everyone should register asap. they give away free samples of products ! all mailed to your doorstep. but of course, must pay mailing fees. the product itself is free tho. how cool is that. hahah. GOGO!
what we could have been, 00:35.
Sunday, February 08, 2009
this is entirely unbelievably true! omfg? hahaha
1. You've got great self-confidence and you're full of charm. Most guys who get to know you will be attracted to you. You are far from sweet and proper; your intriguing personality fascinates them. Most guys find it easy to fall for a girl like you.
2. You don't really care about other people's feelings. You do things the way you want and usually think only about yourself. You are easy-going and love to have fun, but you can be irresponsible as well. You are not keen on serious discussions because they can make you remember that life isn't always about parties.
3. You are a bright, cheerful and bubbly person. You are thoughtful and considerate, and like to have fun. Everybody feels comfortable around you because of your pleasant nature. When you walk into a room, people's eyes are likely to be drawn to you because of your charm.
4. Your peers think of you as a fun person, but sometimes you can be a little irresponsible. You can be somewhat childish, and can try to ignore the fact that you will one day need to really grow up and be a mature adult! Perhaps you could start reading good books; they might help you look at the world in a different light. You do want to be taken seriously, right?
5. Your boyfriend believes that you are a strong and independent person. Your confidence and cheerfulness make you an attractive person to be around, but sometimes you need to pay more attention to what other people, including your boyfriend, are thinking.
what we could have been, 19:53.
i took this quiz before quite awhile back!
cant remember if i posted it up. lazy to go search for it. hahah. and then i saw it on qianli's blog again the other day so i decided to retake and repost. and see the difference between and bestfriend and me also lah. hahaha :x
some are kinda true, there are some that im not exactly sure about...
Your view on yourself:Other people find you very interesting, but you are really hiding your true self. Your friends love you because you are a good listener. They'll probably still love you if you learn to be yourself with them.
The type of girlfriend/boyfriend you are looking for:You are a true romantic. When you are in love, you will do anything and everything to keep your love true.
Your readiness to commit to a relationship:You are ready to commit as soon as you meet the right person. And you believe you will pretty much know as soon as you meet that person.
The seriousness of your love:You are very serious about relationships and aren't interested in wasting time with people you don't really like. If you meet the right person, you will fall deeply and beautifully in love.
Your views on education:Education is very important in life. You want to study hard and learn as much as you can.
The right job for you:You're a practical person and will choose a secure job with a steady income. Knowing what you like to do is important. Find a regular job doing just that and you'll be set for life.
How do you view success:You are afraid of failure and scared to have a go at the career you would like to have in case you don't succeed. Don't give up when you haven't yet even started! Be courageous.
What are you most afraid of:You are afraid of things that you cannot control. Sometimes you show your anger to cover up how you feel.
Who is your true self:You are mature, reasonable, honest and give good advice. People ask for your comments on all sorts of different issues. Sometimes you might find yourself in a dilemma when trapped with a problem, which your heart rather than your head needs to solve.
what we could have been, 19:38.
Thursday, January 15, 2009
WATCH THIS its fucking hilarious.
i got it off april's blog. lol
what we could have been, 23:31.
Monday, November 24, 2008
and then i got bored of taking quizzes over n over.
so im just blogging shit now.
hi ):
sings* i say it sucksucksucksucksucksucksucksucksuck suck sucks to be me.....
damn it.
ah, i went for aveQ with my cousin. it was entertaining. and singapore flyer was a good experience since its free. if u have to pay 30-60bucks for that will be quite a waste of $.
nice view tho...

this shirt's on sale at the gift shop.lol

oh, i went to goldenmile for thai food the other day.
and went to explore the supermarket for the very first time. amazingly, ive been going to td so often in the past, but i nv actually bothered to explore the supermarket. maybe also cos everytime i went last time, it was alr closed la, so late at night... and i found THIS :

HOLY FUCK. those are supposed to be roaches from thailand.
people eat them. there's like, bees and grasshoppers and dried frogs too. but i dint take pictures of those. those roaches are HUGE ok. their the length of my index finger. and i have pretty long fingers for a girl. go figure.
qianli, that's sicker than the dead rat u saw. lol
or at least, i think so la.
mm. ok. thats about the most fascinating thing that happened so far. boring la my life. crap.
what we could have been, 00:53.
i got bored... =/
You Are Most Like Carrie!

You're quirky, flirty, and every guy's perfect first date.
But can the guy in question live up to your romantic ideal?
It's tough for you to find the right match - you're more than a little picky.
Never fear... You've got a great group of friends and a
great closet of clothes, no matter what!
Romantic prediction: You'll fall for someone this year...
Totally different from any guy you've dated.
You Are Very Approachable

You can talk to anyone, and it shows. People are eager to start conversations with you.
You are open and friendly. You are willing to connect with almost anyone.
While it's great to be approachable, there is such a thing as too approachable.
Eventually someone will try to take advantage of you. Don't be afraid to say no or end an awkward conversation.
Your Reputation Is: Mystery Girl

You're the girl that everyone is trying to figure out.
Men are attracted to your intriguing persona - and women want to copy it!
You Are 44% Sociopath

You're not a sociopath, but you're very prone to antisocial behavior.
Other people's opinions matter little to you. You live your own fringe life - for better or worse.
hahaha. im ALMOST a sociopath man. 44% wow.
You Can Make 75% of Your Crushes Fall in Love With You

Your seduction skills are practically legendary. You know how to close the deal.
Just don't let someone you're really into get the better of you!
As long as you keep up your end of the flirting game, you'll get the prize at the end.
Guys Like That You're Fun

You're the type of girl guys brag about knowing
That's because you're cool, funny, and laid back
You're smart enough to know how to be one of the guys
But flirty enough to know how to make them all want you
what we could have been, 00:18.
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
it all started with gladiator wedge heels.
Ben says:
oh like those u see in the movie troy★ jo says:
yes.haha okay
but mine got heels. not flats
oh okay
troy ahhalol
i see men wearing skirts in troy hahahahahah
i thought they wore dresses
ya damm homo sia hahaha toga dresses
can imagine desmond wearing one annot
hhaa den he smoking and holding a bottle
i can imagine. damn vividly
den he say " men tonite we eat heartly for tommorrow we dine in hell" hahahahaha
or whatever tthose war
ancient war speeches
loli can now confirm that i have a damn good imagination.
ok back to mugging.
what we could have been, 21:48.
Tuesday, October 07, 2008
i hate 2008.
i hate 2008.
i hate 2008.
cant wait for it to be over. 2009 will be a whole new year. NOT!
bullshit i say. 2009 will be just a whole new continuation of the year before! everything is messed up.
now really, lets play a game and see who's life sucks more.
i'll def win.
unless ure a starving kid in africa or anything worst than that.
yeah, i'll win. i hate 2008. a year full of bull and regrets.
dont ask.
dont ask cos i dont want to talk about it. so dont.
did i mention, i hate 2008.
what we could have been, 00:25.
Saturday, September 20, 2008
today, im :D
i sooo feel like going out to meet friends now cos im happier again.
but im still grounded ): kind of.
and its 9pm. so i cant leave the house alr.
what we could have been, 20:59.