...kinda happy taday... :D
alicia called me juz now n told mi that
5566 gonna have an autpgraph session at sentosa!
on 21june...haz.i'm so going for the sars concert...
cant wait.
what we could have been, 19:45.
2nd n LaSt day of that al course...it felt bit boring...except for the mindmapping
part...so colourful...haha.
but it's bout 85% similar to the 'superteen' thing i went for last year...
all the mind mapping n spidergram stuff...
today's games were more interesting than yesterdays...
n i think the food's better too. [i think the curry puff's nice]yum~ :P
nichole's bday today...[it's suppose to b yesterday,look at the time]
hApPy BiRtHdAy!
went bowling with liz,winnie n nichole after al...
fun...but i got 2nd last,my score was 63... :(
so low...muz improve the next time i go bowling...
which would not b very soon,since i dun go bowling very often...
went to hav dinner after bowling...
was in the lift going to B1,
when from somewhere,came a voice which said something like
n B1 again...but this time liz n nic said woaw...haz
couldnt stop laughing...duno y.n i still dun get where the voice thing
came from...haha.
winnie lost her wallet...she looked really sad.
went round asking ppl n giving her no. so that they could contact her
if they found her wallet...
went to take neoprint...n i think i'm gonna fall sick...
been having a running nose since the 2nd break during al...damn.
hate falling ill...n ive got a headache...argh...
wonder if larry's really gonna gimme the psc nite tix... (o.O)?
what we could have been, 01:18.
*LaSt DaY oF ScHoOl!! yEaY!~ :D
there was...er,some teacher n parent dialogue session...
Tan TL didnt say much bad stuff bout me...
[thank god...] there was early dismissal!
but the whole school was in semi-chaos...hahaz.
something cocked up in the com system...all the report
stuff got mixed up n no report books!!yesh!ha...
but my results all suck...sigh...argh..!
my dad's sending me for maths tuition...i wan tuition...but
i dun want it to b so far away...i'm suppose to go to the tuition
cher's hse...at bukit timah!!!!gosh...
anyway,went to geraldine's hse today...haha
not very sure y,but i went haz.she started looking for quizzes...
n that's how all those quizzes below came about...haz.
so sianz...gonna get my 5566 spore concert vcd tml!! but the 'tupid
sony music dun wanna sell 5566 the copy right.now they cant put one part
of their concert where renfu sang solo in the vcd n dvd!!sho angwy!
hahaz.n i think i'll most prob b going for the SARS concert in sentosa on 21june.
5566 coming!yeay! =D
[hope my parents still allow...]
what we could have been, 21:18.

Also known widely as the Fire Bird, the phoenix is a profound symbol of life and rebirth. It has a life cycle of 500 to 600 years and after that amount of time, it sets itself on fire and dies in the flames. Then, after three days, it rises again from the ashes. It is a completely benign creature who lives in dew. It is said that the phoenix has a beautiful melodious song which grows ever more mournful as its life comes to an end. It is also a symbol of the sun and immortality.
What mythical beast best represents you?Take the quiz!
what we could have been, 17:58.

You prize nobility above all else, striving to be reunited with your prince. Apart from this, you treasure your friendships most of all. Unwilling to compromise your values in search of your dreams, you often seem to create more trouble than solve it. However, your persistence is what sets you apart from all others.
Take the "What Magic Girl are you?" Quiz
what we could have been, 17:51.
what we could have been, 17:46.
what we could have been, 17:18.
what we could have been, 16:37.

You don't care about Clay Aiken. You do consider
yourself as his fan, but your actions show that
you are not a fan. Some "homework"
may help you get "clayed".
Are you obsessed with Clay Aiken? brought to you by Quizilla
what we could have been, 21:33.

kiss on the lips - you're sweet and simple but
quite daring. you move for the kill confidently
knowing the other person wants the same thing.
What Sign of Affection Are You? brought to you by Quizilla
what we could have been, 21:00.